1v1 SS Urshifu-Single-Strike

name: Assault Vest
move 1: Wicked Blow
move 2: Superpower
move 3: Sucker Punch
move 4: Stone Edge / Poison Jab / Ice Punch
item: Assault Vest
ability: Unseen Fist
nature: Adamant
evs: 128 HP / 64 Atk / 116 SpD / 200 Spe

Set Description
Assault Vest Urshifu-S performs amazing feats such as surviving Choice Specs Naganadel's Draco Meteor, letting it counter Pokemon such as Porygon-Z, Regieleki, and Cresselia and gain general reliability versus Pokemon that can adapt to its other movesets, like Spectrier and Dragapult. Superpower is used instead of Close Combat to avoid the Special Defense drop, which would make Urshifu-S lose to Chople Berry Porygon-Z. Stone Edge lets Urshifu-S beat Volcarona and Volcanion. Poison Jab can be used instead to beat most Tapu Bulu sets as well as non-Kebia Berry Whimsicott with Moonblast. Ice Punch could also be considered, as it helps Urshifu-S beat Garchomp consistently.

128 HP and 116 Special Defense EVs allow Urshifu-S to survive Thunder from Choice Specs Regieleki, Hyper Beam from Modest Choice Scarf Porygon-Z, and Close Combat from Adamant Choice Scarf Haxorus. The rest of the EVs are put into Attack. If surviving Haxorus's Close Combat is not necessary, you may remove all HP investment and run 184 Special Defense EVs for more Attack. This keeps the same matchups against Regieleki and Porygon-Z, but it can only survive Close Combat from Jolly Scarf Haxorus instead.

Usage Tips
Against Substitute + Disable Dragapult and Will-O-Wisp + Disable Spectrier sets, you should use Sucker Punch after an initial Wicked Blow to avoid Wicked Blow being disabled. Besides Dragapult, most matchups involve using the super effective move or Wicked Blow + Sucker Punch.

name: Bulky Chople Berry
move 1: Wicked Blow
move 2: Close Combat
move 3: Sucker Punch
move 4: Bulk Up / Counter
item: Chople Berry
ability: Unseen Fist
nature: Impish
evs: 96 HP / 172 Atk / 240 Def

Set Description
Bulky Chople Berry Urshifu-S beats Galarian Darmanitan, a Pokemon Urshifu-S normally struggles against, all while gaining new positive matchups with its massive bulk investment. Bulk Up allows Urshifu-S to perform its usual stallbreaking duties, easily dealing with Galarian Corsola, Chansey, Corviknight, and Registeel while granting extra security in matchups versus Pokemon such as Landorus-T and Rhyperior. Counter gives Urshifu-S the option to play defensively as an offensive Pokemon, easily tanking attacks such as Choice Band Pheromosa's High Jump Kick, Adamant Choice Scarf Haxorus's Close Combat —even if Unnerve prevents the Berry from being eaten— and Assault Vest Arcanine's Play Rough, delivering a devastating Counter afterwards.

The Defense and HP investment allows Urshifu-S to survive Choice Band Galarian Darmanitan's Giga Impact, with all remaining EVs going into Attack. An alternative spread of 252 Atk / 4 SpD / 252 Spe with a Jolly nature and the moves Wicked Blow / Close Combat / Sucker Punch / Bulk Up can be used instead for a more reliable matchup against opposing Urshifu, Sawk, and non-Choice Scarf Porygon-Z.

Usage Tips
Wicked Blow is an excellent move to use on Pokemon that can't be hit super effectively otherwise, in addition to dealing heavy damage to Sturdy users like Magnezone, Aggron, and Crustle, matchups where using Close Combat could lose. Close Combat should be used on Pokemon that Urshifu-S OHKOes with it, most notably Tyranitar. Sucker Punch is a good way to secure a win against opposing Custap Berry users and can force foes like non-Choice Specs Volcarona into terrifying coinflip scenarios. Bulk Up is used for general stallbreaking and making matchups easier to approach, in particular beating Pokemon that rely on Counter to win, such as Chansey, Rhyperior, and Swampert. Counter can be used instead to more reliably win matchups against Choice Band Pheromosa, Choice Scarf users like Haxorus, Play Rough Arcanine, Dracovish, and Life Orb Rillaboom. It is is worth noting that certain Dragapult sets may be running Substitute + Disable; thus, it is advisable to use Sucker Punch after using Wicked Blow to avoid Wicked Blow being disabled.

name: Custap Berry
move 1: Bulk Up
move 2: Wicked Blow
move 3: Reversal
move 4: Endure
item: Custap Berry
ability: Unseen Fist
nature: Adamant
evs: 168 HP / 192 Atk / 68 SpD / 80 Spe


Set Description
Custap Berry Urshifu-S's purpose is, generally speaking, a lure set to catch players off guard. Its main allure is turning many unwinnable matchups into coinflips, such as Choice Band Zeraora with Play Rough, Porygon-Z, and Celesteela. While giving up Sucker Punch can be detrimental, the addition of an extremely strong Reversal benefits Urshifu-S greatly, OHKOing many threats at maximum power like Zeraora, Regidrago, Volcanion, most Celesteela, and Garchomp. Endure is an absolute staple on all Custap Berry sets in 1v1 for its ability to guarantee the Berry's activation.

The Special Defense EVs in conjunction with 168 HP EVs allow Urshifu-S to survive Air Slash from non-Choice Specs Celesteela while the HP lets it survive Choice Scarf Dracovish's Fishious Rend. The Speed investment has Urshifu-S outpace Adamant base 75 Speed Pokemon such as Dracovish and Dracozolt. All extra EVs go into Attack.

Usage Tips
Most of the time, you will want to use Endure on incoming big hits, such as Draco Meteor from Choice Specs Dragapult, Hyper Beam from Porygon-Z, and Superpower or Giga Impact from Galarian Darmanitan. Urshifu-S has a massive advantage in that the only way for foes to prevent the Custap Berry's activation is with priority or their own Endure, since Urshifu-S's ability, Unseen Fist, allows it to bypass all forms of protection. Thus, it breaks through Pokemon such as Life Orb Kartana and Life Orb Dracovish, which carry Protect for other Custap Berry users. Bulk Up secures core matchups such as Assault Vest Swampert, Registeel, Corviknight, Rhyperior, and Steelix, among others. Substitute + Disable Dragapult sets can attempt to neutralize Wicked Blow, which should be countered by using Endure on turn 2.

name: Choice Band
move 1: Wicked Blow
move 2: Close Combat
move 3: Sucker Punch
move 4: Fling / Ice Punch
item: Choice Band
ability: Unseen Fist
nature: Adamant / Jolly
evs: 252 Atk / 4 SpD / 252 Spe


Set Description
Choice Band Urshifu-S hits very hard, being able to defeat many frail Pokemon like Regieleki with a single Sucker Punch. Fling is used in the last moveslot to deal with Disable shenanigans from Dragapult and Spectrier by using Fling + Wicked Blow. Ice Punch can be used to defeat unusually bulky variants of Garchomp.

Maximum Speed investment is used to outrun base 80 Speed Pokemon at minimum, such as Venusaur and Regidrago. The choice of nature depends on if you need Urshifu-S to either outspeed base 95 Speed Pokemon, most notably non-Choice Scarf Tapu Lele and Choice Band Galarian Darmanitan, or use the raw power to OHKO threats like Landorus-T with Wicked Blow.

Usage Tips
Use the super effective move, or use Wicked Blow on neutral targets like Landorus-T, Volcanion, and Regidrago. For Regieleki, use Sucker Punch to OHKO most variants. Use Fling if your opponent has a Dragapult and you suspect it is a Substitute + Disable variant; Fling may also be used versus Sturdy Pokemon such as Magnezone, Aggron, and Crustle. Choice Band Urshifu-S is a good choice into teams whose main way of dispatching offensive threats is with a bulky wall, such as Registeel or Chansey.

name: Choice Scarf
move 1: Wicked Blow
move 2: Close Combat
move 3: Fire Punch / Fling
move 4: Ice Punch / Stone Edge / Poison Jab / Bulk Up
item: Choice Scarf
ability: Unseen Fist
nature: Jolly
evs: 252 Atk / 4 SpD / 252 Spe


Set Description
Choice Scarf Urshifu-S outspeeds the entire offensive metagame, excluding opposing Choice Scarf users and Regieleki. This lets it catch certain Pokemon, such as Dragapult, by surprise, smashing it with a very swift Wicked Blow, while Close Combat OHKOes Galarian Darmanitan cleanly. Choice Scarf Urshifu-S has a nice amount of variety in its final two moveslots; as a third move, Fire Punch melts Ferrothorn and Pheromosa, but Fling can be used instead in matchups where not being Choice-locked would be very helpful, such as against Corviknight and Registeel. Fling is best used with Bulk Up in the last moveslot since it retains Urshifu-S's immensely useful ability to break stall Pokemon. In the final moveslot, Ice Punch easily shatters Landorus-T and Garchomp, Stone Edge clobbers Volcarona, and Poison Jab deals with non-Kebia Berry variants of Whimsicott carrying Moonblast.

EVs are completely maxed out in Attack and Speed in order to hit as hard and fast as possible, with a Jolly nature making matchups such as Pheromosa and Volcarona very favorable.

Usage Tips
Choice Scarf Urshifu does well into teams where the opponent's counter to offensive Pokemon is another offensive Pokemon, most notably taking advantage of people who tend to run Choice Scarf Galarian Darmanitan or Dragapult to fulfill this role. Occasionally, you may need to use Fling versus stall Pokemon like Galarian Corsola, Chansey, Corviknight, and Registeel and use Bulk Up afterward if it's on the set.


Other Options
Life Orb Urshifu can be used with a 252 Atk / 4 SpD / 252 Spe EV spread, an Adamant nature, and Wicked Blow / Close Combat / Sucker Punch / Bulk Up to defeat most Rillaboom. Wicked Blow 2HKOes SubSeed Rillaboom, while Wicked Blow + Sucker Punch 2HKOes Life Orb Rillaboom.

