1v1 SS Spectrier

name: Sitrus Berry + Taunt
move 1: Calm Mind
move 2: Will-O-Wisp
move 3: Taunt
move 4: Hex / Shadow Ball
item: Sitrus Berry
ability: Grim Neigh
nature: Timid
evs: 184 HP / 52 Def / 64 SpA / 24 SpD / 184 Spe


Set Description
Spectrier has an excellent niche in 1v1 as a setup Pokemon that can easily beat other setup Pokemon using Will-O-Wisp, Calm Mind, and Taunt. Spectrier's usage as a very potent two-turn nuke is applicable, being able to deal with Pokemon such as Aggron, Magnezone, and Naganadel. With Calm Mind and Will-O-Wisp, Spectrier can easily deal with Pokemon that rely on one type of attack, burning physical attackers like Galarian Darmanitan, Haxorus, and Aggron while boosting its Special Defense in front of special attackers like Landorus. Taunt is used to shut down stall Pokemon such as Registeel, Chansey, and Cresselia. Hex pairs very well with Will-O-Wisp thanks to burn doubling Hex's Base Power, but Shadow Ball provides consistent damage versus Pokemon immune to burn, like Heatran, Volcanion, and Misty Surge Tapu Fini. Shadow Ball is also more consistent because it does not rely on Will-O-Wisp, since it is inaccurate and is shut down by Trick users like Choice Scarf Tapu Fini and Choice Scarf Togekiss.

184 HP EVs combines with 24 Special Defense EVs for Spectrier to survive two Earth Powers from Timid Choice Specs Landorus after a Calm Mind boost, and 52 Defense EVs allow it to survive two Outrage from Jolly Choice Band Garchomp. 184 Speed EVs allow Spectrier to outrun Timid Naganadel. All remaining EVs go into Special Attack for better damage rolls against Galarian Darmanitan and Haxorus.

Usage Tips
Spectrier's most basic sequence is Will-O-Wisp turn 1 into Hex turn 2. However, sometimes Will-O-Wisp is just too risky, such as when facing Nasty Plot Life Orb Naganadel. Aside from move choice, Spectrier is very straightforward to use. Thanks to its excellent natural special bulk, it often doesn't need to use Calm Mind in front of other special attackers. Exceptions include using Calm Mind when facing opposing setup, such as Calm Mind Tapu Fini, and using Calm Mind to make matchups against Magnezone and Naganadel more reliable. Taunt defeats stall Cresselia by denying its Moonlight recovery and Calm Mind boosts while shutting down Chansey and Registeel hard, since they can't hit Spectrier with their attacks. Versus Chansey, use Taunt and then Will-O-Wisp so that burn damage will eventually KO it.

name: Sitrus Berry + Disable
move 1: Calm Mind
move 2: Shadow Ball
move 3: Disable
move 4: Will-O-Wisp / Substitute
item: Sitrus Berry
ability: Grim Neigh
nature: Timid
evs: 240 HP / 16 SpD / 252 Spe


Set Description
Disable Spectrier matches up superbly against Choice item users and forgoes the nuclear power of a turn 2 Hex for consistency versus hard-hitting Pokemon like Choice Specs Sylveon, Haxorus, Landorus-T, and Tapu Lele. Disable is incredible in its ability to instantaneously win games if it faces a Choice-locked Pokemon, like Choice Band Landorus-T or Choice Specs Sylveon. The choice between Will-O-Wisp and Substitute depends on how much reliability is needed beating physical attackers with multi-hit moves such as Rhyperior and Crustle, as well as opposing Choice Scarf users like Haxorus, versus how much reliability is needed against Choice-locked Pokemon that don't run multi-hit moves such as Choice Specs Tapu Lele and Pokemon that rely on stat debuffs from Acid Spray to win like Goodra and Nihilego.

240 HP EVs with 16 Special Defense EVs allow Spectrier to survive a Hyper Beam from Choice Specs Sylveon, in addition to giving as much physical bulk as possible for opposing Struggle. Maximum Speed with a Timid nature is used to Speed tie with opposing maximum Speed Spectrier.

Usage Tips
Will-O-Wisp should be used in conjunction with Disable to beat opposing Choice-locked physical attackers, like Haxorus, Rhyperior, Avalugg, and Choice Band Dracovish. Substitute is also useful alongside Disable to defeat Choice Band users not running multi-hit moves, as well as some Trick users like Choice Scarf Metagross.

name: Choice Specs
move 1: Shadow Ball
move 2: Hyper Beam
move 3: Mud Shot
move 4: Uproar
item: Choice Specs
ability: Grim Neigh
nature: Modest
evs: 120 HP / 172 SpA / 84 SpD / 132 Spe


Set Description
Choice Specs Spectrier, also called "Specstrier", is a simple set. High Special Attack and solid neutral coverage allow it to mow through many Pokemon. Uproar defeats Whimsicott, Mud Shot destroys Heatran and Nihilego, and Hyper Beam obliterates most Rillaboom and Urshifu-R.

120 HP EVs allows Spectrier to survive a Life Orb Grassy Glide from Rillaboom, while the Special Defense EVs grant it the ability to survive Nihilego's Meteor Beam. 132 Speed EVs outruns base 100 Pokemon like Entei and Galarian Zapdos.

