Resource SV Monotype Bazaar

I tried to optimize ice semistall, and to the surprise of no one ever it is not very good. I unsuccessfully tried to break through 1500 with the team, though at least I got until ~1470 ish, but I tilted + the team was farmed by the numerous mono bugs on the ladder which 6-0 the team with zor + volcarona :blobthumbsup:

Version 1:
:avalugg: :chien-pao: :cloyster: :frosmoth: :cetitan: :articuno:

Version 2:
:avalugg: :chien-pao: :baxcalibur: :frosmoth: :cetitan: :articuno:

Version 3: (The better one?)
:avalugg: :chien-pao: :baxcalibur: :frosmoth: :articuno: :cloyster:

:avalugg: :frosmoth:
Those two are probably required on any bulky takes on ice, and I don't think it's very hard to see why: those are among the bulkiest mons in the game on each side of the spectrum. Frosmoth EVs allow it to avoid the 3HKO from Flutter Mane's specs moonblast. Avalugg can run ice spinner to hit Flutter/Dragapult, but unfortunately this is a move quite tough to fit. ID Press is cool bcz it deals with some kinds of setups + hep lugg acting as a win condition against offensive teams packing only one special attacker (From what I saw on the ladder, Fighting and Bug often seemed to be built like that).

I think you will need some sort of speed to compensate the fact you are running a very wonky defensive core, and watching things die to banded Crunch gives you the illusion that the team might not be so terrible. It helps a lot with threats you can't rly deal with defensively on ice semistall, such as Gholdengo.

NGL I put it here just to deal with Superpower Enamorus. The spread can probably be toyed with, but you'll need at least some physdef to switch into enam and haze+roost pp stall its Superpowers. Otherwise, Sub+Pressure and access to Haze are obviously quite epic to have. Its fighting neutrality is very useful too.

Cetitan is functionally a Fire resist thanks to Thick Fat, and helps Frosmoth to not be overwhelmed too easily considering RestTalk isn't the most reliable recovery option ever made, and Cetitan also has the benefit of not being as passive thanks to its IceQuake coverage, while Frosmoth can easily thud against a lot, since it only is running Ice Beam, which also makes it better at sitting against Electric and Poison.

Its role is quite similar to Cetitan, except it is not as bulky but hits harder. The EVs allow it to OHKO Volcarona with Glaive Rush, the rest goes in Special bulk.

Mission: setting up spikes, and walling Kingambit thanks to the combination of Helmet/Life Dew/Iron Defense, and that's kinda it. Drill Run is here supposed to hit Kingambit if things go sour but it probably can be a water move or whatever else.

You have exactly one day to try this team before it somehow gets even worse when Gamefreak unleashes monstrosities: if you want to mald against the ladder, it is an opportunity to not miss imo.
Hello first team of the new DLC

:ursaluna: :mamoswine: :gliscor: :iron-treads: :sandy-shocks: :great-tusk:

Offensive ground team built around four attacks assault vest ursaluna blood moon. I've been experimenting with ground before dlc came out, hence I wanted to try out the new toys that came with it like mamo and gliscor
Got two day 1 DLC teams that both exploit how broken Band cat is:

:Chien-Pao::Ninetales-Alola::Baxcalibur::Avalugg::Cetitan::Piloswine: (<- click for paste)

Ice got way better in DLC1, and this team aims to capitalise on all its new toys. Ninetales-A is an amazing Snow setter with incredibly valuable tools in its Speed, access to Encore, and amazing STABs. Icy Rock with Aurora Veil support really helps Chien-Pao and Baxcalibur go to town. EQ is used on SD Bax over Ice Shard to deal with Steels. Avalugg is virtually unkillable on the physical side with Snow support, and is an amazing spinner; Avalanche is run over Iron Defense to threaten Flying-types and prevent Ghosts from completely walling you. Cetitan is both Speed control and a wincon; definitely not to be underestimated, especially with Ninetales-A support. Sp Def Piloswine complements Avalugg's physical bulk, sets rocks, and prevents you from autolosing to Volcarona.

:Chien-Pao::Kingambit::Sableye::Ting-Lu::Mandibuzz::Darkrai: (<- click for paste)

Dark is even more broken than pre-DLC. Band Chien-Pao and SD Kingambit rip the entire tier apart. The rest of the team is set up to support these two, with Mandibuzz adding to the classic Sableye-Ting-Lu defensive core with Defog support and pivoting to enable Band Chien-Pao. I'm using Brave Bird here to threaten Fighting-types, but you could run Knock or Foul Play if you wanted to. Darkrai is an amazing Scarfer who is not only incredibly strong and fast, but can also cripple both sweepers and bulky mons with fast Hypnosis and Trick. Sludge Bomb is used as coverage to deal with pesky Fairies.
Some DLC 1 teams
:roaring-moon: :dragapult: :cyclizar: :baxcalibur: :kommo-o: :goodra-hisui:
Dragon is so back, Kommo-o gives you a really good chance to mow through Dark. If you want you can use Mental Herb to screw over Sableye and win. Vacuum Wave needed to beat the Choice Scarf Meowscarada and prevent Pao Pao from revenge killing, while Hisui Goodra shields us in the ice matchup.

