Project SV Ubers Bazaar (DLC 2)


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Sapproved by Aberforth, intro stolen from byulharang

The SV Ubers Bazaar is a great casual space to share your teams. I encourage anyone to post a team they enjoy since the meta is new and people want to see teams, understand every team wont be included in the showcase but that doesn't mean your team is bad. Thanks to everyone that contributes! Please follow our guidelines while posting though:

1. Please playtest your team before posting - this is NOT a RMT or advice thread
2. Provide your team using or in a spoiler tag
3. Give a brief description on the team, not too long but please include one

Team Showcase

Hyper Offense:

Bulky Offense:



meta is still developing so no teams are up.

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edit 8/26/23: These teams are OUTDATED. Please do not use either of them if you want to win. I have made a new post in this thread featuring teams I've built that are either recent or still perform well in the current meta. This post shall only exist as a relic.

I'll be kicking things into gear showing off some of teams I’ve been cooking up, I hope you enjoy bringing them into battles! (will update over time until samples come out)

Zacian-C Balance
- Utilizes the best balance core of Clod/Dirge/Gira-O in my opinion, with Miraidon acting as a pivot, mid-game attacker and late-game cleaner, Zacian acting as a defensive offensive option, late-game cleaner, and sometimes even as a sweeper, and Groundceus as the main sweeper on the team.

Calm Mind Fairyceus Stall
- Again, standard defensive core of Clod/Dirge/Gira-O but Iron Defense Corviknight replaces Gira-O here. Etern acts as a Toxic Spiker and secondary absorber of Tspikes and Kyogre check, while Gira mainly serves as a way to ease up the MU vs Groudon, Taunt Groundceus and Ekiller. Fairyceus is a great offensive defensive option, with Taunt CM serving as the main way to break past opposing defense.
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Dropping some builds I've used for tests in this meta. Nothing too fancy, just pretty standard BO / Balance builds that you can use to get a general idea of the metagame + start learning.

Specs Miraidon + Ground Zacian-C Bulky Offense
- Use Miraidon as your primary breaker, with Skeledirge + Ting-Lu + Arceus-Fairy shoring up your defensive core. Eternatus provides fast toxic into Calm Mind Groundceus and pivots into Defensive Groudon, and Zacian is the general wincon with Tera Ground Tera Blast to break through Skeledirge on its own.

Swords Dance Groudon and Rayquaza Offense
- Much more offensive team using the core of Lum SD Groudon to break through common physical checks for Rayquaza + Koraidon. Clodsire, Kyogre, and Fairyceus provide a defensive core for this team and hazards, and Rayquaza provides a check to offense.

Calm Mind Arceus-Fairy + Specs Kyogre Balance
- Koraidon and Kyogre reset each others weather, and heavily pressure each other's checks, while Kyogre also pressures Clodsire for a Fairyceus end-game. Clodsire, Skeledirge, and Giratina-O provide a strong defensive core, with Gira-O having Thunder Wave support for Kyogre.

SubSD Ghost Koraidon + Zacian-C Balance
- More experimental but I got to finals of Kickoff using this. SubSD Ghost Koraidon can come in on passive Pokemon like Toxapex, Clodsire, and Skeledirge and use Substitute to break through them for Zacian-C. Waterceus eases the matchup versus Groundceus and Kyogre, and Corviknight, Groudon, and Clodsire round off the defensive core.
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:ting-lu: :dialga: :landorus-therian: :toxapex: :arceus-fairy: :miraidon:
bulky offense with scarf dialga as speed control- it resists common priority moves, outspeeds zacian, and packs quite a punch. sub bulk up lando-t is a nice breaker/cleaner/sweeper.

:koraidon: :walking-wake: :ting-lu: :toxapex: :arceus-fairy: :corviknight:
walking wake home edition. pretty standard. fairyceus can be taunt over wisp and corv can be miraidon.

