Art by DreamPrince">DreamPrince & Approved by the new RBY Staff!
2021 Stadium OU POSTER VR
Stadium OU made its simulator debut on Pokémon Online around Christmas 2011. 3 years later, it made its way onto PS! Since then, it has very slowly had more and more interest, leading to more bug fixing and accurate simulation. The means to explore the tier are now provided by an annual tournament offering a prize, as well as being a likely pick as an annual spotlight ladder.
Following my exhaustive MASTER (Multi-Attribute Spreadsheet-Templated Enumerated-Rationally) RBY Ubers Viability rankings, I decided to simply the process for the first Stadium OU VR. It's known as a POSTER (Pokémon-Only Spreadsheet-Templated Enumerated-Rationally) Viability Ranking, purely focusing on a Pokémon's viability in the tier, as opposed to other attributes. It still retains the approach of assigning approximate idealized usage, and ranks and subranks being consistently formed based on proportions that exceed specific values. While making this VR, it became evident that the previous method using an arithmetic progression for drops was insufficient. The new method uses a geometric progression instead, to better emphasise the differences in proportions. The ranking used this Discord server and this spreadsheet.
Ranking Information
All player bases were taken into account when ranking, by default. Any tournaments, any ladders, any quality of opposition. The time period for the ranking was from time immemorial to the end of May 2021. We didn't rank Pokémon close to being fully outclassed — even if their inclusion made minimal negative impact.
All fully evolved Pokémon were chosen for the Pokémon nomination pool, and not all Pokémon. The heavy centralized environment was deemed to make most fully evolved Pokémon unviable — let alone pre-evolutions that share similar roles to their evolved counterparts, but have mostly weaker stats. All moves appeared in the nomination pool due to the inability to find decent criteria to separate. Users nominated all the Pokémon they believed were viable via discord reactions, a co-operative task. Reactions from users were removed if they only nominated weaker Pokémon that alone would clearly not make a viable team as judged by me (Lutra).
Pokémo that were nominated by 20% or more of nominators were added to the Rating List. All Nominators were given the opportunity to rate, due to low numbers. ELO ratings of players (with a base ELO of 1000 and a k-factor of 100) were recorded for the recent Global Championship 2021 tournament to weight the mean Pokémon ratings. ELO was then rounded to the nearest 100 for the purpose of weighting.
An ELO rating of 900/unranked, 1000, 1100, 1200, 1300 and 1400 gave weightings of 1×, 1.4×, 2×, 2.8×, 4× and 5.6× respectively. Raters were asked the same question (viability, i.e. ideal usage: 10 options) for 1 category: Pokémon. This was a solo task, to minimize groupthink, with PMs sent into Lutra (me) after he had completed his ratings. The spreadsheet was hidden at this time. All raters were given the opportunity to view and amend their submitted data, contained in the spreadsheet, once all individuals completed their ratings.
Based on the rating data, each of the Pokémonwere classified into main ranks (S, A , B...) by viability. Each main rank was formed after the equal ratio was exponentiated by 1.7 from one element to the next, and was either matched or exceeded by the drop. If the exponent was 1.2 or greater, a new subrank (¹,²,³...) was made. The equal ratio was calculated by taking the mean total (~600% in the case of Pokémon), adding 100%, and dividing by the same mean total. This approximates x where x¹+x²+x³...xⁿ = mean total. Centralization was measured by (Σ(x²) ÷ (Σx)²) - (1÷|tier set|); where x is a mean viability and the summation counts x for each Pokémon of the tier set once; and where |tier set|, i.e. magnitude of the tier set: is 151 for Pokémon.
Assumed Ruleset
Simulated Game Mode
Pokémon Stadium → Free Battle → Anything Goes
Movepool Set
Pokémon Red & Blue & Yellow & Stadium & Gen 1 Events & No Gen 2 Tradebacks
Convenience Modifications
HP Percentage Mod; Endless Battle Clause (not coded), PS! Timer; User Pokémon Tooltip; Target Pokémon Tooltip; User Move Tooltip; Battle Log; Cancel Mod
Other Battle Modifications
PS! bugs
Banned Moves
Double Team & Minimize (Evasion Clause); Fissure, Guillotine & Horn Drill (OHKO Clause)
Other Team Validation Restrictions
Species Clause; PP Up Clause
Effect Modifications
Freeze Clause; (Stadium) Sleep Clause (no more than one of each effect can be induced concurrently) — including a Pokémon asleep with Rest preventing the opponent from inducing further Sleep status.

