Lower Tiers Stadium OU POSTER Viability Rankings 2021

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2021 Stadium OU POSTER VR


Stadium OU made its simulator debut on Pokémon Online around Christmas 2011. 3 years later, it made its way onto PS! Since then, it has very slowly had more and more interest, leading to more bug fixing and accurate simulation. The means to explore the tier are now provided by an annual tournament offering a prize, as well as being a likely pick as an annual spotlight ladder.

Following my exhaustive MASTER (Multi-Attribute Spreadsheet-Templated Enumerated-Rationally) RBY Ubers Viability rankings, I decided to simply the process for the first Stadium OU VR. It's known as a POSTER (Pokémon-Only Spreadsheet-Templated Enumerated-Rationally) Viability Ranking, purely focusing on a Pokémon's viability in the tier, as opposed to other attributes. It still retains the approach of assigning approximate idealized usage, and ranks and subranks being consistently formed based on proportions that exceed specific values. While making this VR, it became evident that the previous method using an arithmetic progression for drops was insufficient. The new method uses a geometric progression instead, to better emphasise the differences in proportions. The ranking used this Discord server and this spreadsheet.

Ranking Information

All player bases were taken into account when ranking, by default. Any tournaments, any ladders, any quality of opposition. The time period for the ranking was from time immemorial to the end of May 2021. We didn't rank Pokémon close to being fully outclassed — even if their inclusion made minimal negative impact.

All fully evolved Pokémon were chosen for the Pokémon nomination pool, and not all Pokémon. The heavy centralized environment was deemed to make most fully evolved Pokémon unviable — let alone pre-evolutions that share similar roles to their evolved counterparts, but have mostly weaker stats. All moves appeared in the nomination pool due to the inability to find decent criteria to separate. Users nominated all the Pokémon they believed were viable via discord reactions, a co-operative task. Reactions from users were removed if they only nominated weaker Pokémon that alone would clearly not make a viable team as judged by me (Lutra).

Pokémo that were nominated by 20% or more of nominators were added to the Rating List. All Nominators were given the opportunity to rate, due to low numbers. ELO ratings of players (with a base ELO of 1000 and a k-factor of 100) were recorded for the recent Global Championship 2021 tournament to weight the mean Pokémon ratings. ELO was then rounded to the nearest 100 for the purpose of weighting.
An ELO rating of 900/unranked, 1000, 1100, 1200, 1300 and 1400 gave weightings of 1×, 1.4×, 2×, 2.8×, 4× and 5.6× respectively. Raters were asked the same question (viability, i.e. ideal usage: 10 options) for 1 category: Pokémon. This was a solo task, to minimize groupthink, with PMs sent into Lutra (me) after he had completed his ratings. The spreadsheet was hidden at this time. All raters were given the opportunity to view and amend their submitted data, contained in the spreadsheet, once all individuals completed their ratings.

Based on the rating data, each of the Pokémonwere classified into main ranks (S, A , B...) by viability. Each main rank was formed after the equal ratio was exponentiated by 1.7 from one element to the next, and was either matched or exceeded by the drop. If the exponent was 1.2 or greater, a new subrank (¹,²,³...) was made. The equal ratio was calculated by taking the mean total (~600% in the case of Pokémon), adding 100%, and dividing by the same mean total. This approximates x where x¹+x²+x³...xⁿ = mean total. Centralization was measured by (Σ(x²) ÷ (Σx)²) - (1÷|tier set|); where x is a mean viability and the summation counts x for each Pokémon of the tier set once; and where |tier set|, i.e. magnitude of the tier set: is 151 for Pokémon.

