Monotype Tapu Bulu (Grass)



Tapu Bulu is the greatest offensive Pokemon available to Grass teams. Its unmatched combination of offensive wallbreaking power and a great ability makes it a crucial option for any Grass team. Grassy Surge brings massive support to itself and the entire team alike by boosting the power of Grass-type moves and providing passive recovery for all grounded Pokemon. It also weakens the power of Ground-type moves. This allows Grass's defensive core, which is entirely neutral to Ground, to have a much easier time checking wallbreakers like Choice Band Excadrill. Because of Tapu Bulu's above-average Attack stat in tandem with its strong Terrain-boosted moves like Wood Hammer, it is able to function as a fearsome wallbreaker and revenge killer for Grass teams. Additionally, Tapu Bulu's decent bulk, passive Grassy Surge recovery, and access to Horn Leech often make it hard to take down. To emphasize this, Tapu Bulu is usually supported by bulky teammates that can give it safe opportunities to come in on the field. However, while its Fairy typing gives Tapu Bulu defensive utility against Dark-, Fighting-, and Dragon-types, it stacks a common weakness to Poison that can be exploited by revenge killers such as Dugtrio. Additionally, Tapu Bulu lacks access to any physical Fairy STAB move, making it often rely on its coverage moves in order to hit threats that resist its Grass STAB moves such as Dragonite. Furthermore, Grass is a bad offensive typing, and this means that Tapu Bulu often finds itself overly reliant on coverage options like Superpower and Stone Edge in order to hit the many threats that resist its STAB attacks. Although it commonly holds a Choice Scarf, Tapu Bulu's below-average Speed and numerous weaknesses allow many of the metagame's common Choice Scarf users such as Greninja and Victini to easily revenge kill it.

name: Choice Scarf (Grass)
move 1: Wood Hammer
move 2: Horn Leech
move 3: Superpower
move 4: Stone Edge
item: Choice Scarf
ability: Grassy Surge
nature: Jolly
evs: 252 Atk / 4 SpD / 252 Spe

Wood Hammer is insanely powerful under Grassy Terrain and is Tapu Bulu's strongest move and most reliable way to break past walls such as Mega Sableye, though it comes at the cost of being worn down due to recoil. Horn Leech, although weaker, provides Tapu Bulu with a way to recover its HP while still dealing considerably high damage. This is especially useful against weakened or frailer Pokemon that Horn Leech can KO, such as Diggersby, in order to preserve its longevity. Superpower offers useful coverage that can deal with certain Steel-types such as Heatran and Ferrothorn, which otherwise wall Tapu Bulu. Lastly, Stone Edge's main purpose is to offer coverage against Flying-, Fire-, and Bug-types that resist Tapu Bulu's other coverage moves such as Zapdos, Mega Charizard Y, and Volcarona.

Set Details
Maximum EVs in Speed, a Jolly nature, and Choice Scarf allow Tapu Bulu to compensate for its unimpressive Speed stat and outspeed the majority of the unboosted metagame. Maximum investment in Attack allows Tapu Bulu to hit as hard as possible. Grassy Surge grants Tapu Bulu and the entire team a boost to their Grass-type moves as well as passive recovery for all grounded Pokemon, enabling Tapu Bulu to become Grass's most threatening offensive option while offering a huge benefit to its teammates as well.

Usage Tips
It is quite important to be selective when deciding whether to use Wood Hammer or Horn Leech during the game. Wood Hammer should be used early-game more often, as it's Tapu Bulu's main way of effectively revenge killing and punching holes in the opposing team, while Horn Leech can serve as a serviceable option against weakened teams late-game for it to clean. Additionally, while Wood Hammer's recoil can wear Tapu Bulu down quickly, it ensures that bulkier Pokemon like Chansey and Toxapex are 2HKOed. Tapu Bulu is best utilized as a great revenge killer, coming in on fast Pokemon such as Mega Lopunny that it can KO while simultaneously serving as a solid wallbreaker. It is imperative for Tapu Bulu to avoid all kinds of status, as a potential paralysis or burn can cripple its Speed or Attack stat. Tapu Bulu also dislikes being poisoned, as it becomes easily worn down in tandem with Wood Hammer recoil. When faced against common Choice Scarf revenge killers that can KO Tapu Bulu like Greninja and Nihilego, it is important to make use of its bulkier teammates in order to check these Pokemon, such as Ferrothorn. Tapu Bulu requires Grassy Terrain being up in order to KO certain common defensive Pokemon such as Toxapex, so it is important to keep this in mind before attempting to break past these Pokemon. Do not use Superpower outside of hitting select Steel- and Normal-types, as it locks Tapu Bulu into a move that lowers its Attack and Defense and opens the door for many setup sweepers and walls such as Volcarona and Porygon2 to simply come in on it. Be wary of Protect users like Celesteela that can scout for Tapu Bulu's move, waste Grassy Terrain turns, and give teammates a potential switch in.