Usage Tips
Use the super effective move. Uproar in particular helps versus Whimsicott, while Mud Shot beats Nihilego and Heatran lacking Choice Scarf. Hyper Beam OHKOes several neutral targets where Shadow Ball may not be enough, like most Urshifu-R, Rillaboom, and Volcanion. Choosing between using Shadow Ball or Hyper Beam is a matter of whether Spectrier needs to avoid the recharge turn or not. Generally, Choice Specs Spectrier does well against teams that use Pokemon with low Special Defense to defeat Spectrier, like most Rillaboom and frail Urshifu variants.

name: Weakness Policy
move 1: Calm Mind / Disable
move 2: Will-O-Wisp
move 3: Hex
move 4: Mud Shot
item: Weakness Policy
ability: Grim Neigh
nature: Timid
evs: 168 HP / 208 Def / 44 SpA / 88 Spe

Set Description
Spectrier's weakness to Zeraora is patched up quite nicely with its Weakness Policy set. Calm Mind can be used to offer more reliability versus hard-hitting special attackers such as Magnezone, but Disable provides the opportunity to win matchups against slower Choice Band users, like Galarian Darmanitan and Dracovish, that may not get OHKOed by a double damage Hex. Mud Shot deals solid damage after a +2 boost, 2HKOing even Assault Vest Zeraora while also dealing with all Heatran sets except Air Balloon, which loses to Hex into Mud Shot instead. Weakness Policy is also handy versus common Knock Off users, like Assault Vest Landorus-T and Choice Scarf Sawk.

The HP and Defense EVs let Spectrier survive a Knock Off from Choice Band Zeraora, while the Speed EVs let it outpace Jolly Kartana. All remaining EVs go into Special Attack for better damage rolls against Galarian Darmanitan.

Usage Tips
Weakness Policy's activation lets Spectrier easily turn the tables on a would-be counter in Zeraora. Defeating Zeraora is as simple as using Mud Shot twice. Outside of this, however, the main gameplan is to use Will-O-Wisp turn 1 so that Hex turn 2 deals double damage, which reliably defeats numerous physical attackers, such as Metagross, Kartana, Urshifu-R, and Rhyperior. If running Calm Mind, it should be used against threats such as Kyurem and Volcanion, which threaten to deal massive damage with their STAB attacks; otherwise, if using Disable, utilize it to shut down opposing Choice-locked foes.


Other Options
Sitrus Berry + Taunt can run an alternative spread of 240 HP / 232 Def / 4 SpA / 32 Spe with a Timid nature and the moves Will-O-Wisp / Hex / Taunt / Calm Mind or Haze to reliably beat Galarian Darmanitan, Garchomp, and Rillaboom, surviving 2 Grassy Glide and a Knock Off from a burned +2 Rillaboom while outrunning Jolly Garchomp. Calm Mind is a generally better move, while Haze reliably beats Rillaboom.

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the drill
name: Sitrus Taunt
move 1: Calm Mind
move 2: Will-O-Wisp
move 3: Taunt
move 4: Hex / Shadow Ball
item: Sitrus Berry
ability: Grim Neigh
nature: Timid
evs: 184 HP / 52 Def / 64 SpA / 24 SpD / 184 Spe


Set Description
Spectrier has an excellent niche in 1v1 as a setup Pokemon that can easily beat other setup Pokemon using Will-O-Wisp, Calm Mind and Taunt. Its what is "it" here? usage as a very potent two-turn nuke is very applicable, being able to deal with Pokemon such as Aggron, Magnezone and Naganadel. With Calm Mind and Will-O-Wisp, Spectrier can easily deal with Pokemon who rely on one type of attack, burning physical attackers while boosting its Special Defense in front of special attackers. Taunt is used to shut down stall Pokemon such as Registeel, Chansey, and Stall Cresselia mentioning stall 2x here is redundant. Hex pairs very well with Will-O-Wisp thanks to its doubled Base Power on targets with a status, but Shadow Ball provides consistent damage versus Pokemon immune to burn, like Heatran, Volcanion, and Misty Surge Tapu Fini togekiss is also an important target.

184 HP combines with 24 SpD to survive 2 Earth Powers from Choice Specs Timid Landorus after a Calm Mind boost, and 52 Defense lives 2 burned Outrages from Jolly Choice Band Garchomp. 184 Speed EVs allow Spectrier to outrun Timid Naganadel. All remaining EVs go into Special Attack, for better damage rolls against Galarian Darmanitan and Haxorus.

Usage Tips
Spectrier's most basic sequence is Will-O-Wisp turn 1 into Hex turn 2. Due to its excellent natural special bulk, it often doesn't need to use Calm Mind in front of other attackers unless they threaten to set up in its face examples would help but yes. Thus, Calm Mind is mainly used in matchups like Magnezone and Naganadel, where the extra Special Defense is used more as an insurance policy. Hex's matchups compared to Shadow Ball are quite different, as Hex fares much better versus Pokemon you want to burn anyway, such as Galarian Darmanitan, Haxorus, Aggron, and Landorus-Therian. However, Shadow Ball can offer more consistent matchups both due to its damage not being reliant on a move that can miss, and its ability to defeat Pokemon who beat Spectrier by tricking a Choice item onto it, like Choice Scarf Tapu Fini. Additionally, sometimes it's just too risky to use Will-O-Wisp, such as when facing Nasty Plot Life Orb Naganadel. However, aside from move choice, Spectrier is very straightforward and intuitive in usage. When do I use Taunt??