Assumed Ruleset

Simulated Game Mode
Pokémon Stadium → Free Battle → Anything Goes
Movepool Set
Pokémon Red & Blue & Yellow & Stadium & Gen 1 Events & No Gen 2 Tradebacks
Convenience Modifications
HP Percentage Mod; Endless Battle Clause (not coded), PS! Timer; User Pokémon Tooltip; Target Pokémon Tooltip; User Move Tooltip; Battle Log; Cancel Mod
Other Battle Modifications
PS! bugs
Banned Moves
Double Team & Minimize (Evasion Clause); Fissure, Guillotine & Horn Drill (OHKO Clause)
Other Team Validation Restrictions
Species Clause; PP Up Clause
Effect Modifications
Freeze Clause; (Stadium) Sleep Clause (no more than one of each effect can be induced concurrently) — including a Pokémon asleep with Rest preventing the opponent from inducing further Sleep status.
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Pokémon Viability Ranking

Nominators (12): Beelzemon 2003, chuva de perereca, Ctown6, GLUTTONY, kalifguest22, Lutra, Nalorium, Oiseau Bleu, pacattacc, Plague von Karma, SMB, Vivarby
Raters (9): Beelzemon 2003, chuva de perereca, Ctown6, FatWarlord, Lutra, Nalorium, Oiseau Bleu, SMB, Torchic

Question: Roughly what percentage of competitive teams should you see this Pokémon on?
Answers: 100%, 95%, 90%, 80%, 60%, 40%, 20%, 10%, 5%, 0%
Maximum error: +0/-2.5%, +2.5/-2.5%, +2.5/-5%, +5/-10%, +10/-10%, +10/-10%, +10/-5%, +5/-2.5%, +2.5/-2.5%, +2.5/-0%
Centralization of the tier set: 8.1% | Equal ratio: 114.6%

The following percentage values are sample means. Sample standard deviation (disagreement measure) is shown in parentheses.

S Rank

:rb/chansey: #1: Chansey
Viability: 96.7% (3.3%)
Roles: Freeze absorber, Freezer, Level damager, Paralysis spreader, Special wall and staller.

:rb/snorlax: #2: Snorlax
Viability: 96.7% (4.1%)
Roles: Boomer, mixed tank, Paralysis spreader, Reflector and Special booster.

:rb/tauros: #3: Tauros
Viability: 81.8% (18.4%)
Roles: Bulky physical sweeper, Critical Hit fisher, and Paralysis spreader, with Freezing capability.

:rb/exeggutor: #4: Exeggutor
Viability: 74.3% (19%)
Roles: Boomer, Ground-type attack resistor, Paralysis spreader and Sleeper.

A Rank

:rb/starmie: #5: Starmie
Viability: 53.1% (14.3%)
Roles: Fast Freezer, Freeze absorber, Light Screener, Paralysis spreader and Reflector.

:rb/alakazam: #6: Alakazam
Viability: 50.1% (17.3%)
Roles: Paralysis absorber and Special Sweeper.

B Rank

:rb/rhydon: #7: Rhydon
Viability: 38.5% (15.4%)
Roles: Physical tank that is immune to Electric-type attacks and resists Normal-type attacks.

C Rank

:rb/slowbro: #8: Slowbro
Viability: 28.3% (13.8%)
Roles: Mixed boosting wall, Paralysis spreader, and slow Special boosting sweeper.

D Rank

:rb/zapdos: #9: Zapdos
Viability: 21.9% (10.6%)
Roles: Mixed sweeper, mixed wall, Paralysis spreader, and Reflector. Also Light Screener.

:rb/persian: #10: Persian
Viability: 18.8% (15.3%)
Roles: Fast mixed sweeper, Critical Hit fisher.

:rb/jolteon: #11: Jolteon
Viability: 18.2% (3.9%)
Roles: Critical Hit fisher, Energy Focuser, mixed sweeper, and Paralysis spreader with Special bulk.

:rb/jynx: #12: Jynx
Viability: 14.5% (8.7%)
Roles: Fast Anti-Freeze pivot, Sleeper and Sleep absorber. Resists Ice, Psychic-type attacks if needed.

:rb/gengar: #13: Gengar
Viability: 12.2% (6.4%)
Roles: Level damager, Normal immune and weak boomer.


:rb/cloyster: #14: Cloyster
Viability: 9.9% (4.3%)
Roles: Anti-Freeze pivot, Freezer, physical wall and resists Ice-type attacks.

:rb/kangaskhan: #15: Kangaskhan
Viability: 9% (6.8%)
Roles: Physical sweeper.

