National Dex Sticky web HO peaked 109 on Natdex ladder 1782 high ELO top 150

Proof of peak:



Paste: Spooder man (

Listen to this while laddering with this team (has nothing to do with the team, just a banger lol): YouTube

Part 1: The Building process


This little bug is the thing we'll build our team around. It seems like nothing but a crapmon at first, and it is, but it gets 2 things. Sticky Web and Sturdy. Sticky web is great speed control for HO teams, and sturdy means it has a free focus sash, so we can use a mental herb to stop taunt.



:kingambit: (with iron head luck i swear it happens half of the time)

:Breloom: (spore sucks)



Next step:

:shuckle: :urshifu:

Urshifu is one of the best wallbreakers in the entire game and the scarf variant is necessary to remove Diancie-Mega early on so shuckle can get webs up more reliably. Tera water surging strikes with max attack investment 2HKOEs the majority of the meta, and breaks through any team that isn't excessively bulky. CC is for STAB, Ice spinner beats garchomp and U-turn pivots out on an unfavourable lead. If the opponent has a magic bounce mon, Urshifu is the lead choice, although shuckle leads anytime else. This also functions as the teams first breaker.


:ferrothorn: (not always scary but with prediction can knock it out)


(flame body gambles suck)

We could run protective pads, but then surging strikes doesn't break protect, and faster mons take it out without webs, and we need the scarf for Mdiance.

Next step:

:Shuckle: :Urshifu: :Gholdengo:

Gholdengo is a necessity for webs HO, because of the overall utility as well as excellent offensive power it gives. I run scarf for extra speed control, which seems strange, but it's to outspeed sneasler and great tusk, and since I already have wincons, and I didn't want specs, scarf stuck with me.


knock off and pursuit mindgames suck


Clear body pult outspeeds in webs

:Shuckle: :Urshifu: :Gholdengo: :Kartana:

Kartana was the next addition to the team as it has an insane attack stat of 181, and has good speed which is bolstered further by sticky web support. This can remove entire teams before they can move if it can get off a safe swords dance, and sacrifices only make it hit harder. Kartana dies easily, and getting it in is a challenge, but final gambiting shuckle gets it in reliably. I use it to get off an easy target to apply more pressure, or to snowball out of control late game as a cleaner.

:shuckle: :urshifu: :gholdengo: :kartana: :cresselia:

cresselia forms a formidable offensive core with kart. This core revolves around Cresselia tanking out and setting up on offensive threats to SD Kart, such as Mega Lopunny, Zama and Iron Valiant. Kartana simultaneously breaks through the special walls and physical attackers that can deal with Cresselia, with Sacred sword to hit dark types and of course, Kingambit. Cresselia can also beat special attackers which may tank a hit from Kartana and make it die instantly (Kart has literally NO special defense), and this can help break offensive teams down.

:shuckle: :urshifu: :gholdengo: :kartana: :cresselia: :kingambit:

sucker punch mingames go brrrrrrrrrr.

Part 2:

Replays - Pokémon Showdown (
Replays - Pokémon Showdown (
Replays - Pokémon Showdown (
Replays - Pokémon Showdown (

Replays - Pokémon Showdown (
I haven't really started making replays, i will soon.

Part 3:

Analysis of each mon (former thread got taken down for not having this)

Shuckin time (Shuckle) @ Mental Herb
Ability: Sturdy
Tera Type: Bug
EVs: 248 HP / 252 Def
Calm Nature
IVs: 0 Atk
- Final Gambit
- Sticky Web
- Encore
- Toxic

Ev'd to optimise chance of survival against watershifu. Encore punishes anti-lead setup, final gambit pivots out through unaliving, and toxic is for utility that is sometimes necessary. This thing is designed to live hits with sturdy, and setup webs even when taunted because of mental herb. I wanted consistency on webs, not some skill swap gimmick, so shuckle was the go to mon.

xi jimping bear (Urshifu-Rapid-Strike) @ Choice Scarf
Ability: Unseen Fist
Tera Type: Water
EVs: 252 Atk / 4 SpD / 252 Spe
Adamant Nature
- Surging Strikes
- Close Combat
- Ice Spinner
- U-turn

Urshifu may seem strange carrying scarf on webs, but since Mdiancie is everywhere, it punishes it with a surging strikes to the face if they want to bounce those webs. It doubles as a MDiancie killer and a wallbreaker, 2hkoing most of the tier. The set has U-turn if I lead against a diancie team and they don't lead diancie. Ice spinner beats garchomp, which otherwise is a big threat to non-pads watershifu.

