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Survivor SURVIVOR - Won by rssp1

On a remote island somewhere in the Kanto region, these 16 trainers are beginning an adventure of a lifetime. For the next 39+ days, they'll be marooned, left to fend for themselves, and adapt to their new environment. They'll be forced to work together, or they'll be voted out of the tribe. In the end, only one will remain, and will the island with the title of Sole Survivor. 39 days (or so). 16 people. 1 Survivor!

Rules / FAQ once more for your viewing convenience

1. Game Basics:
There will be two tribes with 8 people each. Tribes will be setup in order to ensure that both tribes are about equal in battling skill (as best as possible, no guarantees)

-During the Day phases of the game there will be immunity challenges. Immunity challenges decide who is safe and who has to go to tribal council.

-During the Tribal Stage of the game, challenges will be won and lost as a whole tribe. The tribe that loses in the immunity challenge will have to go to Tribal Council and vote someone out.

-During the Individual Stage of the game, challenges will be won and lost by a single person. The winner of the immunity challenge cannot be voted upon, but (s)he will be able to vote.

2. Challenges
Challenges will normally consist of Pokemon battles using the Pokemon Showdown! simulator. Occasionally there will be non-Pokemon challenges; however, the majority will involve some sort of Pokemon battling.

Challenges will vary in terms of tiers and rules, from normal tiers such as ORAS OU to other metagames such as Monotype and 1v1 Challenge Cup

-At the start of the Day phase, the details of the challenge will be posted.

-During Tribal (Team) challenges, some players will have to sit out some of the challenges. Players cannot sit out during two consecutive challenges. Yes, this is a little different from the show.

You don't need to be good at battling to succeed in Survivor. While being good at battling will help, no competitive battling experience is necessary.

3. Tribal Council:
-Tribal Council will occur at the Night phase after the Immunity Challenge.

There will be a private Vote to see who is eliminated from the game.

-The vote total will be revealed to the tribe at the end of the night, but you will not know who voted for who.

-In case of an initial tie, there will be a re-vote where you can only vote for one of the people with the most votes. For example, if there are 3 votes for Player A, 3 votes for Player B, and 1 vote for Player C in a 7 man tribe, you may only vote for Player A or B during the re-vote.

-In case of a second tie, the player who leaves will be determined by a random number generator. The players who tied for the most votes both times will be safe from this tiebreaker. In the previous example, players A and B would be safe.

Players voted out (aka dead) cannot be communicated with following their removal from the game. There will be absolutely no communication between dead players and alive players. This will change when the game reaches its conclusion, but until then, this rule will be strictly enforced.

At a certain point, those voted out will form the Jury. The Jury is special in that they follow the game in order to vote for a winner at the end of the game.

4. Winning the Game:
-The goal of the game is to reach the Final Tribal Council, which typically occurs with just two or three people left in the game. You cannot win the game unless you make it to the Final Tribal Council.

-At the Final Tribal Council, the remaining players in the game speak to the jury and try to convince the jury that they deserve to win the game.

-Each finalist is allowed to make an opening statement on why they deserve to win the game.

Following opening statements, each Jury member is allowed to make either a statement or ask the finalists a question if they choose to. They may say or ask whatever they want.

-When everyone is done speaking, the jury will vote privately on who wins the game. Whoever gets the most votes wins.

5. Forum Mechanics:
A typical phase will go like this. I post a challenge and the rules. Teams will have around 48 hours to plan strategy and submit lineups (and other stuff like that). From there, tribes will have about 3-5 days to get matches done. The losing tribe will then go to tribal council where they will vote a person off.

The #circus channel on Pokemon Showdown! will be the primary place where games will be arranged. Try to idle there to catch your opponent!

No communication with players not on your tribe during the tribal stage. Obviously, I can't enforce this but other than pleasantries do not talk strategy regarding the game in a private manner. The only reason you should be talking to opposing tribe members is to schedule battles.

The voting stage will take place over 48 hours after the challenge is over. Players will have the first 24 hours to strategize, and then the last 24 to vote. You cannot change your vote once submitted. I will not be extending deadlines unless I absolutely have to.