:rb/lapras: #16: Lapras
Viability: 8.8% (5%)
Roles: Anti-Freeze pivot, Confuser, Freezer, Ice-type attack resistor, mixed tank, and Sleeper.

:rb/golem: #17: Golem
Viability: 8% (9.5%)
Roles: Boomer, physical tank that is immune to Electric-type attacks and resists Normal-type attacks.

E Rank

:rb/kabutops: #18: Kabutops
Viability: 6.3% (4.2%)
Roles: Physical sweeper and Normal resist.

:rb/porygon: #19: Porygon
Viability: 5.7% (4.1%)
Roles: Body Slam staller.

:rb/articuno: #20: Articuno
Viability: 5.4% (2.1%)
Roles: Freezer, mixed sweeper, mixed wall and Reflector. Anti-Freeze pivot capability.

:rb/hypno: #20: Hypno
Viability: 5.4% (4.2%)
Roles: Mixed Wall, Sleeper and Paralysis spreader.

:rb/nidoking: #22: Nidoking
Viability: 4.4% (2.4%)
Roles: Mixed sweeper, Energy Focuser.

:rb/victreebel: #23: Victreebel
Viability: 3.7% (5.1%)
Roles: Mixed sweeper, Paralysis spreader, Sleeper.

F Rank

:rb/flareon: #24: Flareon
Viability: 2.5% (2.6%)
Roles: Mixed sweeper and Energy Focuser.

:rb/raichu: #25: Raichu
Viability: 2% (3.1%)
Roles: Mixed sweeper, Paralysis spreader and resists Electric-type attacks.

:rb/sandslash: #26: Sandslash
Viability: 1.9% (2.5%)
Roles: Physical Attack boosting sweeper.

:rb/moltres: #27: Moltres
Viability: 1.8% (2.4%)
Roles: Mixed sweeper.

G Rank

:rb/dragonite: #28: Dragonite
Viability: 1.3% (2.2%)
Roles: Mixed tank.

H Rank

:rb/kingler: #29: Kingler
Viability: 0.8% (1.9%)
Roles: Physical Attack boosting sweeper.

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Sandslash's role is Swords Dance sweper. Raichu's roles are Electric wall, Paralysis support and mixed attacker. By the way, I don't think that Dragonite and Cloyster are still good partial trap moves users due to the nerf those moves suffered in Stadium; Agily Wrap is also less viable because if you manage to paralyze Dragonite its Speed is reduced to -4 and using Agility again will only increase it to -2 and then to 0, after that, Agility can't be used anymore. Finally, Sleep is bad on Gengar, Hypnosis has bad accuracy and the stat lasts 3 turns at most.

With that said, I still think that the list is very good, well done chums, keep up the good work! :D
Thanks Beelzemon 2003, I added in those, and took away wrap mentions, and sleep off Gengar.

I/we didn't intend for C to be the passing grade for hypothetical OU inclusion. If you want to base UU off usage tiers, going down to E rank seems reasonable. I personally feel the end of D rank is a nice place though. I feel like the viability usages at E Rank aren't good enough, and it's nicer to have more of a focus in a lower tier.

edit: added compact view (not automated yet).
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Just a little post to share my feeling about Pokémons. (and share some "sample sets" since asked PVK for)

S rank:


[Bolt Beam]
- Thunderbolt
- Ice Beam
- Soft-Boiled
- Thunder Wave / Subtitute

[Reflect Chansey]
- Reflect / Ice Beam
- Seismic Toss
- Soft-Boiled
- Thunder Wave

- Counter
- Ice Beam
- Soft-Boiled
- Thunder Wave

[Seismic Toss + Ice Beam]
- Seismic Toss
- Ice Beam
- Soft-Boiled
- Thunder Wave

[Sub + Twave]
- Subtitute
- Thunder wave
- Ice Beam
- Soft Boiled

Chansey is one of the best Pokémon of Stadium OU, no surprise at this point. A plenty of set has been played. Being the only non-psychic-type Pokémon that can survive to multiple hit from Psychic-type Pokémon is a key role in this metagame. Just want to point the presence of Subtitute in certain sets, in order to avoid getting paralyzed / frozen, and getting extra chance to freeze the opposing Pokémon. Even i played Sub on Chansey a lot, I don't think it's great, since you have to drop Twave (making Chansey more easy to check) or Tbolt (making Chansey helpless against Mie, Jynx, Cloy, etc...). In my rates, I gave a 95% of viability to Chansey, because I think you can "decently" play without, but effectively, you have to include it in you team.