:weezing-galar: :amoonguss: :toxapex: :muk-alola: :glimmora: + Okidogi
Choice Scarf Glimmora might be a bit weird, but it sort of helps against Ice, which bowls over Poison teams. You can use Specs Gengar if you want to, since no one here immediately threatens Landorus. Okidogi always clears Kingambit with an Adamant Nature, and will always outspeed it.

:amoonguss: :meowscarada: :brambleghast: :torterra: :breloom: + Ogrepon
Partially lifted from Ninjamage and probably made it worse (A variant had Abomasnow over Amoonguss, as it was able to set screens for the setuppers). Brambleghast is able to spin away spikes and heavily punish Hurricane attempts with Poltergeist. Breloom is a bit better for now due to Mach Punch being able to dent the Ice, though not by much.

:zoroark-hisui: :flutter-mane: :gholdengo: :spectrier: :skeledirge: :brambleghast:
:zoroark-hisui: :flutter-mane: :gholdengo: :spectrier: :skeledirge: :decidueye:
Nothing really new but its nice to see Bramb/Decid get Poltergeist.

:zoroark-hisui: :flutter-mane: :gholdengo: :spectrier: :skeledirge: :annihilape:
Annihi unban

Thats all for meow, have fun(?)
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I'm realizing this team is pretty similar to (and probably worse than) Neko's but here goes anyway

Dragon HO
:kommo-o: :baxcalibur: :dragapult: :dragonite: :cyclizar: :walking wake:

The game plan is literally one-dimensional. Set up screens with Dragapult, sac Dragapult, Shed Tail, sweep. This is a team to use if you don't want to think too much and just click buttons. Some matchups are unplayable (like Fairy), others are easy sweeps (like Grass), but in any case you'll probably be done with the battle in five minutes. The team's overall performance is "ok I guess" but the performance-to-thinking ratio is off the charts.

There are a few quirks. Kommo-o has Boomburst for neutral damage against many targets, and is basically a compromise between Flamethrower and Flash Cannon. Cyclizar has Scarf because it might be useful later in the game to surprise and KO weakened fairies with Iron Head, for example. (HDB is an option but this team is not designed to play long games.)
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Was gonna post this on the samples thread bc I think this team is very good but I chickened out and decided to post here

[Water] Demon Manaphy Offense
:empoleon: :quagsire: :urshifu-rapid-strike: :walking-wake: :ogerpon-wellspring: :manaphy:

:empoleon: - With Stealth Rock, Flip Turn, and that great defensive typing, Empoleon is among the best pivots for Water teams. Empoleon can sit on Pokemon that irritate other Water-types, such as Toxapex or Amoongus. Surf is Empoleon's best STAB, and still deals good damage with Empoleon's naturally good Special Attack. Empoleon's last move is up for debate, between Roost and Flash Cannon being recommended to me. However, I've stuck with Ice Beam since this team lacks great ways to directly threaten Grass-types. Finally, Competitive is a good way to dissuade Defog. Since this team likes stacking hazards to play around Pokemon that my team can't take on directly, having some sort of punish to Defogging is useful, especially since common spinners (Great Tusk and Iron Treads most notably) don't like Water-types.

:quagsire: - The physically defensive counterpart to Empoleon's special bulk, Quagsire also has a great defensive typing and hazards to pressure the opponent. Spikes help wear down Rock-resistant Pokemon that Stealth Rocks don't do as well, and stacking hazards is a tried and true strategy in competitive Pokemon. Toxic also helps Quagsire punish switches and pressure the opponent's Pokemon further, and Earthquake and Recover round out the set for reliable STAB and longevity to handle threats and stack hazards. Finally, Unaware on Quagsire lets me deal with boosting Pokemon well, namely Baxcalibur.

:urshifu-rapid-strike: - The main wallbreaker on the team, Urshifu-Rapid Strike's damage is ridiculous with Choice Band. The reason why Urshifu is Choice Band here is because I tried both Choice Scarf and Swords Dance, but I didn't like either set, so I settled on Choice Band, whose threat level is immense with Spikes down. Traditionally, Fighting-types don't abuse Spikes well since Flying-types switch into Fighting-type moves, but a) Flying-types aren't the most common in a format where you are forced to share types, and b) Urshifu's other STAB and U-turn takes advantage of Spikes plenty well.

