Resource SV CAP Sample Teams


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Welcome to the new edition of CAP Sample Teams, ran by me and the rest of the VR team! This thread will feature teams that showcase the most prevalent archetypes and playstyles of the current metagame, so that everybody can try them out. You can submit a team for this thread by posting it in here and we will consider it when making future updates. For even more teams, check out the post-CAPCL team dump!

Balance / Fat
:Dragapult::Cinderace::Garganacl::Equilibra::Cresceidon::Venomicon:Hex Dragapult Status Spam by spoo
:Zamazenta::Kingambit::Gholdengo::Equilibra::Arghonaut::Venomicon:Zamazenta Balance by SHSP
:Darkrai::Dragonite::Gholdengo::Great Tusk::Arghonaut::Mollux:Dragonite Balance by SHSP
:Dragapult::Kingambit::Clefable::Gliscor::Arghonaut::Mollux:Dragapult + Kingambit Boots Spam by Joeshh
:Weavile::Kitsunoh::Clefable::Gliscor::Arghonaut::Slowking-Galar:Kitsunoh Hazard Stack by spoo
:Blissey::Hydrapple::Garganacl::Gliscor::Dondozo::Skarmory:Hydrapple Stall by Mada

Offense / Bulky Offense
:Zamazenta::Cinderace::Ogerpon-Wellspring::Ting-Lu::Gholdengo::Chuggalong:Chuggalong Bulky Offense by Joeshh
:Dragapult::Hemogoblin::Ogerpon-Wellspring::Landorus-Therian::Great Tusk::Slowking-Galar:Knock Ogerpon-W Bulky Offense by spoo
:Zamazenta::Hemogoblin::Kyurem::Landorus-Therian::Gholdengo::Slowking-Galar:Kyurem Bulky Offense by spoo
:Deoxys-Speed::Kingambit::Chuggalong::Landorus-Therian::Gholdengo::Iron Moth:Double Poison Hyper Offense by spoo
:Iron Valiant::Kingambit::Roaring Moon::Landorus-Therian::Primarina::Chuggalong:Chuggalong + Moon Hyper Offense by spoo
:Malaconda::Walking Wake::Roaring Moon::Great Tusk::Heatran::Venomicon:CB Roaring Moon Sun by spoo
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:meowscarada::krilowatt::kingambit::equilibra::arghonaut::venomicon: Krilowatt Hazard Stack by spoo
:dragapult::iron-valiant::skeledirge::equilibra::rotom-wash::venomicon: Substitute Skeledirge Balance by spoo
:venomicon::garganacl::great-tusk::gholdengo::rotom-wash::roaring-moon: Roaring Moon Bulky Offense by quziel
:iron-moth::roaring-moon::jumbao::great-tusk::toxapex::garganacl: Iron Moth Sun by Darek
:orthworm::volcarona::revenankh::miasmaw::greninja::stratagem: Miasmaw Hyper Offense by spoo
:garchomp::roaring-moon::orthworm::iron-moth::caribolt::iron-valiant: Booster Energy Spam Hyper Offense by spoo
:dragapult::hemogoblin::arghonaut::equilibra::garganacl::venomicon: Arghonaut Spikes Balance by Potatochan
:zamazenta::hemogoblin::krilowatt::equilibra::hoopa-unbound::venomicon: Krilowatt Hoopa Balance by Darek
:samurott-hisui::dragapult::iron moth::iron valiant::ursaluna::miasmaw: Miasmaw Screens HO by spoo
:samurott-hisui::great tusk::hatterene::caribolt::iron moth::kingambit: Bulk Up Tusk HO by Joeshh
:malaconda::walking wake::iron moth::great tusk::venomicon::roaring moon: Malaconda Sun by Darek
:Dragapult::Kingambit::Hemogoblin::Gliscor::Skarmory::Slowking-Galar:Dual Status Pult by spoo
:Dragapult::Kingambit::Cresceidon::Gliscor::Venomicon::Skeledirge: Cresceidon Skeledirge Fat by SHSP
:Volcarona::Weavile::Arghonaut::Gliscor::Clefable::Mollux: Setup Spam Fat by spoo
:Dragapult::Weavile::Arghonaut::Equilibra::Skarmory::Mollux: Libra Balance by quziel
:Dragapult::Garganacl::Primarina::Equilibra::Venomicon::Cinderace: AV Primarina Balance by SHSP
:Cinderace::Kyurem::Arghonaut::Ting-Lu::Corviknight::Slowking-Galar: Specs Kyurem Balance by spoo
:Dragapult::Hemogoblin::Alomomola::Ting-Lu::Skarmory::Slowking-Galar: Alomomola Fat by spoo
:Landorus-Therian::Ogerpon-Wellspring::Raging Bolt::Roaring Moon::Hemogoblin::Gholdengo: Ogerpon-W Offense by spoo
:Landorus-Therian::Great Tusk::Dragonite::Roaring Moon::Volcarona::Venomicon-Epilogue: Flying Spam Offense by spoo
:Landorus-Therian::Caribolt::Primarina::Miasmaw::Iron Moth::Kingambit: Custap Primarina Offense by Joeshh
:Malaconda::Walking Wake::Gouging Fire::Great Tusk::Heatran::Venomicon: Venomicon Sun by spoo
:Heatran::Rillaboom::Hawlucha::Roaring Moon::Hemogoblin::Pecharunt: Grassy Terrain Offense by spoo
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In the face of Revenankh's nerf (Pls don't its so funny), I wanted to share some of the teams I made and tested recently.