- Written by: [[zo, 249890]]
- Quality checked by: [[doc1203, 526135], [Itchy, 518399]]
- Grammar checked by: [[Sulo, 528036], [Isaiah, 375662]]
Last edited by a moderator:

Will probably require 1 more check later when u implement it (maybe not though)
Overall this is pretty good you just need to focus on the formatting issues and dont be afraid of rewriting information like examples because they help the reader understand.


name: Assault Vest
move 1: Wicked Blow
move 2: Superpower
move 3: Sucker Punch
move 4: Stone Edge / Poison Jab / Ice Punch
item: Assault Vest
ability: Unseen Fist
nature: Adamant
evs: 128 HP / 64 Atk / 116 SpD / 200 Spe


Set Description
Assault Vest on Urshifu makes it is quite the menace on preview. Performing feats such as surviving a Draco Meteor from Choice Specs Naganadel while easily 2HKOing back with Wicked Blow into Sucker Punch makes AV worth considering. In general, it is used as a check to Pokemon such as Porygon-Z, Regieleki, Cresselia, and the aforementioned Naganadel, Naganadel, while granting Urshifu more general reliability versus Pokemon that can adapt to its other movesets, like Spectrier and Dragapult. Superpower is used instead of Close Combat to avoid the Special Defense drop from Close Combat, avoiding which would cost a loss to Chople Porygon-Z. Stone Edge is slotted in to beat Volcarona and Volcanion. Poison Jab can be used instead to beat most Tapu Bulu sets as well as non-Kebia Berry Whimsicott with Moonblast. Ice Punch could also be considered if the user wishes as it helps to beat Garchomp consistently.

128 HP along with 116 Special Defense allows Urshifu the ability to live a Choice Specs Regieleki Thunder, as well as a Hyper Beam from Modest Choice Scarf Porygon-Z, while also conveniently surviving Adamant Scarf Haxorus's Close Combat. 200 Speed is used to outrun Modest Specs Porygon-Z. The rest of the EVs are put into Attack. One can choose to remove all HP investment and run 184 Special Defense, in exchange for more Attack. This keeps the same matchups against Regieleki and Porygon-Z, while and gains gaining more Attack, but it can only survive Close Combat from Jolly Scarf Haxorus instead.

Usage Tips
Assault Vest is likely the one of the most straightforward sets; however, there is one matchup of note - Dragapult, where, against Substitute Disable sets, you need to Sucker Punch after the initial Wicked Blow, so as to not have Wicked Blow disabled. However, Besides Dragapult, most matchups involve using the most supereffective move or Wicked Blow into Sucker Punch.

name: Bulky Chople
move 1: Wicked Blow
move 2: Close Combat
move 3: Sucker Punch
move 4: Bulk Up / Counter
item: Chople Berry
ability: Unseen Fist
nature: Impish
evs: 96 HP / 172 Atk / 240 Def


Set Description
Bulky Chople's niche as a set is its ability to Bulky Chople Urshifu has a niche as it beats Galarian Darmanitan, a Pokemon Urshifu normally needs to invest massive Speed to win against, maybe not needed because it kinda disrupts the flow of the sentence or you can rewrite it to focus on the set and not on gdarm evs while gaining new matchups with its massive bulk investment. The moves used are generally the same as most Urshifu sets, with the addition of Counter for said new matchups. i would still add 1 line for both the moves wicked and cc with just examples Counter gives Urshifu the option to play defensively as an offensive Pokemon, easily tanking attacks such as Choice Band Pheromosa's High Jump Kick, Adamant Choice Scarf Haxorus's Close Combat (even if Unnerve disallows the Berry from being eaten), and Assault Vest Arcanine's Play Rough, delivering a devastating Counter afterwards. With Bulk Up used instead of Counter, move bulk up before counter because its the first slash Urshifu performs its usual stallbreaking duties, easily dealing with Galarian Corsola, Blissey, Chansey, Corviknight, and Registeel while granting extra security in matchups versus Pokemon such as Landorus-Therian and Rhyperior.

The Defense and HP investment allows Urshifu to survive a Choice Band Galarian Darmanitan's Giga Impact, with all remaining EVs going into Attack.

Usage Tips
Bulky Chople is also a fairly straightforward set. Wicked Blow is an excellent move to use on Pokemon that you can't hit supereffectively otherwise, while Close Combat should be used on Pokemon you would OHKO with it. add 1 or 2 examples for cc Sucker Punch is an excellent way to secure a KO against opposing Custap Berry users and can force opponents into terrifying 50/50 scenarios. example here unless its too generic Bulk Up is used for general stallbreaking and for helping make matchups easier to approach, while completely denying Pokemon who rely on their own Counter to win, such as the aforementioned Blissey and Rhyperior, as well as Swampert. Counter can be slotted instead to gain more reliable matchups against Pokemon the aforementioned pokemon you can pick and choose examples or not in this context but in general you should try to add them in all parts mentioned in the Set Description, as well as Pokemon such as Choice Scarf Dracovish and Life Orb Rillaboom. Finally, it is worth noting that certain Dragapult sets may be running Substitute and Disable, and thus it is advisable to Sucker Punch after using Wicked Blow to avoid Wicked Blow being disabled.

name: Fast Chople
move 1: Wicked Blow
move 2: Close Combat
move 3: Sucker Punch
move 4: Bulk Up
item: Chople Berry
ability: Unseen Fist
nature: Jolly
evs: 252 Atk / 4 SpD / 252 Spe


Set Description
The Fast variant of Chople Berry Urshifu instead uses its Speed investment to blaze past Pokemon in the base 95 Speed tier. Its significantly reduced bulk makes matchups that Bulky Chople Urshifu shines in much more unreliable, (add examples from bulk chople here but dont refer to it directly) but the additional Speed makes up for it in giving Urshifu new matchups such as potentially defeating opposing Urshifu-S and Choice Specs Porygon-Z.

252 Speed with a Jolly nature gives Urshifu the Speed required to outrun Jolly Choice Band Galarian Darmanitan while surviving Superpower from Choice Scarf variants. Since no bulk is necessary, The rest of the EVs go directly into max Attack and 4 Special Defense.

Usage Tips
For the most part, Fast Chople Urshifu is used similarly to Bulky Chople Urshifu, again dont compare sets or add on without putting the main info here. basically just write this as its own set and put the mus that are relevant including landot and the others with even more security in the Landorus-Therian, Regidrago, and non-Scarf Dracozolt and Dracovish matchups. striking this as a formaility Versus all of these Pokemon, the general first move is Wicked Blow, barring Landorus-T, where Bulk Up is optimal on the first turn. Against Pokemon that win by using Disable on Wicked Blow, Sucker Punch on the second turn in order to avoid the Disable - notable examples of such Pokemon include Dragapult and bulky Wisp Spectrier.

name: Life Orb
move 1: Wicked Blow
move 2: Close Combat
move 3: Sucker Punch
move 4: Bulk Up
item: Life Orb
ability: Unseen Fist
nature: Adamant
evs: 252 Atk / 4 SpD / 252 Spe


Set Description
Life Orb Urshifu offers incredible power and speed, breaking through Pokemon some most i think this is a better word here because like maybe 1 or 2 others are beating rilla other sets struggle with, such as SubSeed Rillaboom. It uses a very standard moveset of Wicked Blow, Close Combat, Sucker Punch, and Bulk Up. imo this is section is too short just add 1 line for each like you did in the other sets with examples dont need to explain the roles in detail though just make it a bit more content heavy.

252 Speed outspeeds Adamant Band Galarian Darmanitan and speedties i added s here too lazy to make it blue opposing Adamant Urshifu, while 252 Attack with an Adamant nature is used to maximize damage.

Usage Tips
Life Orb has additional insurance versus Rillaboom and Choiced Ghost-type attackers such as Dragapult and Spectrier, being able to OHKO them with a Sucker Punch while 2HKOing Rillaboom with Wicked Blow twice against SubSeed or Wicked Blow into Sucker Punch against Life Orb. Against Dragapult, it is advisable to Sucker Punch on the first turn, defeating Choiced sets and disrupting Disable sets.


name: Custap
move 1: Bulk Up
move 2: Wicked Blow
move 3: Reversal
move 4: Endure
item: Custap Berry
ability: Unseen Fist
nature: Adamant
evs: 168 HP / 192 Atk / 68 SpD / 80 Spe


Set Description
Custap Urshifu's purpose is, generally speaking, as a lure set to catch players off guard. Its main allure is turning many unwinnable matchups into 50/50s, such as Band Zeraora with Play Rough and Celesteela. While giving up Sucker Punch hurts can be detrimental to Urshifu a lot, the addition of an extremely strong Reversal benefits it greatly, OHKOing many threats at maximum power such as the aforementioned Zeraora as well as Regidrago, Volcanion, most Celesteela, and Garchomp, though its application is not limited to these threats. Endure is an absolute staple on many if not all pretty sure you can just write all here to avoid fluff and refer to standard sets Custap Berry sets in 1v1 for its ability to guarantee the Berry's activation.

The Special Defense EVs in conjunction with 168 HP EVs allow Urshifu to live an Air Slash from Celesteela, while the Defense additionally lets it live a Scarf Choice Scarf Dracovish Fishious Rend. The Speed investment has Urshifu outpace Adamant base 75 Speed Pokemon. Add example thats relevant eg dracovish and zolt dont add like bulu because you dont win that All extra EVs go into Attack.

Usage Tips
Most of the time, you will want to Endure on incoming big hits, such as Draco Meteor from Specs Dragapult and Porygon-Z's Hyper Beam. Urshifu has a massive advantage in that the only way to prevent the Custap activation is with priority or their own Endure, since its ability, Unseen Fist, allows it to bypass all forms of protection,.removed comma added period and it can Thus breaking through Pokemon such as Life Orb Kartana and Haban Dracovish, both carrying Protect for other Custap users. this is a good paragraph if there are more relevant examples than haban vish add them over it because that is fake also i split the sentence because it was too long but you can keep it the same for now if required. Bulk Up secures core matchups such as Assault Vest Swampert, Registeel, Corviknight, Rhyperior, and Steelix, among others. As a final note, Substitute + Disable Dragapult sets can attempt to Disable Wicked Blow, which should be countered by using Sucker Punch on Turn 2. change this endure or something theres no sucker punch on this

name: Choice Band
move 1: Wicked Blow
move 2: Close Combat
move 3: Sucker Punch
move 4: Fling/Ice Punch
item: Choice Band
ability: Unseen Fist
nature: Adamant/Jolly
evs: 252 Atk / 4 SpD / 252 Spe


Set Description
Choice Band Urshifu hits with only slightly less force than a speeding freight train; that is to say, it hits rather hard. Its It main draw is defeating many can defeat many frail Pokemon with a single Sucker Punch, with the most notable one being Regieleki. Fling is used in the last moveslot to deal with Disable shenanigans from Dragapult and Spectrier, bypassing them by using Fling into Wicked Blow. Ice punch instead is usable for Garchomp, defeating variants that are unusually bulky. The if there are any mus that are require cb wicked blow or cc mention them here choice of Nature depends on if you need to outspeed base 95 Speed Pokemon, most notably non-Scarf Tapu Lele and Galarian Darmanitan, or if you need the raw power to OHKO threats with Wicked Blow such as Landorus-Therian. move to evs section

Max Speed to outrun base 80 Speed Pokemon at minimum, with max Attack to deal as much damage as possible.

