Swampert has a very good defensive typing that gives it some key resistances to Fire- and Electric-type moves and only one weakness. It has good bulk and a good support movepool that consists of with gems like Stealth Rock and Roar. It also has a good Attack stat and good coverage options to take advantage of it.
However, its Swampert's lack of reliable recovery means that it can not use its bulk to its full potential and can be worn down with repeated hits. Its quadruple 4x weakness to Grass-type attacks means that most Grass-type Pokemon can switch into it with easily and force it out. It's also very slow, meaning that it will have to take multiple hits a hit before it retaliates most of the time.
(you can just merge the two paragraphs imo, they're pretty small)
Physically Defensive
name: Physically Defensive
move 1: Stealth Rock
move 2: Earthquake
move 3: Scald
move 4: Roar / Toxic / Ice Beam
ability: Torrent
item: Leftovers
evs: 240 HP / 16 Atk / 252 Def
nature: Relaxed
Swampert can set up Stealth Rock reliably throughout the match due to with its above average bulk. Earthquake is its strongest STAB attack and prevents Swampert from becoming a setup fodder. Scald is the secondary STAB move and has a 30% chance to burn the target, often making the opponent think twice before switching something into it. Roar removes any boosts your opponent might have acquired while racking up entry hazard damage. On the other hand, Toxic cripples the opposing bulky Water-types who that tend to switch into Swampert; it also Toxic also cripples opposing walls and thus makes it easier for Swampert's teammates to break past them. Ice Beam is also an option allows Swampert to OHKO Flygon and deal heavy damage to other Dragon- and Flying-types; it for a large amount of damage while also hits Chesnaught and Tangrowth on their weaker Special Defense on the switch. Protect can be used for scouting choiced Pokemon's Choice-locked moves and surprise coverage attacks and getting an extra turn of Leftovers recovery.
(Remember, the last three moves are options for the same moveslot. Emphasize that fact: that's why I added the "on the other hand" and "is also an option")
Set Details
240 HP EVs hit a Leftovers number, allowing for maximum recovery. 252 Defense EVs maximize Swampert's physical bulk. The rest of the EVs are dumped into Attack to give a little boost to Earthquake's damage output. A Relaxed nature further boosts Swampert's Defense without lowering any of its attacking or defensive stats. Leftovers provide passive recovery.
Usage Tips
Use Swampert as a tank rather than a wall as Swampert it does not have access to reliable recovery and will get worn out very easily with repeated hits. Bring Swampert in on physical attackers and set up Stealth Rock on the switch. Try to fish for Scald burns as much as you can. Don't hesitate to use Earthquake as it hits hard enough for such a defensive Pokemon. Try to keep Swampert healthy if the opposing team has a Pokemon that can be potentially walled by it. Also, be wary of lures like mixed Victini.
Team Options
Swampert appreciates teammates who that can take on Grass-types. Victini and Darmanitan are great partners in this regard; they as they can easily take out opposing Grass-types. also force a lot of switches, thus making good use of Stealth Rock set up by Swampert. Pokemon such as Roserade, Celebi, and Toxicroak who that can take on opposing bulky Water-types, such as Roserade, Celebi, and Toxicroak make for good partners, (add comma) as bulky Water-types the latter can switch into Swampert with impunity. Roserade can also take out opposing Grass-types with Sludge Bomb and lay Spikes; in return, Swampert can handle the Fire-types who that give these Pokemon problems. Swampert appreciates cleric support as it has no recovery and is wrecked by status, especially burn and poison. Therefore, Florges and Blissey are good options teammates; they can also can take special hits aimed at Swampert.
Choice Band
name: Choice Band
move 1: Earthquake
move 2: Waterfall
move 3: Ice Punch
move 4: Superpower
ability: Torrent
item: Choice Band
evs: 204 HP / 252 Atk / 52 Spe
nature: Adamant
Earthquake is the strongest STAB attack available to Swampert and it deals huge damage to anything that does not resist it or is not a physical wall. Waterfall is the secondary STAB attack and is more reliable if the opponent has a Flying-type or a Levitate user. Ice Punch is for Grass-types and Hydreigon, (add comma) which resist both STAB moves of Swampert. Superpower beats every variant of Scrafty one-on-one.
Set Details
Choice Band gives this set huge wallbreaking power and surprise value. For example, (add comma) Roserade, which is a pretty safe switch-in to the defensive set, (add comma) is OHKOed with by a Choice Band Earthquake. 252 Attack EVs and an Adamant nature maximize its Swampert's Attack. 52 Speed EVs allow Swampert to outspeed minimum Speed Umbreon and everything slower. The remaining EVs are invested in HP to allow Swampert to take hits better. (space after period) Life Orb can be used instead of Choice Band, but compromising Swampert's excellent bulk is not ideal.