Miasmaw Eject Pack HO
:miasmaw: :stratagem: :revenankh: :great tusk: :gholdengo: :meowscarada:

This one comes from my time in OU, utilizing Eject Pack on Great Tusk and Gholdengo to generate unexpected momentum for Miasmaw, Stratagem, and Revenankh. Meowscarada is here as an almost dedicated lead that can shut down common defensive hazard setters like Ting-Lu and Snaelstrom, while threatening a powerful Overgrow-boosted Leaf Storm if it is brought down to its Focus Sash. Miasmaw is the focus of this team though, and it has proven to be an effective physical setup sweeper for its unique ability to shred through common Unaware mons like Arghonaut and Skeledirge. This team is a refreshing take on Hyper Offense that I think is worth a go if you're bored of using the same staples like Grimmsnarl and Orthworm.

Ghost Spam + Colossoil Offense
:revenankh: :dragapult: :skeledirge: :colossoil: :tomohawk: :meowscarada:

Ghost spam is incredibly threatening right now, mostly due to Revenankh being absolutely insane (+1 252+ Spell Tag Tera Ghost Poltergeist OHKOs almost anything that doesn't resist or is immune to ghost). This team aims to spam Ghost's great neutral STAB, while also utilizing Colossoil's wallbreaking prowess to shred the opposing team's walls for said Ghost spam to overwhelm the opponent. Defensive Tomohawk and Scarf Meowscarada are here to both defensively and offensively check common Ghost resistances like opposing Colossoil, Dragapult, and Roaring Moon. This team is just solid all around at what it does, getting me to the 1380's at one point on ladder recently.

Dragon + Ground Spam Offense
:pajantom: :cyclohm: :garchomp: :great tusk: :equilibra: :jumbao:

This is a funkier team I've been using recently. Even though Jumbao is easily one of the best mons in the metagame at the moment, it's the only viable bulky fairy and can be easily overwhelmed with the right counterplay. Thus, I developed a Dragon spam team that also ended up being a Ground spam team. Choice Band Pajantom is still really strong, and can offensively check Revenankh decently, while hazard stacking bulky Garchomp is great at wearing down the opposing team. Read my Viability Rankings post about Cyclohm if you want to know why I use this guy. Assault vest Equilibra is great at handling opposing Jumbao both defensively and offensively, even if it teras. Finally, Great Tusk is extra hazard removal / potential win condition with bulk up, while Scarf Jumbao is just good, offensively checking Dragapult, Stratagem, and Roaring Moon decently well barring tera, as well as boosting Great Tusk's physical walling potential even more. This team is surprisingly effective while being a unique experience to play, and I recommend it to anyone who wants a team that looks and plays differently.

That's all for now! Hopefully someone finds these teams as cool as I think they are :)
Ok I know I just posted yesterday, but I've revised my Dragon / Ground Spam team and it has gotten me to 12th on the ladder so I wanted to share.

Dragon + Ground Sun Spam
:jumbao: :roaring moon: :great tusk: :garchomp: :cyclohm: :equilibra:

So the premise here is the same, but tweaked to be a better user experience. I found that, while good, Pajantom is outclassed as a Dragon type Choice Band user by Roaring Moon pretty handily, but the Tera Flying Acrobatics Booster Energy set is better for this team that lacks a dedicated win condition. I also changed the Cyclohm set from Static to Shield Dust and Tera Water over Tera Flying. This allows Cyclohm to switch into Garganacl safely as Garg is a massive threat to this team.