:mewtwo: :eternatus: :landorus-therian: :arceus-fairy: :skeledirge: :ting-lu:
mewtwo w/ tspikes is very good. scarf lando-t to me feels like the 2nd best glue in the tier behind scarf korai- intimidate, uturn, ground immunity is excellent in the current meta. fairyceus is EVd to 2hko skeledirge with earth power while outspeeding jolly rayquaza.
stall team
Blissey: best special wall ever. calm mind helps beat cm arceus ground as it cant run both taunt and recover it always loses vs cm bliss. TERA WATER is used to check chi-yu and specs kyogre.I recommend doing it as quick as possible if any of those doshe are seen in the team preview.Heal bell is a good support move as it helps the other teammates like tinglu etc to get rid of status
Alomomola: regenerator mons are very good in general alomomola is a good mon as it can take continuous uturn from koraidon and be at full health througout the game.Wish has a good pairing with dondozo as it helps it to stay at reasonable health without resting.I would recommend using wish on any physical mon with mola before going to dozo as mola can tank atleast 1 hit from every mon on the physical side so that dozo weakness is not exploited.Playrough is used to hit koraidon but imo just use chiling water and beat arc ground and have a good time.TERA FLYING is used to guard vs arceus ground as it is a big threat to the team it also becomes a good check to random cb tusk if needed.
Skeledirge:this mon is good probabaly the best counter to zacian-c in the whole tier it also beats threats like sd koraidon and ekiller without taunt
skeledirge has tera fairy it allows him to check koraidon cb in a pinch you can use other teras too but i just used fairy cause why not rest is pretty standard.

Toxapex: spdef is used because i needed spdef more than defense this mon is prolly the only guy that can hope to take on big bitch sub cm ogre you still have to be smart and use regen pex and bliss and mola to beat that doshe but this is honestly the closest you get to beating that guy without using tera water koraidon or smthn idk.Poison jab is used to check arceus fairy because that guy is evil with taunt cm set this set cant touch zac but who tf care we got 3 other guys to take him on.Haze removes boosts for cm uses and cosmic arceus etc.tera dark is used because im tired of hatterene.
Tinglu: mewtwo check +miraidon check +spikes setter.
Dondozo: hes very cute also help dirge check korai helps mola check arc ground you can prolly keep idk giratina over this and be happier but hes just very cute so i gotta use him
Here are two simple HO teams that I’ve had success with on the ladder

SubSD Groudon and CM Miraidon Screens HO
Groudon and Miraidon serve as the main breakers for the team, with Groudon pressuring physical walls (specifically skeledirge) for Zacian to be able to sweep and Miraidon pressuring ting lu to open up a cm Ghostceus sweep. SD flame charge Koraidon is just a great screens abuser overall that can either break or be broken for by its teammates.

Scarf Koraidon + Specs Flutter Mane Spikes HO
Koraidon and Flutter Mane offer great speed control with the latter also being a great breaker, and spikes make it easier for them to pick off opponents. CM Miraidon excels at breaking common defensive cores and dd Groundceus is great at pressuring skeledirge and corviknight for Zacian.
Here's one of the first teams that I built for the post-home meta that I wanted to show off here: Hazard stack based around Banded Koraidon

:koraidon::eternatus::Ting lu::Arceus fairy::skeledirge::miraidon:

:koraidon:: The primary wallbreaker and your main way of making progress against teams. With Choice Band Koraidon effectively has no consistant checks and can often break through its best answers like Skeledirge and Arceus-Fairy, especially after hazards and status chip. Tera Fire Flare Blitz will 2HKO nearly the entire tier in sun, but will chip down Koraidon very quickly, especially if your opponent manages to get up hazards so use it conservatively.

:eternatus:: Eternatus provides toxic spikes, which is a great way to wear down teams without a poison type. Every viable poison type bar Toxapex struggles against Koraidon, so use them as an oppertunity to attack if you think they are trying to switch in. Eternatus also provides a much needed check to Kyogre, the ability to absorbs t-spikes, and improves the Fairyceus matchup.