name: Sitrus Disable
move 1: Calm Mind
move 2: Shadow Ball
move 3: Disable
move 4: Will-O-Wisp / Substitute
item: Sitrus Berry
ability: Grim Neigh
nature: Timid
evs: 240 HP / 16 SpD / 252 Spe


Set Description
Spectrier with Disable matches up superbly against Choice item users, and forgoes the nuclear power of a turn 2 Hex for consistency versus hard-hitting Pokemon like Choice Specs Sylveon, Haxorus, Landorus-Therian, Tapu Lele, and many more. Disable is incredible in its ability to instantaneously win games if it catches a Choice-locked Pokemon, like Choice Band Landorus-T and Choice Specs Sylveon. The choice between Will-o-Wisp and Substitute depends on how much reliability is needed beating multi-hit physical attackers such as Rhyperior and Crustle, as well as opposing Choice Scarf users like Haxorus, versus how much reliability is needed against single-hit Choiced Pokemon tapu lele can move here prob? and Pokemon who rely on debuffs to win, like Goodra and Nihilego, as well as Choice Specs Tapu Lele.

240 HP with 16 Special Defense allows Spectrier to survive a Hyper Beam from Choice Specs Sylveon, in addition to giving as much physical bulk as possible for opposing Struggles. Maximum Speed with a Timid nature is used to speed tie opposing max Speed Spectrier.

Usage Tips
Specific interactions are generally limited. Will-O-Wisp should be used in conjunction with Disable to beat opposing Choice-locked physical attackers, defeating many like Haxorus, Rhyperior, Avalugg, and Choice Band Dracovish scarf owns. Substitute is also useful alongside Disable to defeat aforementioned single-hit Choice Band users, as well as some Trick users like Choice Scarf Metagross.

name: Choice Specs
move 1: Shadow Ball
move 2: Hyper Beam
move 3: Mud Shot
move 4: Uproar
item: Choice Specs
ability: Grim Neigh
nature: Modest
evs: 120 HP / 172 SpA / 84 SpD / 132 Spe


Set Description
Choice Specs Spectrier, also called "Specstrier", is a simple set. High Special Attack and solid neutral coverage allow it to mow through many Pokemon, most notably doing well against Whimsicott, Heatran, Nihilego, and Rillaboom, with Uproar defeating Whimsicott, Mud Shot destroying Heatran and Nihilego, and Hyper Beam obliterating most Rillaboom.

120 HP allows Spectrier to live a Life Orb Grassy Glide from Rillaboom, while the Special Defense grants it the ability to live a Nihilego Meteor Beam. 132 Speed outruns base 100s like Entei and Galarian Zapdos. All other EVs go into Special Attack.

Usage Tips
Use the supereffective move. Uproar in particular helps versus Whimsicott. Mud Shot beats Nihilego and Heatran lacking Choice Scarf. Hyper Beam OHKOes Rillaboom. Generally, Choice Specs Spectrier does well into teams that use Pokemon with low Special Defense to defeat Spectrier, like most Rillaboom and frail Urshifu variants. I would argue this sentence is not necessary

name: Weakness Policy
move 1: Calm Mind / Disable
move 2: Will-O-Wisp
move 3: Hex
move 4: Mud Shot
item: Weakness Policy
ability: Grim Neigh
nature: Timid
evs: 168 HP / 208 Def / 44 SpA / 88 Spe


Set Description
Spectrier's weakness to Zeraora is patched up quite nicely with its Weakness Policy set. Calm Mind can be used to offer more reliability versus opposing hard-hitting special attackers such as Magnezone, but Disable provides the opportunity to win matchups against slower Choice Band users, like Galarian Darmanitan and Dracovish, who may not get OHKOed by a double damage Hex. Mud Shot deals absurd I would not argue it does absurd damage, just decent - speed control is more helpful (so zera doesn't just own you) damage after a +2 boost, 2HKOing even Assault Vest Zeraora, while also nicely dealing with all Heatran sets except Air Balloon. Weakness Policy is handy versus generally obnoxious Knock Off users, like Assault Vest Landorus-T and Choice Scarf Sawk.

The HP and Defense EVs let Spectrier live a Knock Off from Choice Band Zeraora, while the Speed EVs let it outpace Jolly Kartana. All remaining EVs go into Special Attack, for damage rolls against Galarian Darmanitan.

Usage Tips
Weakness Policy's activation lets Spectrier easily turn the tables on a would-be counter in Zeraora. Defeating Zeraora is as simple as using Mud Shot twice. Outside of this, however, the main gameplan is to Will-O-Wisp turn 1 so that Hex turn 2 deals double damage; this combination of moves reliably defeats numerous physical attackers, such as Metagross, Kartana, Urshifu-R and Rhyperior, among many more. If running Calm Mind, be sure to Calm Mind on threats such as Kyurem and Volcanion, who threaten to deal massive damage with their STAB attacks; otherwise, if using Disable, utilize it to shut down opposing Choice-locked foes.

Other Options
Sitrus Taunt can run an alternative spread of 240 HP / 232 Def / 4 SpA / 32 Spe with a Timid nature and the moves Will-O-Wisp / Hex / Taunt / Calm Mind (or Haze) to reliably beat Galarian Darmanitan, Garchomp, and Rillaboom, bulking a burned +2 Grassy Glide into Knock Off into Grassy Glide while outrunning Jolly Garchomp. Calm Mind is a generally better move, while Haze reliably beats Rillaboom.