[Amnesia Lax]
- Body Slam
- Amnesia
- Blizzard
- Rest / Self-Destruct

[Reflect Lax]
- Body Slam
- Ice Beam / Earthquake / Self-Destruct
- Reflect
- Rest

- Body Slam
- EarthQuake
- Counter / Blizzard / Subtitute
- Self-Destruct

In my opinion, Snorlax is just the king of the tier. Amnesia Lax is probably the most frightening set. Every single time i faced it, i had huge trouble: AmnesiaLax is able to 1v1 every pokémon, and it greatly appreciate paralysis support provided by psychic Pokémon. Moreover, it benefits from a lot of metagame shift: Hyper Beam has been nerfed (so Tauros, and opposing Snorlax have greater difficulty revenge killing it), Exeggutor often doesn't bring Explosion, Cloyster is rarer since Clamp has been nerfed... Reflect Lax is still a solid option. More rarely seen, PhysLax runs Counter, Blizzard (for Rhydon) and Subtitute instead of the unviable HB.


[The Bull]
- Body Slam
- Blizzard
- Subtitute
- Double Edge / Stomp / Earthquake / ThunderBolt

The lost of Hyper Beam was very rude for Tauros, changing from offensive monster to a correct top tier. Tauros also suffers the changing of critcal hit ration calculation: now it "only" has a 10.1% chance of landing a critical hit (instead of 21.48% in standard OU). Now Tauros has trouble with some defensive pokémons: doesn't 2HKO Chansey, doesn't break Exeggutor, Snorlax, Porygon, ... Subtitute aims to keep the bull safe from paralysis and low damaging move. You can also use it agaisnt a passive pokémon (like a frozen pokémon), or predecting a switch. You have a plenty of option for the last move: Double Edge deals extra damage, Stomp flinches, EQ beats the rarely seen Gengar, and Tbolt beats the rarely seen Cloyster. Tauros is still strong and mandatory in numerous teams.


- Stun Spore
- Psychic
- Double-Edge
- Rest

Another Pokémon damaged by mecanic changes: Exeggutor don't really bring Sleep Powder, since a Pokémon can't stay asleep for more than 3 turns. But Exeggutor find another utility: thanks to its good bulk and Rest, Exeggutor become a incredible wall. Exeggutor is now able to constently beat Sub Alakazam with Double Edge paired with Rest. Exeggutor can also survive to repetitive assault from physical pokémon like Tauros, Snorlax and Rhydon. Stun Spore cripples Exeggutor common answer named Chansey, Starmie and opoosing Exeggutor. Note that Exeggutor also walls the frightenning Focus-Energy Jolteon (if it doesn't bring Pin Missile ofc). Great staple here.

A Rank:


[Special attacker]
- Recover
- Blizzard
- ThunderBolt / Psychic
- Thunder Wave / Psychic / ThunderBolt / Subtitute

Starmie is now not obliged to absorb sleep early in the battle. It is still a great Special Attacker with a colored movepool and solid stats. In my opinion, Starmie really want to bring an Ice move, in order to threat Exeggutor. Ice Beam could be an option, but it deals less damage (only 16.1% chance to 3HKO Exeggutor). Subtitute makes Starmie invulnerable to status, but you have to play without Twave (don't think it's a good trend tbh, since every sub folder can easily break the sub). I saw Lutra playing 3 attacks Starmie. He probably wants to benefit from the huge paralyzis support the rest of his team provides to play an other more useful move. It's a cool idea i think.