Inactive players who fail to vote will vote for themselves, unless evidence can be provided otherwise as to that person voting for someone else, OR if I deem that self voting would negatively impact the strategy of the game, in which case I will randomize the vote.

-No anonymous nicks will be allowed for the purposes of this game. No impersonating as well. You will be punished if caught.

There will be no designated IRC/circus channel for tribes but I highly recommend creating one if you want real time chat with your tribemates (invite me please!). Alternatively, if you would like me to create one I can also make a channel. Also, forum conversations will be created to facilitate team discussion. You can also privately PM people ONLY on your tribe (make sure to invite me!).

6. FAQ:
-Q: So this game draws a lot from the TV show?
-A: Yes. A basic knowledge of the format of the game will help you.

-Q: When is the merge, When does the Individual portion start, etc?
Any and all twists will be hidden from the players. However, in the interest of fairness and objectivity, all twists and challenges have been planned out before hand. Since this game is not on television, I have no vested interest in ensuring that the game is interesting for outside viewers. As a result, I will be as consistent as possible in terms of following the plan for the game. However, I do reserve the right to make changes for any reason that I determine necessary to ensure the integrity of the game.

-Q: Final 2 or Final 3?
You'll see when/if we get there :]

-Q: What does the jury base their votes on?
The Jury is free to base their votes on whatever criteria that they believe to be important. There is no objective way to play the game that will guarantee you win; it is up to the Jury to decide that you are worthy of being the winner.

-Q: Should I communicate my thoughts to the host?
Absolutely! Please include me in all conversations, whatever they may be. I am planning to do a "postgame" that will go over what happened at every stage of the game, so any and all logs would be much appreciated.

On sportsmanship:
Look, this game is meant to be fun. The challenges are meant to be fun. That means I don't expect there to be too many problems regarding unsporting behavior, especially since you cannot win the game by winning all the challenges. I don't want to have to host this like an official Smogon Tournament, so I won't. But please do not/avoid as much as possible situations in which I will be forced to intervene and make decisions (eg activity wins and disconnections). If I hear anything regarding things such as ghosting or any type of cheating at all, I will forcibly remove the offending parties from the game AND push for some sort of forum-wide infraction. It's a game. Don't be a jerk.
If necessary, I will enact protocols (e.g. sending in teams and what not) to ensure the integrity of the game. Don't make me do that. I don't want to do that, so let's try our best to be reasonable :]
On activity:
You will get more from this game the more you put into it. By using pokemon battles as challenges, my goal is to make all stages of the game fun. That being said, I cannot force players to be active, as long as they meet the minimum requirements of voting and taking part in the challenges. If possible, I will avoid making substitutions unless absolutely necessary. A player who idles will likely be left in the game unless it is early in the game or I deem it necessary for whatever reason to make a substitution. This game shouldn't take up too much of your time, but it will be a commitment. Do try your best to be active. Thanks :]

rssp1 - Winner (6-1)
Blazade - Runner Up
billymills - Third Place
TraceofLife - 4th Place
zorbees - 5th Place
RODAN - Quit / 6th Place
Yeti - 7th Place
Walrein - 8th Place
Thetwinmasters - 9th Place
Haruno - 10th Place
Mithril - 11th Place
ButteredToast - 12th Place
King_ - 13th Place
Ullar - 14th Place
Maleovex - 15th Place
THE_IRON_KENYAN - 16th Place

Before we get started, apologies to those who didn't get into the game. I did my best to create a balanced playerlist of players who I knew would be active, and at the same time give a shot to players new to circus. I'm really sorry that I couldn't include everybody.

With that short intro out of the way, let's get started!
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Day 1

Welcome to Survivor everyone! Everyone's been split into two tribes, the Okata Tribe (color is yellow or "light yellow 1") and the Moto Tribe (color red or "light red 1"). Unfortunately I'm sort of lame, as otherwise I would create some tribe flag art but yeah.

Okata consists of:
Moto consists of:
Now that each tribe has been divided, take the time to get to know your tribemates. You'll be teaming with them for the foreseeable future.

I will be making group conversations for each respective tribe, so no need to do that. Feel free to make IRC channels or showdown! group chats if you'd like. I can help in getting that done too if necessary.

