OM [STABmons] Mudsdale

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Mudsdale @ Rocky Helmet
Ability: Stamina
EVs: 252 HP / 252 Def / 4 SpD
Impish Nature
- Shore Up
- Spikes
- Thousand Waves
- Body Press / Toxic

Mudsdale is in it for the long haul! Stamina and Shore Up to wall the majority of physical attackers in STABmons like Aerodactyl, Zeraora, Tyranitar, and Excadrill. Stamina is particularly good against multi-hit moves like Dragon Darts from Dracozolt and can stop Fire Lash Cinderace from easily wearing down Mudsdale. Due to the free turns it gets from sitting on physical attackers, Mudsdale finds ample opportunities to set up Spikes. Thousand Waves traps opponents and, when paired with Body Press or Toxic, ensures certain death for the opposing Pokemon. Body Press capitalizes on Stamina's Defense boosts, breaks past Ferrothorn, and damages Corviknight, while Toxic wears down potential switch-ins like Tornadus-T and opposing Mudsdale over time. Rocky Helmet is the final tool in Mudsdale's saddle that lets it wear down physical attackers like Aerodactyl and Cinderace easily. Mudsdale is a work horse against physical attackers, but can struggle a bit against special attackers like Rotom-W and Kyurem, so pairing it with a special wall like Assault Vest Toxapex or Blissey is preferable.

Want to see Mudsdale in action? Check it out in Other Metagames Premier League!
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Mudsdale finds an easy time setting multiple layers of Spikes against physical attackers with its Defense stat boosted and helps it gain progress against teams.
Not super into how this is written, maybe go like "due to the free turns it gets from sitting on physical attackers it can find ample opportunity to set up spikes "

Otherwise good, 1/1
add remove conjecture
Mudsdale @ Rocky Helmet
Ability: Stamina
EVs: 252 HP / 252 Def / 4 SpD
Impish Nature
- Shore Up
- Spikes
- Thousand Waves
- Body Press / Toxic

Mudsdale is in it for the long haul! with Stamina and Shore Up to wall the majority of physical attackers in STABmons like Aerodactyl, Zeraora, Tyranitar, and Excadrill. Stamina is particularly good against multi-hit moves like Dragon Darts from Dracozolt and can stop Fire Lash Cinderace from easily wearing down Mudsdale. Due to the free turns it gets from sitting on physical attackers, Mudsdale is able to find finds ample opportunities to set up Spikes. Thousand Waves traps opponents and, when paired with Body Press or Toxic, ensures certain death for the opposing Pokemon. Body Press capitalizes on Stamina's Defense boosts, (comma) and lets it break breaks past Ferrothorn, (comma) and damages Corviknight, while Toxic is for wearing wears down potential switch-ins like Tornadus-Therian and opposing Mudsdale over time. Rocky Helmet is the final tool in Mudsdale's saddle lol that lets it wear down physical attackers like Aerodactyl and Cinderace easily. Mudsdale is a work horse against physical attackers, but can struggle a bit against special attackers like Rotom-Wash and Kyurem, so pairing it with a special wall like Assault Vest Toxapex or Blissey is preferable.

Want to see Mudsdale in action? Check it out in Other Metagames Premier League!
GP 1/1!


GP Team done