2021 Stadium OU POSTER VR
Stadium OU made its simulator debut on Pokémon Online around Christmas 2011. 3 years later, it made its way onto PS! Since then, it has very slowly had more and more interest, leading to more bug fixing and accurate simulation. The means to explore the tier are now provided by an annual tournament offering a prize, as well as being a likely pick as an annual spotlight ladder.
Following my exhaustive MASTER (Multi-Attribute Spreadsheet-Templated Enumerated-Rationally) RBY Ubers Viability rankings, I decided to simply the process for the first Stadium OU VR. It's known as a POSTER (Pokémon-Only Spreadsheet-Templated Enumerated-Rationally) Viability Ranking, purely focusing on a Pokémon's viability in the tier, as opposed to other attributes. It still retains the approach of assigning approximate idealized usage, and ranks and subranks being consistently formed based on proportions that exceed specific values. While making this VR, it became evident that the previous method using an arithmetic progression for drops was insufficient. The new method uses a geometric progression instead, to better emphasise the differences in proportions. The ranking used this Discord server and this spreadsheet.
Ranking Information
All player bases were taken into account when ranking, by default. Any tournaments, any ladders, any quality of opposition. The time period for the ranking was from time immemorial to the end of May 2021. We didn't rank Pokémon close to being fully outclassed — even if their inclusion made minimal negative impact.
All fully evolved Pokémon were chosen for the Pokémon nomination pool, and not all Pokémon. The heavy centralized environment was deemed to make most fully evolved Pokémon unviable — let alone pre-evolutions that share similar roles to their evolved counterparts, but have mostly weaker stats. All moves appeared in the nomination pool due to the inability to find decent criteria to separate. Users nominated all the Pokémon they believed were viable via discord reactions, a co-operative task. Reactions from users were removed if they only nominated weaker Pokémon that alone would clearly not make a viable team as judged by me (Lutra).
Pokémo that were nominated by 20% or more of nominators were added to the Rating List. All Nominators were given the opportunity to rate, due to low numbers. ELO ratings of players (with a base ELO of 1000 and a k-factor of 100) were recorded for the recent Global Championship 2021 tournament to weight the mean Pokémon ratings. ELO was then rounded to the nearest 100 for the purpose of weighting.
An ELO rating of 900/unranked, 1000, 1100, 1200, 1300 and 1400 gave weightings of 1×, 1.4×, 2×, 2.8×, 4× and 5.6× respectively. Raters were asked the same question (viability, i.e. ideal usage: 10 options) for 1 category: Pokémon. This was a solo task, to minimize groupthink, with PMs sent into Lutra (me) after he had completed his ratings. The spreadsheet was hidden at this time. All raters were given the opportunity to view and amend their submitted data, contained in the spreadsheet, once all individuals completed their ratings.
Based on the rating data, each of the Pokémonwere classified into main ranks (S, A , B...) by viability. Each main rank was formed after the equal ratio was exponentiated by 1.7 from one element to the next, and was either matched or exceeded by the drop. If the exponent was 1.2 or greater, a new subrank (¹,²,³...) was made. The equal ratio was calculated by taking the mean total (~600% in the case of Pokémon), adding 100%, and dividing by the same mean total. This approximates x where x¹+x²+x³...xⁿ = mean total. Centralization was measured by (Σ(x²) ÷ (Σx)²) - (1÷|tier set|); where x is a mean viability and the summation counts x for each Pokémon of the tier set once; and where |tier set|, i.e. magnitude of the tier set: is 151 for Pokémon.
Assumed Ruleset
Simulated Game Mode
Pokémon Stadium → Free Battle → Anything Goes
Movepool Set
Pokémon Red & Blue & Yellow & Stadium & Gen 1 Events & No Gen 2 Tradebacks
Convenience Modifications
HP Percentage Mod; Endless Battle Clause (not coded), PS! Timer; User Pokémon Tooltip; Target Pokémon Tooltip; User Move Tooltip; Battle Log; Cancel Mod
Other Battle Modifications
PS! bugs
Banned Moves
Double Team & Minimize (Evasion Clause); Fissure, Guillotine & Horn Drill (OHKO Clause)
Other Team Validation Restrictions
Species Clause; PP Up Clause
Effect Modifications
Freeze Clause; (Stadium) Sleep Clause (no more than one of each effect can be induced concurrently) — including a Pokémon asleep with Rest preventing the opponent from inducing further Sleep status.
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