Now that UU Blitz tournament finished and Alomomola is gone, time to share some teams and tech I have been using during these past months:
Pre-DLC Meta. These Mons spam Knock Off and status until Skeledirge or Kilowatrell sweep. Hariyama was the Hisuian Arcanine check I found (team was made around Muk, Hariyama was added later).
Volturn + Haxorus. Since Scizor is big threat, Haxorus is Tera Fire (also prevents burns). Dragon Fang ensured Sdef Hippo was 2HKOd at +1 without the need of Outrage.
Pre-DLC Weavile didn,t have Knock Off, so the best use I found for it was using Beat Up and having 5 of the Mons with the highest Attack in the Tier that also have defensive sinergy. Water Restalk Tauros is a really good Mon, better than Hariyama.
We are still pre-DLC, but Hoopa, Roaring Moon and Ursaluna are now in the Tier. Orthworm was the best solution for the former 2. Strategy of the team is simple, put hazards and Stall everything.
Birds. Bellibolt even prior to DLC was a good Mon, already had good experience with it in pre-Home Ubers, down in UU its even better. Static + big bulk + recover is always going to be good regardless of the Tier.
Sand team, 4 immune to it Mons. A little slow, but gets the job done.
Boots Stall. No removal, so there is one Mon with Sticky Hold to absorb Knock. Muk lacks 4 EVs (just realized it now) but has a spread designed to check well every Hoopa variant. Houndstone takes everything from the physical side, including Ursaluna... unless it uses EQ instead of Headlong Rush.
Similar concept to what I used in the finals of OU Wcop, aka Typhlosion + a couple of Mons that paralyze. Iron Jugulis pleasantly surprised me with how good he was at checking opposing offensive and balanced cores.
Post-DLC Meta... but without October drops yet, so just NFEs and updated Movepools. Chesnaught got Knock Off, so naturally had to built with it. Weavile is the bigger winner, it can go back to OU in some months. Tinkaton with Pickpocket screws opposing Knock Off users.
Bellibolt got Toxic! The funny frog can now be even more annoying than before. Hex Gengar abuses that and also enjoys getting Sludge Bomb back. Rest of the team is good stuff.
More new movepools experimented. Knock Off Tornadus-T is one of the most cancerous things ever invented. Knock Off Zarude is a faster and more offensive Wo-Chien, Meowscarada still wasn,t in the Tier. Flip Turn Basculegion gets momentum when it can,t kill stuff.
Still pre-drops, but people (me included) already started to realize how good Flip Turn Alomomola was at enabling all kind of crapmons. In this case, AV Pachirisu is the star, taking really strong hits from the special side while crippling opponents with Nuzzle and Super Fang or pivoting with U-Turn. Paralisis allows to run Band Gapdos and also helps Gengar to abuse Hex + Substitute combo. Alomomola + Pachirisu core was a really strong one, though later I found an even better AV user to pair Alomomola with.
Yep, Grassy Glide Rillaboom had a brief UU moment. Him and Hisuian Braviary benefit a lot from Alomomola.
Finally, October drops happened. Since this is a Stall, only Clodsire is used here. Houndstone with Covert Cloak is the Garganacl check. For some reason despite Garchomp being in UU, I was paranoid about Mold Breaker Haxorus, so Weezing has Ability Shield.
A Rain with some very wild stuff. I played some games before coming to the conclusion that Floatzel needed 4 Water Moves to optimally work. Fezandipiti is good special wall and pivot, if opponent doesn,t have Poison/Steel/Garganacl, it easily poisons with Beat Up, otherwise it uses U-Turn, so Shocks and Floatzel threaten. Poliwrath has Water Absorb to abuse Alomomola, with Sub + Encore its also a great Garganacl counterplay.
Chandelure + pivots. The lamp deals insane damage to slower teams and with Tera Grass can check Heatran pretty well. Mandibuzz was one of the few Mons able to check Garchomp, which at the moment was the most broken UU Mon.
:cacturne /
This didn,t work well, but it were my first 2 attempts at creating a Zombie army, a team designed to abuse Restalk + Revival Blessing startegy. Pawmot gaining Knock Off helped, since it was the perfect last move for the set. Staraptor with Final Gambit in theory should start the battle with 5-5 and vs weakened teams it still packed enough power with Reckless if Revived. Unfortunately, not only my team had Alomomola, everyone used it and even Water immune Mons didn,t help enough in those match-ups, therefore these teams ended up not being good. Pretty sure someone at some point will be able to make Pawmot work and star the Apocalypsis Z.
I have been seeing many posts saying Gengar became bad after the drops, but I think people just were not using it the right way. With Destiny Bond + Life Orb he can take down a ghost check so that some other Ghost can sweep later. This team has 3 Ghosts, 2 of them with Destiny Bond. Dark types are not that threatening to Ghost, but there is one enormous threat: Tornadus-T. It has Knock Off, Regenerator, is faster and sometimes carries AV. So, the team has the biggest enemy to Torn, a Bellibolt. Restalk Enamorus is the best Ogerpon check that I could find without going too passive.
