VGC Sylveon



* Sylveon is a great Pokemon in Series 1 thanks to a strong Pixilate-boosted Hyper Voice, potentially further boosted by Throat Spray and Calm Mind.Its Fairy typing is especially strong in a metagame with plenty of good Dark-, Dragon-, and Fighting-types like Grimmsnarl, Hydreigon, Hariyama, and Annihilape.

* Sylveon's Speed means that it can effectively take advantage of both Trick Room and Tailwind from Pokemon like Amrarouge and Murkrow; 212 Speed EVs can be run on Tailwind teams to outpace Dragapult.

* Sylveon can struggle against Fire-types like Ceruledge and Armarouge, which makes Pokemon like Rotom-W, Paldean Tauros-A, and Dragonite good teammates. Sylveon also appreciates Pokemon like Ceruledge and Garchomp that can handle Gholdengo.

name: Offensive
move 1: Hyper Voice
move 2: Protect
move 3: Tera Blast / Calm Mind
move 4: Substitute / Calm Mind / Quick Attack
item: Throat Spray / Life Orb / Leftovers / Safety Goggles
ability: Pixilate
nature: Modest
tera type: Fire / Fairy
evs: 252 HP / 252 SpA / 4 SpD


* Tera Blast + Fire Tera type gives Sylveon a strong matchup against Steel-types like Gholdengo and Tera Steel Hydreigon. When not Terastallized, Tera Blast is boosted by Pixiliate and is still useful for dealing damage when faced by Wide Guard users like Armarouge. Fairy Tera type makes Sylveon's Hyper Voice even more powerful, letting it 2HKO even naturally bulky Pokemon like Kingambit and Hatterene; this can be used over Fire Tera type on teams that can afford the loss in effectiveness against Steel-types like Gholdengo. Ground Tera type is an option that lets Sylveon hit opposing Fire-types like Ceruledge and Armarouge hard, retain good damage against Steel-types, and avoid a burdensome weakness to Garchomp, though Sylveon strongly values the resistance to Steel that a Fire Tera type grants.

* Substitute is good for blocking Amoonguss's Spore, preventing its Clear Smog from resetting Sylveon's stat boosts, and taking advantage of defensive play. Quick Attack is an option that can prove particularly useful against Tailwind teams, picking off Pokemon brought down to their Focus Sash like Murkrow and Kilowattrel, as well as other weakened Pokemon.

* Calm Mind is an option that can be particularly potent on bulkier teams with damage mitigation from Pokemon like Gyarados and Grimmsnarl to help Sylveon set up.

* Throat Spray is a no-drawback way of improving Sylveon's offense; a +1 Hyper Voice will 2HKO most offensive Pokemon that do not resist Fairy. Life Orb lets Sylveon immediately 2HKO or nearly 2HKO most offensive Pokemon at the cost of recoil that could put it in range of attacks like Tera Ground Garchomp's Earthquake. Leftovers is good alongside Calm Mind on bulkier teams where Sylveon wants to stick around longer. Safety Goggles grants Sylveon immunity to Amoonguss's Spore.

name: Choice Specs
move 1: Hyper Voice
move 2: Tera Blast
move 3: Shadow Ball
move 4: Hyper Beam
item: Choice Specs
ability: Pixilate
nature: Modest
tera type: Fire
evs: 252 HP / 252 SpA / 4 SpD

* Choice Specs is Sylveon's most immediately powerful set, it can 2HKO most offensive Pokemon that do not resist Fairy. It's much more immediately powerful than Throat Spray Sylveon and a bit stronger than Life Orb Sylveon without wearing itself down with recoil, helping it stay out of range of attacks like Tera Ground Garchomp's Earthquake.

* Tera Blast + a Fire Tera Type lets Sylveon hit Fairy-resistant foes like Gholdengo and Amoonguss hard, and the typing is defensively useful against the former. Tera Blast is also useful by itself in the face of Wide Guard, giving Sylveon an option besides Hyper Beam, which has a turn of recharge, for a single target Fairy-type attack.