- Recover
- Psychic
- Thunder Wave / Subtitute
- Seismic Toss / Subtitute

Alakazam seems to benefit form the new Subtitute. However, playing Subtitute means that you have to drop Thunder Wave or Seismic Toss, and i don't think it's a good trend. Choosing to keep Thunder Wave means you are helpless against Rest Exeggutor whereas choosing to keep Seismic Toss means you are helpless against other Psychic-Type with Recover (usually Starmie and opposing Zam) and Chansey. When the opposing Alakazam reaveal Subtitute, I know I can deal with it without taking any risk (I go to Exeggutor, if Zam reaveal it has Seismic Toss, i send Mie / Chansey and nothing happens). This is why I don't play Subtitute on Alakazam. Non-Subtitute Alakazam is a way more threatening, and is able to complete perfectly its jobs.

B Rank


- Subtitute
- EarthQuake
- Body Slam
- Rock Slide / Rest

Rhydon benefit a bit from the new Subtitute, being safe from Powder used by Exeggutor. Rest Exeggutor in every team is a bit hard for the beast. Apart from that, Rhydon is still the same, walling electric-type and landing powerful moves.

C Rank


- Surf
- Amnesia
- Thunder Wave / Subtitute
- Rest

Amnesia Bro is still cool. Benefits from the disappearance of HB, Exeggutor's Explosion, and sleep moves. Never faced it and never played it, so i can't say much more :(

D Rank


[Mixed Attacker]
- Thunder Wave
- Thunder Bolt
- Drill Peck
- Subtitute / Rest

Agility has been nerfed in stadium ou, so Zapdos brings Sub instead. As seen before, Sub protects Zapdos from being affected by status, especially used by its common answere named Chansey. In some cases, Zapdos can 1v1 the opposing Chansey and still being protected by the Subtitute, meaning that your opponent is in huge troubles. Zapdos is still a good pokémon.


[The Cat]
- Slash
- Bubble Beam
- Thunder Bolt
- Subtitute / Body Slam

Persian raises a bit in viability in Stadium OU. Persian hits harder and is faster than Tauros, and ignores Reflect boost. Slash's Persian is very dangerous and deals extra damage to every Pokémons (3hko Exeggutor, 2HKO Chansey, ...). However, Persian is pretty frail, and taking multiple hits is not very appreciate by the cat. Subtitute protects Persian from status (as always) and body slam fishes paralysis on crucial pokémon like Starmie.


- Thunder Wave
- Thunderbolt
- Double Kick
- Rest

[Focus Energy]
- Focus Energy
- Thunderbolt
- Double Kick
- Thunder Wave / Pin Missile

Jolteon was a very promissing pokémon: the new Focus Energy should have turned Jolteon into a beast. However, Jolteon suffers from the 4mss: without Pin Missile, Jolteon doesn't break Exeggutor (even with critical hit), without Twave, you can't cripple common response like Chansey, without Rest, Jolteon can't check Zapdos at long term and can't be protected from frail moves and status. Also, Jolteon has to use Focus Energy before being effective, leaving the opposing Pokémon doing anything (Twave, offensive move, ect...).


- Lovely Kiss
- Blizzard
- Psychic
- Rest

Ability: None
- Night Shade / Seismic Toss
- Thunderbolt
- Explosion
- Hypnosis / Mega Drain / Psychic / Confuse Ray / Toxic / Body Slam / idkw

Jynx and Gengar has the same problem. Lovely Kiss and Hypnosis has been nerfed: pokémons can't sleep more than 3 turns. Sleep move are less attractive now, and players just don't use it. Ouside of sleeping move, Jynx can freeze absorb and wall Chansey and some Psychic types, whereas, Gengar is immune to Normal moves (especially Tauros rarely bring EQ). I add a ton of options on Gengar, but there is nothing good tbh. These Pokémon aren't good.


[Physical wall]
- Blizzard
- Explosion
- Rest
- Clamp / Surf / Ice Beam / Reflect / Double Edge / Toxic

Cloyster has a good niche in walling Snorlax and Tauros. Clamp has been nerfed, this is why i can understand you want to use another move like Surf or Ice Beam, ... but the fact Clamp just forbid the opponent to move is so great. Cloyster is also super strong against the popular AmnesiaLax, this is why i think Cloyster could have a decent usage.


[Physical wall]
- Ice Beam
- Thunder Bolt
- Recover
- Thunder Wave

Porygon benefits from the nerf of HB and nerf of critical hits: Porygon now also walls Tauros!!!

