As it stands, this is a low point in the metagame to me. Releases and fallout will do that, but I think there's some room to go until we hit a better metagame. I’m very excited to get there and think each move will unlock a gold amount of progress.
Ursaluna-Bloodmoon outright dictates the fate of archetypes, constricting the builder to unreasonable degrees. Wanna run balance? You’re stuck using passivemons like SubProt Gliscor, CM Unaware Clef, CM Cress, or even Blissey if you don’t want to dive deep into the realms of lower tiers. Wanna run stall? Better hope it’s not the wrong set and you’re still packing CM Blissey almost always, if not normal Blissey + CM Unaware Clef to cover the set mix. Wanna run offense? Bit more feasible, but you’re still reading 1.5-2 Pokemon for it if you can’t keep pressure up perfectly or potentially time Teras. This thing absolutely has to go.
Beyond this, there are still some demons that plague us. To me, Roaring Moon is one of the lowkey broken things we see right now. Very few things check DD Tera Fly consistently. With attack booster and potentially Tera, it can outmuscle Dondozo, PDef Unaware Clef, and Tusk, who it hits super effectively. Taunt can further annihilate stall by stopping Gliscor’s Toxic while BB/EQ hits things like Kingambit, Garg, and Heatran hard. Knock Off is also a huge selling point as it makes Zapdos less reliable into it and helps the team in general while maintaining a presence as a strong STAB option. I feel like hyper offense frequents Moon and it’s because of the lack of true countess. It’s nowhere near as broken as Bloodmoon, but it’s definitely discussion worthy.
Other things I find to be worth discussing are Kingambit, Manaphy, Gliscor, and Wellspring. Kingambit was broken before imo and not much has changed beyond the allocation of EVs/Tera/fourth move — it’s similarly potent in my eyes. Manaphy hasn’t troubled me too much and I cannot speak to wanting it banned as I don’t personally, but I know it registers for many others. Gliscor I find more annoying than broken, but I think it’s gaining some steam and should remain in talks. And finally Wellspring has blossomed nicely and while we see more adaptations to it and Tera against it, we should keep in mind the impact it has on our teams and play.
I agree with a lot of this.
On the discussion points:
Kingambit: Should have been banned, but I think a lot of DNB folks wanted tera action, and didn't realize that there would unlikely be a tera suspect until the new year (Unless there was a drastic breaking to it). It still feels stupid, and being able to get band boost with an item is silly. Add tera and whatnot, and it's one scary mon. And, no, tera doesn't break the Mon. Makes it stronger, but it's a little too powerful to deal with, especially at SO5.
Gliscor: I think it's more the new Lando-T, except taking more of a tank role. It lost roost and Defog, but still able to act like defensive Lando from prior gens. Hazards, toxic, knock off, taunt.. can even use SD and some nice coverage to handle other stuff. It's a great knock off absorber (Once poisoned) and status immunity. I think this fights Tusk as best OU Ground Type
Wellspring Ogerpon (Waterpon): fire went, but the water version is still extremely potent. 120 BP water STAB is nuts, and add in healing with horn leech and knock off utility, plus Swords dance, and this is painful. The pivot set is marginally better, but it's so painful to handle. Maybe with the format calmed down a little it could be fine, but the SD set is hard to check reliably
Manaphy: tera+Tail Glow is very good, and it has the take heart bulky set with stored power... yeah, a little too much. Will need to see how it fairs when the setup special attacker isn't defaulting to BM
And one last Pokémon I think that is missed: Rillaboom. I know Rilla isn't on the Radar... but it should be. Last gen, there were calls for Rillaboom suspect, but they were left to deal with it. Both in IoA and CT. Yes, Mons like Corv exist, but then lose their item (Lefties/Boots/Helm), making their long term options worse, and it just pivots out on them. Also, with limited decent terrain options, and low number of good defoggers or ice spinners, we are usually stuck in grassy terrain. It has strong terrain priority, and a deadly boosted wood hammer. It's a tough Mon to beat, and provides extra healing to Mons that usually can't access it.