* Shadow Ball hits Armarouge, Ceruledge, and Skeledirge, which resist Fairy, and is a strong option against Gholdengo and Gengar if Terastallizing is off the table.

* Hyper Beam OHKOes bulky Pokemon like Rotom-W and Kingambit that can take Hyper Voice.

- Written by: [[yourwelcomethanku, 541847]]
- Quality checked by: [[yuki, 294287]]
- Grammar checked by: [[autumn, 384270]]
Last edited:


* Sylveon is a great Pokemon in Series 1 thanks to a strong a Pixilate-boosted Hyper Voice potentially further boosted by Throat Spray and Calm Mind. Fairy-typing (AH) is especially strong in a metagame with plenty of good Dark-, Dragon- (AH), and Fighting-type Pokemon like Hydreigon, Hariyama, and Grimmsnarl. (Part of me really doesn't like the mention of Grimmsnarl for some reason. Feel like Annihilape is a real potent threat you're smacking about with this, might be more important to mention) Tera Blast Fire also lets Sylveon hit most good Fairy resists hard. (I'd probably just talk about this later to be honest. Seems a bit like we're jumping the gun)

* Sylveon's Speed tier means that it can effectively take advantage of both Trick Room and Tailwind from Pokemon like Amrarouge and Murkrow, but it should change its EV spread accordingly; 0 Speed IVs with a Quiet nature complements Trick Room while 212 Speed EVs alongside Tailwind is enough to outpace Dragapult. (This feels a bit wordy. Don't mind mentioning the speed tier point, think if I'm gonna talk about Speed I'd just mention the fast stuff) Sets with Calm Mind appreciate damage mitigation from the likes of Intimidate Gyarados and dual screens Grimmsnarl to help set up.

name: Offensive
move 1: Hyper Voice
move 2: Protect
move 3: Tera Blast / Calm Mind
move 4: Substitute / Calm Mind / Quick Attack
item: Throat Spray / Life Orb / Leftovers / Safety Goggles (Feels like a lot of slashes overall)
ability: Pixilate
nature: Modest
tera type: Fire / Fairy
evs: 252 HP / 252 SpA / 4 SpD


* Tera Blast + Fire Tera type gives Sylveon a strong matchup against Steel-types like Gholdengo and Terrastarilzed Steel Hydreigon. Even without a Fire Tera Type (Think I'd reword this as "When not Terastalized"), Tera Blast is boosted by Pixiliate and thus still useful for having good damage output in the face of is still useful for dealing damage when faced by Wide Guard users like Armarouge, which can block Hyper Voice. Tera Fairy makes Sylveon's Hyper Voice very even more powerful, letting it 2HKO even naturally bulky Pokemon like Kingambit and Hatterene; Tera Fairy can be used over Tera Fire on teams that can afford the loss in effectiveness against Steel-types like Gholdengo. Calm Mind makes Sylveon quite threatening and it can set up often thanks to its many good matchups against common Pokemon like Annihilape and Grimmsnarl. (This is just really fluffy overall. Would like this point to be separate as well due to it being a different move that's mentioned in more than this slot)

* Substitute is good for blocking Amoonguss's Spore, preventing its Clear Smog from resetting Sylveon's stat boosts, and taking advantage of defensive play. Quick Attack is an option that can prove particularly useful against Tailwind teams, picking off Pokemon brought down to their Focus Sash like Murkrow and Kilowattrel, and other weakened Pokemon.