:Ting Lu:: Here as the essential Miraidon (and Mewtwo) check, complete with Spikes and Whirlwind to rack up residual damage. Pretty standard, boots are used over lefties because I don't like it getting chipped down by opposing spikes.

:Arceus-Fairy::Pixie Plate:: Fairyceus is the glue of the team and completes the hazard stacking core with Stealth Rock and Taunt. Again pretty standard set, softchecks opposing Koraidon and Chien-Pao while being your best way of dealing with Giratina-O and Groudon.

:Skeledirge: :The mandatory Zacian-C check, basic defensive set and provides good insurance against most setup Arceus if you decide to tera.

:Miraidon:: Scarf Miraidon gives the team some speed control and is a solid anti-offense tool that can threaten to revenge kill nearly every non-scarfed mon in the tier. It's also one of the best cleaners imo and can sweep once checks like Ting-Lu and Clodsire are worn down.
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:arceus: :koraidon::zacian-crowned::miraidon::landorus-therian::ting-lu:

Used this vs Manaphy for summer seasonal, and even though I lost I still think this team is a generally strong team so I wanted to share it.

The idea is using Ting-Lu’s Spikes to wear down the enemy team to the point where Ekiller can clean. Tera Normal +2 Espeed is nasty and made better by the fact that there aren’t many good Normal resists. Best you can get is Zacian. Speaking of, Tauntceus is so funny alongside Zacian since it can weaken Zacian’s checks for it and then Zacian can fuck the other team up. Korai is pivot heaven and my main Zacian revenge, Specs Mirai is the funniest breaker in the tier, especially with multiple Spikes down, and Lando is my rocker and physical switch in.



Generally a solid balance team that I like to load as comfort. My main outs vs. physical attackers here are Pex and Lando-T, with Lando rocking, Taunting, and keeping momentum with U-turn, all while countering DD Groundy at high health with its Rocky Helmet, Intimidate, and Ground immunity. Pex can trap and Haze dumbass boosters like Korai and Zac and Toxic stuff like Korai that dreads getting hit by it. Scarf Korai does Scarf Korai things, Specs Mirai is the funniest shit around, and CM Taunt Fairy fucks up defense.


Used this vs LBN for HPL. I did lose but the team is still fire af. Honestly it's relatively standard besides Mud Shot Glimm. I personally have trouble getting up both rocks and a layer of Spikes, and rocks was generally enough to get the job done. Mud Shot helps Glimm get both damage and rocks. Tera Bug Mirai is a thing here to help an otherwise pretty unfavorable matchup into CM Groundy. Sash Ray greatly helps the Zacian matchup, as I've pretty consistently been able to keep rocks off with Glimm.
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ahh summer the provider of 2 months worth of no school i have to go now ill play just a lot less i stalled this summer and im proud that i did i pass my stalling sensation to AmoghOp for the time i am gone
arc-g stall
hippo stall
mola-dozo stall
no removal stall
av streads stall
slowking stall
hatt korai stall
bootless stall
hatt+arc-g stall
no regen stall
cress+volc no regen stall
dachsbun stall
this was my stall library hope you all enjoy using these teams

Been lazy and wanted to post this team for a long while. This team is prob one of the better teams i build last upl. It uses a very aggresive core as the main focus on this team, the core im talking about is the choice band koraidon+ choice scarf great tusk core. Both complementing each other quite well, with koraidon having the ability to break potential fat mons like arceus fairy, or landorus via the power of choice band, while great tusk has the ability to revenge kill any potential non scarfer, and being able to soft check opposing koraidon. As a defogger u have giratina, it allows for a another wisp user burning potential ekiller or groudon. It helps out a ton on this by being a fighting immunity or even be immune to extreme speed from any mons like arceus. Ting lu is pretty much mandatory on 90% of balances/bo due to its ability from being able to tank hits from the very very strong miraidon. To help out the giratina and great comboo with giratina is pex, its able to trap potential fairy ceus or even koraidon, which giratina tends to struggle with. Rocky helmet to even futher chip potential u turns from mons for korai/great tusk. Lastly is arceus fairy w wisp on this variant to help out annoying potentialy zacian (if its wild charge or tera blast ground) and being able to switch into dragon moves like specs mirai draco or korai dclaw or anything in particular