Usage Tips
Use the supereffective move, or Wicked Blow on a neutral target if nothing is supereffective and it is not resisted. For Regieleki, use Sucker Punch, but otherwise Wicked Blow will suffice to deal massive damage to Pokemon such as the aforementioned Landorus-Therian. Fling if you are fighting a Dragapult and suspect it is not offensive but instead a Substitute + Disable variant. In general, Choice Band Urshifu is nice to use into teams whose main way of dispatching offensive threats is with a bulky wall, such as Registeel or Chansey, though one must be wary of Counter from them. Try making the sentence structure here a bit more coherent so the paragraph flows well instead of separate bullets


name: Choice Scarf
move 1: Wicked Blow
move 2: Close Combat
move 3: Fire Punch / Fling
move 4: Ice Punch / Stone Edge / Poison Jab / Bulk Up
item: Choice Scarf
ability: Unseen Fist
nature: Jolly
evs: 252 Atk / 4 SpD / 252 Spe


Set Description
kinda weird to start with third move especially in the first sentence just do standard wicked + cc and what it can kill eg scarf wicked takes pult and spect by suprise As a third move, Fire Punch melts Ferrothorn and Pheromosa, but Fling can be used instead in matchups where not being Choice locked would be very helpful, such as Corviknight and Registeel. Fling is best used with Bulk Up in the last moveslot. In the final moveslot, Ice Punch easily shatters Landorus and Garchomp, with Stone Edge clobbering Volcarona, and Poison Jab dealing with non-Kebia Berry variants of Whimsicott carrying Moonblast. Alternatively, one can choose to use Bulk Up if they are already running Fling, increasing reliability in stall matchups a significant amount. already mentioned move what u said about stall into the previous point


EVs are completely maxed out in Attack and Speed in order to hit as hard and fast as possible, with a Jolly nature making matchups such as Galarian Darmanitan and Volcarona very reliable.

Usage Tips

Use the supereffective move. Scarf Urshifu does well into teams where their the foe's counter to offensive Pokemon is another offensive Pokemon, most notably taking advantage of people who tend to run Scarf Galarian Darmanitan or Dragapult to fulfill this role. Occasionally, Fling if needed versus the aforementioned stall Pokemon like Copy paste examples here and start consequently use using Bulk Up if slotted.


Other Options
maybe add an other options section as discussed with fast chople going there or any other set that doesnt do much


- Written by: [[zo, 249890]]

- Quality checked by: [[doc1203, 526135], [username2, userid2]]

- Grammar checked by: [[username1, userid1], [username2, userid2]]
Last edited:
ok qc 1/2 :blobthumbsup:

Last edited:
the drill

name: Assault Vest
move 1: Wicked Blow
move 2: Superpower
move 3: Sucker Punch
move 4: Stone Edge / Poison Jab / Ice Punch
item: Assault Vest
ability: Unseen Fist
nature: Adamant
evs: 128 HP / 64 Atk / 116 SpD / 200 Spe

Set Description
Assault Vest Urshifu is quite the menace on preview on the battlefield, performing feats such as surviving a Draco Meteor from Choice Specs Naganadel while easily 2HKOing back with Wicked Blow into Sucker Punch this would be better in the usage tips section. In general, it is used as a check to Pokemon such as Porygon-Z, Regieleki, Cresselia, and Naganadel, while granting Urshifu more general reliability versus Pokemon that can adapt to its other movesets, like Spectrier and Dragapult. Superpower is used instead of Close Combat to avoid the Special Defense drop from Close Combat, which would cause a loss to Chople Porygon-Z. Stone Edge is slotted in to beat Volcarona and Volcanion. Poison Jab can be used instead to beat most Tapu Bulu sets as well as non-Kebia Berry Whimsicott with Moonblast maybe just most Whimsicott?. Ice Punch could also be considered, as it helps beat Garchomp consistently.

128 HP along with 116 Special Defense allows Urshifu the ability to live a Choice Specs Regieleki Thunder, as well as a Hyper Beam from Modest Choice Scarf Porygon-Z, while also conveniently surviving Adamant Scarf Haxorus's Close Combat. 200 Speed is used to outrun Modest Choice Specs Porygon-Z. The rest of the EVs are put into Attack. One can choose to remove all HP investment and run 184 Special Defense, in exchange for more Attack. This keeps the same matchups against Regieleki and Porygon-Z, while gaining more Attack, but it can only survive Close Combat from Jolly Scarf Haxorus instead.

Usage Tips
Assault Vest is likely the one of the most straightforward sets; however, there is one matchup of note - Dragapult, where, Everything before this could probably be trimmed against Substitute Disable sets, you need to Sucker Punch after the initial Wicked Blow, so as to not have Wicked Blow disabled. Besides Dragapult, most matchups involve using the supereffective move or Wicked Blow into Sucker Punch.

PLEASE combine the 2 Chople sets into 1 set and explain what each spread does in a combined EVs section - they are close enough to not need 2 whole sections. Imo max/max should be the main spread, then bulky should come after but we can discuss that in the QC chat / sets submissions chat
name: Bulky Chople
move 1: Wicked Blow
move 2: Close Combat
move 3: Sucker Punch
move 4: Bulk Up / Counter
item: Chople Berry
ability: Unseen Fist
nature: Impish
evs: 96 HP / 172 Atk / 240 Def

Set Description
Bulky Chople Urshifu has a niche in beating Galarian Darmanitan, a Pokemon Urshifu normally struggles against, while gaining new matchups with its massive bulk investment. fast also beats darm + it beats sawk remarkably consistently. what are the new matchups with the bulk? would be good to mention these The moves used are generally the same as most Urshifu sets, with Wicked Blow, Close Combat and Sucker Punch, along with Bulk Up. In addition, Counter is used to secure said new matchups you can just cc darm, others were not mentioned so can't comment there. With Bulk Up, Urshifu performs its usual stallbreaking duties, easily dealing with Galarian Corsola, Blissey, see choice scarf for reasoning since I did this backwards Chansey, Corviknight, and Registeel while granting extra security in matchups versus Pokemon such as Landorus-Therian and Rhyperior. Counter gives Urshifu the option to play defensively as an offensive Pokemon, easily tanking attacks such as Choice Band Pheromosa's High Jump Kick, Adamant Choice Scarf Haxorus's Close Combat (even if Unnerve disallows the Berry from being eaten), and Assault Vest Arcanine's Play Rough, delivering a devastating Counter afterwards. oh here they are, probably should have mentioned them at the beginning but true

The Defense and HP investment allows Urshifu to survive a Choice Band Galarian Darmanitan's Giga Impact, with all remaining EVs going into Attack.

Usage Tips
Bulky Chople is a fairly straightforward set. Wicked Blow is an excellent move to use on Pokemon that you can't hit super effectively this was written as one word throughout, but it is 2 in the grammar standards - very minor gp thing otherwise, while Close Combat should be used on Pokemon you would OHKO with it, most notably Aggron after using Wicked Blow probably should explain playing around sturdy in another sentence and find a different example or Tyranitar. Sucker Punch is an excellent way to secure a KO win against opposing Custap Berry users and can force opponents like who? into terrifying 50/50 scenarios. Bulk Up is used for general stallbreaking and for helping make matchups easier to approach, while completely denying Pokemon who rely on their own Counter to win, such as the aforementioned Blissey any other common Counter user is good, Blissey is just quite niche so it definitely does not need this many mentions and Rhyperior, as well as Swampert. Counter can be slotted instead to gain more reliable matchups against Choice Band Pheromosa, Choice Scarf Haxorus and Play Rough Arcanine, as well as Pokemon such as Choice Scarf Dracovish and Life Orb Rillaboom. Finally, it is worth noting that certain Dragapult sets may be running Substitute and Disable, and thus it is advisable to Sucker Punch after using Wicked Blow to avoid Wicked Blow being disabled.

I made my comments about this set above / in the bulky section tbh.
name: Fast Chople
move 1: Wicked Blow
move 2: Close Combat
move 3: Sucker Punch
move 4: Bulk Up
item: Chople Berry
ability: Unseen Fist
nature: Jolly
evs: 252 Atk / 4 SpD / 252 Spe


Set Description
The Fast variant of Chople Berry Urshifu uses its Speed investment to blaze past Pokemon in the base 95 Speed tier. Its significantly reduced bulk gives up matchups such as Choice Band Pheromosa and Choice Scarf Haxorus with Unnerve, but the additional Speed makes up for it in giving Urshifu new matchups such as potentially defeating opposing Urshifu-S and Choice Specs Porygon-Z.

252 Speed with a Jolly nature gives Urshifu the Speed required to outrun Jolly Choice Band Galarian Darmanitan while surviving Superpower from Choice Scarf variants. The rest of the EVs go directly into max Attack and 4 Special Defense.

Usage Tips
For the most part, Fast Chople Urshifu aims to use its Speed to more reliably defeat Pokemon such as Dracovish, Regidrago this matchup is unreliable as heck, Landorus-T and Dracozolt. Versus all of these Pokemon, the general first move is Wicked Blow, barring Landorus-T, where Bulk Up is optimal on the first turn. Against Pokemon that win by using Disable on Wicked Blow, Sucker Punch on the second turn in order to avoid the Disable - notable examples of such Pokemon include Dragapult and bulky Will-O-Wisp Spectrier.

name: Custap Berry
move 1: Bulk Up
move 2: Wicked Blow
move 3: Reversal
move 4: Endure
item: Custap Berry
ability: Unseen Fist
nature: Adamant
evs: 168 HP / 192 Atk / 68 SpD / 80 Spe


Set Description
Custap Urshifu's purpose is, generally speaking, as a lure set to catch players off guard. Its main allure is turning many unwinnable matchups into 50/50s, such as Choice Band Zeraora with Play Rough, Porygon-Z, and Celesteela pz is a big one here. While giving up Sucker Punch can be detrimental, the addition of an extremely strong Reversal benefits it greatly, OHKOing many threats at maximum power such Zeraora as well as Regidrago, Volcanion, most Celesteela, and Garchomp, though its application is not limited to these threats. Endure is an absolute staple on all Custap Berry sets in 1v1 for its ability to guarantee the Berry's activation.

