Darkrai is debatable, as is Kyurem (Kyurem needs to go though in my opinion). Considering even the council is split on Kyurem and Darkrai with Lily and Ausma along with some others being in the no ban camp for darkrai and finch and some other council members being in the ban camp. Those suspects are up in the air with exactly how they would go considering how split people are on both mons. Darkrai and Kyurem are not clean cut bans as people seem split on them. (Moreso darkrai despite it having a little more support from what i'm seeing with people being split on it but you get the idea.)"not banned" and "fucking disaster" are not mutually exclusive. darkrai shouldn't be here. kyurem shouldn't be here. roaring moon shouldn't be here. some might argue that gliscor and zamazenta shouldn't be here. the only unequivocally not-bullshit mons that have dropped from ubers this entire gen are cinderace and the two deoxyses (deoxes?) and this is from a sample size of something like a dozen at this point. there is absolutely no need to grow that sample size any further, especially when it's constantly and consistently been distracting from actual productive discussion the whole gen. if we can't change the policy, can we at least make a separate thread for ubers and theorymonning? this is supposed to be a thread for ou metagame discussion. as in, discussion of the metagame and the pokemon that are actually in it
if it's a bad idea half the time for one reason and a bad idea the other half of the time for a different reason, then it's just a bad idea the whole time. you're talking like it's something that's necessary or desirable in any way for the meta when that couldn't be more wrong. i don't know why this is so difficult for people to grasp. (well, i have some theories)
Testing Ubers is something that does not hurt, even if it is not desirable as we can just get the Ubers quickbanned or suspected if worse comes to worst.
It's not a necessity but if something has a chance of being fine it should be tested is how I see it as if it isn't we can just quickban and or suspect. Don't see why it's an issue even if kyurem and roaring moon debatably should not have been freed.
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