Team Options
The residual recovery offered by Tapu Bulu's Grassy Surge makes defensive Pokemon ideal partners for it. Mega Venusaur's fantastic defensive utility makes it a vital team option for Tapu Bulu. Mega Venusaur's great typing allows it to switch into physical attackers such as Mega Scizor, while Tapu Bulu can eliminate stronger wallbreakers such as Mega Diancie with ease. Ferrothorn helps Tapu Bulu by taking on many bulkier threats such as Skarmory and Porygon2. It also possesses an amazing defensive typing with a useful immunity to Poison, allowing it to check Poison-types such as Nihilego for Tapu Bulu. Ferrothorn can also provide entry hazard support in the form of Spikes to enhance Tapu Bulu's ability to wallbreak. Cradily completes a great defensive core between it, Ferrothorn, and Mega Venusaur, checks certain Fire- and Flying-types such as Volcarona and Mega Charizard Y with Rock Slide, and provides Stealth Rock support for Tapu Bulu and the rest of the team. Cradily can also cripple problematic walls for Tapu Bulu such as Porygon2 with Toxic. Celebi is a good offensive partner for Tapu Bulu, mainly taking on threatening Poison-types such as Mega Venusaur while pressuring bulkier teams thanks to its access to Nasty Plot. On the other hand, Tapu Bulu shines more against offensively oriented types such as Psychic that Celebi may struggle with. Breloom is another offensive setup threat that pairs well with Tapu Bulu, offering strong priority and access to Spore to shut down problematic Pokemon such as Toxapex. Additionally, Tapu Bulu's Grassy Surge gives Breloom an easier time preserving its Focus Sash while making its Bullet Seed an even stronger STAB move.

Other Options

At the expense of much-needed Speed, Tapu Bulu could run a Choice Band set to become a much deadlier wallbreaker that can break through Pokemon that its Choice Scarf set cannot. For example, Wood Hammer from Choice Band Tapu Bulu can 2HKO Porygon2 and OHKO Toxapex after minimal chip damage. This set appreciates another teammate such as Choice Scarf Rotom-C to keep faster foes in check, but Tapu Bulu generally fulfills this role better than Grass's other options. In a similar vein, Tapu Bulu can run a Swords Dance set with a Z-Move in order to lure and KO threats such as Mega Venusaur with Rockium Z and Celesteela with Fightinium Z, but this set misses out on the immediate Speed and Attack that Choice Scarf and Choice Band provide, respectively.

Checks and Counters

**Bulky Steel-types**: Tapu Bulu struggles to break past Pokemon such as Skarmory and Mega Scizor, as they resist its STAB moves and can beat it with their own. Other Pokemon such as Heatran can easily force out Tapu Bulu locked into a Grass-type move, but Heatran has to be wary of Superpower.

**Poison-types**: Poison-types such as Mega Venusaur and Choice Scarf Nihilego can take advantage of Tapu Bulu's quadruple Poison weakness extremely well and threaten it with their STAB moves. Mega Venusaur specifically is an amazing Tapu Bulu counter, as its quadruple resistance to Grass and excellent physical bulk help it take on Tapu Bulu.

**Revenge Killers**: Due to Tapu Bulu's low natural Speed, faster Pokemon holding a Choice Scarf such as Greninja and Victini can easily outspeed it and take advantage of its various weaknesses.

**Fire-types**: Pokemon such as Torkoal and Mega Charizard X resist Tapu Bulu's Grass-type moves and can KO it with their own STAB moves, though they must be wary of Stone Edge.