The Special Defense EVs in conjunction with 168 HP EVs allow Urshifu to live an Air Slash from Celesteela, while the Defense additionally lets it live a Choice Scarf Dracovish Fishious Rend. The Speed investment has Urshifu outpace Adamant base 75 Speed Pokemon such as Dracovish and Dracozolt. All extra EVs go into Attack.

Usage Tips
Most of the time, you will want to use Endure on incoming big hits, such as Draco Meteor from Choice Specs Dragapult and Porygon-Z's Hyper Beam maybe add gdarm?. Urshifu has a massive advantage in that the only way to prevent the Custap activation is with priority or their own Endure, since its ability, Unseen Fist, allows it to bypass all forms of protection. (period) Thus, it breaks through Pokemon such as Life Orb Kartana and Haban Dracovish this is not in the comp + lorb has it in there so /shrug, both carrying Protect for other Custap users. Bulk Up secures core matchups such as Assault Vest Swampert, Registeel, Corviknight, Rhyperior, and Steelix, among others. As a final note, Substitute + Disable Dragapult sets can attempt to Disable Wicked Blow, which should be countered by using Endure on Turn 2.

name: Choice Band
move 1: Wicked Blow
move 2: Close Combat
move 3: Sucker Punch
move 4: Fling / Ice Punch
item: Choice Band
ability: Unseen Fist
nature: Adamant / Jolly
evs: 252 Atk / 4 SpD / 252 Spe


Set Description
Choice Band Urshifu hits with only slightly less force than a speeding freight train; that is to say, it hits rather hard I think the second half of this is not necessary, but not gonna force you to remove it. It can defeat many frail Pokemon with a single Sucker Punch, with the most notable one being Regieleki. Fling is used in the last moveslot to deal with Disable shenanigans from Dragapult and Spectrier, bypassing them by using Fling into Wicked Blow. Ice Punch instead is usable for Garchomp, defeating variants that are unusually bulky.

Max Speed is used to outrun base 80 Speed Pokemon common examples? at minimum, with max Attack to deal as much damage as possible this bit will probably get chopped by GP. The choice of nature depends on if you need to outspeed base 95 Speed Pokemon, most notably non-Choice Scarf Tapu Lele and Choice Band Galarian Darmanitan, or if you need the raw power to OHKO threats with Wicked Blow such as Landorus-Therian.

Usage Tips
Use the super effective move, or Wicked Blow on a neutral target like Landorus-T could probably do with a couple other examples. For Regieleki, use Sucker Punch to OHKO most variants , but otherwise Wicked Blow will suffice to deal massive damage to Pokemon such Landorus-Therian combined with sentence 1. Use Fling if you are fighting a Dragapult and suspect it is not offensive but instead a Substitute + Disable variant; Fling may also be used versus Sturdy Custap users such as Magnezone and Aggron. As for usage, Choice Band Urshifu is a good choice into teams whose main way of dispatching offensive threats is with a bulky wall, such as Registeel or Chansey, Urshifu answer Chansey / Registeel is just bad teambuilding, this bit definitely needs different examples that show what Choice Band does better than other sets though one must be wary of Counter from them. This is Choice Band- I would only be worried about Chople Registeel but that's not common

name: Choice Scarf
move 1: Wicked Blow
move 2: Close Combat
move 3: Fire Punch / Fling
move 4: Ice Punch / Stone Edge / Poison Jab / Bulk Up
item: Choice Scarf
ability: Unseen Fist
nature: Jolly
evs: 252 Atk / 4 SpD / 252 Spe


Set Description
Choice Scarf Urshifu outspeeds the entire offensive metagame, excluding opposing Choice Scarfers and Regieleki. This lets it catch certain Pokemon, such as Choiced Specs Dragapult sure it would, but another example that is more reliable would be better (could just be in addition to specs pult), by surprise, smashing them with a very swift Wicked Blow; in addition, faster than Galarian Darmanitan, a common opposing Choice Scarf user, Choice Scarf Urshifu can quickly knock it out with a Close Combat. gp will probably rearrange this, second half was really hard to follow Choice Scarf Urshifu has massive variance not necessarily variance, more like variety / many options in its final two moveslots; as a third move, Fire Punch melts Ferrothorn and Pheromosa, but Fling can be used instead in matchups where not being Choice locked would be very helpful, such as Corviknight and Registeel. Fling is best used with Bulk Up in the last moveslot, and Bulk Up synergizes with it very well, redundant since it retains Urshifu's immensely useful ability to break stall Pokemon. In the final moveslot, Ice Punch easily shatters Landorus and Garchomp, with Stone Edge clobbers Volcarona, and Poison Jab deals with non-Kebia Berry variants of Whimsicott carrying Moonblast.


EVs are completely maxed out in Attack and Speed in order to hit as hard and fast as possible, with a Jolly nature making matchups such as Galarian Darmanitan and Volcarona very reliable. lol custap / salac true

Usage Tips

Use the super effective move. Choice Scarf Urshifu does well into teams where the foe's counter to offensive Pokemon is another offensive Pokemon, most notably taking advantage of people who tend to run Choice Scarf Galarian Darmanitan or Dragapult to fulfill this role I really don't think Dragapult is the best example here, since it is unreliable at best vs this Urshifu. Zarude is fairly reliable but not 100% if you want a replacement, Pheromosa is 100% but is rare and requires Fire Punch. I couldn't find any other useful examples tbh. Occasionally, you may need to use Fling if needed versus stall Pokemon like Galarian Corsola, Blissey, c rank + lots of other good examples Chansey, Corviknight, and Registeel and use Bulk Up afterward if slotted.


Other Options
Life Orb Urshifu can be used with a 252 Atk / 4 SpD / 252 Spe EV spread and Wicked Blow / Close Combat / Sucker Punch / Bulk Up to defeat most Rillaboom is this Urshifu Jolly or Adamant? does it matter?, with Wicked Blow 2HKOing SubSeed Rillaboom while Wicked Blow + Sucker Punch 2HKOes Life Orb Rillaboom.

Funny WP Urshifu lures Sylveon, prob worth a mention?

- Written by: [[zo, 249890]]
- Quality checked by: [[doc1203, 526135], [Itchy, 518399]]
- Grammar checked by: [[username1, userid1], [username2, userid2]]
We can talk through remaining changes on discord if you like, this is generally solid, I just make quite a lot of changes when I QC. Ty again for your patience, burnout and school have not been my friends

2/2 talked it out on cord
Last edited:
AM GP, implement what you wish
Add Remove Chattin'
name: Assault Vest
move 1: Wicked Blow
move 2: Superpower
move 3: Sucker Punch
move 4: Stone Edge / Poison Jab / Ice Punch
item: Assault Vest
ability: Unseen Fist
nature: Adamant
evs: 128 HP / 64 Atk / 116 SpD / 200 Spe

Set Description
Assault Vest Urshifu-S is quite the menace on the battlefield, performing feats such as surviving a Draco Meteor from Choice Specs Naganadel. In general, itAssault Vest is used as a to help Urshifu-S counter to Pokemon such as Porygon-Z, Regieleki, Cresselia, and Naganadel, while granting Urshifu-S more general reliability versus Pokemon that can adapt to its other movesets, like Spectrier and Dragapult. Superpower is used instead of Close Combat to avoid the Special Defense drop,(comma) from Close Combat, which would cause a loss to Chople Porygon-Z. Stone Edge is slotted in to beat Volcarona and Volcanion. Poison Jab can be used instead to beat most Tapu Bulu sets as well as non-Kebia Berry Whimsicott with Moonblast. Ice Punch could also be considered, as it helps beat Garchomp consistently.

128 HP along with 116 Special Defense allows(delete) Urshifu the ability to live a Choice Specs Regieleki Thunder, as well as a Hyper Beam from Modest Choice Scarf Porygon-Z, while also conveniently surviving Adamant Scarf Haxorus's Close Combat. 200 Speed is used to outrun Modest Choice Specs Porygon-Z. 128 HP and 116 Special Defense EVs allow Urshifu-S to live Thunder from Choice Specs Regieleki, Hyper Beam from Modest Choice Scarf Porygon-Z, and Close Combat from Adamant Choice Scarf Haxorus. (Made the list consistent w/ "live X from Y" theme)The rest of the EVs are put into Attack. One can choose to remove all HP investment and run 184 Special Defense EVs,(comma) in exchange for more Attack. This gains more Attack and keeps the same matchups against Regieleki and Porygon-Z, while gaining more Attack, but it can only survive Close Combat from Jolly Scarf Haxorus instead.

Usage Tips
Against Substitute + Disable Dragapult and Will-oO(capitalize)-Wisp + Disable Spectrier sets, you should use Sucker Punch after an initial Wicked Blow,(comma) to avoid Wicked Blow being disabled. Besides Dragapult, most matchups involve using the super(space)effective move or Wicked Blow into Sucker Punch.

name: Bulky Chople Berry
move 1: Wicked Blow
move 2: Close Combat
move 3: Sucker Punch
move 4: Bulk Up / Counter
item: Chople Berry
ability: Unseen Fist
nature: Impish
evs: 96 HP / 172 Atk / 240 Def

Set Description
Bulky Chople Berry Urshifu-S has a niche in beating Galarian Darmanitan, a Pokemon Urshifu-S normally struggles against, while gaining new matchups (Presumably you mean "good" matchups, but this needs to be more specific since "matchup" by itself isn't informative here) with its massive bulk investment. The moves used are generally the same as most Urshifu-S sets, being Wicked Blow, Close Combat,(comma) and Sucker Punch, along withand Bulk Up. Bulk Up allows Urshifu-S to perform its usual stallbreaking duties, easily dealing with Galarian Corsola, Chansey, Corviknight, and Registeel,(comma) while granting extra security in matchups versus Pokemon such as Landorus-Therian and Rhyperior. Counter gives Urshifu-S the option to play defensively as an offensive Pokemon, easily tanking attacks such as Choice Band Pheromosa's High Jump Kick, Adamant Choice Scarf Haxorus's Close Combat (even if Unnerve disallows the Berry from being eaten), and Assault Vest Arcanine's Play Rough, delivering a devastating Counter afterwards.