- Written by: [[zo, 249890]]
- Quality checked by: [[Itchy, 518399], [username2, userid2]]
- Grammar checked by: [[username1, userid1], [username2, userid2]]


remember to implement properly.

name: Sitrus Taunt
move 1: Calm Mind
move 2: Will-O-Wisp
move 3: Taunt
move 4: Hex / Shadow Ball
item: Sitrus Berry
ability: Grim Neigh
nature: Timid
evs: 184 HP / 52 Def / 64 SpA / 24 SpD / 184 Spe


Set Description
Spectrier has an excellent niche in 1v1 as a setup Pokemon that can easily beat other setup Pokemon using Will-O-Wisp, Calm Mind and Taunt. Spectrier's usage as a very potent two-turn nuke is very applicable, being able to deal with Pokemon such as Aggron, Magnezone and Naganadel. With Calm Mind and Will-O-Wisp, Spectrier can easily deal with Pokemon who rely on one type of attack, burning physical attackers while boosting its Special Defense in front of special attackers (give 1 example). Taunt is used to shut down stall Pokemon such as Registeel, Chansey, and Cresselia. Hex pairs very well with Will-O-Wisp thanks to its doubled Base Power on targets with afflicted by a status condition, but Shadow Ball provides consistent damage versus Pokemon immune to burn, like Heatran, Volcanion, and Misty Surge Tapu Fini, while being more reliable overall against Choice Scarf Togekiss.

184 HP combines with 24 SpD to survive 2 Earth Powers from Timid Choice Specs Timid Landorus (consistency) after a Calm Mind boost, and 52 Defense lives 2 burned Outrages from Jolly Choice Band Garchomp. 184 Speed EVs allow Spectrier to outrunspeed Timid Naganadel. All remaining EVs go into Special Attack, for better damage rolls against Galarian Darmanitan and Haxorus.

Usage Tips
Spectrier's most basic sequence is Will-O-Wisp turn 1 into Hex turn 2. Due to its excellent natural special bulk, it often doesn't need to use Calm Mind in front of other attackers unless they threaten to set up in its face, such as Calm Mind Tapu Fini. Thus, Calm Mind is mainly used in matchups like Magnezone and Naganadel, where the extra Special Defense is used more as an insurance policy increases reliability. Hex's matchups compared to Shadow Ball are quite different, as Hex fares much better versus Pokemon you want to burn anyway who fear being burned, such as Galarian Darmanitan, Haxorus, Aggron, and Landorus-Therian. However, Shadow Ball can offer more consistent matchups both due to its damage not being reliant on a move that can miss lower accuracy move, and its ability to defeat Pokemon who beat Spectrier by tricking a Choice item onto it, like Choice Scarf Tapu Fini. Additionally, sometimes it's just too risky the risk factor is to high while using Will-O-Wisp (rephrased this sentence but you can edit it), such as when facing Nasty Plot Life Orb Naganadel. However, aside from move choice, Spectrier is very straightforward and intuitive in usage. Taunt defeats stall Cresselia by denying its Moonlight recovery and Calm Mind boosts, while shutting down Chansey and Registeel hard since they can't hit Spectrier with their attacks. Versus Chansey, use Taunt and then Will-o-Wisp so that burn damage will eventually KO.

name: Sitrus Disable
move 1: Calm Mind
move 2: Shadow Ball
move 3: Disable
move 4: Will-O-Wisp / Substitute
item: Sitrus Berry
ability: Grim Neigh
nature: Timid
evs: 240 HP / 16 SpD / 252 Spe


Set Description
Spectrier with Disable matches up superbly against Choice item users, and forgoes the nuclear power of a turn 2 Hex for consistency versus hard-hitting Pokemon like Choice Specs Sylveon, Haxorus, Landorus-Therian, Tapu Lele, and many more. Disable is incredible in its ability to instantaneously win games if it catches a Choice-locked Pokemon, like Choice Band Landorus-T and Choice Specs Sylveon. The choice between Will-o-Wisp and Substitute depends on how much reliability is needed beating multi-hit physical attackers such as Rhyperior and Crustle, as well as opposing Choice Scarf users like Haxorus, versus how much reliability is needed against single-hit Choiced Pokemon such as Choice Specs Tapu Lele and Pokemon who rely on debuffs to win, like Goodra and Nihilego.

240 HP with 16 Special Defense allows Spectrier to survive a Hyper Beam from Choice Specs Sylveon, in addition to giving as much physical bulk as possible for opposing Struggles. Maximum Speed with a Timid nature is used to speed tie opposing max Speed Spectrier.

Usage Tips
Specific interactions are generally limited (Not needed you can just say the set is straightforward or cut the whole thing out). Will-O-Wisp should be used in conjunction with Disable to beat opposing Choice-locked physical attackers, defeating many(redundant) like Haxorus, Rhyperior, Avalugg, and Choice Band Dracovish. Substitute is also useful alongside Disable to defeat the aforementioned single-hit Choice Band users, as well as some Trick users like Choice Scarf Metagross.

name: Choice Specs
move 1: Shadow Ball
move 2: Hyper Beam
move 3: Mud Shot
move 4: Uproar
item: Choice Specs
ability: Grim Neigh
nature: Modest
evs: 120 HP / 172 SpA / 84 SpD / 132 Spe