Interesting tech that I have observed with this team is that, yes, it is a sun team, but it's not reliant on it. Jumbao runs Scarf over Heat rock because of this, allowing me to play more aggressively. Roaring Moon can also save its Booster Energy for later by switching in during sun and switching out before it ends.

This team has some great synergy and is really fun to play! Definitely the best team I've made :)
I'm back yet again. Since last time I have posted, I have made three more teams that I would recommend to people who want to try out some new team styles or certain CAP mons that don't see much of a spotlight in the current meta.

Smokomodo + Sub Drige Offense
:smokomodo: :skeledirge: :dragapult: :equilibra: :rotom-wash: :venomicon:

This team attempts to make Smokomodo into a threatening wallbreaker / sweeper. In the advent of SV, many players have been making use of the new Loaded Dice item on mons like Breloom and Iron Throns, and Smokomodo is another of these lucky few. The combination of Technician, Loaded Dice, and Bone Rush gives Smokomodo a minimum 150 bp STAB ground type move, which is a massive upgrade from Earthquake. This allows it to shred common defensive mons, while being able to threaten faster teams after a Technician boosted Flame Charge speed boost. With smart play, Smokomodo getting off a Bulk Up and a Flame Charge can end games just like that. Substitute Skeledirge and Hex Dragapult are here to take away enemy resources needed to deal with Smokomodo, while also having natural synergy with each other. Washtom is here to exert pressure and keep momentum with Dragapult, while Equilibra and Venomicon form a solid defensive core that is hard to break through (Grass tera on Venomicon is used to serve as an emergency check to Krilowatt, which this team struggles with unless Smokomodo gets a speed boost). Pretty standard team for what it wants to accomplish.

Krilowatt + AV Toxapex Balance
:krilowatt: :toxapex: :great tusk: :kingambit: :ting-lu: :corviknight:

"Ew! Gross! A Toxapex in 2023?!" You might be saying these things to yourself upon seeing this team. Given time, however, I think this team can grow on you, Toxapex and all. Firstly, I wanted to make a team that utilized Krilowatt that wasn't pivot focused like the sample team provided above. Aside from pivot offense, I believe Krilowatt functions great on balance teams, being able to provide immediate damage with great coverage, as well as generating momentum with Volt Switch. Assault Vest Toxapex is here to be a special sponge with Regenerator, while also being able to trap with Infestation. The real kicker comes with the 236 SpA investment with a modest nature. This lets its STABs chip for surprisingly good damage, with things like Ice Beam chunking cocky Dragapult hard and Sludge Bomb straight up OHKOing unsuspecting Jumbao. Dark tera is good at stoping things like Psyshock from Iron Valiant, but Toxapex isn't reliant on tera to do its job. Bulk Up Great Tusk is here to check physical sweepers like Dragonite, Kingambit, and Revenaknh (Until Poltergeist gets removed from showdown). Ting-Lu and Corviknight create a defensive hazard-based core that Krilowatt and Toxapex can capitalize off of well. Kingambit ties the team together, serving as a standard late-game cleaner, using Tera Fairy Tera Blast to muscle through its major check, Great Tusk. This team is really fun and satisfying to use well, and I'd recommend it to players that are tired of offense but don't want to turn to stall.

Bulky Naviathan + VoltTurn Offense
:naviathan: :volkraken: :meowscarada: :rotom-wash: :venomicon: :equilibra:

Naviathan is in a pretty weird spot right now. The introduction of Wave Crash as water STAB is great, but it cuts its already middling longevity greatly. The required Flame Orb on the standard sweeper set is also a major hinderance, and even though its power is truly a sight to behold, I find it ends up being dead weight in most games if it can't set up. I was determined to make this mon work, however, so I tried running a Specially Defensive Dragon Dance set (courtesy of Brigtel on the Victim of the Week thread for Walking Wake) with Leftovers to make use of its improved bulk. Guts is still run on this set to be a counter to standard Skeledirge, but Facade can no longer be run due to consistency issues, so Icicle Crash is here to smack Grass and Dragon types that like to switch in on Wave Crash. This set has a much easier time switching in throughout a game, allowing it multiple opportunities to threaten a sweep. The rest of this team is structured around VoltTurn, with staples like Meowscarada and Washtom here to provide constant pressure and allow Naviathan as many switch-in opportunities as possible. Scarf Volkraken is here as well, contributing to the momentum-heavy core with its own U-Turn, while also threatening massive damage with Analytic boosted Hydro Pumps and Flamethrowers (Flamethrower over Fire Blast to not lose to Cawmodore over a miss). Tera Ground Tera Blast rounds out this set, making up for the loss of Scorching Sands, while having the uniquely great quality of OHKOing Krilowatt on its "safe" switch, or 2HKOing while absorbing a Thunderbolt as an offensive check. Finally, the Venomicon + Equilibra core returns to reliably wall most of the tier, with Venomicon running Tera Dragon since Volkraken can deal with Krilowatt pretty well. If you've ever felt like using Naviathan but don't want to because its standard set isn't great right now, I cannot recommend this team enough.