The Defense and HP investment allows Urshifu-S to survive a Choice Band Galarian Darmanitan's Giga Impact, with all remaining EVs going into Attack.

An alternative spread of 252 Atk / 4 SpD / 252 Spe with a Jolly nature and the moves Wicked Blow / Close Combat / Sucker Punch / Bulk Up can be used instead for a more reliable matchup against opposing Urshifu (should this be -S? or intentionally referring to both), Sawk, and non-Choice Scarf Porygon-Z.

Usage Tips
Bulky Chople Berry is a fairly straightforward set. Wicked Blow is an excellent move to use on Pokemon that you (you only refers to the battler; we can't attack) can't be hit super(space)effectively otherwise, in addition to dealing heavy damage to Sturdy pokemonusers like Magnezone, Aggron and Crustle, matchups where using Close Combat could lose. Close Combat should be used on Pokemon that Urshifu-S OHKOesyou would OHKO with it, most notably Tyranitar. Sucker Punch is a good way to secure a win against opposing Custap Berry users and can force opponents like Nn(lowercase)on-Choice Specs Volcarona into terrifying 50/50coinflip scenarios. Bulk Up is used for general stallbreaking and for helping make making matchups easier to approach, while completely in particular beating denying (makes more sense, I think // "denying Pokemon" =/= denying them the win) Pokemon whothat rely on their own Counter to win, such as Chansey,(comma) and Rhyperior, as well as and Swampert. Counter can be slotted instead to more reliably win gain more reliable matchups against Choice Band Pheromosa, Choice Scarf users like Haxorus,(comma) and Play Rough Arcanine, and Dracovish, as well as Pokemon such as Choice Scarf Dracovish and Life Orb Rillaboom. Finally, it is worth noting that certain Dragapult sets may be running Substitute and+(plus) Disable;(semicolon), and thus,(comma) it is advisable to use Sucker Punch after using Wicked Blow to avoid Wicked Blow being disabled.

name: Custap Berry
move 1: Bulk Up
move 2: Wicked Blow
move 3: Reversal
move 4: Endure
item: Custap Berry
ability: Unseen Fist
nature: Adamant
evs: 168 HP / 192 Atk / 68 SpD / 80 Spe


Set Description
Custap Berry Urshifu-S's purpose is, generally speaking, as a lure set to catch players off guard. Its main allure is turning many unwinnable matchups into 50/50scoinflips, such as Choice Band Zeraora with Play Rough, Porygon-Z, and Celesteela. While giving up Sucker Punch can be detrimental, the addition of an extremely strong Reversal benefits itUrshifu-S greatly, OHKOing many threats at maximum power such as Zeraora,(comma) as well as Regidrago, Volcanion, most Celesteela, and Garchomp.(period), though its application is not limited to these threats. ("such as" already explains that these aren't the only threats it OHKOes) Endure is an absolute staple on all Custap Berry sets in 1v1 for its ability to guarantee the Berry's activation.

The Special Defense EVs in conjunction with 168 HP EVs allow Urshifu-S to live an Air Slash from non-Choice Specs Celesteela,(comma) while the Defense lets it live a Choice Scarf Dracovish Fishious Rend. (Unless I'm misunderstanding, there's no Defense investment in this set)The Speed investment has Urshifu-S outpace Adamant base 75 Speed Pokemon such as Dracovish and Dracozolt. All extra EVs go into Attack.

Usage Tips
Most of the time, you will want to use Endure on incoming big hits, such as Draco Meteor from Choice Specs Dragapult, Hyper Beam from Porygon-Z, and Superpower or Giga Impact from Galarian Darmanitan. ("X from Y" theme) Porygon-Z's Hyper Beam, and Galarian Darmanitan's Superpower or Giga Impact. Urshifu-S has a massive advantage in that the only way for foes to prevent the Custap Berry's activation is with priority or their own Endure, since itsUrshifu-S's ability, Unseen Fist, allows it to bypass all forms of protection. Thus, it breaks through Pokemon such as Life Orb Kartana and Life Orb Dracovish,(comma), both carrying which carry Protect for other Custap Berry users. Bulk Up secures core matchups such as Assault Vest Swampert, Registeel, Corviknight, Rhyperior, and Steelix, among others. As a final note, Substitute + Disable Dragapult sets can attempt to Disableneutralize (can't use moves as a verb + changing to "disable" would still be awkward) Wicked Blow, which should be countered by using Endure on Turn 2.

name: Choice Band
move 1: Wicked Blow
move 2: Close Combat
move 3: Sucker Punch
move 4: Fling / Ice Punch
item: Choice Band
ability: Unseen Fist
nature: Adamant / Jolly
evs: 252 Atk / 4 SpD / 252 Spe


Set Description
Choice Band Urshifu-S hits with only slightly less force than a speeding freight train. It can defeat many frail Pokemon with a single Sucker Punch, with the most notable one being Regieleki. Fling is used in the last moveslot to deal with Disable shenanigans from Dragapult and Spectrier, bypassing them by using Fling into Wicked Blow. Ice Punch instead is usable to defeat unusually bulky variants offor Garchomp.(period), defeating variants that are unusually bulky.

Maximum Speed is used to outrun base 80 Speed Pokemon at minimum, such as Venusaur and Regidrago.(period), with max Attack to deal as much damage as possible. The choice of nature depends on if you need Urshifu-S to either outspeed base 95 Speed Pokemon, most notably non-Choice Scarf Tapu Lele and Choice Band Galarian Darmanitan, or if you needuse the raw power to OHKO threats like Landorus-T with Wicked Blow.(period) such as Landorus-Therian. (rephrased to make it not seem like landot has wicked blow)

Usage Tips
Use the super effective move,(comma) or Wicked Blow on neutral targets like Landorus-T, Volcanion, and Regidrago. For Regieleki, use Sucker Punch to OHKO most variants. Use Fling if your opponent has are fighting a Dragapult and you suspect it is not offensive but instead a Substitute + Disable variant; Fling may also be used versus Sturdy Pokemon such as Magnezone, Aggron, and Crustle. As for usage, Choice Band Urshifu-S is a good choice into teams whose main way of dispatching offensive threats is with a bulky wall, such as Registeel or Chansey.

name: Choice Scarf
move 1: Wicked Blow
move 2: Close Combat
move 3: Fire Punch / Fling
move 4: Ice Punch / Stone Edge / Poison Jab / Bulk Up
item: Choice Scarf
ability: Unseen Fist
nature: Jolly
evs: 252 Atk / 4 SpD / 252 Spe


Set Description
Choice Scarf Urshifu-S outspeeds the entire offensive metagame, excluding opposing Choice Scarfers and Regieleki. This lets it catch certain Pokemon, such as Dragapult,(comma) by surprise, smashing it with a very swift Wicked Blow, while Close Combat OHKOe(add)s Galarian Darmanitan cleanly. Choice Scarf Urshifu-S has a nice amount of variety in its final two moveslots; as a third move, Fire Punch melts Ferrothorn and Pheromosa, but Fling can be used instead in matchups where not being Choice-(hyphen)locked would be very helpful, such as Corviknight and Registeel. Fling is best used with Bulk Up in the last moveslot since it retains Urshifu-S's immensely useful ability to break stall Pokemon. In the final moveslot, Ice Punch easily shatters Landorus (should this be -T? ignore if intentional) and Garchomp, Stone Edge clobbers Volcarona, and Poison Jab deals with non-Kebia Berry variants of Whimsicott carrying Moonblast.

EVs are completely maxed out in Attack and Speed in order to hit as hard and fast as possible, with a Jolly nature making matchups such as Pheromosa and Volcarona very reliablefavorable.

Usage Tips

Use the super effective move. Choice Scarf Urshifu does well into teams where the opponent's foe's counter to offensive Pokemon is another offensive Pokemon, most notably taking advantage of people who tend to run Choice Scarf Galarian Darmanitan or Dragapult to fulfill this role. Occasionally, you may need to use Fling versus stall Pokemon like Galarian Corsola, Chansey, Corviknight, and Registeel and use Bulk Up afterward if slotted.


Other Options
Life Orb Urshifu can be used with a 252 Atk / 4 SpD / 252 Spe EV spread, an Adamant nature,(comma) and Wicked Blow / Close Combat / Sucker Punch / Bulk Up to defeat most Rillaboom. Wicked Blow 2HKOe(add)s SubSeed Rillaboom,(comma) while Wicked Blow + Sucker Punch 2HKOes Life Orb Rillaboom.

- Written by: [[zo, 249890]]
- Quality checked by: [[doc1203, 526135], [Itchy, 518399]]
- Grammar checked by: [[username1, userid1], [username2, userid2]]
Last edited:
amgp check, implement what you want. make sure you edit out stuff like (comma) when implementing a check.

e: i forgot two sections and did some stuff wrong im sorry LOL
add remove comment
ac = add comma, rc = remove comma, ap = add period

name: Assault Vest
move 1: Wicked Blow
move 2: Superpower
move 3: Sucker Punch
move 4: Stone Edge / Poison Jab / Ice Punch
item: Assault Vest
ability: Unseen Fist
nature: Adamant
evs: 128 HP / 64 Atk / 116 SpD / 200 Spe

Set Description
Assault Vest Urshifu-S is quite the menace on the battlefield, performing feats such as surviving a Draco Meteor from Choice Specs Naganadel. In general, Assault Vest is used to help Urshifu-S counter Pokemon such as Porygon-Z, Regieleki, Cresselia, and Naganadel (ac) while granting it Urshifu-S more general reliability versus Pokemon that can adapt to its other movesets, like Spectrier and Dragapult. Superpower is used instead of Close Combat to avoid the Special Defense drop, (comma) <- remove the actual (comma), not the comma which would cause a loss to Chople Porygon-Z. Stone Edge is slotted in to beat Volcarona and Volcanion. Poison Jab can be used instead to beat most Tapu Bulu sets as well as non-Kebia Berry Whimsicott with Moonblast. Ice Punch could also be considered, as it helps beat Garchomp consistently.

128 HP and 116 Special Defense EVs allow Urshifu-S to live Thunder from Choice Specs Regieleki, Hyper Beam from Modest Choice Scarf Porygon-Z, and Close Combat from Adamant Choice Scarf Haxorus. The rest of the EVs are put into Attack. One can choose to remove all HP investment and run 184 Special Defense EVs in exchange for more Attack. This gains more Attack and (repetitive; reader should have known this from the previous sentence) keeps the same matchups against Regieleki and Porygon-Z, but it can only survive Close Combat from Jolly Scarf Haxorus instead.

