Sword & Shield Battle Mechanics Research

Ok so didnt check threadif anyone else said but, I was using my toxel in my playthrough yesterday and it had the ability rattled, I started a match with a policeman and they sent out growlithe with intimidate. Intimidate then activated rattled after it dropped the attack stat boosting my toxels speed stat. I tested on ps and this was not implemented yet to just wanted to put it out. May also be worth checking to see if other "scary" moves or abilities may also activate rattled as well. Image wise i only have a few screenshots I took but no video recording.

Edit: The screenshots i just looked again were in my match with Kabu will edit them in a a bit

http://imgur.com/a/bdLvfA5 here they are. Me vs kabu with my toxel Jimi Hendrix
I can also confirm that a Pokemon with Rattled gets a speed boost when Intimidated, I had the exact same thing happen to me.
What happens if you try to target your teammate with Dragon Darts in doubles?

If Cursola's Perish Body gets tripped in doubles, does it put up Perish Song for everyone, or just for itself and the attacker?

Is it possible to have both Ingrain and No Retreat active at the same time, or do both moves set the same flag that prevents you from using the other one successfully?
On Showdown, I saw a physical Dynamax attack bypassing Eiscue's Ice Face. Is this really the way it works in reality? Edit: I want to clarify that Ice Face had been broken before earlier in the match. I thought Ice Face was supposed to refresh under hail, but it didn't seem to because Eiscue used Max Hailstorm, which started hail, and the Gyarados still killed it with Max Airstream.
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Ripen activated for my Appletun each time it ate Leftovers. I’m no good at math, but it’s possibly recovering 12% of HP per turn. Seems pretty powerful when combined with Leech Seed and Recover, if that’s the case.
Ok, so it seems I was mistaken. I just tested it again in Hail. Appletun was at 234 HP, then it took Hail damage and went to 217 HP, then Ripen activated, Appletun ate Leftovers, then went back to 234. It’s still 6%, but why does Leftovers trigger Ripen then? :/
Ok, so it seems I was mistaken. I just tested it again in Hail. Appletun was at 234 HP, then it took Hail damage and went to 217 HP, then Ripen activated, Appletun ate Leftovers, then went back to 234. It’s still 6%, but why does Leftovers trigger Ripen then? :/
Was your Appletun's max health 234 or was it it's current health at the time? Just making sure on this.
Was your Appletun's max health 234 or was it it's current health at the time? Just making sure on this.
Not max health, it’s my playthrough Appletun at level 76 with 276 HP.
Because apples
I get the reference, but it feels misleading as hell for it to trigger and NOT have its effect doubled...

If a pokemon dynamaxes and uses a max move, can instruct be used on it to have it use the max move again, or will instruct fail like with z-moves?

If a pokemon dynamaxes and instruct is used on it before it can use a max move, will it use the move that it used the turn before, will it use its corresponding max move, or will instruct fail?
I tried this with the Trick Room Rental team in the Battle Tower that has Instruct Oranguru. It FAILS on Dynamax/Gigantamax Pokemon. I assume it fails on DMax/GMax mons in general, regarding your second question.


Some things about Gulp Missile. When I used Dive on a Water Absorb Wooper, Cramorant came back up in Gulp Form. However, this does NOT work for Surf.

Also, the Gulp Missile attack deals 25% damage and lowers Defense by 1.
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Given that choice item boosts don't apply to dynamaxed mons, how is turn order determined on the turn a pokemon holding a choice scarf dynamaxes? Do they still keep their boosted speed for the turn or is it recalculated?
Some things about Gulp Missile. When I used Dive on a Water Absorb Wooper, Cramorant came back up in Gulp Form. However, this does NOT work for Surf.

I strongly suspect that this is because the game tracks the fish in the mouth if the move is successfully executed, but checks this on the first turn. So you Dive, it sees that you've successfully dived underwater, and adds the fish.

I would assume, therefore, that Cramorant also gets the fish in its mouth if it hits itself in Confusion on the second turn, or it fails if the second turn fails after Dive is called by a choiced Metronome user.

To test: if Cramorant dives underwater and is subsequently hit by a Pokemon with No Guard, does the fish recoil trigger immediately? Does it make a difference whether or not the triggering hit KOs Cramorant? What if Surf is used while Cromorant is underwater?

Appletun was at 234 HP, then it took Hail damage and went to 217 HP, then Ripen activated, Appletun ate Leftovers, then went back to 234. It’s still 6%, but why does Leftovers trigger Ripen then? :/

Was Appletun Dynamaxed? Things which care about percentage of HP use the percentage of your normal HP, not maxed. If you're Dynamax level 10, that will mean they use half of your normal HP percentage relative to what they would normally, so a doubled Leftovers would heal 6%.
So with the changes to Inner Focus and Own Tempo, i was curious if there was something else related to Intimidate that would be affected, and it turns out, Rattled is reported to trigger on Intimidate!
Say... Is Life Orb recoil on Dynamaxed Pokemon uses user's Base HP or user's Dynamaxed HP? (Apology if its already confirmed, and I still didn't know)
Was Appletun Dynamaxed? Things which care about percentage of HP use the percentage of your normal HP, not maxed. If you're Dynamax level 10, that will mean they use half of your normal HP percentage relative to what they would normally, so a doubled Leftovers would heal 6%.
I was not Dynamaxed. This was during a normal wild battle.
Something I noticed playing in-game raids that is definitely worth looking more into - I think the effects of any given max move will only activate once per battle. For example, using Max Knuckle boosted my Attack on the first use, but after the second use it didn't. Another example that just occurred was I set Rain with Max Geyser, then the opponent changed it to Sandstorm, and then on my second Max Geyser use the weather remained Sandstorm. It's possible this has to do with raid mechanics but thought I'd bring it up here since it's potentially very relevant.
Something I noticed playing in-game raids that is definitely worth looking more into - I think the effects of any given max move will only activate once per battle. For example, using Max Knuckle boosted my Attack on the first use, but after the second use it didn't. Another example that just occurred was I set Rain with Max Geyser, then the opponent changed it to Sandstorm, and then on my second Max Geyser use the weather remained Sandstorm. It's possible this has to do with raid mechanics but thought I'd bring it up here since it's potentially very relevant.
Have you tested out this out VS gym leaders? This could be HUGE and totally redefine the mechanic's competitive worth if it acts this way in PVP.
Had an in-game situation worth mentioning:

Cramorant uses Dive against Steelix
Dive connects and Cramorant is in Pikachu-gulp forme
Steelix KOs Cramorant, Gulp Missile activates before death, and Pikachu still damages and paralyzes Steelix

Pikachu-Gulp Missile works on Ground-types (and still triggers when being KOd)