I don't want to elaborate on these Pokémons (and hasn't test yet most of these). Just want to provide set's ideas.
--> Mini Tauros =>Bslam + Blizzard + Sub+ Eq / Double Edge ig?
--> Lost Sing and HB :'( => Blizzard + Tbolt + Bslam + Confuse Ray ig?
--> Rhydon exist, not Golem =>Eq + Bslam + Explosion + Rock Slide
--> Rest + Reflect is an interesting set, since it walls Tauros and Lax in most of cases => Slash + Ice Beam + Rest + Reflect / SD + Bslam + Blizzard + ???
--> Cool pokémon, but needs so much support => Blizzard + Double Edge + Rest + Ice Beam / Reflect ig?
--> Counter + Twave + Rest + Psychic => mini Zam
-->Focus Energy + Eq + Tbolt + Ice Beam is nice but needs a lot of support since Nidoking is weak to Psychic, Ground and Ice :'(
-->Idk, lost HB, Sleep Powder and ~ Wrap. Idk what you can do with it
--> has Focus Energy + Bslam + Fire Blast but is still bad. Sub in 4th move ig?
--> what are you doing here? (Twave + Tbolt + Surf + Seismic Toss / Submission?)
--> has SD but no longer HB [1/2] (SD + EQ + Rock Slide + Sub ??)
--> beatiful sprite for a bad mon :'(
-->Idk, lost Wrap and HB
--> has SD but no longer HB [2/2]
(and share some "sample sets" since asked PVK for)
Glad I saw this, I put these on the dex so we have some stuff to work with. With that, almost every Pokemon on the VR has a set.


This leaves the following Pokemon without sets, which are all generally inconsequential but also a discussion opportunity.

I'm personally unsure as to what you'd use, but AgiliWrap technically isn't gone for Dragonite and Moltres. In fact, it's arguably more powerful, as when the opponent switches you're not forced to Wrap again. The turn just ends, but they're still in the same position, and you can pick whatever attack you want from there. You even save PP! Perhaps we should experiment with that more. Not sure what to do with Victreebel, though.
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[Agility Wrap + BoltBeam]
Ability: None
- Agility
- Wrap
- Blizzard
- Thunderbolt

[Blind Bird]
Ability: None
- Fire Spin
- Fire Blast
- Double-Edge
- Agility

[SD + Wrap]
Ability: None
- Razor Leaf
- Stun Spore
- Wrap
- Swords Dance

In fact, it's arguably more powerful, as when the opponent switches you're not forced to Wrap again. The turn just ends, but they're still in the same position, and you can pick whatever attack you want from there. You even save PP!

I tested against myself and this situation don't save any PP. Conversly, you lost one PP for doing nothing on the turn the opponent switches. So idk how it should work, bu it doesn't work like you described.



Cloyster lost 2 PP, but acted only during turn one.

If this is the way it should work, this mean Moltres, Dragonite and Victreebel have effectively half of PP. Secondly, I think team preview is super bad for Moltres and Dragonite, since the opponent will construct his gameplan with all information he needs. Basically, without the team preview, Moltres' player has the high grounds, since he knows what he has to do to sweep with Moltres (or Dragonite ofc). With team preview, the opponent would be more careful with his winconds (exemple: without team preview, you can lure Starmie with your Cloyster and blow up on it, opening the way for Moltres // with team preview, the opponent would be very conservative with it Starmie) (idk if i'm clear in my explanation). Moreover, i didn't mention the influence of the nerf of Agility on these Pokémon.

[Seismic Toss + Ice Beam]
- Seismic Toss
- Ice Beam
- Soft-Boiled
- Thunder Wave
I haven't precise why Seismic Toss is played here. Seismic Toss aims to destroy Alakazam Subtitute in one hit, whereas Tbolt and Ice Beam don't. I don't think it's great.

- Surf
- Amnesia
- Thunder Wave / Subtitute
- Rest
Subtitute especially protects Slowbro from critical hit from Chansey's Tbolt and Starmie's Tbolt. However, with Subtitute, Slowbro needs a stronger paralysis support.
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AgiliWrap technically isn't gone for Dragonite and Moltres.