Set Description
Choice Specs Spectrier, also called "Specstrier", is a simple set. High Special Attack and solid neutral coverage allow it to mow through many Pokemon, most notably doing well against Whimsicott, Heatran, Nihilego, and Rillaboom, with Uproar defeating Whimsicott, Mud Shot destroying Heatran and Nihilego, and Hyper Beam obliterating most Rillaboom. (i like the flow of the paragraph but you could also list some more examples of hyper beam usage)

120 HP allows Spectrier to live a Life Orb Grassy Glide from Rillaboom, while the Special Defense grants it the ability to live a Nihilego Meteor Beam. 132 Speed outruns base 100s speed Pokemon like Entei and Galarian Zapdos. All other EVs go into special Attack. (Not required unless specific reasoning)

Usage Tips
Use the supereffective move. Uproar in particular helps versus Whimsicott. Mud Shot beats Nihilego and Heatran lacking Choice Scarf. Hyper Beam OHKOes Rillaboom. Generally, Choice Specs Spectrier does well into teams that use Pokemon with low Special Defense to defeat Spectrier, like most Rillaboom and frail Urshifu variants. (it sounds more like bullet points than a coherent paragraph, though the information is correct. try using connectors and link the sentences)

name: Weakness Policy
move 1: Calm Mind / Disable
move 2: Will-O-Wisp
move 3: Hex
move 4: Mud Shot
item: Weakness Policy
ability: Grim Neigh
nature: Timid
evs: 168 HP / 208 Def / 44 SpA / 88 Spe

Set Description
Spectrier's weakness to Zeraora is patched up quite nicely with its Weakness Policy set. Calm Mind can be used to offer more reliability versus opposing hard-hitting special attackers such as Magnezone, but Disable provides the opportunity to win matchups against slower Choice Band users, like Galarian Darmanitan and Dracovish, who may not get OHKOed by a double damage Hex. Mud Shot deals solid damage after a +2 boost, 2HKOing even Assault Vest Zeraora, while also nicely dealing with all Heatran sets except Air Balloon. Weakness Policy is also handy versus generally obnoxious common Knock Off users, like Assault Vest Landorus-T and Choice Scarf Sawk.

The HP and Defense EVs let Spectrier live a Knock Off from Choice Band Zeraora, while the Speed EVs let it outpacespeed Jolly Kartana. All remaining EVs go into Special Attack, for damage rolls against Galarian Darmanitan.

Usage Tips
Weakness Policy's activation lets Spectrier easily turn the tables on a would-be counter in Zeraora. Defeating Zeraora is as simple as using Mud Shot twice. Outside of this, however, the main gameplan is to Will-O-Wisp turn 1 so that Hex turn 2 deals double damage; this combination of moves reliably defeats numerous physical attackers, such as Metagross, Kartana, Urshifu-R and Rhyperior, among many more others. If running Calm Mind, be sure to Calm Mind it should be clicked on threats such as Kyurem and Volcanion, who threaten to deal massive damage with their STAB attacks; otherwise, if using Disable, utilize it to shut down opposing Choice-locked foes.


Other Options
Sitrus Taunt can run an alternative spread of 240 HP / 232 Def / 4 SpA / 32 Spe with a Timid nature and the moves Will-O-Wisp / Hex / Taunt / Calm Mind (or Haze) to reliably beat Galarian Darmanitan, Garchomp, and Rillaboom, bulking a burned +2 Grassy Glide into Knock Off into Grassy Glide while outrunning Jolly Garchomp. Calm Mind is a generally better move, while Haze reliably beats Rillaboom.

- Written by: [[zo, 249890]]
- Quality checked by: [[Itchy, 518399], [doc1203, 526135]]
- Grammar checked by: [[username1, userid1]

name: Sitrus Taunt
move 1: Calm Mind
move 2: Will-O-Wisp
move 3: Taunt
move 4: Hex / Shadow Ball
item: Sitrus Berry
ability: Grim Neigh
nature: Timid
evs: 184 HP / 52 Def / 64 SpA / 24 SpD / 184 Spe


Set Description
Spectrier has an excellent niche in 1v1 as a setup Pokemon that can easily beat other setup Pokemon using Will-O-Wisp, Calm Mind, (add comma) and Taunt. Spectrier's usage as a very potent two-turn nuke is applicable, being able to deal with Pokemon such as Aggron, Magnezone, (add comma) and Naganadel. With Calm Mind and Will-O-Wisp, Spectrier can easily deal with Pokemon who rely on one type of attack, burning physical attackers while boosting its Special Defense in front of special attackers like Landorus. Taunt is used to shut down stall Pokemon such as Registeel, Chansey, and Cresselia. Hex pairs very well with Will-O-Wisp thanks to its doubled burn doubling Hex's Base Power on targets afflicted by a status condition, but Shadow Ball provides consistent damage versus Pokemon immune to burn, like Heatran, Volcanion, and Misty Surge Tapu Fini, while being more reliable overall against Choice Scarf Togekiss.

184 HP EVs combines with 24 SpD Special Defense EVs for Spectrier to survive 2 Earth Powers Power from Timid Choice Specs Landorus after a Calm Mind boost, (remove comma) and 52 Defense EVs for it to live lives 2 burned Outrages Outrage from burned Jolly Choice Band Garchomp. 184 Speed EVs allow Spectrier to outrun Timid Naganadel. All remaining EVs go into Special Attack, (remove comma) for better damage rolls against Galarian Darmanitan and Haxorus.

