
Too bad the power got nerfed this gen, I was really wanting to try out some variant of the Gen IV Passho BOOM Steelix to kill bulky waters. Except that now, you don't need the Passho with Sturdy.

Sadly that is probably the only relevant thing Steelix can do this Gen outside of enjoying the troll factor of Heavy Slam (which still sucks). It's offenses are sub-par (base 85 attack with only one relevant STAB and base 30 speed) and it can't wall crap. It has a trollishly useless base defense (200 means nothing if you're weak to the most powerful and common physical attacks in the game) and its sp def makes you happy it gets sturdy so you can get SR up. Woot :/
Sadly that is probably the only relevant thing Steelix can do this Gen outside of enjoying the troll factor of Heavy Slam (which still sucks). It's offenses are sub-par (base 85 attack with only one relevant STAB and base 30 speed) and it can't wall crap. It has a trollishly useless base defense (200 means nothing if you're weak to the most powerful and common physical attacks in the game) and its sp def makes you happy it gets sturdy so you can get SR up. Woot :/

i disagree. Steelix makes an excellent lead/wall 30 speed + stab gyro ball can still dent things even with base 85 attack. it will always get stealth rock up and it can still take an EQ/closecombat and, it can phaze those out (dragon tail!!!)
Steelix was okay UU last Gen, but things aren't looking too good for it now. Shame, I always loved Steelix, but he just seems so outclassed.
Steelix had use in Gen 4 but without an instant recovery I cant see him having use especially with all the heavy hitters this gen. Icsnt think of any good walls without consistant recover y and his typing makes him seem like a worse gliscor or skarmory especially with all the fight and ground moves flyin around OU. I guess he can be used as a lead but I would prefer a faster lead who can have use later in the game. In uu he has a giant fear of hail which seems to be the most common weather condition. Sure he can take a couple hits but he will be quickly chipped away and cant domuch to the bulkier attackers of uu. If i wanted a tank I would much rather use aggron as he can actually dent things before being chiped apart
Steelix is mostly screwed by Sheer Force still being unreleased for him yet, LO Sheer Force actually turns it into a dangerous tank.
Especially with Sheer Force cancelling the recoil of LO, it can tear ass with some powerful attacks. But for now, Steelix sucks, unfortunately.
The only issue I have with steelix as a tank is he's weak aginst all the common physical types. Sheer fource steelix is alright but I still owuld only use him as a SR user.
Yep. The three most common attacking types, Fighting, Ground, and Fire, Steelix hates. It isn't too fond of Water either. And it isn't all that hard to check it and destroy it with one of those moves. Its' Defense is pretty good, but its' Sp. Defense fails, so one or two good Water or Fire moves, and it's gone. As a SR user, it's alright, I guess.
i disagree. Steelix makes an excellent lead/wall 30 speed + stab gyro ball can still dent things even with base 85 attack. it will always get stealth rock up and it can still take an EQ/closecombat and, it can phaze those out (dragon tail!!!)

I would respond but...

Steelix had use in Gen 4 but without an instant recovery I cant see him having use especially with all the heavy hitters this gen. Icsnt think of any good walls without consistant recover y and his typing makes him seem like a worse gliscor or skarmory especially with all the fight and ground moves flyin around OU. I guess he can be used as a lead but I would prefer a faster lead who can have use later in the game. In uu he has a giant fear of hail which seems to be the most common weather condition. Sure he can take a couple hits but he will be quickly chipped away and cant domuch to the bulkier attackers of uu. If i wanted a tank I would much rather use aggron as he can actually dent things before being chiped apart

The only issue I have with steelix as a tank is he's weak aginst all the common physical types. Sheer fource steelix is alright but I still owuld only use him as a SR user.

Yep. The three most common attacking types, Fighting, Ground, and Fire, Steelix hates. It isn't too fond of Water either. And it isn't all that hard to check it and destroy it with one of those moves. Its' Defense is pretty good, but its' Sp. Defense fails, so one or two good Water or Fire moves, and it's gone. As a SR user, it's alright, I guess.

You get the point right? There's nothing being seriously hurt by Dragon Tail if you plan on investing defensively and even if you do you're beat by the best physical attackers in the game. Why bother with a physical wall that's actually countered by Conkeldurr? Steel/Ground is pretty bad defensive typing, it's rather terrible and it doesn't help that Steelix doesn't have recovery outside of Lefties and hits like a girl. It sucks.
I would respond but...

You get the point right? There's nothing being seriously hurt by Dragon Tail if you plan on investing defensively and even if you do you're beat by the best physical attackers in the game. Why bother with a physical wall that's actually countered by Conkeldurr? Steel/Ground is pretty bad defensive typing, it's rather terrible and it doesn't help that Steelix doesn't have recovery outside of Lefties and hits like a girl. It sucks.

Pretty much. Even with its' monstrous Defense, it still gets royally face-humped by Conkeldurr and other Physical monsters. Its' Special Defense is garbage, so things like Rotom-W and Hydreigon can easily dispose of it. All in all, Steelix sucks, even with something like Sturdy on its' side. It's probably not even a match in RU.
If Steelix got coil he would an even better poke (why these pokes don't get it baffles me...).

Coil + Sheer Force + LO = awesome if you can ignore the terribad base speed. :)
Hah, yep. GF gives the horrible snake Pokemon a kick-ass boosting move (Eelektrik and Serperior are cool though) while the big 30 foot steel snake doesn't get Coil. -___-