**Dragon-types**: Despite Tapu Bulu's Fairy typing, its lack of a reliable Fairy STAB move makes Pokemon such as Latios and Mega Altaria able to take on Tapu Bulu well by resisting its Grass-type moves.

**Status**: Tapu Bulu's dependence on sheer Attack and Speed makes burns and paralysis especially crippling. While poisoned, it is also easier to wear down due to its tendency to use Wood Hammer often.

**Physically Defensive Pokemon**: Physically defensive walls such as Porygon2 can reliably wall and beat Tapu Bulu. Additionally, Grassy Terrain works against Tapu Bulu in these cases, as it gives the opposing Pokemon an additional form of passive recovery.
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big yikes
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* Tapu Bulu is the greatest offensive Pokemon available to Grass teams, making it a crucial option for any team.
* Grassy Surge brings massive support to itself and the entire team alike by boosting the power of its Grass-type moves and providing residual recovery for the whole team.
* Because of Tapu Bulu’s above-average Attack stat in tandem with terrain-boosted moves like Wood Hammer, it is able to function as a fearsome wallbreaker and revenge killer for Grass teams.
* Tapu Bulu can effectively hold a Choice Scarf to patch up its mediocre Speed and outspeed the majority of the unboosted metagame, including speedy threats such as Mega Lopunny. This isn't really an overview item (set details item), remove it.
* Tapu Bulu’s decent bulk, passive Grassy Surge recovery, and access to Horn Leech often makes it hard to take down. Additionally, it is usually supported by bulky teammates that can give it safe opportunities to come in on the field.
* While its Fairy typing gives Tapu Bulu defensive utility against Dark-, Fighting-, and Dragon-types, it stacks a common weakness to Poison that can be exploited by revenge killers such as Dugtrio.
* Additionally, Tapu Bulu lacks access to any physical Fairy STAB move, making it often rely on its coverage moves in order to hit threats that resist its Grass STAB such as Dragonite. Could talk more explicitly (in this section in general) about how bad grass STAB is, being resisted by a large number of common types.
* Tapu Bulu’s dependence on its Grass STAB also leaves it walled by resisted threats such as Skarmory and Sap Sipper Azumarill.
* Furthermore, Tapu Bulu can be easily revenge killed by common Choice Scarf users who outspeed it and take advantage of its numerous weaknesses such as Blacephalon and Greninja. Talk more explicitly about how its Speed is very mediocre and is outsped by nearly every other Choice Scarf user.

name: Choice Scarf (Grass)
move 1: Wood Hammer
move 2: Horn Leech
move 3: Superpower
move 4: Stone Edge
item: Choice Scarf
ability: Grassy Surge
nature: Jolly
evs: 252 Atk / 4 SpD / 252 Spe

* Wood Hammer is insanely powerful under Grassy Terrain and is Tapu Bulu’s strongest move and most reliable way to break past walls such as Mega Sableye, though it comes at the cost of being worn down due to recoil.
* Horn Leech, although weaker, grants Tapu Bulu with passive recovery (I wouldn't call this passive recovery, use different wording) while dealing considerably high damage. This is especially useful against weakened or frailer Pokemon that Horn Leech can KO in order to preserve its longetivity.longevity.
* Superpower offers useful coverage that can deal with certain Steel-types such as Heatran and Ferrothorn, which otherwise wall Tapu Bulu.
* Lastly, Stone Edge’s main purpose is to offer coverage against Flying-types that resists Tapu Bulu’s other coverage moves such as Zapdos and Mega Charizard Y. Also Bug-types and Fire-types like Volcarona and Victini.

Set Details
* The given EV spread gives Tapu Bulu as much wallbreaking power while maximizing its Speed. I would combine these three bullets probably since they all essentially say the same thing. "Maximum Speed with a Jolly Nature and Choice Scarf allow Tapu Bulu to..." then put attack separately.
* Choice Scarf is crucial in order for Tapu Bulu to outspeed the majority of the unboosted metagame.
* A Jolly nature is necessary in order for Tapu Bulu to outspeed important offensive Pokemon such as Tapu Koko and Mega Lopunny.
* Grassy Surge grants Tapu Bulu and the entire team a boost to their Grass-type moves as well as residual recovery for all grounded Pokemon, enabling it to become Grass's most threatening offensive option while simultaneously acting as a glue Pokemon for its teammates. I don't think Tapu Bulu is really "glue" for its teammates, what're you trying to say here?

