Stakataka @ Safety Goggles
Ability: Beast Boost
EVs: 252 HP / 252 Atk / 4 Def
Brave Nature
- Gyro Ball
- Body Press
- Trick Room
- Protect
Stakataka has been a popular pick throughout the early stages of the second Official Smogon Doubles Tournament, as its sky-high Attack and Defense, exceedingly low Speed, and solid typing make it a great offensive Trick Room setter. It sets itself apart from Diancie because of its stronger single target damage and better matchup against Rillaboom, Celesteela, and other Diancie. Stakataka's base 13 Speed makes Gyro Ball especially dangerous, often giving it 150 Base Power, and it OHKOes Naganadel as well as Rillaboom and Landorus with minimal prior damage. Body Press ignores Intimidate, gets stronger with every Defense boost from Beast Boost, and synergizes well with Gyro Ball, nailing foes that resist Gyro Ball such as Incineroar and Heatran, as well as Porygon2. With Safety Goggles, it also invalidates Amoonguss, one of Trick Room's biggest weaknesses. Stakataka fits best on semi-Trick Room teams where it can twist the dimensions and let common partners such as Amoonguss and Porygon2, as well as itself, take advantage of moving first. In return, Stakataka appreciates Rage Powder support to help set up Trick Room as well as a strong Volcanion and Tapu Fini answer.
Replay from OSDT Round 2:
Ability: Beast Boost
EVs: 252 HP / 252 Atk / 4 Def
Brave Nature
- Gyro Ball
- Body Press
- Trick Room
- Protect
Stakataka has been a popular pick throughout the early stages of the second Official Smogon Doubles Tournament, as its sky-high Attack and Defense, exceedingly low Speed, and solid typing make it a great offensive Trick Room setter. It sets itself apart from Diancie because of its stronger single target damage and better matchup against Rillaboom, Celesteela, and other Diancie. Stakataka's base 13 Speed makes Gyro Ball especially dangerous, often giving it 150 Base Power, and it OHKOes Naganadel as well as Rillaboom and Landorus with minimal prior damage. Body Press ignores Intimidate, gets stronger with every Defense boost from Beast Boost, and synergizes well with Gyro Ball, nailing foes that resist Gyro Ball such as Incineroar and Heatran, as well as Porygon2. With Safety Goggles, it also invalidates Amoonguss, one of Trick Room's biggest weaknesses. Stakataka fits best on semi-Trick Room teams where it can twist the dimensions and let common partners such as Amoonguss and Porygon2, as well as itself, take advantage of moving first. In return, Stakataka appreciates Rage Powder support to help set up Trick Room as well as a strong Volcanion and Tapu Fini answer.
Replay from OSDT Round 2:
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