:walking-wake: - I needed a Choice Scarf user who also brought me some respite into some of my tougher matchups, namely Grass and Electric. Walking Wake's typing and Speed made it the perfect choice for the role. The Dragon-type gives it a neutrality to Grass and Electric moves, as well as giving me an offensive check to opposing Dragons like Baxcalibur. What's more, Protosynthesis and Hydro Steam gives this team a better matchup into opposing Sun teams, which is important since this team doesn't bring its own weather to counter it. The choice of getting the Special Attack or Speed boost on Protosynthesis is up to personal preference. Generally, Speed is better since it lets you outrun Chlorophyll Pokemon in the Sun, but you often don't need the extra power against naturally frail Sun teams.

:ogerpon-wellspring: - Ogerpon-Wellspring is another attacker that provides another offensive check to various attackers, and provides utility in Taunt. Wood Hammer is used here for its extra power, especially since I'm not super concerned about Ogerpon sticking around throughout the battle. However, Horn Leech is also a fine option to give Ogerpon some recovery. After Ivy Cudgel and U-turn, I opted for Taunt as the last move. Earlier I used Knock Off, which comes with the benefit of removing Heavy Duty Boots to enable my hazards, as well as Leftovers and Alolan Ninetales's Light Clay. However, Ninetales would set up Aurora Veil anyway and then I would be in trouble vs Baxcalibur. While I've restructured the team to be safer into Ice's threats behind Aurora Veil, but I still like Taunt to disable many defensive Pokemon like Toxapex or Amoongus. However, Knock Off is still a great option it; pick whichever you like.

:manaphy: - God this thing is so broken. Manaphy gives this team a legitimate win condition, and giving this thing free turns is probably the easiest way to lose. With Acid Armor and Take Heart, Manaphy can become virtually unkillable once it gets going. Take Heart's status curing effect also makes it so that you can't poison or paralyze it to make progress. These two moves, in conjunction with Stored Power, lets Manaphy sweep teams that don't play actively against it. Scald is the cherry on top, giving Manaphy STAB and also hits Dark-types immune to Stored Power. The burn chance is also very handy to help it set up more.

:meowscarada::choice-scarf: - When laddering, I found that Choice Scarf Meowscarada to be one of the biggest threats to this team, since it has Protean to switch its types around, and outruns the entire team. To play against it, you need to get hazards and/or status on it and outlast it. It's just that threatening to Pex-less Water teams.

:flutter-mane::spectrier: - Mono-Ghost is a massive threat since they stack Pokemon that naturally outrun this team. Take advantage of Aqua Jet on Urshifu, Manaphy's bulk, and the Speed of Walking Wake. Additionally, Knock Off on Ogerpon allows it to get value (at least once) in this matchup.
Was gonna post this on the samples thread bc I think this team is very good but I chickened out and decided to post here

[Water] Demon Manaphy Offense
:empoleon: :quagsire: :urshifu-rapid-strike: :walking-wake: :ogerpon-wellspring: :manaphy:

:empoleon: - With Stealth Rock, Flip Turn, and that great defensive typing, Empoleon is among the best pivots for Water teams. Empoleon can sit on Pokemon that irritate other Water-types, such as Toxapex or Amoongus. Surf is Empoleon's best STAB, and still deals good damage with Empoleon's naturally good Special Attack. Empoleon's last move is up for debate, between Roost and Flash Cannon being recommended to me. However, I've stuck with Ice Beam since this team lacks great ways to directly threaten Grass-types. Finally, Competitive is a good way to dissuade Defog. Since this team likes stacking hazards to play around Pokemon that my team can't take on directly, having some sort of punish to Defogging is useful, especially since common spinners (Great Tusk and Iron Treads most notably) don't like Water-types.

:quagsire: - The physically defensive counterpart to Empoleon's special bulk, Quagsire also has a great defensive typing and hazards to pressure the opponent. Spikes help wear down Rock-resistant Pokemon that Stealth Rocks don't do as well, and stacking hazards is a tried and true strategy in competitive Pokemon. Toxic also helps Quagsire punish switches and pressure the opponent's Pokemon further, and Earthquake and Recover round out the set for reliable STAB and longevity to handle threats and stack hazards. Finally, Unaware on Quagsire lets me deal with boosting Pokemon well, namely Baxcalibur.

:urshifu-rapid-strike: - The main wallbreaker on the team, Urshifu-Rapid Strike's damage is ridiculous with Choice Band. The reason why Urshifu is Choice Band here is because I tried both Choice Scarf and Swords Dance, but I didn't like either set, so I settled on Choice Band, whose threat level is immense with Spikes down. Traditionally, Fighting-types don't abuse Spikes well since Flying-types switch into Fighting-type moves, but a) Flying-types aren't the most common in a format where you are forced to share types, and b) Urshifu's other STAB and U-turn takes advantage of Spikes plenty well.