* Throat Spray boosts Sylveon's Special Attack for simply using its best move, a +1 Hyper Voice will 2HKO most offensive Pokemon that do not resist Fairy. (First bit of this is a bit fluffy, I like the second point) Life Orb is similar to Throat Spray but it immediately boosts Sylveon's power at the cost of longevityl recoil (immediate power trading off for recoil is a more standard point. I don't like saying it's "similar to Throat Spray".). Leftovers is good alongside Calm Mind on bulkier teams with damage mitigation like Intimidate Arcanine and dual screens Grimmsnarl. (Really doesn't tell me why leftovers is good "Leftovers is best on Calm Mind sets as it increases Sylveon's longevity..." maybe something about it wanting to stick around on the field. I'm sure there's precedent from this from an old Fini analysis) Safety Goggles grant Sylveon immunity to Amoonguss's Spore.

name: Choice Specs
move 1: Hyper Voice
move 2: Tera Blast
move 3: Shadow Ball
move 4: Hyper Beam
item: Choice Specs
ability: Pixilate
nature: Modest
tera type: Fire
evs: 252 HP / 252 SpA / 4 SpD

* Choice Specs is Sylveon's most immediately powerful set, it can 2HKO most offensive Pokemon that do not resist Fairy. It doesn't need to set up like Throat Spray (One might argue that this set's "setup" is just attacking, because they can just forego CM anyway), and it's stronger than Life Orb Sylveon and doesn't wear itself down like that set does, helping it stay out of range of attacks like Terastarilized Ground Garchomp's Earthquake

* Tera Blast + a Fire Tera Type lets Sylveon hit Fairy resists like Gholdengo and Amoonguss hard, and it's defensively useful against the former. Tera Blast is also useful by itself in the face of Wide Guard so that Sylveon has an option asides Hyper Beam for a single target Fairy-type attack. (I think here I would contrast Tera Blast and Hyper Beam with a point about recharge turns)

* Shadow Ball hits Armarouge, Celedurge Ceruledge, and Skeledirge which resist Fairy, is a strong option against Gholdengo and Gengar if Terrastarlizing is off the table, and is Sylveon's strongest attack against other Ghost and Psychic-types asides Hyper Beam.

* Hyper Beam OHKOs just about anything that doesn't resist Fairy like Rotom-W and KIngambit. (if it practically KOs anything, this point is pretty moot. The way you could talk about this is something like "Hyper Beam OHKOs bulkier Pokemon such as Rotom-W and Kingambit that Hyper Voice would fail to OHKO" or something along these lines.)

- Written by: [[yourwelcomethanku, 541847]]
- Quality checked by: [[yuki, 294287]]
- Grammar checked by: [[username, user ID]]

you know what to do
Yeah I'm content with this, nice job
QC 1/1
add remove comments 1/1

* Sylveon is a great Pokemon in Series 1 thanks to a strong Pixilate-boosted Hyper Voice, (AC) potentially further boosted by Throat Spray and Calm Mind. Fairy-typing Its Fairy typing is especially strong in a metagame with plenty of good Dark-, Dragon-, and Fighting-types Pokemon like Grimmsnarl, Hydreigon, Hariyama, and Annihilape, and Grimmsnarl. (reordered this list to match your first list of dark, dragon, fighting)

* Sylveon's Speed means that it can effectively take advantage of both Trick Room and Tailwind from Pokemon like Amrarouge and Murkrow; 212 Speed EVs alongside Tailwind is enough to outpace Dragapult. Sets with Calm Mind appreciate damage mitigation from the likes of Intimidate Gyarados and dual screens Grimmsnarl to help set up. (none of your sets run 212 speed evs and it's not even mentioned on any of the sets, so is this mention in the overview worth it? i'd also keep specific set mentions to their section and keep the overview generalisable about the place in the meta)

* Sylveon can struggle against Fire-types like Ceruledge and Armarouge, (AC) which makes Pokemon like Rotom-W, Paldean Tauros-A, and Dragonite good teammates. Sylveon also appreciates Pokemon like Ceruledge and Garchomp that can handle Gholdengo.