As always, any questions, please let me know. If you think any mistakes have been made, also feel free to let me know.

Consider the game started! The first challenge will be up as soon as possible.
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Immunity Challenge 1

This first challenge is just to get people warmed up and ensure they are active. For today's challenge, each tribe will face each other in a series of random battles. The format is as follows:

4 ORAS Random Battle Singles
3 ORAS Random Battle Doubles
1 ORAS Random Battle Triples

For every victory, the winner earns 1 point for their tribe, while the loser gets nothing. However, to encourage activity, losing a battle on activity will net you -1 point for your tribe. That means you need to get these battles done, as you don't want to be the reason why your tribe lost a point.

Each tribe will need to submit to me a lineup which indicates what tier each user is playing. Matchups will be decided on the order you send me the lineup (e.g. the first person listed in Singles will play the first person listed in singles for the opposing team).

What's at stake in today's challenge? The answer is: Tribal Immunity. Immunity is the one of the most important things to have in this game. With immunity, everyone from your tribe is safe for at least one more day. The losing tribe has a trip to tribal council where they'll have to vote out someone from their tribe. That person will become the first person voted out of Survivor.

With a lot to play for, let's get started. Tribes have 48 hours to submit their lineups (which player is playing which tier). Failure to do so means that I will randomize the lineup. After that, players will have a strict deadline of 72 hours to get their battles done. Because of the penalty for losing on activity, there will be no extensions. Let me know if there are any problems scheduling and I will do my best to work with you guys to resolve them. The sooner you do so, the better, since otherwise it will be hard to come up with a solution in the time allotted.

Please contact people in a way that I can verify that you contacted them, whether it's by doing so in public, or by inviting me to private conversations.

Feel free to ask any questions to me in your tribe conversation or in this thread.
Rule Clarification:

keep posts in this thread to banter. No out in the open strategy talk. obviously the line may not be that clear, but just use common sense and your best judgement. come talk to me if you think it'll be a problem. I'll probably be pretty lenient, but I'd like to avoid situations where people might use the thread to send send coded messages that not everyone would understand. Basically don't try to circumvent the "don't talk to other people on the other tribe" rule about strategy.
I think rosters are basically set for both tribes, however, since I have a doctor's appointment and a haircut, so I'm going to hold off on posting the matchups until later tonight (3-5 hours). Feel free to make any last minute changes until then.
OK, people seem itching to go, so let's get started. Deadline will be Friday midnight GMT pacific standard time


(4) Okata vs. Moto (3)

ORAS Random Singles

(0) Thetwinmasters vs. Walrein (1)
Ullar vs. THE_IRON_...KENYAN?
(0) Yeti vs. ButteredToast (1)
vs. Mithril (0)

ORAS Random Doubles

(1) zorbees vs. billymills (0)
(0) Blazade vs. TraceofLife (1)
(1) Haruno
vs. King_ (0)

ORAS Random Triples

(1) rssp1 vs. Maleovex (0)

All battles are best of 1, however, if you agree to it with your opponent, you can play a best of 3 if you'd like. If you can't agree on the format to play, then it'll default to best of 1. Any questions or issues let me know. Remember that you lose a point if you lose on an activity loss.
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Clarification regarding the deadline and activity wins

If you want an activity win, you need to provide me with some sort of proof that shows you contacted your opponent prior to the hard deadline of Friday midnight. The other player will then have the option to defend themselves on why they weren't inactive or whatever and then I will make a ruling. It is not and should not be my responsibility to make games happen or to keep track of who is active and making an effort to play, and who is not.

Games that I deem both players to be at fault for not happening will be considered dead, i.e. no points are awarded.

That being said, I am okay with games being scheduled reasonably after the deadline (aka the weekend). You can schedule games for the weekend in order to avoid taking an activity loss. Games scheduled after the deadline cannot be won based on activity, meaning that if by the deadline, one tribe has an insurmountable lead (taking into account that there will be no further activity wins), the challenge will be called.

Please let me know if you have any questions regarding what I have said, either in the thread, or on IRC/showdown!