:walking-wake: - I needed a Choice Scarf user who also brought me some respite into some of my tougher matchups, namely Grass and Electric. Walking Wake's typing and Speed made it the perfect choice for the role. The Dragon-type gives it a neutrality to Grass and Electric moves, as well as giving me an offensive check to opposing Dragons like Baxcalibur. What's more, Protosynthesis and Hydro Steam gives this team a better matchup into opposing Sun teams, which is important since this team doesn't bring its own weather to counter it. The choice of getting the Special Attack or Speed boost on Protosynthesis is up to personal preference. Generally, Speed is better since it lets you outrun Chlorophyll Pokemon in the Sun, but you often don't need the extra power against naturally frail Sun teams.

:ogerpon-wellspring: - Ogerpon-Wellspring is another attacker that provides another offensive check to various attackers, and provides utility in Taunt. Wood Hammer is used here for its extra power, especially since I'm not super concerned about Ogerpon sticking around throughout the battle. However, Horn Leech is also a fine option to give Ogerpon some recovery. After Ivy Cudgel and U-turn, I opted for Taunt as the last move. Earlier I used Knock Off, which comes with the benefit of removing Heavy Duty Boots to enable my hazards, as well as Leftovers and Alolan Ninetales's Light Clay. However, Ninetales would set up Aurora Veil anyway and then I would be in trouble vs Baxcalibur. While I've restructured the team to be safer into Ice's threats behind Aurora Veil, but I still like Taunt to disable many defensive Pokemon like Toxapex or Amoongus. However, Knock Off is still a great option it; pick whichever you like.

:manaphy: - God this thing is so broken. Manaphy gives this team a legitimate win condition, and giving this thing free turns is probably the easiest way to lose. With Acid Armor and Take Heart, Manaphy can become virtually unkillable once it gets going. Take Heart's status curing effect also makes it so that you can't poison or paralyze it to make progress. These two moves, in conjunction with Stored Power, lets Manaphy sweep teams that don't play actively against it. Scald is the cherry on top, giving Manaphy STAB and also hits Dark-types immune to Stored Power. The burn chance is also very handy to help it set up more.

:meowscarada::choice-scarf: - When laddering, I found that Choice Scarf Meowscarada to be one of the biggest threats to this team, since it has Protean to switch its types around, and outruns the entire team. To play against it, you need to get hazards and/or status on it and outlast it. It's just that threatening to Pex-less Water teams.

:flutter-mane::spectrier: - Mono-Ghost is a massive threat since they stack Pokemon that naturally outrun this team. Take advantage of Aqua Jet on Urshifu, Manaphy's bulk, and the Speed of Walking Wake. Additionally, Knock Off on Ogerpon allows it to get value (at least once) in this matchup.
This is a solid team, but wanted to say that not running Roost on Empoleon kneecaps its longevity for no real gain, especially considering this team has no hazard removal. Ice Beam doesn’t threaten Grass types enough to justify dropping recovery. Band Urshifu-S, Manaphy, and Wake give this team enough ways to break through Grass teams. I think you would be a lot better off dropping Ice Beam for Roost and running HDBs > Leftovers. I would also personally go for Scald > Hydro Steam on Wake because Fire is fairly rare atm and you match up well enough against Sun as is just by having a team full of Water-types. The burn chance on Scald is generally nicer to have against the majority of the metagame.
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Want to share this fairly simple Ground balance team specifically designed to not autolose to the Ice teams plaguing ladder atm. This was inspired by a team Leafium Z used against me in a tour game, so shoutouts to them. Hope you enjoy

:Landorus::Quagsire::Clodsire::Iron Treads::Great Tusk::Ursaluna-Bloodmoon: <- click for paste

The goal of this team is to wear the opposing team down with hazards by pivoting around between Quagsire and Clodsire, and then use our core of breakers to clean up. Lando-I not only serves as the team's main wallbreaker, but can also support the team with Gravity to enable Scarf Tusk. Nasty Plot is used here over an additional coverage move as it doesn't feel necessary to run one with Gravity, and +2 Lando-I can absolutely shred balance teams. Quagsire and Clodsire form the defensive backbone of this team, serving as physical and special walls respectively that can pivot back and forth and slowly wear opponents down. Quagsire runs Body Press here to better threaten key opponents such as Chien-Pao and Kingambit. Clodsire has Poison Jab to smack Fairies such as Iron Valiant and Ninetales-A, and also serves as the team's Water immunity. Iron Treads supports this defensive core by spinning and using Knock Off to remove HDBs and Leftovers. I prefer offensive Iron Treads sets atm to better threaten Ice and Fairy, but you could run a bulkier set if you wanted to. Scarf Tusk is this team's speed control, with incredibly powerful STAB options and great coverage. Close Combat massively threatens Ice teams, and it can spam Headlong Rush to its heart's content if Gravity is up. Ice Spinner also helps you win games against opposing Ground or Grass. Ursa-BM rounds the team off by serving as a bulky wallbreaker that can absorb burn, serve as additional insurance against Chien-Pao with Vacuum Wave, and stick around thanks to HDBs and Moonlight. The EVs here let you outspeed uninvested base 60s (Magnezone, Empoleon, Goodra-H, Clefable etc.,) while maximizing power and bulk.
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Some teams:
:zoroark-hisui: :flutter-mane: :spectrier: :skeledirge: :gholdengo: :sinistcha:
Its still the same 5, with some adjustments, Sinistcha is able to murk matchups like Ground and Water, so Flutter Mane can do other stuff like terrorize Fire, Flying, and Ice teams with its coverage. Earth Power Skeledirge returns to beat Heatran and ease the Steel matchup.