Usage Tips
Spectrier's most basic sequence is Will-O-Wisp turn 1 into Hex turn 2. Due to its excellent natural special bulk, it often doesn't need to use Calm Mind in front of other attackers unless they threaten to set up in its face, such as Calm Mind Tapu Fini. Thus, Calm Mind is mainly used in matchups like Magnezone and Naganadel, where the extra Special Defense makes the matchup more reliable. Hex's matchups compared to Shadow Ball are quite different, as Hex fares much better versus Pokemon who fear being burned regardless, such as Galarian Darmanitan, Haxorus, Aggron, and Landorus-Therian. However, Shadow Ball can offer more consistent matchups both due to its damage not being reliant on a lower accuracy move, (remove comment) and its ability to defeat Pokemon who beat Spectrier by tricking a Choice item onto it, like Choice Scarf Tapu Fini. Additionally, sometimes Will-o-Wisp Will-O-Wisp is just too risky, such as when facing Nasty Plot Life Orb Naganadel. However, aside from move choice, Spectrier is very straightforward and intuitive in usage. Thanks to its excellent natural special bulk, it often doesn't need to use Calm Mind in front of other attackers. Exceptions include facing other setup attackers, such as Tapu Fini, and making matchups against Magnezone and Naganadel more reliable. Taunt defeats stall Cresselia by denying its Moonlight recovery and Calm Mind boosts, (remove comma) while shutting down Chansey and Registeel hard since they can't hit Spectrier with their attacks. Versus Chansey, use Taunt and then Will-o-Wisp Will-O-Wisp so that burn damage will eventually KO.

name: Sitrus Disable
move 1: Calm Mind
move 2: Shadow Ball
move 3: Disable
move 4: Will-O-Wisp / Substitute
item: Sitrus Berry
ability: Grim Neigh
nature: Timid
evs: 240 HP / 16 SpD / 252 Spe


Set Description
Spectrier with Disable Spectrier matches up superbly against Choice item users, (add comma) and forgoes the nuclear power of a turn 2 Hex for consistency versus hard-hitting Pokemon like Choice Specs Sylveon, Haxorus, Landorus-Therian, and Tapu Lele, and many more. Disable is incredible in its ability to instantaneously win games if it catches faces a Choice-locked Pokemon, like Choice Band Landorus-T and Choice Specs Sylveon. The choice between Will-o-Wisp Will-O-Wisp and Substitute depends on how much reliability is needed beating multi-hit physical attackers such as Rhyperior and Crustle, as well as opposing Choice Scarf users like Haxorus, versus how much reliability is needed against single-hit Choiced Pokemon such as Choice Specs Tapu Lele and Pokemon who that rely on debuffs to win, like Goodra and Nihilego.

240 HP EVs with 16 Special Defense EVs allows allow Spectrier to survive a Hyper Beam from Choice Specs Sylveon, in addition to giving as much physical bulk as possible for opposing Struggles Struggle. Maximum Speed with a Timid nature is used to speed Speed tie opposing maximum Speed Spectrier.

Usage Tips
Will-O-Wisp should be used in conjunction with Disable to beat opposing Choice-locked physical attackers, like Haxorus, Rhyperior, Avalugg, and Choice Band Dracovish. Substitute is also useful alongside Disable to defeat the aforementioned single-hit Choice Band users, as well as some Trick users like Choice Scarf Metagross.

name: Choice Specs
move 1: Shadow Ball
move 2: Hyper Beam
move 3: Mud Shot
move 4: Uproar
item: Choice Specs
ability: Grim Neigh
nature: Modest
evs: 120 HP / 172 SpA / 84 SpD / 132 Spe


Set Description
Choice Specs Spectrier, also called "Specstrier", is a simple set. High Special Attack and solid neutral coverage allow it to mow through many Pokemon, most notably doing well against Whimsicott, Heatran, Nihilego, and Rillaboom, with Uproar defeating Whimsicott, Mud Shot destroying Heatran and Nihilego, and Hyper Beam obliterating most Rillaboom and Urshifu-Rapid-Strike.

120 HP EVs allows Spectrier to live a Life Orb Grassy Glide from Rillaboom, while the Special Defense EVs grants it the ability to live a Nihilego Meteor Beam. 132 Speed EVs outruns base 100 Speed Pokemon like Entei and Galarian Zapdos.

Usage Tips
Use the super effective (space) move. Uproar in particular helps versus Whimsicott, while Mud Shot beats Nihilego and Heatran lacking Choice Scarf. Hyper Beam OHKOes several neutral targets where Shadow Ball may not be enough, like most Urshifu-Rapid-Strike, Rillaboom, and Volcanion. Choosing between using Shadow Ball or Hyper Beam is a matter of whether you need Spectrier needs to avoid the recharge turn or not. Generally, Choice Specs Spectrier does well into against teams that use Pokemon with low Special Defense to defeat Spectrier, like most Rillaboom and frail Urshifu variants.

name: Weakness Policy
move 1: Calm Mind / Disable
move 2: Will-O-Wisp
move 3: Hex
move 4: Mud Shot
item: Weakness Policy
ability: Grim Neigh
nature: Timid
evs: 168 HP / 208 Def / 44 SpA / 88 Spe

Set Description
Spectrier's weakness to Zeraora is patched up quite nicely with its Weakness Policy set. Calm Mind can be used to offer more reliability versus hard-hitting special attackers such as Magnezone, but Disable provides the opportunity to win matchups against slower Choice Band users, like Galarian Darmanitan and Dracovish, who that may not get OHKOed by a double damage Hex. Mud Shot deals solid damage after a +2 boost, 2HKOing even Assault Vest Zeraora, while also dealing with all Heatran sets except Air Balloon, which loses to Hex into Mud Shot instead. Weakness Policy is also handy versus common Knock Off users, like Assault Vest Landorus-T and Choice Scarf Sawk.