That's all I have this time, pretty good batch if I do say so myself. I think making these posts helps to develop my teambuilding skills, so that's pretty cool I guess.
Guys guys guys, you'll never guess what I've brought to share with you all. That's right, I made more teams for the purpose of sharing on this thread. I really hope the mods don't think I'm annoying.

Jaw Lock Roaring Moon + Double Unaware BO
:roaring moon: :dondozo: :clodsire: :venomicon: :cinderace: :meowscarada:

I always thought that Roaring Moon's Jaw Lock set was very interesting. Being able to trap something that you can set up on easily, get a lot of boosts, and then punch holes in the opposing team can be a game-ending strategy, especially against unprepared teams. Tera Bug is also interesting, as Bug shares no weaknesses with Roaring Moon's base typing of Dark / Dragon. Max HP and Max Def are used on Roaring Moon to give it more opportunities to set up and sweep. The duo of Dondozo and Clodsire is meant to wall basically anything while sticking around with their own forms of recovery. Venomicon provides another defensive backbone to the team while also posing threats to common defensive mons that Roaring Moon could struggle with like Equilibra, while the pivoting duo of Meowscarada and Cinderace can get these slower, more defensive mons in while chunking anything weak to their attacks. No hazards are used here, so Cinderace has Court Change to flip the enemy's hazards back on them. This team is just fun to use, and I'd recommend it to people who are bored using more "standard" teams.

DD Pult + EB Valiant Offense
:glimmora: :dragapult: :iron valiant: :great tusk: :venomicon: :equilibra:

This team is my attempt to use Substitute + Dragon Dance Dragapult in CAP. DD Pult struggles a lot with walls like Equilibra and Venomicon, Unaware Arghonaut, and Great Tusk. Most of these mons are shredded or at least threatened by Expert Belt Iron Valiant, a set that trades Booster Energy's speed for a slight power boost. Offensive Great Tusk is another way to smack the defensive mons that stop Dragapult and Iron Valiant while also providing spin and Knock Off support. Glimmora is here to do Glimmora things, like slamming unsuspecting offensive mons with max SpAtk Power Gems and spreading poison via Mortal Spin and Toxic Debris. Finally, the best defensive power couple of this generation of CAP. You know them, you love them, it's Venomicon and Equilibra yet again. This team is about as standard as it gets aside from the lesser seen sets on Dragapult and Iron Valiant. This is a great team for players that are new to the metagame, providing the user with all of the tools needed to win.

SD Iron Valiant + Booster Energy Spam
:iron valiant: :orthworm: :meowscarada: :stratagem: :iron moth: :roaring moon:

Iron Valiant is definitely my favorite Gen 9 pokemon competitively speaking given the various sets it can run. Sure, it may have a SpDef stat similar in quality to soggy, single-ply toilet paper, but it has such a varied amount of offensive sets to use. Choice Specs, Choice Band, Choice Scarf, Expert Belt, Offensive Mixed, and Calm Mind sets are all things I've explored, but the Swords Dance set has always intrigued me. This is mostly because it uses the unique Tera type of Water to boost the damage of its Liquidation while also resisting stray steel type attacks like an Equilibra Flash Cannon or a Gholdengo Make It Rain. A Booster Energy speed boost and a Swords Dance boost in conjunction with Orthworm's Shed Tail can throttle teams something fierce. This combined with lead Meowscarada's annoying potential and three other Hyper Offense staples in Iron Moth, Roaring Moon, and Stratagem make for team that's very difficult to pilot well, but can be immensely rewarding for those looking for a challenge.