:volcarona: :ogerpon-hearthflame: :ceruledge: :talonflame: :infernape: :heatran:
A rather silly fire team that will always lose to Azumarill if it BDs, but has decent matchups with Fighting, Ice, Poison, and Ghost. Volcarona is able to outspeed Scarf Sneasler at +2, and is able to take most earthquakes decently well. Ogerpon can choose to use Power Whip to OHKO Pex at +2 after SR, but Horn Leech recovery is somehow nicer. Mach Punch on a Scarf Pokemon is understandably weird, but being OHKO'ed by SP from Gambit is much worse.

:urshifu: :zamazenta: :great-tusk: :iron-valiant: :lilligant-hisui: :iron-hands:
Almost the same team pre-DLC, but with Urshifu. Vacuum Wave Iron Valiant deals with Meowscarada and Chien-Pao, which can be annoying.

I also have these extra teams, but Psychic is really weird rn, and even though I'm convinced Scarf Jirachi is "him", expectation is far from reality. Assault Vest Hoopa-Unbound is really good for dealing with stinkers like Gholdengo, Flutter Mane, and pretty much whatever Special Attackers they have. However, getting the rest of the team together to perform well vs Dark or even Ice can prove daunting. Scream Tail is nice for those Dark guys, notably OHKOing Urshifu-S without being 2HKO'ed by Scarf Wicked Blow. I hope you have fun :blobnom:
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Back again, this time with a Psychic balance that I've been playing with on high ladder to pretty good success. I feel the reintroduction of Jirachi and buffs to Slowbro make Psychic balance actually worth using again compared to riskier HO structures. What I think I have succeeded in making here is a team that is solid into the majority of the types in the metagame and actually gives Psychic a fighting chance against Dark. I really enjoyed making this team, and I hope you all like it too.

:Gardevoir::Hatterene::Jirachi::Hoopa-Unbound::Slowbro::Espathra: <- click for paste

Specs Gardevoir is the defining feature of this team; STAB Moonblast hits like a truck with Modest Specs and can actually give you a shot at breaking through foes such as Muk-A, and Vacuum Wave is excellent priority that gives you a way to revenge kill Chien-Pao and Kingambit and pick off weakened foes in general. Aside from this, you have Psyshock to nuke special walls, and even Thunderbolt to smash Corviknight and Moltres. Another nice feature of Gardevoir is Trace, which can allow you to make creative plays such as copying Kingambit's Supreme Overlord or Ogerpon-Wellspring's Water Absorb. Hatterene provides hazard control and a Dark neutrality, serving as an excellent mid-game threat. Sp Def Jirachi is a classic, supporting its teammates with Wish, Stealth Rock, and paralysis through Body Slam. The Spe EVs put you past max speed Frosmoth and Pelipper. Hoopa-U is our Scarfer of choice, pumping out big damage even without an offensive item, and being able to cripple walls with Trick. Colbur Slowbro is a fantastic physical wall for Psychic teams, being able to cleanly remove Chien-Pao and Kingambit, check Baxcalibur, spread burn around with Scald, and create traps with Future Sight. Espathra is Espathra, serving as an extraordinarily deadly sweeper once its checks have been removed by its teammates, and arguably the main reason to run Psychic.

While this team is generally solid against the metagame at large, it is noticeably weak to Flutter Mane. If this is a concern, I have made an alternative version of this team with AV Hoopa-U and Scarf Jirachi with a better matchup against Fairy which you may prefer. This team drops Future Sight on Slowbro for Thunder Wave to compensate for Jirachi no longer using Body Slam also. Credit to Neko for the AV Hoopa-U set

:Gardevoir::Hatterene::Jirachi::Hoopa-Unbound::Slowbro::Espathra: <- click for paste
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Dumping some cool teams I've been playing with recently, hope you enjoy:

Grassy Seed Ursaluna-Bloodmoon Normal

:Ursaluna-Bloodmoon::Arboliva::Blissey::Cyclizar::Zoroark-Hisui::Ditto: <- Click for paste!

This team aims to exploit how Ursaluna-B is virtually unkillable after a Grassy Seed boost and a CM. Arboliva is a criminally underrated mon on Normal. Here, it serves as a Ground resist, forms a defensive core with Blissey, cripples physical attackers with Strength Sap, and crucially sets up Grassy Terrain and Leech Seed to allow Ursaluna-B to snowball. The rest of the team is fairly standard: you have Blissey as a rocks setter and general support mon, Cyclizar as a spinner and Shed Tail passer, and Ditto as Ditto. Zoroark-H is using a Focus Sash NP set here as an alternative wincon that synergizes well with Shed Tail and paralysis support.