Nikebeamz managed to beat this team yesterday, but needed great luck with Torn to do it.
The only Kommo-o team I built before it got banned. Also, one of the few times I used an offensive fast Iron Treads, has good sinergy with Fezandipiti due to it attracting Steel and Poison Mons. With Covert Cloak, Kommo-o didn,t care about Garganacl.
A different take to Maushold. With Tera Grass, it lured Garganacl and smashed it with Bullet Seed. Since this team was pretty weak to Scizor, Scarf Tera Fire Noivern was added.
4 Regenerator Mons. Unfortunately, Nikebeams brought a Sub SD Iron Hands to deal with them, otherwise this was a very solid team.
Hoop Hoop. One on the many Mons that are helped by Alomomola. Breloom was great vs Garganacl.
Bad team, but with some cool tech. Breloom can lure and eliminate Amoonguss with Tera Normal Facade, checking Garganacl at the same time. Heatran kills all usual Heatran answers, including Rain teams. Unfortunately, Amoonguss now isn,t the biggest threat to Breloom, Sinitcha is. Breloom struggles too much to break that.
With Sandslash, Houndstone is not alone anymore, Sand is now viable and with Ursaluna, not even Alomomola can check them all the time.
Another attempt at Zombie Army, still not optimal but way better than Pawmot versions. Hilariously, with Tera Bug Rabsca sometimes is able to sweep some balance cores, imagine stuff like Alomomola/Treads/Amoonguss/Mandibuzz, with some help from partners, Rabsca can end some games by itself.
Tinkaton has choosen the way of the violence. With Tera Ground + SD, it can lure and eliminate things like Treads and Volcanion. Lum Berry is for Scald and WoWs. Sub-Punch Okidogi abuses opposing Alomomola.
Remember how I said that I found some better AV user than Pachirisu? Eelektross is it. It trades Volt Absorb, Nuzzle and Super Fang for higher bulk, Levitate, Knock Off and damage output. With Alomomola's wish, it can come repeatedly on Tornadus and Thundurus and slowly pivot in order to allow Weavile enter. Speaking about Weavile, with Tera Dark the damage output is insane. You think Alomomola tanks it after taking a Knock? Well, with Hazard and Assurance enjoy taking 70%. Use Weavile while you can, at some point I believe it will go back to the OU Tier where it belongs. It never needed Triple Axel (in fact, its a suboptimal Move and worse than Icicle Crash most of the time) to be good, just Knock Off.
This team also had the most insane battle of the entire tour vs
JustFranco , 172 turns in Blitz mode full of pain for both of us. Weavile power can be seen at display to the fullest in this battle:
A Weezing whose goal is to break Regenerator cores. It does the job, despite the team being totally unable to beat Taunt Tera Ground Volcanion.
Trick Room experiment. Unfortunately, in Alomomola and Protect Heatran/Rotom meta, this kind of things just doesn,t work.
A better attempt at using Conkeldurr and Goodra. Sets like these are generally bad, but Alomomola enabled them to work.
Tatsugiri abused Alomomola really well and could sometimes do some very funny sweeps, especially if something like TW Rotom was the counterplay. Tera Ground meant said Rotom was ready to be set-up on.
Tricking a Toxic Orb is fun. Also, Tera Electric Infernape is a nice surprise for the dreaded Tornadus-T.
Lokix is a discount Weavile with a strong priority move and a pivoting one. Unfortunately, original Weavile is just so much better.
Dragmag, but since Magnezone sucked when I tried it, just made it 4 dragons instead. Haxorus with SD + Scale Shot is a threat to every team, Fairies are murdered by Iron Head. Salamence with Tera Fire is Scizor paranoia, with LO + Moxie it does big damage. Noivern does big damage too and cripples some Mons with Trick, allowing set-up. Dragalge is one of the many AV users that thrived with Alomomola's help.
Dedenne is cool Zapdos and Sub SD Iron Hands check (non Sub-SD can be handles by Amoonguss). Super Fang is a very annoying move, especially if Alomomola can,t just switch into it.
Its hard to be a Skeledirge in a Knock Off meta. However, when we have 3 Rocky Helmet holders, one of which is the Static Bellibolt, the problem is sort of solved and Skeledirge swept in late game most of the time. In fact, this team easily managed to get top Top 1 position of the ladder. Unfortunately, Nikebeamz was way tougher than the ladder and just cleaned it with Specs Tera Flying Tornadus-T in Rain.
Slip offered us to not repeat the final of the Tournament, I got to build this, for a Meta in which Alomomola no longer can support the crazy Mons I try.
Will now leave UU for a few month, have other Tours to play and IRL things, have a nice Eeveening!