This is a bit random, but I've been trying to make
work and it's just so...
Racheal (Lilligant) @ Leftovers
Ability: Chlorophyll
Tera Type: Fairy/Ground/Ice/Electric/Fire/Fighting/Rock/Flying/Ghost
EVs: 252 SpA / 4 SpD / 252 Spe
Modest Nature
IVs: 0 Atk
- Quiver Dance
- Giga Drain
- Tera Blast
- Synthesis
Pick your tera type and pick what you'd like to be hard stopped by. Fairy loses to all of the steels in the meta, Ground loses to any flying type (bonus points for letting DNite ddance for free), Ice loses to any fire or steel type, Electric to any Dragon or grass type, Fire to any dragon or fire type, etc. Not getting any coverage really is the nail in the coffin for her.
Considering Gholdengo is the highest ranked Mon in the VR and can cripple Lilligant in many ways (Trick, Thunder Wave, Nasty Plot, etc.), the Tera has to be one that beats Gholdengo, which really leaves only 4 options (though Electric and Water have merits too). However, Lilligant gets another offensive Move, Pollen Puff. Pollen Puff, beats Dark types. Based on that, if I were to try Lilligant in OU, this is what it would look like:
Racheal (Lilligant) @ Leftovers / Lum Berry / Life Orb
Ability: Chlorophyll
Tera Type: Ghost
EVs: 252 SpA / 4 SpD / 252 Spe
Modest Nature
IVs: 0 Atk
- Quiver Dance
- Giga Drain
- Tera Blast
- Pollen Puff
Being a Ghost, now Lligant has these match-ups vs VR from S to B+ (provided it safely has boosted vs something like Rotom-W):
Gholdengo: Mostly defeated by Tera Ghost.
Dragapult: At +1, Lilligant wins, except some weird Tera + Band.
Tusk: Stab Giga Drain. Of course, he can Tera, but at least you forced him to do it.
Chien Pao: Ok, you lose this one if it Sucker Punches you. However, its still a guessing game if Lilli has still the Grass typing when the cat comes. Banded Ice Shard doesn,t KO Ghost Lilli. Sucker Punch does OHKO Grass Lilli, but banded isn,t good at running that.
Nite: Actually doable if Lilli is still Grass when it comes, Nite might not expect the Tera Ghost.
Espathra: You lose the 1 vs 1, but it can,t revenge kill you.
Iron Valiant: You probably win.
Kingambit: First hard counter, you can,t do anything to this guy, you omega lose.
Roaring Moon: This beast is bulky enough to wistand a Life Orb less Pollen Puff, so he is dangerous, especially if he Tera Flies, you almost always are revenged by this. If he does not Tera and you have LO, you win however.
Ting Lu: Set-up fodder (except WW, but still gets a lot of damage).
Corviknight: Sdef Brave Bird stops you. Pdef without Brave Bird is set-up fodder. Pdef Brave Bird is an even match-up.
Dondozo: Has to Tera to have a chance.
Garganacl: Has to Tera, but probably still loses if Lilligant is boosted. The rare Poison Tera stops you cold, however.
Glimmora: Mostly a win for Ghost Lilli.
Grimmsnarl: Switch out of this guy, he will put a Screen and Spirit Break you. Or TW.
Iron Threads: If you don,t Tera, you easily win. If you Tera, Knock Off hits very hard.
Amoonguss: Clear Smog stops you. Even without it can be a problem with Sludge Bomb and Spore/Foul Play guessing game.
Clodsire: Don,t even attempt to fight this unless it already Tera'd into a type weak to either Grass or Ghost.
Garchomp: Tera Fire destroys you. Pdef can take +1 hit and use Dragon Tail, but will get pretty damaged. Scarf wins too... but Outrage doesn,t always OHKO. If you predict the Scarf, live and use a second Quiver Dance, you win with Life Orb. Thats too many ifs, though, this match-up is bad.
Hatterene: Weak to Ghost, but dangerous with Nuzzle. Lum Berry is best item here.
Iron Moth: You use a second Quiver Dance and probably win regardless of item. +2 LO OHKOs.
Rotom-W: Set-up fodder unless Thunder Wave or Trick.
Skeledirge: If he doesn,t Tera, he gets 2HKOd. If he does, LO Lilligant has a shot with Giga Drain vs Pdef, but loses vs Sdef.
Volcarona: Can go both ways, mostly favorable to the moth.
Baxcalibur: Band 2HKOs you with Ice Shard, you can OHKO after Rocks with LO after Rocks. Glaive Rush OHKOs without any boost or item.
Breloom: If you are Grass and he doesn,t predict the Ghost Tera, you win.
Iron Hands: Guessing game if you are still Grass.
Quaquaval: Forced to Tera to have any chance.
Scizor: Escape from this guy if Band.
Slowking: Set-up fodder unless TW or Trick Room.
Torkoal: Gets destroyed by Tera Blast.
Cinderace: This guy is still unranked but he is B+ the lowest, so I count him in this list. LO Tera Blast at +1 OHKOs, but he might have Sucker Punch.
Hopefully you have enjoyed the Eeveetheorymoning about a currently irrelevant Mon and can build something good with it.