EDIT: Changed Arboliva's item from HDBs to Eject Button, thank you RoyalReloaded

Triple Regenerator Poison Stall

:Toxapex::Amoonguss::Slowking-Galar::Glimmora::Muk-Alola::Weezing: <- Click for paste!

The goal of this team is to extract as much salt as possible from ladder. Toxapex, Amoonguss, and Slowking-G form an obvious Regenerator core which is incredibly difficult to break. Toxapex is using Rocky Helmet to prevent Zamazenta and various other physical mons from getting out of control, Amoonguss is using Foul Play to prevent the rare DD Dragapult from destroying this team, and Slowking-Galar has AV to beat Landorus-I and Tail Glow Manaphy. Glimmora supports these with Corrosion Toxic, Stealth Rock, and hazard control, while Muk-A prevents Psychics and Gholdengo from dominating you. Kantonian Weezing over Weezing-G as the Ground immunity may seem questionable, but I think it fits well here for a couple of reasons. Firstly, this team doesn't want to Defog its own hazards away; secondly, this team is weak to Steel mons such as Iron Treads and Kingambit, both of which Kantonian Weezing is far better at dealing with. It should be noted that running Kantonian Weezing over Weezing-G does make this team a bit Urshifu-S weak however, so either is a good choice.

Golem-Alola Rock Offense

:Golem-Alola::Ogerpon-Cornerstone::Glimmora::Tyranitar::Arcanine-Hisui::Garganacl: <- Click for paste!

Rock is a type I really hated playing with pre-DLC, and while I think it is still clearly the worst type in the game, the Teal Mask gave it some useful new tools that make it feel far more worthwhile. Choice Band Golem-A can greatly assist in various matchups for Rock by trapping and eliminating problem Steel mons such as Kingambit, Scizor, and Corviknight. Aside from this, Adamant Choice Band makes Golem-A a good all around wallbreaker, slamming mons such as Toxapex, uninvested Azumarill, Iron Hands, and so on. Ogerpon-C is an all around great sweeper that gives you a fighting chance against Water and Ground; Knock Off is used over Superpower here due to this team already packing plenty of Fighting coverage. Glimmora gives the team a pseudo-Ground immunity via Air Balloon, acts as a Stealth Rock setter here due to this team not running Kleavor, provides spin support, and threatens Grounds and Steels with its coverage. AV Tyranitar prevents Specs Flutter Mane, Scarf Iron Valiant and Gholdengo from running train on this team; the given EVs make both Specs Flutter Mane Moonblast and Scarf Iron Valiant Aura Sphere a 3HKO under sand while giving you an 87.5% chance to OHKO Landorus-I with Ice Punch. Arcanine-H is a great Scarfer who can easily revenge kill and clean up weakened teams with its STABs. Finally, ID Garganacl gives the team a great bulky wincon and status absorber.

Screens Dragapult Ghost HO

:Dragapult::Spectrier::Flutter Mane::Froslass::Zoroark-Hisui::Gholdengo: <- Click for paste!

Screens Dragapult is cool on Ghost for enabling Sub NP Spectrier and making bad matchups easier to deal with while also serving as a fast offensive threat in its own right. Outside of that, this is a fairly standard Ghost comp; you could swap some of the mons out here if you want. Scarf Flutter Mane is used as speed control, Froslass is a classic suicide lead who is even better after the DLC due to gaining Poltergeist, Zoroark-H can throw Wisp and Knock around to enable Dragapult and Spectrier and prevents you from getting rolled by opposing Ghost, and Air Balloon NP Gholdengo provides a Toxic and Ground immunity while being very difficult to deal with under screens.

SD Gliscor Flying

:Gliscor::Corviknight::Landorus-Therian::Thundurus-Therian::Dragonite::Enamorus: <- Click for paste!

SD Gliscor is fantastic bulky wincon for many reasons including its amazing defensive profile, near unresisted coverage, status immunity, healing through Poison Heal, and so on. To facilitate Gliscor, I initially added Landorus-T and physically defensive Corviknight for Stealth Rock support and a combiner hazard remover and Ice answer respectively. Physically defensive Corviknight is used here over the mixed Iron Head set because specially defensive Protect Knock Gliscor is already an amazing FM check; Brave Bird is here to threaten mons like Ogerpon-W and Lilligant-H. Following this, I added Thundurus-T who supports Gliscor by removing mons like Corviknight and patches up the team's Water vulnerability more than Zapdos would. Thundurus-T also forms a volt-turn core with Landorus-T, so I put in Choice Band Dragonite as a strong breaker who can come in safely via these pivots and either punch holes in teams in the early game or clean in the late game. Scarf Enamorus rounds out the team by providing speed control, a Dark and Bax answer, and Healing Wish support for Gliscor and Dragonite (although take note that Healing Wish will cure Gliscor's poisoning).
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seroo made a damn cool team over in the sample teams thread which I piloted for a while and made a few changes to it. I'm not sure that they are actually better (probably not) but I had more success with these and think that they are valid options.