Usage Tips
This Swampert set is a bulky attacker at its best. It thrives on the surprise value that Choice Band provides, so prediction is key when playing with this set. (the first sentence leads logically to the second i.e., don't EQ an incoming Flying-type and switch, revealing you're running CB in the process) Bring it in on resisted attacks and hit back, hard. Spam Earthquake if your opponent has nothing immune to it; however, try to use Earthquake conservatively if your opponent has a Flying-type or a Pokemon with Levitate. Waterfall is your best bet in such situations. Swampert can take neutral unSTABed moves, however, but don't expect it to do this multiple times. If you predict a Grass-type switching in, use Ice Punch or bring in your Grass-type answer.
Team Options
Teammates who that can scare off Grass-types are necessary: Fire-types, (remove comma) such as Victini, Darmanitan, and Mega Houndoom are good options. Roserade is one of the best teammates. particularly useful partner for Swampert; it Roserade can scare off bulky Water-types and opposing Grass-types with her its STAB attacks. Roserade can and also set up Spikes which provide immense support to Swampert to ease KOs for Swampert. With one layer of Spikes and Stealth Rock, Swampert 2HKOes (this is the verb form) maximum Defense Mew and Slowbro everytime and has a very high chance of 2HKOing Suicune. Speaking of Stealth Rock, Aerodactyl and Rhyperior can set up Stealth Rock and can also threaten Flying-types with their Rock-type STAB thus, thus allowing Swampert to use Earthquake more freely. Swampert is a wallbreaker and it can open holes in the opposing teams so that late game a fast teammate such as Late-game sweepers such as Choice Scarf Heracross can clean make good teammates as well, as they appreciate Swampert's wallbreaking capabilities. Cleric support, although not absolutely necessary, is appreciated as being burnt ruins this set. Florges can use Heal Bell and has good defensive synergy with Swampert; it can also keep Swampert healthy with Wish.
name: Curse
move 1: Curse
move 2: Earthquake
move 3: Ice Punch
move 4: Rest
ability: Torrent
item: Chesto Berry
evs: 252 HP / 4 Def / 252 SpD
nature: Careful
Curse boosts Swampert's Attack and Defense stats at the cost of its Speed, making it bulkier and more powerful. Earthquake is its most powerful STAB and has very good neutral coverage. Ice Punch hits Flying- and Grass-types who that resist its STAB. Avalanche can also be used, as most of the time, Swampert will be moving last. Rest is for instant recovery with Chesto Berry, (add comma) giving Swampert another chance to sweep or tank hits.
Set Details
The EV spread and Careful nature aims at maximizing its Swampert's Special Defense, as Swampert can already boost its Defense with Curse. Chesto Berry cures sleep instantly, providing it with full recovery, though only for one time.
Usage Tips
With this set, Swampert can set up on the extremely common Choice item-using Fire-types in the current UU metagame. Don't boost until its checks and counters have been eliminated. Use Swampert as a specially defensive tank early- to mid-game. If Swampert is on low health, use Rest even if it has not boosted already as it can still tank a few hits. Do not rely on Swampert sweeping every game. It can sweep against a defensive team but against a more offensively oriented team, Swampert will have problems sweeping, so it is advisable to use it as a tank against them unless the circumstances are favorable (American spellings >__<) enough. Don't set up if the opponent has a Pokemon that may be carrying a phazing move.
Team Options
Fire-type Pokemon have good synergy with Swampert as they can handle the Grass-types who that plague Swampert it. Pokemon who that can handle Flying-types so that Swampert can spam Earthquake are good teammates. Raikou, Aerodactyl, and Rhyperior are good examples. Pokemon that attract those Pokemon that Swampert can set up on make for good teammates. Grass-types attract Fire-types and can also handle bulky Water-types who that wall this set. Swampert greatly appreciates cleric support as Wish and Heal Bell support can prevent it from using Rest prematurely. Florges is a very good option and that has good synergy with Swampert.
Other Options
Stone Edge can be used on the offensive set to hit Flying-types harder. However, Ice Punch is enough most of the time. A specially offensive set is plausible with its Swampert's wide special movepool. Yawn can be used as a pseudo-phazing move. However, Swampert already has access to Roar. An Assault Vest set with Mirror Coat makes Swampert a great Grass-type lure and Raikou check. Counter is also an interesting option.
Checks & Counters
**Grass-types**: Grass-types, (remove comma) such as Roserade, Tangrowth, and Celebi resist its Swampert's STAB attacks and threaten Swampert it with their own STAB move. Roserade should be wary of switching into a Choice Band boosted Earthquake.
**Bulky Water-types**: Slowking and Suicune can take most of the attacks Swampert throws at them and can set up on it with Calm Mind. Also, Scald burns ruin Swampert.
**Grass-type Attack Users Coverage Moves**: Most Pokemon with a surprise Grass-type coverage move pressurize Swampert. Chandelure with Energy Ball and Victini with Grass Knot are good examples of those.
**Status**: Poison and burn ruin Swampert's excellent bulk by slowly wearing out its HP it down. Sableye can burn it with Will-O-Wisp, and while Florges can use Toxic on it cripple it with Toxic.
**Repeated Hits**: Due to its lack of reliable recovery, powerful attackers can overwhelm Swampert with repeated attacks.