Another decent batch this time around. I fear that I am slowly turning this thread into my own personal blog for teambuilding, but oh well.
We should find a mon to replace Revenankh on the Sample Team. Booster Energy Iron Valiant seems like a strong option since the team otherwise has to play really carefully around opposing Stratagem and it helps relieve pressure from Pokemon like Arghonaut and Dragapult too. Also having three samples with Iron Valiant is pretty indicative of the meta (GUD MON) and it baits in Book for Stratagem.

I don't have a strong opinion on which set though; a Substitute variant seems strong since it makes Arghonaut less annoying.
After a brief respite from the metagame, I have returned with a vengeance and knowledge beyond comprehension. Behold, a relic from my time in SS OU:

Fire Spin Hydreigon Sun
:hydreigon: :snaelstrom: :jumbao: :iron moth: :great tusk: :cyclohm:

Sun is one of the most dominant archetypes in the metagame right now, and it's easy to see why. Jumbao is and has been a premier offensive threat since the generation began, both setting up and abusing sun incredibly well. Since Walking Wake was banned a few weeks ago, sun has taken a hit, but that doesn't mean it's down for the count. Mons like Choice Band Great Tusk and speed boost Booster Energy Iron Moth are amazing sun abusers, with Great Tusk's Close Combat or Headlong Rush under sun essentially being a delete button against anything that isn't a bulky resist, and Iron Moth being able to snowball very easily with Fiery Dance and Tera Ground Tera Blast. SpDef Snaelstrom and PhysDef Cyclohm make for a solid defensive backbone that also provide hazard removal and spread debilitating status.

The real star of the show here is Fire Spin Hydreigon with Substitute and Nasty Plot. This set has already proven great without Fire Spin, setting up easily on passive walls that have no way to break through a sub and slamming the offensive mons that can on the switch with a boosted Dark Pulse or Earth Power. Fire Spin has some great uses, however, as trapping a mon that can't touch it allows Hydreigon to set up as much as it wants. Some great setup fodder mons for Hydreigon are Equilibra, standard Toxapex, Amoongus, hazard-stacking Glimmora, Garganacl, and even Kingambit. With Tera Poison, it can make setup against these mons even easier, as well as allowing Hydreigon to take a stray Fairy or Fighting hit from the likes of Iron Valiant or opposing Jumbao. Tera Steel is another good option, but retaining a fighting weakness can be detrimental at times. The goal of using a set like this is to trap and remove the walls that stand in the way of Great Tusk or Iron Moth and open the way for them to sweep.

This team is just really fun to use. Sun is great right now, and this team makes use of it in some creative ways, like Hydreigon's Fire Spin and Cyclohm's Flamethrower getting a power boost, lowering the accuracy of opposing Venomicon's Hurricane for Snaelstrom and Great Tusk, and weakening Water type attacks for Great Tusk and Iron Moth. Use this team if you want to try a new and interesting playstyle within the archetype of sun, and I guarantee you'll have fun!

Funny Calc:

252 Atk Choice Band Protosynthesis Great Tusk Ice Spinner vs. 248 HP / 60+ Def Venomicon: 266-314 (71.3 - 84.1%) -- guaranteed 2HKO
I'm back yet again. But don't worry, I have brought something other than an offense team lol.

Jumbao Sand Semi-Stall
:hippowdon: :jumbao: :equilibra: :arghonaut: :garganacl: :toxapex:

Sand is easily my favorite weather, but it hasn't gotten any love since Excadrill terrorized Gen 5 OU. While sun and rain consistently receive new and more powerful abusers that lend well to offense teams, sand has been stuck with Excadrill as the best offensive option for four generations. Thus, I decided to build a team that plays more into sand's defensive and passive-damage-spreading playstyle. Hippowdon is the sand-setter of choice here, as the combination of rocks, whirlwind, and longevity in Slack Off make it great for lasting throughout a game to keep the sand up. The Water-type duo in Arghonaut and Toxapex wall a good portion of the metagame, stifling setup sweeper's attempts to break through this team's defenses. They also provide Spikes and Toxic Spikes support for maximum passive damage spreading. Equilibra is here mainly as hazard removal, and Jumbao is here as a pocket cleric with Wish support (mainly for Equilibra). Finally, Garganacl is the win condition of this team. Salt Cure's absurd passive damage has already been discussed to the moon and back, and the combination of Iron Defense + Body Press in conjunction with a max SpDef EV spread in sand makes Garg nearly unkillable with just one boost.