a semi-stall team i made using one of the new mons added in the teal mask dlc, fezandipiti. i believe it has potential as a pivot that can not only spread toxic while pivoting but can also reliably switch into most koraidon and threaten it with play rough. after experimenting quite a bit with options like toxic and beat up, i found the most success with play rough but other options might work better. the 56 spdef evs allow it to live kyogre's scarf water spout and it can also pp stall kyogre's water spout if it tera's. tspikes eject pack eternatus is faster than most leads in the meta and can always draco if the lead is unfavorable, but if it is then it's free to set up tspikes. eternatus' given ev spread allows it to switch into specs mirai electro drift, while being more hp favored and tera fire to act as an emergency crownedcian counter if smth unfortunate happens to skeledirge. special giratina is used because hex proves very useful in a toxic spam team like this, with will-o to burn zacian who can't be toxic'd unless it tera's out of steel. ting-lu serves as a more reliable switch-in to miraidon while also helping hazard stack. though i tried whirlwind at first, i found myself rarely really clicking whirlwind, and often at risk of forcing in a poison type like eternatus which will just eat my tspikes. i decided protect was more valuable to stall out turns for toxic damage and leftovers recovery. cm kyogre is a great win condition and often forces out pokemon like miraidon while tspikes are up due to the threat of being swept by sub+cm. lastly, skeledirge serves as a reliable zacian counter/switch in while also being able to use hex on toxic'd pokemon which makes it's offensive prowess much more threatening as a late game torch song sweeper.
this team might not be entirely optimal but it's one that i had a lot of fun making and using. eject pack eternatus was one of my favorite eternatus sets back in gen 8 and i had wanted to make a viable toxic spam team in gen 9 using eternatus but i couldn't quite get it to work until fezandipiti came out.

A webs HO team I've been using since the DLC came out. Ribombee sets webs and with three taunt users, defogging it away is not gonna be easy. Scale shot Koraidon is a really strong and fun set that allows it to deal with Skeledirge and Toxapex, mons that completely wall Zacian. Speaking of Zacian, sub Zacian is meant to punish opposing webs for opposing Ribombee cannot do anything to it. Tera flying is to deal with Groudon or Landorus, or even some random scarf Great Tusks running around. Tera dragon Miraidon's job is to deal as much damage to Ting Lu as possible, or even outright kill it. Once Ting Lu goes down, agility Eternatus can go to town and fire blast melts steel types, hopefully. To round up the team is extreme killer Arceus for powerful priority. I also played around with dragon dance Arceus Ground more but I think extreme killer is just as good. The biggest difference I can see is that extreme killer only needs one boost to threaten Koraidon with death while Arceus Ground needs two. Not really an issue but the lack of non web hazard can often make a difference
:kyogre: :koraidon: :iron treads: :eternatus: :arceus: (Fairy) :kingambit:

team built around kyogre and koraidon bullying each other's checks. scarf ogre takes on offense handily while cb korai puts bulkier compositions into a deadly guessing game. rest of the team is dedicated to supporting this combo; iron treads is pretty shit but it's fine here for role compression of mirai check + removal, etern annoys pex and helps against cm ogre w/ toxic, fairyceus is the mandatory korai answer with a spread that never lets +2 korai ohko from full with flare blitz unless they commit to tera, yada yada yada pretty basic defensive core. kingambit checks flutter at all stages of the game and can be a wincon in its own right. tera ghost improves the ekiller matchup.
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Taka it’s free real estate
BO built around Caly-I and its absurd breaking potential with Trick Room and High Horsepower. This team is built to exploit the webs styles that are popular and good. Scarf Korai is very very good and provides great momentum to the rest of the team, Pex and Ting and physical and Mirai checks respectively, Ekiller is great at revenge killing and cleaning late-game, and Mirai because I need a special presence. More info on what everything does and how to play the team here.
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:Arceus::gliscor: :kyogre: :iron-treads: :zacian-crowned: :Skeledirge:

this team is easily my fav one i built this dlc. everything flows perfectly and its a nice mix of offense and defense. a bit kyogre weak but it shouldnt matter because the team has ekiller, spd tera water glisc, scarf ogre, and wild charge zac-c.

