Etern Fabulous - (Peaked #5, 1741 ELO, 88.9% GXE)
Since not everyone always check the SV Other Teams threads, I'll drop this in the Bazaar as well for easier accesibility. Hey guys, finally have the chance to RMT this heat Eternatus T-Spike Balance team we (Me,
Zest Of Life, and
DonBoneJones) have cooked up and been playing on high ladder with. Inspiration for the ladder alt nickname and the team nickname theme is Rich Amiri's Ghetto Fabulous, favorite song off of that right now is One Call (yeah, I'm basic).
We've been playing the tier for a few weeks (
Don and I atleast), and making our VR, we realized how little viable T-Spike absorbers existed in the tier (basically only Eternatus, Clodsire, and the very niche Glimmora). Miraidon has been a pretty contentious topic recently, and some believe its not broken due to the existence of specially defensive grounds (such as Clodsire, Arceus-Ground, Groudon and Ting Lu most prominently) which are pretty weak to T-Spikes (barring Clodsire, but it's for sure the most niche and passive by far). With T-Spikes up, Miraidon can beat these bulky grounds over time, and also heavily affects Miraidon and Koraidon, where T-Spikes immediately puts them on a timer and allows the rest of the team to deal with them.
Proof Of Peak
Building Process
We started with this core as mentioned in the intro, where Eternatus acts a specially defensive T-Spike setter, and Miraidon can take advantage of those T-Spike and sweep late game thanks to Choice Scarf + Tera Electric Electro Drift, which nukes the entire tier with those specially defensive grounds gone as the most common ones can't run boots, and get worn down quickly by poison.
Next, the mandatory check to the two (definetely not broken) most prominent offensive threats in the tier, Miraidon and Koraidon. We added Arceus-Ground and Ho-Oh to check them, Arceus-Ground acting as a late game win condition with Calm Mind, and Ho-Oh being the big bitch it is.
The speed control on the team was middling at best, and to round it out we added an offensive Trick Room core to flip the script on Webs and Offense teams. Well played, I personally believe this is the best offensive core that exists in the tier, and serves its role more than well on the team.
Team Preview
Ability: Pressure
Tera Type: Normal
248 HP / 172 SpD / 88 Spe
Calm Nature
- Dynamax Cannon
- Flamethrower
- Recover
- Toxic Spikes
The schizo vision for this team, the man, the myth, the legend, Eternatus. We went with a specially defensive set to act as our main Kyogre check, Dynamax Cannon is reliable STAB, Flamethrower acts as coverage for Necrozma-Dusk-Mane and Zacian (wouldn't wanna get 6-0'd by that testing the team haha), and Recover offers reliable recovery. Speed is to creep boosting nature base 95s, and is really all the speed this set needs. You may be looking at this set and thinking to yourself, what crack did you smoke before putting Eternatus as Tera Normal on this build? Well, whatever crack it is ask
Icemaster to pass it, because they effectively cock blocked our 90% GXE by running physically defensive Tera Normal Kyogre (very real set in a very healthy meta). We took inspiration, and Tera Normal acts as the only you don't get molly whopped by Basculegion, as the rest of the team is very Last Respects weak otherwise.
Ability: Hadron Engine
Tera Type: Electric
252 SpA / 4 SpD / 252 Spe
Timid Nature
- Draco Meteor
- Electro Drift
- Dragon Pulse
- U-turn
Miraidon is Scarf to provide consistent speed control, act as a late game cleaner since all of the bulky ground types get easily worn down by T-Spikes, and acts as a surprise factor since most teams are underprepared for Scarf Miraidon (as its objectively the worst set for it, but fits this team really well). Originally this was a Pivot Boots Miraidon, but the team proved to be Zacian weak, and Scarf Tera Electric Drift is a clean OHKO. U-Turn was chosen over Volt Switch for better momentum on the specially defensive grounds plaguing the tier and being it's main switch in, and Dragon Pulse acts as reliable STAB (which is especially useful in the endgame) that doesn't drop Special Attack.