Garganacl's preservation is necessary to allow this team to function, and as unkillable as Garg can be on paper, phasing from Arghonaut and opposing Garganacl's Salt Cure can shut down an effort to sweep. Knock Off from the likes of Arghonaut, Venomicon, and Iron Valiant can also prove troublesome, as all of the mons on this team love their boots. Arghonaut is just a massive problem for this team in general, but it has to be wary of Garg's Salt Cure and Jumabo's Leaf Storm (always 2HKO's because of Unaware lol). Venomicon can also be tricky, but most variants struggle against Toxapex's ability to trap it and deplete its resources.

If you're anything like me, you're probably bored of playing with and against offense teams constantly. Even with Shed Tail's recent ban, offense is going nowhere, so it could be worthwhile to give a slower, more defense-oriented team a try. Thins team can be tricky to get the hang of, but it can be so satisfying to win with it, as careful planning and a well thought-out strategy can be oh so rewarding.
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Dino-spam Sun

I basically took the OU dino-spam RMT and modified it for CAP. It's incredible how much better Malaconda is than Torkoal is as a sun setter due to not being weak to rocks, and having recovery and Knock/Glare/Parting utility. I like running Synthesis but from what I've seen, most players prefer Knock > Synthesis. The goal is to set sun so you can click Hydro Steam or Raging Fury and collect kills.

CB Hemogoblin is basically a panic button for when you mess up and let something set up on you, or for dealing with Booster mons that outspeed Gouging/Wake in Sun. I'm currently on Tera Electric + Wild Charge, though Tera Fairy or Tera Fire + Explosion are also considerations. Honestly, for EVs, you might as well run 4HP/252+Atk/252Spe. I was basically sold on this set after seeing this damage:

252+ Atk Choice Band Hemogoblin Bitter Blade vs. 248 HP / 252+ Def Venomicon in Sun: 195-231 (52.2 - 61.9%) -- guaranteed 2HKO

I've been thinking about the last slot for a while, but I think Great Tusk works well enough. It offers SR and Spin support, since Malaconda is not super reliable as a spinner, as well as being extremely physically tanky (especially under sun). Tera Fire is for Hemogoblin, which dino spam is inevitably weak to, though it probably loses to Bulk Up + Wish/Moonlight anyways so you might as well just Tera Fire on Gouging instead.

This team is basically 6-0'd by stall, so play at your own risk.

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Samples have been updated with 12 new teams... GO USE 'EM!

:Dragapult::Kingambit::Cresceidon::Gliscor::Skarmory::Mollux: Cresceidon CM Mollux Fat by Joeshh
This team's only crime was being too similar to the other samples we chose... great build though!

:Ogerpon::Garganacl::Snaelstrom::Equilibra::Skarmory::Moltres: SD Snaelstrom Balance by spoo
I liked this one but D2 said it was 6-0d by Tera Grass Heatran and wasn't a simple enough team for new users (wrong on both counts, like usual)

:Malaconda::Walking Wake::Gouging Fire::Great Tusk::Hemogoblin::Raging Bolt: CB Hemogoblin Sun by Meta-Knight
Cool sun but impacted weirdly by the Hemo nerf and we decided that only one sun team was enough

:Zamazenta::Kyurem::Cresceidon::Ting-Lu::Hemogoblin::Slowking-Galar: CB Zama Balance by Lasen
Another that's impacted weirdly by the Hemo nerf, also I'm just a big Zama hater & I think this struggles vs hazardstack + knock builds

:Gouging Fire::Colossoil::Glimmora::Iron Moth::Revenankh::Dragapult: Gouging Fire HO by spoo
D2TheW — Today at 2:46 PM
I hate how you build offense
How you win with these teams I will never understand
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Just want to chime in here and say that IMO, there are bunch of gems here in Spoo's teams post back in February:

I think there are a bunch of cores here that are still effective to build around and you can still check Chugg well, etc.

Thank you Spoo for enlightening us Padawans with your Jedi teambuilding skills

Necturna Supa Stall

Cool stall team built and used by Earthflax, Poopidoopi and I in the last 2 cap seasonals. Necturna is quite bulky and really shuts down equilrba and other pokemon, leech seed is incredible move, theres not many viable grass types in the tier and allows for really strong passive damage with additional salt cure and will o wisp. More annoying damage with lots of hazards, knock off argh removing leftovers and doom desire equilbra. Hemo allows for revenge killing of offensive pokemon and krill can keep momentum while being bulky enough to live other hits.