string cheese man (Gholdengo) @ Choice Specs
Ability: Good as Gold
Tera Type: Ghost
EVs: 252 SpA / 4 SpD / 252 Spe
Timid Nature
IVs: 0 Atk
- Shadow Ball
- Trick
- Make It Rain
- Psychic

Normally I ran scarf and max special nature, but since someone in the room pointed out that I'm using webs, I decided against this and ran specs. Trick cripples enemies and psychic always surprises a tusk going for a spin or a sneasler sding on dengo. Kingambit is the main threat to this, but anything else is manageable with this set. Good as gold blocks defog, and a specs move will dent a fogger enough for it to be virtually impossible to get back onto the field.

en passant (Kingambit) @ Leftovers
Ability: Supreme Overlord
Tera Type: Flying
EVs: 108 HP / 252 Atk / 4 SpD / 144 Spe
Adamant Nature
- Swords Dance
- Sucker Punch
- Iron Head
- Low Kick

Sucker punch standard set yadda yadda. The EV's are to outspeed all COMMON gambit sets, i went to the smogon description for this thing and added 2 speed evs lol. This is of course to power low kick and guarantee a ko vs an unsuspecting fellow gambit, even without webs support. Standard SD set otherwise.

mr beast boost (Kartana) @ Fightinium Z
Ability: Beast Boost
Tera Type: Grass
EVs: 252 Atk / 4 SpD / 252 Spe
Jolly Nature
- Swords Dance
- Leaf Blade
- Sacred Sword
- Knock Off

The late or early game cleaner of the team, Kartana goes on to KO an injured foe and goes in and out of the match to devastate the team. With the right conditions, one beast boost boosting KO can make Kart snowball into 5-0ing the entire opposition, (5-0 since shuckle almost always final gambits to get kart in) or picking off where it's allies left. Giga impact doesn't keep that snowbally effect, so sacred sword fightinium z it is.

sailor moon (Cresselia) @ Leftovers
Ability: Levitate
Tera Type: Poison
EVs: 134 HP / 244 Def / 24 SpA / 48 SpD / 58 Spe
Modest Nature
IVs: 0 Atk
- Calm Mind
- Moonlight
- Hidden Power [Fighting]
- Stored Power

This cress set seems to fit on any team, and sets up a few CM's , stored powers the crap out of everything in it's way once it's done. Physical bulk is that of a wall, with these EV's and the natural bulk, and the speed stat is to outspeed MMedicham under webs. Tera poison gimmicks ruin some teams, which allows it to be an effective sweeper.

I ran baxcalibur in the place of gambit once i reached 1700, but it fits poorly with the team, and I inevitably decided against it since I lost all the bax games.

Part 4: Closing thoughts

This is a very fun team, very viable, even without a mega pokemon, which allows the team to be more flexible. This team catapulted me from a 1400's ladder kid to the near top of the whole leaderboard, and it helps me deal with tilt. I recommend using the team for laddering sessions such as suspects, but getting to know the team and it's strengths is the most important part of using it, since it certainly isn't a free win button. I will work on adding more replays, and please give me feedback if you wish. Also pls tell me an alternative for kingambit since it might get banned.

Part 5: The fallout

Ok, good news and bad news. Gholdengo is having a good time. Gambit banned. Gambit is not having a good time. I can't use it. So I decided to switch it out with:


I had poor performance with it before due to me using the suboptimal moveset, but now I have refined my set and here is the post gambit ban version:

The king is dead, long live the king (Pult)

The only other change is that cress runs MB rather than hp fighting bc gambit is not needed to account for. Shoutout to anyone who is coping and using bisharp.


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Hey great team, always love a good webs team. This is less of a suggestion and more of just a fun idea, have you thought of custap berry on shuckle? It means you can get off a second move before you die if you go down to sturdy, such as a toxic or just rocks if you want to add that.

Although mental herb is incredibly valuable to deny taunt attempts.

Anyways great job on the team, keep pushing man :)
Hey great team, always love a good webs team. This is less of a suggestion and more of just a fun idea, have you thought of custap berry on shuckle? It means you can get off a second move before you die if you go down to sturdy, such as a toxic or just rocks if you want to add that.

Although mental herb is incredibly valuable to deny taunt attempts.

Anyways great job on the team, keep pushing man :)

Bro, the whole purpose of using shucke is to stop taunt.