The HP and Defense EVs let Spectrier live a Knock Off from Choice Band Zeraora, while the Speed EVs let it outpace Jolly Kartana. All remaining EVs go into Special Attack, (remove comma) for better damage rolls against Galarian Darmanitan.

Usage Tips
Weakness Policy's activation lets Spectrier easily turn the tables on a would-be counter in Zeraora. Defeating Zeraora is as simple as using Mud Shot twice. Outside of this, however, the main gameplan is to use Will-O-Wisp turn 1 so that Hex turn 2 deals double damage, which ; this combination of moves reliably defeats numerous physical attackers, such as Metagross, Kartana, Urshifu-R, (add comma) and Rhyperior, among others. If running Calm Mind, it should be used versus against (bit of repetition) threats such as Kyurem and Volcanion, who which threaten to deal massive damage with their STAB attacks; otherwise, if using Disable, utilize it to shut down opposing Choice-locked foes.


Other Options
Sitrus Taunt can run an alternative spread of 240 HP / 232 Def / 4 SpA / 32 Spe with a Timid nature and the moves Will-O-Wisp / Hex / Taunt / Calm Mind or haze(or Haze) to reliably beat Galarian Darmanitan, Garchomp, and Rillaboom, surviving 2 Grassy Glide and a Knock off from a burned +2 Rillaboom (not entirely sure why this was written this way) bulking a burned +2 Grassy Glide into Knock Off into Grassy Glide while outrunning Jolly Garchomp. Calm Mind is a generally better move, while Haze reliably beats Rillaboom.

- Written by: [[zo, 249890]]
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- Grammar checked by: [[username1, userid1], [username1, userid1]]

GP 1/2
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2/2 GP Team done
name: Sitrus Berry + Taunt
move 1: Calm Mind
move 2: Will-O-Wisp
move 3: Taunt
move 4: Hex / Shadow Ball
item: Sitrus Berry
ability: Grim Neigh
nature: Timid
evs: 184 HP / 52 Def / 64 SpA / 24 SpD / 184 Spe


Set Description
Spectrier has an excellent niche in 1v1 as a setup Pokemon that can easily beat other setup Pokemon using Will-O-Wisp, Calm Mind, and Taunt. Spectrier's usage as a very potent two-turn nuke is applicable, being able to deal with Pokemon such as Aggron, Magnezone, and Naganadel. With Calm Mind and Will-O-Wisp, Spectrier can easily deal with Pokemon who that rely on one type of attack, burning physical attackers while boosting its Special Defense in front of special attackers like Landorus. Taunt is used to shut down stall Pokemon such as Registeel, Chansey, and Cresselia. Hex pairs very well with Will-O-Wisp thanks to burn doubling Hex's Base Power, but Shadow Ball provides consistent damage versus Pokemon immune to burn, like Heatran, Volcanion, and Misty Surge Tapu Fini, while being more reliable overall against Choice Scarf Togekiss.

184 HP EVs combines with 24 Special Defense EVs for Spectrier to survive 2 two Earth Power from Timid Choice Specs Landorus after a Calm Mind boost, (AC) and 52 Defense EVs for it to live 2 allow it to survive two Outrage from Jolly Choice Band Garchomp. 184 Speed EVs allow Spectrier to outrun Timid Naganadel. All remaining EVs go into Special Attack for better damage rolls against Galarian Darmanitan and Haxorus.

Usage Tips
Spectrier's most basic sequence is Will-O-Wisp turn 1 into Hex turn 2. Hex's matchups compared to Shadow Ball are quite different, as Hex fares much better versus Pokemon who that fear being burned regardless, such as Galarian Darmanitan, Haxorus, Aggron, and Landorus-T. However, Shadow Ball can offer more consistent matchups both due to its damage not being reliant on a lower accuracy move and its ability to defeat Pokemon who that beat Spectrier by tricking a Choice item onto it, like Choice Scarf Tapu Fini. (would this not fit better in the moves section?) Additionally, sometimes Will-O-Wisp is just too risky, such as when facing Nasty Plot Life Orb Naganadel. However, aside from move choice, Spectrier is very straightforward and intuitive in usage. Thanks to its excellent natural special bulk, it often doesn't need to use Calm Mind in front of other attackers. Exceptions include using it when facing other setup attackers, such as Tapu Fini, and making using it to make matchups against Magnezone and Naganadel more reliable. Taunt defeats stall Cresselia by denying its Moonlight recovery and Calm Mind boosts while shutting down Chansey and Registeel hard, (AC) since they can't hit Spectrier with their attacks. Versus Chansey, use Taunt and then Will-O-Wisp so that burn damage will eventually KO it.

name: Sitrus Berry + Disable
move 1: Calm Mind
move 2: Shadow Ball
move 3: Disable
move 4: Will-O-Wisp / Substitute
item: Sitrus Berry
ability: Grim Neigh
nature: Timid
evs: 240 HP / 16 SpD / 252 Spe


Set Description
Disable Spectrier matches up superbly against Choice item users (RC) and forgoes the nuclear power of a turn 2 Hex for consistency versus hard-hitting Pokemon like Choice Specs Sylveon, Haxorus, Landorus-T, and Tapu Lele. Disable is incredible in its ability to instantaneously win games if it faces a Choice-locked Pokemon, like Choice Band Landorus-T and or Choice Specs Sylveon. The choice between Will-O-Wisp and Substitute depends on how much reliability is needed beating multi-hit physical attackers running multi-hit moves such as Rhyperior and Crustle, as well as opposing Choice Scarf users like Haxorus, versus how much reliability is needed against single-hit Choiced Choice-locked Pokemon that don't run multi-hit moves such as Choice Specs Tapu Lele and Pokemon that rely on stat debuffs to win (RC) like Goodra and Nihilego.

