Tournament SS OU Ghosting Tournament - Won by yass and slay

Team name: Raticatastrophy
Captain YoruNoxx
Players: Nikorgrem Xandes

Sorry for the delay, but here is R1
Captains will be the ones tagged btw


64 Squares  vs  cy
ukaaa  vs  Jytcampbell
Nuxl  vs  Greentea570
Eonito  vs  Agentkeval
Ashbala  vs  lei
Fc  vs  YoruNoxx
Zen  vs  Morgan
luisin  vs  Fusien
Xenqt  vs  squarebox
Pinto  vs  ale el dark link
airfare  vs  pj
TDNT  vs  Potatochan
mixwell  vs  curiosity
tears  vs  Anique
TDR  vs  AtraX Madara
starbitstorm  vs  RTM
Sirwings  vs  Leo
emma  vs  Satanic Beast
kaloom69  vs  Maya
GaijinEagle  vs  Drud
Feaniix  vs  RaiZen1704
haxlolo  vs  Mendeez
ironwater  vs  spatulakun
Dasmer  vs  tier

DEADLINE NEXT SUNDAY 11:59 PM GMT -4. LOGS ARE MANDATORY!!! (Or like post a youtube video)
Last edited:
First Blood, Vs Pinto, Spec y Amy Quaris, Ggs
PD: The ghosting of the battle was made by call and both teams agreed to play a bo3
finish with a 2-0

S/o Sirwings for the rain team
Sorry g2...

"Unfortunate" doesn't begin to describe my series, this game rewards blind luck and nothing else, I am beyond convinced at this point. After getting completely tooled by scheduling with my opponent changing times on me last minute and refusing to provide confirmation prior to the day of the match as to play times, losing this way somehow felt even worse than I had thought possible. My preparation was superior, my play was superior, and I lost, so I don't see a reason to continue engaging in an activity where what is within my control is overwhelmingly outweighed by what is not.

I am done with competitive Pokemon, and you won't get a fond farewell. This community is infected to its roots with a degenerative disease that grows stronger over time but stops short of killing its host. Tournaments used to have a competitive spirit at their heart, this has been transplanted and replaced with an artificial organ that feeds on vitriol and mockery from insecure little boys that heckle by the sidelines and tear each other to shreds over scraps of attention. The environment we fostered has trapped us all like this in a vicious cycle, and escaping it requires acceptance of the harshest reality we all scramble to explain away, that none of the countless straining efforts we put ourselves through here will ever amount to one single shining glimmer of significance. I would make this the end, but World Cup is still ongoing, and I would never leave so many great friends out to dry, so I'll suffer through a few more games for them.

One last thing before I leave you all to react with disdain, ridicule, and self-righteous fervor, before you do everything in your power to minimize my words and thoughts, box them up and shove them to some cobwebbed corner of your memory, and hope they disappear forever as a stain on your finite time ground to dust. From this moment on, nothing you say matters to me. The foulest insults you hurl with intent to wound will calmly settle at the earth before my feet, and the venom you spit will bring all the pain of a warm summer breeze. You are less than anything you can conceive, while I carry on, brimming with joy distilled from detachment.

atentamente los odiados por el rng
Can't believe I have to do it this early but yeah.

Re: ima's team

In the video ez linked, there was another user in their call who was not on their team. I don't know who they are, but there were definitely 1 more than 3 voices in that video, and so, the win goes to Gray because this goes against the rules of the tournament.
Can't believe I have to do it this early but yeah.

Re: ima's team

In the video ez linked, there was another user in their call who was not on their team. I don't know who they are, but there were definitely 1 more than 3 voices in that video, and so, the win goes to Gray because this goes against the rules of the tournament.

this was allowed last year :smogthink:

i suppose thats on us for not reading the rules but considering we made the finals last year, we thought we understood the rules and didnt expect such a fundamental change to the format. At the very least I hope we can get a rematch, as we did not willingly violate the sacred integrity of this ghosting tour
We are open for a rematch if our opponents are willing to, my teammates told me prior to the foreign invites that adding people was allowed (and I think it was a thing in prior ghosting tours) so yes, we did not break this rule intentionally. We realized our mistakes and would still like to participate in the Ghosting Tournament if you would allow us to, and all future recordings will be recorded by me if you do end up having a different judgement for our fate. In conclusion, let us all enjoy this tournament together.