:koraidon: :zacian-crowned: :arceus: :miraidon: :landorus-therian: :eternatus:

another phys spam team but w some different stuff. scarf lando-t is a nice lure for stuff like opposing zac and stuff. phys def is not needed. etern absorbs tspikes and checks scarf korai (dragon claw doesnt kill) and fairyceus. tera steel mirai helps w resisting ekillers priority and both zac stabs.
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This team is something I haven't particularly tested that thoroughly. This sort of team almost immediately loses to Shitsnarl screens thus far so I'm still experimenting with how not to immediately lose to it

Tera dark Deoxys is my working theory right now. Go tera dark, taunt Shitsnarl, and lay down spikes. Thunder wave is an important move in case they use shit like Zacian as a lead and paralyzing anything is good really. The spread is to guarantee the kill on Koraidon while maxing speed to tie with opposing Deoxys. As much as I would like mental herb, scarfed bikes are a real pain

Zekrom is the odd part here and its sole purpose is to destroy stall. It literally has no use outside of destroying stall because fuck stall. Waste of time. Sub tera flying means you dance circles around the ground types, if any

Zamazenta is the next odd one and it's main job is to protect against extreme killer and Zacian. Zacian often feasts on HO because it outspeeds nearly everything so its polar opposite is a good answer to it and Zamazenta can be annoying if it gets too many boosts. Stone edge is for Ho oh because why let it annoy you needlessly

Lunala is the main idea of the team because I just love this thing so much. Of course, you can't have an HO team without at least one of the bikes

As I said, this team might suck a bit because I'm still trying to rotate around Zekrom to see if I can still find anything more useful


This is my take on Shitsnarl HO, which is so fucking cancer. Why does this shit even exist in the first place. Fuck Gamefreak

Still a similar team structure, double motorbikes for double the speed. Extreme killer because why the fuck not. Calyrex is to protect against webs and ensure you never lose to it

Necrozma is the odd one here because I wanted to give its dragon dance sets a try. Stone edge for Ho oh, earthquake for opposing Necrozmas, and photon geyser for stab, namely for Koraidon

:clodsire::ho-oh::necrozma-dusk-mane::flutter mane::miraidon::koraidon:

This is the old tried and true team with Fucker Mane, the main difference this time is that it now needs power gem. Another difference is that balance teams are now far more stable thanks to Ho oh and Necrozma, which when combined with Clodsire to handle Eternatus and Kyogre, is really solid

Mental herb is the odd part because the whole point is to get toxic spikes up against Shitsnarl. Koraidon is the speed control in case needed while Fucker Mane is your main damage dealer. Miraidon is the sweeper if the opportunity presents itself


Another balance team I made. Because Necrozma is offensive, I put Skeledirge in to completely shut down Zacian and Koraidon while Clodsire's main role is to be the draco bait and thus allow Necrozma or Calyrex to setup trick room and go kill

Earthquake is still something I'm not too sure on Necrozma because the target for that is literally itself, and Zacian. Koraidon is here to get the best of both worlds. If it can't sweep, you got two trick rooms. If trick rooms cannot sweep, you got Koraidon, and the team is stable enough against Fucker Mane

I didn't go into much detail about the tera types because I'm still trying to figure them out, aside from the obvious tera ghosts and tera fires
:Ho-Oh::Clodsire::Necrozma-Dusk Mane::Gliscor::Calyrex-Ice::Koraidon:

Just a fun BO team I built with the help of The Zest of Lies , Ho-Oh and bulky DD NDM provide a bulky offensive core that can break through opposing balances. Clodsire and Gliscor provide hazards and a defensive backbone, Caly-I helps vs HO, and Scarf Korai is Scarf Korai. Note that this, like most bulky teams, is prone to getting overrun by HO, so don't expect it to get a ton of positive results on ladder and such.