Usage Tips
Against Substitute + Disable Dragapult and Will-O-Wisp + Disable Spectrier sets, it is recommended to you should (I'm generally unfamiliar with this section of an analysis, but I don't think using 2nd person POV is permitted?) use Sucker Punch after an initial Wicked Blow to avoid Wicked Blow being disabled. Besides Dragapult, most matchups involve using the super effective move or Wicked Blow into Sucker Punch.

name: Bulky Chople Berry
move 1: Wicked Blow
move 2: Close Combat
move 3: Sucker Punch
move 4: Bulk Up / Counter
item: Chople Berry
ability: Unseen Fist
nature: Impish
evs: 96 HP / 172 Atk / 240 Def

Set Description
Bulky Chople Berry Urshifu-S has a niche in beating Galarian Darmanitan, a Pokemon Urshifu-S normally struggles against, while gaining new good matchups with its massive bulk investment. The moves used are generally the same as most Urshifu-S sets, being Wicked Blow, Close Combat, Sucker Punch, and Bulk Up. Bulk Up allows Urshifu-S to perform its usual stallbreaking duties, easily dealing with Galarian Corsola, Chansey, Corviknight, and Registeel (rc) while granting extra security in matchups versus Pokemon such as Landorus-T and Rhyperior. Counter gives Urshifu-S the option to play defensively as an offensive Pokemon, easily tanking attacks such as Choice Band Pheromosa's High Jump Kick, Adamant Choice Scarf Haxorus's Close Combat&mdash;even if Unnerve disallows the Berry from being eaten&mdash; (even if Unnerve disallows the Berry from being eaten), and Assault Vest Arcanine's Play Rough, delivering a devastating Counter afterwards.

The Defense and HP investment allow allows Urshifu-S to survive Choice Band Galarian Darmanitan's Giga Impact, with all the remaining EVs going into Attack.

An alternative spread of 252 Atk / 4 SpD / 252 Spe with a Jolly nature and the moves Wicked Blow / Close Combat / Sucker Punch / Bulk Up can be used instead for a more reliable matchup against opposing Urshifu, Sawk, and non-Choice Scarf Porygon-Z.

Usage Tips
Bulky Chople Berry is a fairly straightforward set. Wicked Blow is an excellent move to use on Pokemon that can't be hit super effectively otherwise, in addition to dealing heavy damage to Sturdy users like Magnezone, Aggron, (ac) and Crustle, matchups where using Close Combat could lose. Close Combat should be used on Pokemon that Urshifu-S OHKOes with it, most notably Tyranitar. Sucker Punch is a good way to secure a win against opposing Custap Berry users and can force opponents like non-Choice Specs Volcarona into terrifying coinflip scenarios. Bulk Up is used for general stallbreaking and making matchups easier to approach, (ac) in particular beating Pokemon that rely on Counter to win, such as Chansey, Rhyperior, and Swampert. Counter can be slotted instead to more reliably win matchups against Choice Band Pheromosa, Choice Scarf users like Haxorus, (comma) <- remove this Play Rough Arcanine, and Dracovish, and Life Orb Rillaboom. Finally, it is worth noting that certain Dragapult sets may be running Substitute + Disable; thus,(comma) it is advisable to use Sucker Punch after using Wicked Blow to avoid Wicked Blow being disabled.

name: Custap Berry
move 1: Bulk Up
move 2: Wicked Blow
move 3: Reversal
move 4: Endure
item: Custap Berry
ability: Unseen Fist
nature: Adamant
evs: 168 HP / 192 Atk / 68 SpD / 80 Spe


Set Description
Custap Berry Urshifu-S's purpose is, generally speaking, a lure set to catch players off guard. Its main allure is turning many unwinnable matchups into coinflips, such as Choice Band Zeraora with Play Rough, Porygon-Z, and Celesteela. While giving up Sucker Punch can be detrimental, the addition of an extremely strong Reversal benefits Urshifu-S greatly, OHKOing many threats at maximum power like Zeraora, Regidrago, Volcanion, most Celesteela sets, and Garchomp. Endure is an absolute staple on all Custap Berry sets in 1v1 for its ability to guarantee the Berry's activation.

The Special Defense EVs in conjunction with 168 HP EVs allow Urshifu-S to live Air Slash from non-Choice Specs Celesteela while the HP also lets it live Choice Scarf Dracovish's Fishious Rend. The Speed investment lets has Urshifu-S outpace Adamant base 75 Speed Pokemon such as Dracovish and Dracozolt. All extra EVs go into Attack.

Usage Tips
Most of the time, Endure will want to be used you will want to use Endure on incoming big hits, such as Draco Meteor from Choice Specs Dragapult, Hyper Beam from Porygon-Z, and Superpower or Giga Impact from Galarian Darmanitan. Urshifu-S has a massive advantage in that the only way for foes to prevent the Custap Berry's activation is with priority or their own Endure, since Urshifu-S's ability, Unseen Fist, allows it to bypass all forms of protection. Thus, it breaks through Pokemon such as Life Orb Kartana and Life Orb Dracovish, which carry Protect for other Custap Berry users. Bulk Up secures core matchups such as Assault Vest Swampert, Registeel, Corviknight, Rhyperior, and Steelix, among others. As a final note, Substitute + Disable Dragapult sets can attempt to neutralize Wicked Blow, which should be countered by using Endure on Turn 2.

name: Choice Band
move 1: Wicked Blow
move 2: Close Combat
move 3: Sucker Punch
move 4: Fling / Ice Punch
item: Choice Band
ability: Unseen Fist
nature: Adamant / Jolly
evs: 252 Atk / 4 SpD / 252 Spe


Set Description
Choice Band Urshifu-S hits with only slightly less force than a speeding freight train. It can defeat many frail Pokemon with a single Sucker Punch, with the most notable one being Regieleki. Fling is used in the last moveslot to deal with Disable shenanigans from Dragapult and Spectrier by using it followed by Fling into Wicked Blow. Ice Punch can be used instead is usable to defeat unusually bulky variants of Garchomp.

Maximum Speed is used to outrun base 80 Speed Pokemon at minimum, such as Venusaur and Regidrago.(period) The choice of nature depends on if you need Urshifu-S needs to either outspeed base 95 Speed Pokemon, most notably non-Choice Scarf Tapu Lele and Choice Band Galarian Darmanitan, or use the raw power to OHKO threats like Landorus-T with Wicked Blow.

Usage Tips
Use the super effective move, or Wicked Blow on neutral targets like Landorus-T, Volcanion, and Regidrago. For Regieleki, use Sucker Punch to OHKO most variants. Use Fling if your opponent has a Dragapult and you suspect it is a Substitute + Disable variant; Fling may also be used versus Sturdy Pokemon such as Magnezone, Aggron, and Crustle. As for usage, Choice Band Urshifu-S is a good choice into teams whose main way of dispatching offensive threats is with a bulky wall, such as Registeel or Chansey.

name: Choice Scarf
move 1: Wicked Blow
move 2: Close Combat
move 3: Fire Punch / Fling
move 4: Ice Punch / Stone Edge / Poison Jab / Bulk Up
item: Choice Scarf
ability: Unseen Fist
nature: Jolly
evs: 252 Atk / 4 SpD / 252 Spe


Set Description
Choice Scarf Urshifu-S outspeeds the entire offensive metagame, excluding opposing Choice Scarf users Scarfers and Regieleki. This lets it catch certain Pokemon, such as Dragapult,(comma) (same deal as before) by surprise, smashing them it with a very swift Wicked Blow, while Close Combat OHKOe(add)s Galarian Darmanitan cleanly. Choice Scarf Urshifu-S has a nice amount of variety in its final two moveslots; as a third move, Fire Punch melts Ferrothorn and Pheromosa, but Fling can be used instead in matchups where not being Choice-(hyphen)locked would be very helpful, such as Corviknight and Registeel. Fling is best used with Bulk Up in the last moveslot since it retains Urshifu-S's immensely useful ability to break stall Pokemon. In the final moveslot, Ice Punch easily shatters Landorus-T and Garchomp, Stone Edge clobbers Volcarona, and Poison Jab deals with non-Kebia Berry variants of Whimsicott carrying Moonblast.

EVs are completely maxed out in Attack and Speed in order to hit as hard and fast as possible, with a Jolly nature making matchups such as Pheromosa and Volcarona very favorable.

Usage Tips

Use the super effective move. (i mean, this is fairly obvious, no?) Choice Scarf Urshifu does well into teams where the opponent's counter to offensive Pokemon is another offensive Pokemon, most notably taking advantage of people who tend to run Choice Scarf Galarian Darmanitan or Dragapult to fulfill this role. Occasionally, Fling might have to be used you may need to use Fling versus stall Pokemon like Galarian Corsola, Chansey, Corviknight, and Registeel so that Bulk Up can be used and use Bulk Up afterward if slotted.


Other Options
Life Orb Urshifu can be used with a 252 Atk / 4 SpD / 252 Spe EV spread, an Adamant nature, (added space here) and Wicked Blow / Close Combat / Sucker Punch / Bulk Up to defeat most Rillaboom. Wicked Blow 2HKOes SubSeed Rillaboom, while Wicked Blow + Sucker Punch 2HKOes Life Orb Rillaboom.

- Written by: [[zo, 249890]]
- Quality checked by: [[doc1203, 526135], [Itchy, 518399]]
- Grammar checked by: [[username1, userid1], [username2, userid2]]
Last edited:
you thought it was an official GP check, but it is i, yet another amchecker!
implement what you want, add remove (comment) (AC) = add comma

name: Assault Vest
move 1: Wicked Blow
move 2: Superpower
move 3: Sucker Punch
move 4: Stone Edge / Poison Jab / Ice Punch
item: Assault Vest
ability: Unseen Fist
nature: Adamant
evs: 128 HP / 64 Atk / 116 SpD / 200 Spe

Set Description
Assault Vest Urshifu-S is quite the menace on the battlefield, capable of performing feats such as surviving a Draco Meteor from Choice Specs Naganadel. In general, Assault Vest is used to help Urshifu-S counter Pokemon such as Porygon-Z, Regieleki, Cresselia, and Naganadel, (AC) while granting Urshifu-S more general reliability versus Pokemon that can adapt to its other movesets, like Spectrier and Dragapult. Superpower is used instead of Close Combat to avoid the Special Defense drop, which would cause a loss to Chople Berry Porygon-Z. Stone Edge is slotted in to beat Volcarona and Volcanion. Poison Jab can be used instead to beat most Tapu Bulu sets, (AC) as well as non-Kebia Berry Whimsicott with Moonblast. Ice Punch could also be considered, as it helps beat Garchomp consistently.