name: Offensive
move 1: Hyper Voice
move 2: Protect
move 3: Tera Blast / Calm Mind
move 4: Substitute / Calm Mind / Quick Attack
item: Throat Spray / Life Orb / Leftovers / Safety Goggles
ability: Pixilate
nature: Modest
tera type: Fire / Fairy
evs: 252 HP / 252 SpA / 4 SpD


* Tera Blast + Fire Tera type gives Sylveon a strong matchup against Steel-types like Gholdengo and Terrastarilzed Tera Steel Hydreigon. When not Terastallized, Tera Blast is boosted by Pixiliate and is still useful for dealing damage when faced by Wide Guard users like Armarouge. Fairy Tera type Fairy makes Sylveon's Hyper Voice even more powerful, letting it 2HKO even naturally bulky Pokemon like Kingambit and Hatterene; Tera Fairy this can be used over Tera Fire Tera type on teams that can afford the loss in effectiveness against Steel-types like Gholdengo. Tera Ground Tera type is an option that lets Sylveon hit opposing Fire-types like Ceruledge and Armarouge hard, retain good damage against Steel-types, and not give itself avoid a burdensome weakness to Garchomp, though Sylveon strongly values the Steel resist Tera Fire resistance to Steel that a Fire Tera type grants.

* Calm Mind is an option that can be particularly potent on bulkier teams with damage mitigation from Pokemon like Gyarados and Grimmsnarl to help Sylveon set up. (move this below sub because it's slashed lower)

* Substitute is good for blocking Amoonguss's Spore, preventing its Clear Smog from resetting Sylveon's stat boosts, and taking advantage of defensive play. Quick Attack is an option that can prove particularly useful against Tailwind teams, picking off Pokemon brought down to their Focus Sash like Murkrow and Kilowattrel, and as well as other weakened Pokemon.

* Throat Spray is a no-drawback way of improving Sylveon's offense; a +1 Hyper Voice will 2HKO most offensive Pokemon that do not resist Fairy. Life Orb immediately boosts Sylveon's power at the cost of recoil. (this just tells me what the item does, does the lo boost do anything relevant/benefit any specific matchups in vgc?) Leftovers is good alongside Calm Mind on bulkier teams where Sylveon wants to stick around longer. Safety Goggles grants Sylveon immunity to Amoonguss's Spore.

name: Choice Specs
move 1: Hyper Voice
move 2: Tera Blast
move 3: Shadow Ball
move 4: Hyper Beam
item: Choice Specs
ability: Pixilate
nature: Modest
tera type: Fire
evs: 252 HP / 252 SpA / 4 SpD

* Choice Specs is Sylveon's most immediately powerful set, it can 2HKO most offensive Pokemon that do not resist Fairy. It's much more immediately powerful than Throat Spray Sylveon (RC) and a bit stronger than Life Orb Sylveon (RC) and doesn't wear without wearing itself down with recoil like that set does, helping it stay out of range of attacks like Terastarilized Tera Ground Garchomp's Earthquake.

* Tera Blast + a Fire Tera Type lets Sylveon hit Fairy-resistant foes resists like Gholdengo and Amoonguss hard, and it's the typing is defensively useful against the former. Tera Blast is also useful by itself in the face of Wide Guard, (AC) giving so that Sylveon has an option asides besides Hyper Beam, which has a turn of recharge, for a single target Fairy-type attack.

* Shadow Ball hits Armarouge, Ceruledge, and Skeledirge, (AC) which resist Fairy, and is a strong option against Gholdengo and Gengar if Terastarlizing Terastallizing is off the table.

* Hyper Beam OHKOes bulky Pokemon like Rotom-W and Kingambit that can take Hyper Voice.

- Written by: [[yourwelcomethanku, 541847]]
- Quality checked by: [[yuki, 294287]]
- Grammar checked by: [[username, user ID]]
Very epik, ty; I did keep the Speed part because it's applicable to both sets and talking about how Sylveon can function in TR and Tailwind is an overview thing. I made it more clear that 212 Speed is an option on Tailwind teams