Edit: I just realized how similar this is to the Skeledirge balance in the previous post, sorry about that lol
:Ho-Oh::Clodsire::Necrozma-Dusk Mane::Gliscor::Calyrex-Ice::Koraidon:

Just a fun BO team I built with the help of The Zest of Lies , Ho-Oh and bulky DD NDM provide a bulky offensive core that can break through opposing balances. Clodsire and Gliscor provide hazards and a defensive backbone, Caly-I helps vs HO, and Scarf Korai is Scarf Korai. Note that this, like most bulky teams, is prone to getting overrun by HO, so don't expect it to get a ton of positive results on ladder and such.

Edit: I just realized how similar this is to the Skeledirge balance in the previous post, sorry about that lol

The Bulky Offense above is probably one of the most consistent teams I've had the pleasure of piloting while playing this volatile meta. Props to PatheticAce for a creative & efficient build!
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peaked 1800 with it on ladder Ho-oH is goated atm i think fairyceus is a must on stall altho i havent explored the meta enough due to busy schedule ndm is a wincon and checks kyurem, deo-a etc dondozo my beloved corv is a defogger that has roost and pressure while countering ndm tera ground spam to not lose to zekrom/kyurem/miraidon chansey is self explanatory HUM KABHI STALL SE BAAZ NAHI AYEIN GE
Dumping all my SV Ubers teams since peaking ladder. The teams toward the bottom of this post are more recent & better suited to current DLC2 meta trends. Enjoy the teams! /

Here's the most optimal Screens HO in the tier. TR + SD NDM & Caly-I form a powerful anti-offense core that shuts down virtually all the offense structures you'll commonly see in the early stages of the meta. In case you're wondering, the 1 Speed IV is to creep opposing min speed NDM & Caly-I. The crux of this team is Tera Stellar Double Dance WP Miraidon, which can easily 6-0 many builds. Alternatively, Miraidon can also run a LO Tera Dragon CM + Taunt set to better break fatter teams. /

Here's another type of HO featuring lead Deo-S. Tera Dark + Thunder Wave improve(s) the opposing Screens HO matchup. I've considered running Mental Herb, but I feel it's too niche & the last thing you want is your Deo-S to get OHKO'd on T1 by Scarf U-turn Korai or Electro Drift Mirai. The rest of the team is fairly standard, with Tera Fire Agility + Meteor Beam Eternatus serving as the ultimate cleaner of the team. The second team is a slightly different flavor of HO featuring lead Deo-A. The one caveat Deo-A has over Deo-S is that it can threaten more stuff immediately & beat Magic Bounce Hatterene 1v1

Here's a fun Webs HO featuring Terapagos. I noticed several players were running Double Dance Terapagos but couldn't break through defensive Ho-Oh. I like the concept of Power Herb + Meteor Beam, as it provides Terapagos with a way to immediately eliminate one of its best phazing checks, while outspeeding the rest of the meta with Rock Polish + Webs support. While I think Terapagos is a mid-tier mon at best, it is an underrated threat on HO teams.

This is one of my favorite Hyper Offense teams at the moment. While 4 Psychic Types may seem excessive, this is one of the few Hyper Offense structures that has a reasonable chance of breaking stall. The team centers around Lead Deo-A + NP Mewtwo + CM Taunt Miraidon, which work together to overwhelm common special walls like Clodsire and Ho-Oh. Once they've been taken care of, physically offensive cleaners like OTR WP NDM + Caly-I & EKiller can facilitate a sweep. This team has a challenging Webs matchup, but OTR WP Caly-I + NDM can help neutralize it. / /

Another version of Lead Deo-A HO featuring Tera Stellar 4 Attacks Flutter Mane. This is a pretty brainless team; you just click buttons and win (provided your moves don't miss). The other variations opt for Tera Flying SD Zacian-C & OTR Caly-I over Flutter Mane. /