240 HP EVs with 16 Special Defense EVs allow Spectrier to survive a Hyper Beam from Choice Specs Sylveon, in addition to giving as much physical bulk as possible for opposing Struggle. Maximum Speed with a Timid nature is used to Speed tie with opposing maximum Speed Spectrier.

Usage Tips
Will-O-Wisp should be used in conjunction with Disable to beat opposing Choice-locked physical attackers, like Haxorus, Rhyperior, Avalugg, and Choice Band Dracovish. Substitute is also useful alongside Disable to defeat single-hit Choice Band users not running multi-hit moves, as well as some Trick users like Choice Scarf Metagross.

name: Choice Specs
move 1: Shadow Ball
move 2: Hyper Beam
move 3: Mud Shot
move 4: Uproar
item: Choice Specs
ability: Grim Neigh
nature: Modest
evs: 120 HP / 172 SpA / 84 SpD / 132 Spe


Set Description
Choice Specs Spectrier, also called "Specstrier", is a simple set. (lmfao) High Special Attack and solid neutral coverage allow it to mow through many Pokemon, most notably doing well against Whimsicott, Heatran, Nihilego, and Rillaboom, (this is optional ut you literally make the same list twice) with Uproar defeating Whimsicott, Mud Shot destroying Heatran and Nihilego, and Hyper Beam obliterating most Rillaboom and Urshifu-R.

120 HP EVs allows Spectrier to live survive a Life Orb Grassy Glide from Rillaboom, while the Special Defense EVs grants grant it the ability to live a survive Nihilego's Meteor Beam. 132 Speed EVs outruns base 100 Pokemon like Entei and Galarian Zapdos.

Usage Tips
Use the super effective move. Uproar in particular helps versus Whimsicott, while Mud Shot beats Nihilego and Heatran lacking Choice Scarf. Hyper Beam OHKOes several neutral targets where Shadow Ball may not be enough, like most Urshifu-R, Rillaboom, and Volcanion. Choosing between using Shadow Ball or Hyper Beam is a matter of whether Spectrier needs to avoid the recharge turn or not. Generally, Choice Specs Spectrier does well against teams that use Pokemon with low Special Defense to defeat Spectrier, like most Rillaboom and frail Urshifu variants.

name: Weakness Policy
move 1: Calm Mind / Disable
move 2: Will-O-Wisp
move 3: Hex
move 4: Mud Shot
item: Weakness Policy
ability: Grim Neigh
nature: Timid
evs: 168 HP / 208 Def / 44 SpA / 88 Spe

Set Description
Spectrier's weakness to Zeraora is patched up quite nicely with its Weakness Policy set. Calm Mind can be used to offer more reliability versus hard-hitting special attackers such as Magnezone, but Disable provides the opportunity to win matchups against slower Choice Band users, like Galarian Darmanitan and Dracovish, that may not get OHKOed by a double damage Hex. Mud Shot deals solid damage after a +2 boost, 2HKOing even Assault Vest Zeraora (RC) while also dealing with all Heatran sets except Air Balloon, which loses to Hex into Mud Shot instead. Weakness Policy is also handy versus common Knock Off users, like Assault Vest Landorus-T and Choice Scarf Sawk.

The HP and Defense EVs let Spectrier live survive a Knock Off from Choice Band Zeraora, while the Speed EVs let it outpace Jolly Kartana. All remaining EVs go into Special Attack for better damage rolls against Galarian Darmanitan.

Usage Tips
Weakness Policy's activation lets Spectrier easily turn the tables on a would-be counter in Zeraora. Defeating Zeraora is as simple as using Mud Shot twice. Outside of this, however, the main gameplan is to use Will-O-Wisp turn 1 so that Hex turn 2 deals double damage, which reliably defeats numerous physical attackers, such as Metagross, Kartana, Urshifu-R, and Rhyperior. If running Calm Mind, it should be used against threats such as Kyurem and Volcanion, which threaten to deal massive damage with their STAB attacks; otherwise, if using Disable, utilize it to shut down opposing Choice-locked foes.


Other Options
Sitrus Berry + Taunt can run an alternative spread of 240 HP / 232 Def / 4 SpA / 32 Spe with a Timid nature and the moves Will-O-Wisp / Hex / Taunt / Calm Mind or Haze to reliably beat Galarian Darmanitan, Garchomp, and Rillaboom, surviving 2 Grassy Glide and a Knock Off from a burned +2 Rillaboom while outrunning Jolly Garchomp. Calm Mind is a generally better move, while Haze reliably beats Rillaboom.

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i noticed that the firsy 2 sentes are names after sitrus berry but the benefits of that aren't explained / addressed anywhere