Ability: Multitype
Tera Type: Steel
200 HP / 104 Def / 48 SpA / 136 SpD / 20 Spe
Calm Nature
- Calm Mind
- Judgment
- Power Gem
- Recover
This literal god spread is all
Don's doing, this thing is unreasonably bulky and lives and beats everything it needs to. Firstly, into Miraidon, 2 Modest Draco Meteors after Stealth Rocks never KO Arceus-Ground. A +2 4 Hit Scale Shot From Koraidon Never KOs (don't ask about 5 hit), and Necrozma-Dusk-Mane is 2HKO'd by Judgement and a +2 Photon Geyser or Sunsteel Strike doesn't OHKO back with Stealth Rocks up. Calm Mind gives Arceus-Ground the utility of acting as a Miraidon check and a threatening win condition with Calm Mind, as it can sit on a lot of the tier and accumulate +1 or +2 Special boost pretty consistently.
Ability: Regenerator
Tera Type: Fairy
248 HP / 100 Atk / 136 Def / 24 Spe
Adamant Nature
- Sacred Fire
- Brave Bird
- Whirlwind
- Recover
The classic
Zest Ho-Oh, perhaps the most important defensive pivot in the entire tier, Ho-Oh provides a valuable switch-in to Koraidon and Zacian, provided they have not set-up. The EVs are so Ho-Oh can always OHKO Koraidon with Brave Bird. The interaction between the two is dicey at best since more experienced players can see a telegraphed Tera Fairy coming in and choose to click Flare Blitz. Luckily, the rest of our team is well-equipped to handle this scenario, and if your god you run down timer then don't Tera to always win the exchange.
Ability: Prism Armor
Tera Type: Fire
248 HP / 252 Atk / 8 Def
Brave Nature
IVs: 3 Spe
- Trick Room
- Swords Dance
- Photon Geyser
- Earthquake
The world's most standard Necrozma-Dusk-Mane Trick Room abuser set, it clicks the two funny moves and starts blowing up the tier. I have been running 3 Spe IV to always ensure in the Necrozma-Dusk-Mane mirror under Trick Room, I am slower and get the Weakness Policy proc first. Tera Fire over Ground to set up in front of Ho-Oh and any other burn spreaders, and offers a nice Fire resist.
Ability: As One (Glastrier)
Tera Type: Fire
248 HP / 252 Atk / 8 Def
Brave Nature
IVs: 0 Spe
- Swords Dance
- Trick Room
- Glacial Lance
- High Horsepower
Calyrex-Ice is the exact same deal, basic Trick Room abuser, nothing special going on here. We did choose to go 0 Spe IV since a lot of people are running 1 Spe IV, and I'd argue being the faster Calyrex-Ice under Trick Room is more important. This guy clicks the funny no-drawback 120 base power STAB move and snowballs pretty quickly, played well it is an excellent win condition.
Freezai (Running Fraudelent Webs)
Versus Arceus-Ground Balance
Versus Ting-Lu Balance
Versus Webs
Game We Peaked (Versus An Actual In-Game Team)
Double Dance LO Draco Meteor Miraidon
Double Dance LO Miraidon with Draco Meteor is specifically the most threatening since it can nuke Arceus-Ground from full. Dragon Pulse sets are relatively easy to play around, but Draco Meteor will require you to make sure you are in a position such that Miraidon cannot get the Agility boost so you can threaten with your own Miraidon, or sack into Arceus-Ground for the Draco Meteor Special Attack drops.
Loaded Dice Koraidon
Extremely limited counterplay into this. Best play is to aggressively double and not allow anything too passive that allows Koraidon to SD for free, and if it gets the SD you need to dodge a roll with Arceus-Ground or Calyrex-Ice, or get the 50/50 right with Ho-Oh. Alternatively, just win the speed tie with Scarf Miraidon like a true ladder player.
If Eternatus is dead, GG go next. All seriousness, in the Basculegion match up you need to play smart, preserving Eternatus Tera and HP for endgame, as Basculegion teams using Kyogre means we use Eternatus as our main Kyogre and Basculegion check, so make sure to balance that, you may need to sack a few into Kyogre.
Here is the paste, enjoy!
Huge shoutouts to
Don and
Zest for all the help, this whole laddering and building experience has been a huge collaborative effort between the three of us, and I'm happy we got this far in the ladder and got to cook this team. Even with the limitations of what I think is a pretty constricting teambuilding experience (having to build around Basculegion, Miraidon and Koraidon) when not running hard offense, we managed to cook up what I think is a unique and rewarding team, and I truly hope you guys enjoy playing with this team. Lastly, shoutout to
Jam and the Academy Discord, which is how
Zest and I met, and allowed us to start laddering together. If y'all have read this far, I really appreciate it, and best of luck laddering!