approved by Tuthur, Corthius, Jett, and wooper, OP stolen from the SV PU Teambuilding Competition.
Welcome to the SV ZU Teambuilding Competition thread! Each week I will post a new Pokemon, core, set or team archetype, and it's up to you to make the best possible team out of it! Every time you post a new team, you will have to provide an explanation of the building process, strength and weaknesses, and the importable of the team itself. The winner of each week will get their team featured in the Hall of Fame!
Some rules:
1) Don't copy somebody else's team. Pretty straightforward here, we want this competition to be as diverse as possible, and copying a team someone else posted will result in a DQ for that week's round. Taking inspiration is absolutely fine, but I don't wanna see copies of teams.
2) Don't vote for yourself.
3) Don't ask for votes, neither for you or your friends. Let's keep the competition fair and clean.
4) To vote, please post with the three teams that you think should win. For example, if I thought that Team 735, Team 90 and Team 129 were the best, I would post this:
Team 735, Team 90, Team 129
If less then 5 Teams are submitted, you may only vote for 2 teams.
If less than 3 Teams are submitted, you may only vote for 1 team.
Here's an example on how you should post your team:

Welcome to the SV ZU Teambuilding Competition thread! Each week I will post a new Pokemon, core, set or team archetype, and it's up to you to make the best possible team out of it! Every time you post a new team, you will have to provide an explanation of the building process, strength and weaknesses, and the importable of the team itself. The winner of each week will get their team featured in the Hall of Fame!
Some rules:
1) Don't copy somebody else's team. Pretty straightforward here, we want this competition to be as diverse as possible, and copying a team someone else posted will result in a DQ for that week's round. Taking inspiration is absolutely fine, but I don't wanna see copies of teams.
2) Don't vote for yourself.
3) Don't ask for votes, neither for you or your friends. Let's keep the competition fair and clean.
4) To vote, please post with the three teams that you think should win. For example, if I thought that Team 735, Team 90 and Team 129 were the best, I would post this:
Team 735, Team 90, Team 129
If less then 5 Teams are submitted, you may only vote for 2 teams.
If less than 3 Teams are submitted, you may only vote for 1 team.
Here's an example on how you should post your team:

describe building process, strength and weaknesses, threats etc.
===== October Shifts =====
Week 1: Stonjourner
Scarf Stonj BO by sinnabyss
Week 2: NFEs
DD Haka + CM Giraf Balance by sinnabyss
Mono NFE Fat by love chants
Grimer + Offensive Clops Stall by Joethezombie
Mono Dragon NFE HO by 5Dots
Week 3: Type spam
Type Circle by Joethezombie
Poison Spam (SD Seviper + Weep) by TomatoZause
Week 4: Mid/Low VL
Specs Drakloak Balance by Ruby4
===== November Shifts =====
Week 5: Swalot
CM Chimecho + NP Owl BO by love chants
Week 6: FWG core
Cac + Specs Glace Balance by love chants
SS Magcargo + Bulky Leaf BO by BloodAce
Week 7: Ditto
Triple Choice + DD Flapple BO by 5Dots
Week 8: Rotom-Fan
NP Fantom + Specs Glace Voltturn by sinnabyss
===== December Shifts =====
Week 9: Klawf
AS Klawf Webs by BloodAce
Week 10: Arbok
AV Ludi + Coil Arbok Balance by 5Dots
===== DLC 2 =====
Week 11: DLC NFEs + Tera Stellar
Tera Stellar Ditto + SD Busken Balance by AstilCodex
Week 12: Rock+Ground+Dark January drops
Nacl + Sableye Balance by wooper
===== January Shifts =====
Week 13: Tauros-Paldea
Liechi Pauros + Houndoom Offense by PlayaBeavs
Week 14: Ghost types
TSpikes Haunter + NP Missy Balance by sinnabyss
Week 15: Fire types
Busken + Houndoom BO by Joethezombie
Week 1: Stonjourner