Here's seroo 's team
With edits:

Not big changes, I swapped out 2 mons but left the sets untouched and mostly standard. Lando-I makes the poison matchup trivial, which is quite valuable (Especially on Ladder), and actually cooks fighting and to a lesser extent Dark because of how difficult Earth Power is to switch into. The guarenteed KO on Hamu is really a beautiful sight. Articuno definitely has it's merits (Hazing Azumarill as mentioned and also helping to break ground and water along with the flying mirror), but I think Lando provides a lot of advantages too.
As for Moltres > Thundy it's a switch I'm less convinced about as it severely weakens the Water MU and to some extent the Ground MU too, but having Moltres makes Steel and Dark a lot easier (along with bug but that should be trivial anyways lmao) while making ice that doesn't have ice shard on Bax playable since it actually destroys most of ice (minus Bax ofc unless the ice player is insane and uses ice body). Takes the burden off Gliscor as a good pivot. The ground matchup is still relatively ok due to Corvi (Keeping U-BM in check seems tough but i've found it manageable so far) and Lando, while the water MU is definitely worse but it's a tradeoff I guess; certainly not unplayable.

Hello everyone. I wanted to share a Bug team that I got to ~1600 with. It is very fun to use and there are several surprise tricks to catch people who don't take the team seriously. In general, it is a pretty typical webs hyper offense team, and it utilizes Rabsca's Revival Blessing to aid the attack.

:spidops: Commonly (imo unfairly) regarded as the worst webs lead on Bug, Spidops nonetheless provides enough tools to do its job. It is what you might expect from a webs lead, but Insomnia prevents sleep from stopping webs from going up, and U-Turn provides valuable momentum. First Impression is useful to snipe a Chien-Pao lead or whatnot (happens remarkably often) and Sucker Punch is used as a valuable priority option on a slow mon. Max Atk investment lets Spidops hit deceptively hard on a super-effective attack. Spikes can be used instead if desired.

:scizor: Mandatory for Bug teams, Band is probably the best set. Trailblaze is immensely useful for the Ground matchup, Brick Break and Close Combat is an opinion call. Speed EVs are to outspeed Specs Sandy Shocks after a Trailblaze boost.

:lokix: The typical Band set. Another mandatory pick.

:volcarona: Yet another mandatory pick. Giga Drain can be used but I like Morning Sun's flexibility. Psychic is valuable for Toxapex and to a lesser extent Clodsire.

:slither wing: Perhaps a somewhat unpopular pick, but I maintain that, owing to its Fire coverage and access to U-Turn, Slither Wing is just a better version of Scarf Heracross/Buzzwole. It also kind of helps with the Fire matchup (but it's still hard to win). There are of course other Slither Wing sets but Scarf is simple and effective.

:rabsca: Finally, the star of the show. Rabsca is one of the few Bug types that can beat Dondozo, and Specs-boosted Energy Ball in fact 2hko's it (this thing has a SpA stat of 115!). Furthermore, Rabsca beats both Iron Hands (at -1 Spe) and Great Tusk 1v1 with Psychic, and in matchups where Rabsca is not as useful, it has added utility in Trick and the trump card, Revival Blessing. Revival Blessing permits the player to be more aggressive with their sweepers as it provides a second chance if the first attempt to sweep went awry, which is very useful for a hyper offense team that is... economical with regards to bulk. Scizor is generally the most valuable revive, but I've used most it on most of them (not Spidops). The EVs are malleable, but this set's Speed EVs are meant to outspeed max spe base 50 mons (e.g. Iron Hands, Azumarill) after webs.

There has been a lot of discussion about Revival Blessing Pawmot, but Rabsca is usually dismissed as inconsequential, too weak to matter, which I do not think is correct. Nonetheless, I hope you enjoy this team. Use it fast before Cinderace comes back and makes Bug regret their decisions.

how do you cope with no hazard removal?
I'm realizing this team is pretty similar to (and probably worse than) Neko's but here goes anyway

Dragon HO
:kommo-o: :baxcalibur: :dragapult: :dragonite: :cyclizar: :walking wake:

The game plan is literally one-dimensional. Set up screens with Dragapult, sac Dragapult, Shed Tail, sweep. This is a team to use if you don't want to think too much and just click buttons. Some matchups are unplayable (like Fairy), others are easy sweeps (like Grass), but in any case you'll probably be done with the battle in five minutes. The team's overall performance is "ok I guess" but the performance-to-thinking ratio is off the charts.