128 HP and 116 Special Defense EVs allow Urshifu-S to live Thunder from Choice Specs Regieleki, Hyper Beam from Modest Choice Scarf Porygon-Z, and Close Combat from Adamant Choice Scarf Haxorus. The rest of the EVs are put into Attack. One can choose to remove all HP investment and run 184 Special Defense EVs in exchange for more Attack. This keeps the same matchups against Regieleki and Porygon-Z, but it can only survive Close Combat from Jolly Choice Scarf Haxorus instead.

Usage Tips
Against Substitute + Disable Dragapult and Will-O-Wisp + Disable Spectrier sets, it is recommended to use Sucker Punch after an initial Wicked Blow to avoid Wicked Blow being disabled. Besides Dragapult, most matchups involve using the super effective move or Wicked Blow into Sucker Punch.

name: Bulky Chople Berry
move 1: Wicked Blow
move 2: Close Combat
move 3: Sucker Punch
move 4: Bulk Up / Counter
item: Chople Berry
ability: Unseen Fist
nature: Impish
evs: 96 HP / 172 Atk / 240 Def

Set Description
Bulky Chople Berry Urshifu-S has a niche in beating Galarian Darmanitan, a Pokemon Urshifu-S normally struggles against, while gaining good favorable matchups with its massive bulk investment. The moves used are generally the same as most Urshifu-S sets, being Wicked Blow, Close Combat, Sucker Punch, and Bulk Up. Bulk Up allows Urshifu-S to perform its usual stallbreaking duties, easily dealing with Galarian Corsola, Chansey, Corviknight, and Registeel, (AC) (commas should be used before while) while granting extra security in matchups versus Pokemon such as Landorus-T and Rhyperior. Counter gives Urshifu-S the option to play defensively as an offensive Pokemon, easily tanking attacks such as Choice Band Pheromosa's High Jump Kick, Adamant Choice Scarf Haxorus's Close Combat, even if Unnerve disallows the Berry from being eaten, and Assault Vest Arcanine's Play Rough, delivering a devastating Counter afterwards.

The Defense and HP investment allow Urshifu-S to survive Choice Band Galarian Darmanitan's Giga Impact, with all of the remaining EVs going into Attack.

An alternative spread of 252 Atk / 4 SpD / 252 Spe with a Jolly nature and the moves Wicked Blow / Close Combat / Sucker Punch / Bulk Up can be used instead for a more reliable matchup against opposing Urshifu, Sawk, and non-Choice Scarf Porygon-Z.

Usage Tips
Bulky Chople Berry is a fairly straightforward set. Wicked Blow is an excellent move to use on Pokemon that can't be hit super effectively otherwise, in addition to dealing heavy damage to Sturdy users like Magnezone, Aggron, and Crustle, matchups where using Close Combat could lose. Close Combat should be used on Pokemon that Urshifu-S OHKOes with it, most notably Tyranitar. Sucker Punch is a good way to secure a win against opposing Custap Berry users, (AC) and can force opponents like non-Choice Specs Volcarona into terrifying coinflip scenarios. Bulk Up is used for general stallbreaking and making matchups easier to approach, in particular beating Pokemon that rely on Counter to win, such as Chansey, Rhyperior, and Swampert. Counter can be slotted instead to more reliably win matchups against Choice Band Pheromosa, Choice Scarf users like Haxorus, Play Rough Arcanine, and Dracovish, and Life Orb Rillaboom. Finally, it is worth noting that certain Dragapult sets may be running Substitute + Disable; thus, it is advisable to use Sucker Punch after using Wicked Blow to avoid Wicked Blow being disabled.

name: Custap Berry
move 1: Bulk Up
move 2: Wicked Blow
move 3: Reversal
move 4: Endure
item: Custap Berry
ability: Unseen Fist
nature: Adamant
evs: 168 HP / 192 Atk / 68 SpD / 80 Spe


Set Description
Custap Berry Urshifu-S's purpose is, generally speaking, a lure set to catch players off guard. Its main allure is turning many unwinnable matchups into coinflips, such as Choice Band Zeraora with Play Rough, Porygon-Z, and Celesteela. While giving up Sucker Punch can be detrimental, the addition of an extremely strong Reversal benefits Urshifu-S greatly, OHKOing many threats at maximum power like Zeraora, Regidrago, Volcanion, most Celesteela sets, and Garchomp. Endure is an absolute staple on all Custap Berry sets in 1v1 for its ability to guarantee the Berry's activation.

The Special Defense EVs in conjunction with 168 HP EVs allow Urshifu-S to live Air Slash from non-Choice Specs Celesteela while the HP lets it live Choice Scarf Dracovish's Fishious Rend. The Speed investment lets Urshifu-S outpace Adamant base 75 Speed Pokemon such as Dracovish and Dracozolt. All extra EVs go into Attack.

Usage Tips
Most of the time, Endure will want to should be used on incoming big hits, such as Draco Meteor from Choice Specs Dragapult, Hyper Beam from Porygon-Z, and Superpower or Giga Impact from Galarian Darmanitan. Urshifu-S has a massive advantage in that the only way for foes to prevent the Custap Berry's activation is with priority or their own Endure, since Urshifu-S's ability, Unseen Fist, allows it to bypass all forms of protection. Thus, it breaks through Pokemon such as Life Orb Kartana and Life Orb Dracovish, which carry Protect for other Custap Berry users. Bulk Up secures core matchups such as Assault Vest Swampert, Registeel, Corviknight, Rhyperior, and Steelix, among others. Substitute + Disable Dragapult sets can attempt to neutralize Wicked Blow, which should be countered by using Endure on Turn 2.

name: Choice Band
move 1: Wicked Blow
move 2: Close Combat
move 3: Sucker Punch
move 4: Fling / Ice Punch
item: Choice Band
ability: Unseen Fist
nature: Adamant / Jolly
evs: 252 Atk / 4 SpD / 252 Spe


Set Description
Choice Band Urshifu-S hits with only slightly less force than a speeding freight train. It can defeat many frail Pokemon with a single Sucker Punch, with the most notable one being Regieleki. Fling is used in the last moveslot to deal with Disable shenanigans from Dragapult and Spectrier by using it followed by Wicked Blow. Ice Punch can be used instead to defeat unusually bulky variants of Garchomp.

Maximum Speed is used to outrun base 80 Speed Pokemon at minimum, such as Venusaur and Regidrago. The choice of nature depends on whether Urshifu-S needs to either outspeed base 95 Speed Pokemon, most notably non-Choice Scarf Tapu Lele and Choice Band Galarian Darmanitan, or use the raw power to OHKO threats like Landorus-T with Wicked Blow.

Usage Tips
Use either the super effective move (RC) or Wicked Blow on neutral targets like Landorus-T, Volcanion, and Regidrago. For Regieleki, use Sucker Punch to OHKO most variants. Use Fling if your opponent has a Dragapult and you suspect it is a Substitute + Disable variant; Fling may also be used versus Sturdy Pokemon such as Magnezone, Aggron, and Crustle. As for usage, Choice Band Urshifu-S is a good choice into teams whose main way of dispatching offensive threats is with a bulky wall, such as Registeel or Chansey.

name: Choice Scarf
move 1: Wicked Blow
move 2: Close Combat
move 3: Fire Punch / Fling
move 4: Ice Punch / Stone Edge / Poison Jab / Bulk Up
item: Choice Scarf
ability: Unseen Fist
nature: Jolly
evs: 252 Atk / 4 SpD / 252 Spe


Set Description
Choice Scarf Urshifu-S outspeeds the entire offensive metagame, excluding opposing Choice Scarf users and Regieleki. This lets it catch certain Pokemon, such as Dragapult, by surprise, smashing them with a very swift Wicked Blow, while Close Combat OHKOes Galarian Darmanitan cleanly. Choice Scarf Urshifu-S has a nice amount of variety in its final two moveslots; as a third move, Fire Punch melts Ferrothorn and Pheromosa, but Fling can be used instead in matchups where not being Choice-locked would be very helpful, such as Corviknight and Registeel. Fling is best used with Bulk Up in the last moveslot since it retains Urshifu-S's immensely useful ability to break stall Pokemon. In the final moveslot, Ice Punch easily shatters Landorus-T and Garchomp, Stone Edge clobbers Volcarona, and Poison Jab deals with non-Kebia Berry variants of Whimsicott carrying Moonblast.

EVs are completely maxed out in Attack and Speed EVs are maxed out in order to hit as hard and fast as possible, with a Jolly nature making matchups such as Pheromosa and Volcarona very favorable.

Usage Tips

Choice Scarf Urshifu does well into teams where the opponent's counter to offensive Pokemon is another offensive Pokemon, most notably taking advantage of people who tend to run Choice Scarf Galarian Darmanitan or Dragapult to fulfill this role. Occasionally, Fling might have to be versus stall Pokemon like Galarian Corsola, Chansey, Corviknight, and Registeel so that Bulk Up can be used afterward if slotted.


Other Options
Life Orb Urshifu can be used with a 252 Atk / 4 SpD / 252 Spe EV spread, an Adamant nature, and Wicked Blow / Close Combat / Sucker Punch / Bulk Up to defeat most Rillaboom. Wicked Blow 2HKOes SubSeed Rillaboom, while Wicked Blow + Sucker Punch 2HKOes Life Orb Rillaboom.

- Written by: [[zo, 249890]]
- Quality checked by: [[doc1203, 526135], [Itchy, 518399]]
- Grammar checked by: [[username1, userid1], [username2, userid2]]
GP 2/2, stamping Isaiah's check

name: Assault Vest
move 1: Wicked Blow
move 2: Superpower
move 3: Sucker Punch
move 4: Stone Edge / Poison Jab / Ice Punch
item: Assault Vest
ability: Unseen Fist
nature: Adamant
evs: 128 HP / 64 Atk / 116 SpD / 200 Spe

Set Description
Assault Vest Urshifu-S performs feats is quite the menace on the battlefield, performing feats such as surviving a Draco Meteor from Choice Specs Naganadel. Assault Vest also lets In general, Assault Vest is used to help Urshifu-S counter Pokemon such as Porygon-Z, Regieleki, Cresselia, and Naganadel (rc) while granting Urshifu-S more general reliability versus Pokemon that can adapt to its other movesets, like Spectrier and Dragapult. Superpower is used instead of Close Combat to avoid the Special Defense drop, which would make Urshifu-S lose to Chople Berry Porygon-Z. (comma) which would cause a loss to Chople Porygon-Z. Stone Edge lets Urshifu-S is slotted in to beat Volcarona and Volcanion. Poison Jab can be used instead to beat most Tapu Bulu sets as well as non-Kebia Berry Whimsicott with Moonblast. Ice Punch could also be considered, as it helps Urshifu-S beat Garchomp consistently.