Here's a Balance featuring OTR WP NDM + Caly-I. The team is defensively sound as Gliscor + Ho-Oh provide(s) a solid backbone, while EKiller & Scale Shot Koraidon serve as the cleaners / sweepers. The EVs on Ho-Oh guarantee that Brave Bird OHKOs non-Tera Scale Shot Koraidon from full. This is a consistent team & one to use if you're looking to learn how to play the tier. /

Here are two Bulky Offense teams built around Scarf Deo-A + Band / Loaded Dice Koraidon, which have a surprising amount of offensive synergy. They each work to wear down the other's checks so one of them can sweep or clean up. These teams are relatively intuitive to pilot and can catch many players by surprise, since no one really preps for Tera Psychic Scarf Deo-A or Band Koraidon, the latter of which can 2HKO Defensive Ho-Oh too. /

This is a Balance team built with OreoSpeedruns that capitalizes on winning the Hazard War, spamming HDB & using Knock Off to slowly chip stall teams. This is probably one of the better Balance structures you can make atm. Dragon Tail on Arceus-Fairy / Arceus-Water is a neat tech to phaze faster SD + Taunt abusers.

This is a Bulky Offense team built with OreoSpeedruns. Here, we paired Life Orb Deo-A + Life Orb Flutter Mane - both can bully each other's checks with Knock Off support. The rest of the team plays fairly standard. However, the crux of this build is definitely Bulk Up Arceus, which is a potent stall breaker and late-game HO deterrent. Taunt guarantees Bulk Up EKiller can beat passive Cosmic Power Arceus formes & is generally more useful than Recover.

The magnum opus of Ubers, this masterpiece was built with OreoSpeedruns. The team utilizes Ditto to deter volatile set-up sweepers like Scale Shot Koraidon and Zacian-C. It performed extremely well on ladder, peaking #1 with a 1814 ELO & 87.3% GXE. In my humble opinion, this is one of the best teams in the current meta. / /

Built originally by Fardin & slightly modified by me, these are some of the most consistent teams in the meta. If piloted well, they are very difficult to beat. I've never found team(s) that could assert complete dominance over a meta as volatile as DLC2 SV Ubers, but these teams challenged me to rethink how I play the game. These are not beginner friendly teams, but if you want to win, use them. Note that if you load into CM + Taunt Miraidon or Sub / Taunt + SD Scale Shot Koraidon, you'll probably lose unless you play perfectly.

Built originally by Icemaster & refined by me, this is one of the most potent HO's of DLC2 SV Ubers. If this team is piloted perfectly, it is very difficult to beat. Agility Miraidon + Eternatus & CM Groundceus all overwhelm each others checks, while Scale Shot Koraidon + OTR WP NDM clean up weakened teams. Substitute on Korai helps ease prediction. This is not a beginner-friendly team, but if you want to quickly climb ladder, pilot it well. /

My latest and greatest stall team(s) featuring underrated picks like Hippowdon & Wo-Chien. This was originally an AG composition, but works surprisingly well in Ubers. I'm still in the process of testing, but these teams have proven far more consistent than any of the stalls listed above (since they actually have a Mewtwo check & can somewhat deal with Scale Shot Koraidon)

Here is a broken Bulky Offense featuring Thunder Wave + Water Spout Kyogre. Acting as a solid Koraidon Check, I paired Ogre with two of the most potent special breakers in the tier: CM + Taunt Miraidon & Agility Eternatus to create an extremely potent wall-breaking core. The rest of the team is fairly standard, with OTR NDM providing a form of anti-speed control to help the slower members of this team out.

Here is a Bulky Offense team featuring Agility + Solar Beam Miraidon, which is perhaps the most potent wallbreaker / late-game sweeper in the tier. While it may seem like a gimmick set, many players are not adequately prepared to deal with this variant of Miraidon. By supporting it with other threats like Scarf Koraidon & OTR NDM + Caly-I, this team functions as a dynamic Bulky Offense that matches well into the vast majority of team structures frequently seen in SV Ubers.
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