With the metagame giving us so many Pokemon and strategies to explore, we decided to share some sample teams for everyone to try out in the early stages of the metagame. To get the importable of the team, simply click on the mini-sprites!
Most Beginner Friendly
Life Orb Crawdaunt and Seismitoad + Zapdos Rain by sugarhigh

Cloyster + Dragon Dance Dragapult Veil Hyper Offense by bbeeaa

Trick Sticky Barb Clefable + Victini Hazard stack by Gefährlicher Random

Choice Scarf FSight Tapu Lele + Heatran Bulky Offense based on a team by Empo

Tapu Koko + Black Glasses Bisharp Hazard stack by Pinkacross

Protective Pads Urshifu + Choice Scarf Tapu Lele Sand by Empo

More Advanced
Rillaboom + Blaziken Bulky Offense by xray

Calm Mind Tapu Fini + Ballon Heatran Hail by Storm Zone

Assault Vest Tornadus + Choice Band Urshifu Bulky Offense by Baloor

Choice Band Tyranitar + Specially defensive Mew Sand by Storm Zone

Galarian Slowking + Assault Vest Gastrodon Stall by Ox the Fox

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