128 HP and 116 Special Defense EVs allow Urshifu-S to survive live Thunder from Choice Specs Regieleki, Hyper Beam from Modest Choice Scarf Porygon-Z, and Close Combat from Adamant Choice Scarf Haxorus. The rest of the EVs are put into Attack. One can choose to remove all HP investment and run 184 Special Defense EVs in exchange for more Attack. This gains more Attack and keeps the same matchups against Regieleki and Porygon-Z, but it can only survive Close Combat from Jolly Scarf Haxorus instead.

Usage Tips
Against Substitute + Disable Dragapult and Will-O-Wisp + Disable Spectrier sets, you should use Sucker Punch after an initial Wicked Blow to avoid Wicked Blow being disabled. Besides Dragapult, most matchups involve using the super effective move or Wicked Blow into Sucker Punch.

name: Bulky Chople Berry
move 1: Wicked Blow
move 2: Close Combat
move 3: Sucker Punch
move 4: Bulk Up / Counter
item: Chople Berry
ability: Unseen Fist
nature: Impish
evs: 96 HP / 172 Atk / 240 Def

Set Description
Bulky Chople Berry Urshifu-S has a niche in beating Galarian Darmanitan, a Pokemon Urshifu-S normally struggles against, all while gaining new positive matchups with its massive bulk investment. The moves used are generally the same as most Urshifu-S sets, being Wicked Blow, Close Combat, Sucker Punch, and Bulk Up. Bulk Up allows Urshifu-S to perform its usual stallbreaking duties, easily dealing with Galarian Corsola, Chansey, Corviknight, and Registeel,(comma) (remove the comma and the (comma)) while granting extra security in matchups versus Pokemon such as Landorus-T and Rhyperior. Counter gives Urshifu-S the option to play defensively as an offensive Pokemon, easily tanking attacks such as Choice Band Pheromosa's High Jump Kick, Adamant Choice Scarf Haxorus's Close Combat&mdash;even if Unnerve prevents the Berry from being eaten&mdash; (even if Unnerve disallows the Berry from being eaten), and Assault Vest Arcanine's Play Rough, delivering a devastating Counter afterwards.

The Defense and HP investment allows Urshifu-S to survive Choice Band Galarian Darmanitan's Giga Impact, with all remaining EVs going into Attack. An alternative spread of 252 Atk / 4 SpD / 252 Spe with a Jolly nature and the moves Wicked Blow / Close Combat / Sucker Punch / Bulk Up can be used instead for a more reliable matchup against opposing Urshifu, Sawk, and non-Choice Scarf Porygon-Z. (combined into one paragraph)

Usage Tips
Bulky Chople Berry is a fairly straightforward set. Wicked Blow is an excellent move to use on Pokemon that can't be hit super effectively otherwise, in addition to dealing heavy damage to Sturdy users like Magnezone, Aggron, (ac) and Crustle, matchups where using Close Combat could lose. Close Combat should be used on Pokemon that Urshifu-S OHKOes with it, most notably Tyranitar. Sucker Punch is a good way to secure a win against opposing Custap Berry users and can force foes opponents like non-Choice Specs Volcarona into terrifying coinflip scenarios. Bulk Up is used for general stallbreaking and making matchups easier to approach, (ac) in particular beating Pokemon that rely on Counter to win, such as Chansey, Rhyperior, and Swampert. Counter can be used slotted instead to more reliably win matchups against Choice Band Pheromosa, Choice Scarf users like Haxorus,(comma) (remove the (comma)) Play Rough Arcanine, and Dracovish, and Life Orb Rillaboom. It is Finally, it is worth noting that certain Dragapult sets may be running Substitute + Disable; thus,(comma) (see above) it is advisable to use Sucker Punch after using Wicked Blow to avoid Wicked Blow being disabled.

name: Custap Berry
move 1: Bulk Up
move 2: Wicked Blow
move 3: Reversal
move 4: Endure
item: Custap Berry
ability: Unseen Fist
nature: Adamant
evs: 168 HP / 192 Atk / 68 SpD / 80 Spe


Set Description
Custap Berry Urshifu-S's purpose is, generally speaking, a lure set to catch players off guard. Its main allure is turning many unwinnable matchups into coinflips, such as Choice Band Zeraora with Play Rough, Porygon-Z, and Celesteela. While giving up Sucker Punch can be detrimental, the addition of an extremely strong Reversal benefits Urshifu-S greatly, OHKOing many threats at maximum power like Zeraora, Regidrago, Volcanion, most Celesteela, and Garchomp. Endure is an absolute staple on all Custap Berry sets in 1v1 for its ability to guarantee the Berry's activation.

The Special Defense EVs in conjunction with 168 HP EVs allow Urshifu-S to survive live Air Slash from non-Choice Specs Celesteela while the HP also lets it survive live Choice Scarf Dracovish's Fishious Rend. The Speed investment has Urshifu-S outpace Adamant base 75 Speed Pokemon such as Dracovish and Dracozolt. All extra EVs go into Attack.

Usage Tips
Most of the time, you will want to use Endure on incoming big hits, such as Draco Meteor from Choice Specs Dragapult, Hyper Beam from Porygon-Z, and Superpower or Giga Impact from Galarian Darmanitan. Urshifu-S has a massive advantage in that the only way for foes to prevent the Custap Berry's activation is with priority or their own Endure, since Urshifu-S's ability, Unseen Fist, allows it to bypass all forms of protection. Thus, it breaks through Pokemon such as Life Orb Kartana and Life Orb Dracovish, which carry Protect for other Custap Berry users. Bulk Up secures core matchups such as Assault Vest Swampert, Registeel, Corviknight, Rhyperior, and Steelix, among others. As a final note, Substitute + Disable Dragapult sets can attempt to neutralize Wicked Blow, which should be countered by using Endure on turn Turn 2.

name: Choice Band
move 1: Wicked Blow
move 2: Close Combat
move 3: Sucker Punch
move 4: Fling / Ice Punch
item: Choice Band
ability: Unseen Fist
nature: Adamant / Jolly
evs: 252 Atk / 4 SpD / 252 Spe


Set Description
Choice Band Urshifu-S hits very hard, being able to with only slightly less force than a speeding freight train. It can defeat many frail Pokemon with a single Sucker Punch, with the most notable one being Regieleki. Fling is used in the last moveslot to deal with Disable shenanigans from Dragapult and Spectrier by using Fling into Wicked Blow. Ice Punch can be used instead is usable to defeat unusually bulky variants of Garchomp.

Maximum Speed is used to outrun base 80 Speed Pokemon at minimum, such as Venusaur and Regidrago.(period) (remove the (period)) The choice of nature depends on if you need Urshifu-S to either outspeed base 95 Speed Pokemon, most notably non-Choice Scarf Tapu Lele and Choice Band Galarian Darmanitan, or use the raw power to OHKO threats like Landorus-T with Wicked Blow.

Usage Tips
Use the super effective move, or use Wicked Blow on neutral targets like Landorus-T, Volcanion, and Regidrago. For Regieleki, use Sucker Punch to OHKO most variants. Use Fling if your opponent has a Dragapult and you suspect it is a Substitute + Disable variant; Fling may also be used versus Sturdy Pokemon such as Magnezone, Aggron, and Crustle. As for usage, Choice Band Urshifu-S is a good choice into teams whose main way of dispatching offensive threats is with a bulky wall, such as Registeel or Chansey.

name: Choice Scarf
move 1: Wicked Blow
move 2: Close Combat
move 3: Fire Punch / Fling
move 4: Ice Punch / Stone Edge / Poison Jab / Bulk Up
item: Choice Scarf
ability: Unseen Fist
nature: Jolly
evs: 252 Atk / 4 SpD / 252 Spe


Set Description
Choice Scarf Urshifu-S outspeeds the entire offensive metagame, excluding opposing Choice Scarf users Scarfers and Regieleki. This lets it catch certain Pokemon, such as Dragapult,(comma) (same as before) by surprise, smashing it with a very swift Wicked Blow, while Close Combat OHKOe(add)s Galarian Darmanitan cleanly. Choice Scarf Urshifu-S has a nice amount of variety in its final two moveslots; as a third move, Fire Punch melts Ferrothorn and Pheromosa, but Fling can be used instead in matchups where not being Choice-(hyphen)locked would be very helpful, such as against Corviknight and Registeel. Fling is best used with Bulk Up in the last moveslot since it retains Urshifu-S's immensely useful ability to break stall Pokemon. In the final moveslot, Ice Punch easily shatters Landorus-T and Garchomp, Stone Edge clobbers Volcarona, and Poison Jab deals with non-Kebia Berry variants of Whimsicott carrying Moonblast.

EVs are completely maxed out in Attack and Speed in order to hit as hard and fast as possible, with a Jolly nature making matchups such as Pheromosa and Volcarona very favorable.

Usage Tips

Use the super effective move. Choice Scarf Urshifu does well into teams where the opponent's counter to offensive Pokemon is another offensive Pokemon, most notably taking advantage of people who tend to run Choice Scarf Galarian Darmanitan or Dragapult to fulfill this role. Occasionally, you may need to use Fling versus stall Pokemon like Galarian Corsola, Chansey, Corviknight, and Registeel and use Bulk Up afterward if it's on the set. slotted.


Other Options
Life Orb Urshifu can be used with a 252 Atk / 4 SpD / 252 Spe EV spread, an Adamant nature, (added space)and Wicked Blow / Close Combat / Sucker Punch / Bulk Up to defeat most Rillaboom. Wicked Blow 2HKOes SubSeed Rillaboom, while Wicked Blow + Sucker Punch 2HKOes Life Orb Rillaboom.

- Written by: [[zo, 249890]]
- Quality checked by: [[doc1203, 526135], [Itchy, 518399]]
- Grammar checked by: [[Sulo, 528036], [Isaiah, 375662]]

GP Team done