Week 2: NFEs

Week 3: Type spam

Week 4: Mid/Low VL

===== November Shifts =====
Week 5: Swalot

Week 6: FWG core

Week 7: Ditto

Week 8: Rotom-Fan

===== December Shifts =====
Week 9: Klawf

Week 10: Arbok

===== DLC 2 =====
Week 11: DLC NFEs + Tera Stellar

Week 12: Rock+Ground+Dark January drops

===== January Shifts =====
Week 13: Tauros-Paldea

Week 14: Ghost types

Week 15: Fire types

===== February Shifts =====
Week 16: Shaymin
SD Shaymin + CM Tomb Balance by BloodAce
Week 17: Water types
SD Sneasel + Physical Swanna Offense by wooper
Week 18: Sneasel
Raichu-Alola + QD Bello Balance by wooper
Pyroar + AV Eel Balance by sinnabyss
===== March Shifts =====
Week 19: Flying types
Honchkrow + Band Medi BO by Lizardu''
Week 20: Sneasel-Hisui
Heasel + Dipplin Hazard Stack by Creeperman129
Week 21: Mid/Low VL
CB Banette + NP Duck BO by viet noa
Week 22: Dipplin
QD Venomoth + Scarf Deedee BO by viet noa
===== April Shifts =====
Week 23: Grass types
SD Shaymin + Specs Magmortar Balance by Gymlead11b
Week 24: World Cup
Virginia and its Tanks by E4 Bruno Mars
Week 25: Muk + Spiritomb
Magneton + SubSeed Shaymin Balance by sinnabyss
===== May Shifts =====
Week 26: Hyper Offense
Emboar TR HO by BloodAce
Week 27: Snorlax
Morpeko Setup Spam BO by Aurora_Veil
Week 28: Emboar
Frosmoth + FightSpam BO by 5Dots
Sub Emboar + DoubleDance Farig BO by Graceclaw
Week 29: Mid/Low VL
Bastiodon + BU Ursa BO by LettuceLeaf07
Week 30: Electrode-Hisui
Specs HTrode + Flying Spam HO by 5Dots
Week 16: Shaymin

Week 17: Water types

Week 18: Sneasel

===== March Shifts =====
Week 19: Flying types

Week 20: Sneasel-Hisui

Week 21: Mid/Low VL

Week 22: Dipplin

===== April Shifts =====
Week 23: Grass types

Week 24: World Cup

Week 25: Muk + Spiritomb

===== May Shifts =====
Week 26: Hyper Offense

Week 27: Snorlax

Week 28: Emboar

Week 29: Mid/Low VL

Week 30: Electrode-Hisui

===== June Meta =====
Week 31: Weather
Beartic + Veluza Hail by 5Dots
Ludicolo + Jolteon Rain by evend101
Week 32: Kingdra
CritDra + SD Virizion BO by sinnabyss
Week 33: Alcremie
FakeTears Alc + CB Brux BO by 5Dots
===== ZUPL BREAK =====
===== September Meta =====
Week 34: Decidueye-Hisui
Specs Hecid + Dodrio BO by sinnabyss
Week 35: Favourite Pokemon
Synth Bonnet + Specs Mag BO by Sputnik
Week 36: Brute Bonnet
LO Bonnet + Zard Sun by Inferno Monferno
Growth Bonnet + Swalot Paraspam by Sputnik
Week 37: B or lower on VR
Specs Arbo + AV Chan Balance by yo cho
Week 38: Stall
Cryo + Scarf Pass Semistall by THE_CHUNGLER
Week 39: Dudunsparce
Maranga Coil Dudun + Mixed Viriz BO by FlamPoke
Week 40: Typhlosion
EBelt Typh + Scarf Qwil BO by Inferno Monferno
Scarf Typh + BU Ape HO by FlamPoke
Week 31: Weather

Week 32: Kingdra

Week 33: Alcremie

===== ZUPL BREAK =====
===== September Meta =====
Week 34: Decidueye-Hisui

Week 35: Favourite Pokemon

Week 36: Brute Bonnet

Week 37: B or lower on VR

Week 38: Stall

Week 39: Dudunsparce

Week 40: Typhlosion

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