Agily Wrap still exists, but it is weaker, if Dragonite or Moltres get paralyzed the party is over, because in Stadium 1 mechanics, your Speed drops to -4; after that, you can use Agility two more times, but that only raises your Speed to -2 and 0 respectively; finally if you use Agility again, the move fails and your Speed is not increased anymore. Moltres is hit more by this nerf due to Fire Spin's horrible Accuracy of 75 %.

Regarding alternate sets, I think that Dragonite can also work as a Paralysis support and mixed Attack user.
I tested against myself and this situation don't save any PP. Conversly, you lost one PP for doing nothing on the turn the opponent switches. So idk how it should work, bu it doesn't work like you described.
It's a simulator bug. If either player switches during Wrap, the turn ends, not consuming PP. You arguably get more control at +2 Speed because of this.

(also, uploaded those 3 potential sets)
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In Pokémon Red, Blue and Yellow the three best stats are Freeze, Sleep and Paralysis; however, in Pokémon Stadium 1 the order changes: Freeze, Paralysis and Sleep.

In practical terms, Paralysis is the best stat of Stadium because there aren't moves that always induce Freeze. Paralyzing one or more opposing pokémon can stop them from using Recover, Rest or Softboiled which sometimes allows you to kill them. Killing a pokémon that lives forever like Rest Snorlax, Rest Exeggutor or Softboiled Chansey eliminates a threat and turns the match in your favor, it is for this reason that I prefer to put Thunder Wave in Alakazam or Chansey instead of Substitute. Told to you by the best player of the Stadium 1 ladder ; )

stadium 1 ladder.png
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There aren't any Low Kick Machamp usage? Sure, psychic types comes in on a predicted body slam, rolls over it. I'd figure the lack of hyper beams, and addition of Substitute for Machamp, and being able to outspeed Chansey, I'm surprised there isn't any notes on that at all. With the paralysis everywhere, coming in on rest users. I've had a miniscule modicum of success. Not alot of Gengar usage, means more space for moves like Substitute, Rest, Fire Blast, or Stadium Focus Energy (with lower than usual rates)
There aren't any Low Kick Machamp usage? Sure, psychic types comes in on a predicted body slam, rolls over it. I'd figure the lack of hyper beams, and addition of Substitute for Machamp, and being able to outspeed Chansey, I'm surprised there isn't any notes on that at all. With the paralysis everywhere, coming in on rest users. I've had a miniscule modicum of success. Not alot of Gengar usage, means more space for moves like Substitute, Rest, Fire Blast, or Stadium Focus Energy (with lower than usual rates)
The lack of Hyper Beam arguably hurts Machamp, which is among the better Counter users available; it could previously switch in on a Tauros Hyper Beam and have a KO in the bag, which just doesn't exist here. Focus Energy only gives it 56% critical hit chance, so it only ends up really working a third of the time factoring in Focus Energy costing a turn which can ruin the situation. Machamp tends to open up serious holes in a team because despite its power it offers literally nothing in return for a team; no paralysis, few switch-in opportunities, etc. This is all while it literally demands paralysis support itself to do anything major bar bullying Chansey or Snorlax...in which case, why not use the more consistent Rhydon, which comes with the bonus of dealing with Electric-types? Machamp often takes serious damage when trying to take on any Pokemon, so a sweep is surprisingly rare.

I do like Focus Energy + Submission though, as it's a guaranteed KO on a critical hit while not dealing any recoil to Machamp, as KOing a Pokemon skips it in Stadium. Hell, Submission also doesn't give recoil upon KOing a Substitute, which gives Machamp consistent pressure against it. Low Kick is nice too obviously, it's a great way to deal with Snorlax. I suppose it is notable on that basis, but the drawbacks are just so large...
Something I should also bring up about Stadium is that the rule format was meant for a 3 vs 3 format. Hence the buffed substitute, horribly nerfed sleep and hyper beam. Of course, that makes freeze much scarier.

Sleep is still weak, but offers 1 turn of momentum vs 3.
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