There are a few quirks. Kommo-o has Boomburst for neutral damage against many targets, and is basically a compromise between Flamethrower and Flash Cannon. Cyclizar has Scarf because it might be useful later in the game to surprise and KO weakened fairies with Iron Head, for example. (HDB is an option but this team is not designed to play long games.)

I tried this, but I think it'll be a lot better if it didn't just fold right away to scarf valiant. You automatically lose 2 mons the moment scarf valiant comes on the field on basically anything; Quakespeed doesn't quite kill so you need quakespeed + iron head or quakespeed + vacuum wave to kill (Iron head + Vacuum wave doesn't do it), and given how common fighting is these days just dropping dead to lead scarf valiant is probably non-ideal

I admit I'm also kind of bad at playing anything except flying balance but this is a huge weakness IMO. Hoodra is probably too defensive to fit but there's probably room for something like a scarf moon (or even a ddance moon because at least that thing can actually sweep with a scarf valiant in the back) somewhere in the team.
I tried this, but I think it'll be a lot better if it didn't just fold right away to scarf valiant. You automatically lose 2 mons the moment scarf valiant comes on the field on basically anything; Quakespeed doesn't quite kill so you need quakespeed + iron head or quakespeed + vacuum wave to kill (Iron head + Vacuum wave doesn't do it), and given how common fighting is these days just dropping dead to lead scarf valiant is probably non-ideal

I admit I'm also kind of bad at playing anything except flying balance but this is a huge weakness IMO. Hoodra is probably too defensive to fit but there's probably room for something like a scarf moon (or even a ddance moon because at least that thing can actually sweep with a scarf valiant in the back) somewhere in the team.

You're thinking too much; if you want to use this team, just click buttons and win (or in this case lose). :blobthumbsup:

But you are absolutely correct. There's a lot of ways to make the team actually viable, and I encourage you to go ahead and do it. Dragon feels a bit underappreciated in this meta.
[Dragon] Banded Moon:

CB Roaring Moon is pretty underrated, so I decided to build a team around it as its great for punching holes in various teams. Kommo-o is too good not to use so he's my Stealth rocker, as well as the best check for various threats, such as Chien-Pao, Kingambit, and Scizor. SD Baxcalibur is great for helping out against the Flying, Grass, and Poison MUs as well as revenge killing with Ice Shard. Hoodra takes care of Ice and Fairy and is a pretty mandatory special wall. Specs Pult is a nice Special wallbreaker with a fantastic speed tier and Will-O to cripple special walls such as, Zama, Iron Hands, and Clodsire that might come in to stop you. Lastly, WW is my scarfer of choice, having a great speed tier, being very effective in various MUs, as well as giving the team nice synergy by flip turning into RM or Pult for a easy KO.

EDIT: Sorry for all the edits, I make a lot of mistakes :3
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:klefki: :enamorus: :flutter mane: :iron valiant: :azumarill: :clefable:

Pretty bog-standard Fairy, featuring Demon Clefable (EVs could use some optimization). I'll do a full writeup later on (probably later tomorrow).

TLDR: Klefki enables the setup sweepers in Azumarill and Demon Clefable, while Enamorus, Flutter Mane and Iron Valiant provide the breaking power with some colorful coverage.

On a related note, I have no idea on how to get the nice sprites everyone else is using for their teams.

This is pretty standard, if a tad funny, hazard stack steel. Orthworm is the spikestacker - it's got the excellent ground immunity and immense physical bulk that allows it to check dangerous things like Bax (and also because Klefki is meh and Forretress is garbage). You can run a lot of things over shed tail because you won't be clicking the third slot often anyways. Corv is standard steel corv, defensive ghold because it basically destroys any hopes of hazard removal. I learned the horrors of wavehex the hard way. Gambit is generic you can run more speed if you want. Scarf Heatran is funny but I like it because a) people don't expect it and b) I genuinely don't think defensive heatran can hold up these days. Blast and thrower (maybe even eruption?) are interchangeable; I don't suggest skimping out on power gem because you can and will get 6-0 by Volcarona every game if you do. Banded Treads is kind of dumb but scarf doesn't hit hard enough for me and the natural speed of treads is nice enough a lot of the time. It outspeeds 331 and 333s and hits goddamn hard.

Matches well into defensive-ish teams because you can spikestack and they can never remove the hazards. Does surprisingly well into the worse matchups of steel (except sandy shocks), while keeping the favorable matchups still favorable. Struggles against more offensive archtypes because it's balance lol. You don't always want to play this team as a pure hazard stack, just be aware to adapt.

Note to new players especially GMT +8 or so:
Idk why low ladder spams bug a lot but it does. It's an autowin (barring really really bad luck or some insane moth ev spread) if you don't bring out heatran until moth comes out. Also if they do weird moth ev spreads and cook you just run like rock slide I used to do that on my alt.