bad luck
name: All-out Attacker
move 1: Knock Off
move 2: U-turn
move 3: Copycat / Sucker Punch
move 4: Gunk Shot / Play Rough
item: Choice Band / Life Orb
ability: Prankster / Limber
nature: Jolly
evs: 252 Atk / 4 Def / 252 Spe
With excellent Speed, STAB Knock Off, and great coverage choices, Liepard makes for a potent all-out attacker. U-turn pivots from switch-ins like Poliwrath, Tangela, and Alolan Persian. Prankster Copycat revenge kills naturally faster Pokemon and Choice Scarf Pokemon locked into certain moves, like Froslass, Alolan Dugtrio, and Choice Scarf Sawk and Rotom. Sucker Punch alongside Life Orb provides more consistent priority. Gunk Shot targets Alcremie and Tangela, while Play Rough hits incoming Fighting-types like Sawk, Throh, and Gurdurr. If Liepard chooses not to run Copycat, then Limber should be chosen to avoid paralysis from Stunfisk.
Liepard fits well on VoltTurn teams, being able to use Prankster Copycat to copy slow Volt Switches and U-turns. Pivots like Articuno, Thwackey, and Choice Scarf Rotom can work with it to wear down the opposition. Liepard's Knock Off helps cripple entry hazard removers like Articuno and Cryogonal, allowing Stealth Rock setters like Palossand and Rhydon to keep up hazards more consistently. While some of Liepard's checks, like Gurdurr and Tangela, hate losing their items to Knock Off and getting pivoted on by U-turn, Liepard can still struggle to break through them by itself. Special attackers, like Jynx and mixed Silvally-Poison, can ease its need for prediction and give it switch-ins to fall back on. Spikes setters like Qwilfish and Froslass can make Liepard increasingly difficult to switch into.
Other Options
Liepard has other useful support options like Taunt and Thunder Wave; however, it lacks room for them.
Checks and Counters
**Fighting- and Fairy-types**: Sawk, Poliwrath, and Alcremie take little from Liepard's moves and OHKO it back with their STAB moves. Gurdurr easily tanks Dark Pulse and OHKOes Liepard with Mach Punch after slight chip damage.
**Special Walls**: Nasty Plot sets need several boosts to break through special walls such as Articuno and Alcremie, which can stall Liepard with Toxic or outright OHKO it, respectively. However, they need to watch out for physical attacking sets.
**Dark-types**: Dark-types like Shiftry, Silvally-Dark, and Skuntank are immune to Prankster moves, resist Liepard's STAB moves, and defeat it with their secondary STAB or coverage moves. However, they have to watch out for U-turn.
**Strong Attackers**: Because of its poor bulk, Liepard gets OHKOed by strong attackers like Kangaskhan, Silvally formes, and Jynx. They force Liepard out unless it manages to lock them into unfavorable moves with Encore.
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