Does Assault Vest prevent Max Guard from working?
If you wear Assault Vest and select Max Guard, you get a message saying "The effects of the Assault Vest prevent status moves from being used!" This happens on the turn that you try to Dynamax (prevents the turn from executing and makes you pick something else) as well as after Dynamaxing.
Asked once and I'll ask again: Do Dynamaxed Pokemon with Choice items still get their boosts despite being able to switch moves? We really need a definitive answer on this soon, these kinds of sets are tearing up Beta OU ladder right now.
So neither Gorilla Tactics nor Choice Band/Spec boost Dynamax moves. Would that mean Choice Scarf doesn't work with Dynamax as well?
I feel like this has been answered several times by now by other people, so I didn't test it myself. I don't know who did it originally and where. I tested myself and found this:
- Choice Scarf's Speed boost is not in effect on the Dynamax turn or while Dynamaxed.
In my test, Choice Scarf Corviknight outspeeds Cinderace at normal size.
Choice Scarf Corviknight is outsped by Cinderace on the turn that it Dynamaxes.
Choice Scarf Corviknight is outsped by Cinderace on both turns after it Dynamaxes.
(I did record this for the nonbelievers, but it's too big to easily upload.)
- Choice Band's Damage boost is not in effect on the Dynamax turn or while Dynamaxed.
Relevant damage calculation:
On Dynamax turn, at level 50, 93 Att Choice Band Corviknight uses 130 BP physical Max Steelstrike against Cinderace with 96 Def and does 38 damage.
While Dynamaxed, at level 50, 93 Att Choice Band Corviknight uses 130 BP physical Max Steelstrike against Cinderace with 96 Def and does 37 damage.
Expected roll for this is 36-42, would be 53-63 if Choice Band's boost were working.
- Dynamaxed Pokemon don't faint when they KO something that has used Destiny Bond.
- Perish Song functions as normal in battles. It doesn't matter whether the Pokemon is afflicted by Perish Song before it Dynamaxes or after it Dynamaxes. I'm told that raid battles work differently, probably to keep people from cheesing them.
Kris asked these things for the Hackmons crowd:
- Pokemon that aren't Morpeko can't use Aura Wheel: "But [Pokemon] can't use the move!" However, they can Dynamax and the move becomes Max Lightning, which does work properly.
- It's possible to hack the Max Moves on and use them, but they have 10 BP and don't activate any extra effects. If you Dynamax and use them, they have power "--" and do activate other effects. (Tested on Max Knuckle, Max Flutterby, and Max Starfall)
- Aura Wheel seems to be unaffected if Morpeko has its type changed through Soak or Magic Powder. Its type seems to be based on Morpeko's forme.
- We don't know how to set a mon as Gigantamax on sending it out. Likewise, we don't know if it's possible to start off with a G-max move in the same way that you can start out with a Max move.