Usage Tips
* Primarily make use of Tapu Bulu's insanely strong Grass-type moves under Grassy Terrain, as its sheer power make them very spammable. This bullet doesn't really say anything helpful "use its strong attacks because they're strong" either rephrase with examples of how it breaks opposing pokemon or just remove.
* However, it is quite important to be selective when deciding whether to use Wood Hammer or Horn Leech during the game. Wood Hammer should be used early-game more as it's Tapu Bulu's main way of effectively revenge killing and punching holes in the opposing team, while Horn Leech can serve as a serviceable option against weakened teams late-game for it to clean.
* Tapu Bulu is best utilized as a great revenge killer, coming in on Pokemon (like who?) that it can KO while simultaneously outspeeding most of the unboosted metagame.
* It is imperative for Tapu Bulu to avoid all kinds of status, as a potential paralysis or burn can cripple its Attack and Speed stat respectively (These are the wrong order for "respectively". Tapu Bulu also dislikes being poisoned as it becomes easily worn down in tandem with Wood Hammer recoil.
* Because of its lackluster Speed preventing it from outspeeding most other Choice Scarf users, Tapu Bulu should watch out for common revenge killers such as Choice Scarf Greninja and Victini, as these will usually try to come in safely to KO it. Again, this isn't really a tip. You're just saying "don't let fast Pokemon KO Tapu Bulu" - you could expand on it, talking about its defensive teammates
* Additionally, Tapu Bulu's damage output is severely weakened outside of Grassy Terrain, so it's best to keep it up before attempting to revenge kill. This is phrased a little oddly, you're just trying to say it's weak without grassy terrain, the second half of the sentence stick out weirdly.
* Do not use Superpower outside of select predicted Steel- and Normal-types as it locks Tapu Bulu into a move that lowers its Attack and Defense and opens the door for many revenge killers and walls such as Celesteela and Porygon2 to simply come in on it.
* Could talk about how it's punished by protect users as they're able to scout tapu bulu's move, delay grassy terrain turns, and switch into a Pokemon that handles whatever move it clicked.

Team Options
* Mega Venusaur's fantastic defensive utility makes it a premier team option for Tapu Bulu. Mega Venusaur's great typing allows it to switch into physical attackers such as (Mega) Scizor while Tapu Bulu can eliminate stronger wallbreakers such as Mega Diancie with ease.
* Ferrothorn completes a great defensive core with Mega Venusaur that aids Tapu Bulu by taking on many bulkier threats such as Skarmory and Porygon2. Ferrothorn also possesses a useful immunity to Poison, allowing it to check Poison-types such as Nihilego for it. I wouldn't say MVenu+Ferro completes the defensive core, as Cradily is super important to those two as well.
* Cradily is another defensive option that checks certain Fire- and Flying-types such as Volcarona and Mega Charizard Y while also providing entry hazard support for Tapu Bulu and the rest of the team. Cradily can also cripple problematic walls for Tapu Bulu such as Porygon2 with Toxic.
* Celebi is a good offensive partner for Tapu Bulu, taking on threats such as Mega Venusaur and pressuring bulkier teams thanks to its access to Nasty Plot. On the other hand, Tapu Bulu shines more against offensively oriented types such as Psychic that Celebi may struggle with.
* Breloom is another offensive setup threat that pairs well with Tapu Bulu, offering strong priority and access to Spore to shut down problematic Pokemon such as Toxapex. Additionally, Tapu Bulu's Grassy Surge gives Breloom an easier time preserving its Focus Sash while making Bullet Seed an even stronger STAB move.
* Rotom-Mow is an offensive check to Flying-types such as Mega Pinsir and Skarmory which Tapu Bulu struggles to break past. Conversely, Tapu Bulu's physical power checks many of Rotom-Mow's walls such as Chansey. Remove Rotom-C, you wouldn't use it along with Scarf bulu. You can talk about it in OO when you talk about the band set.

Other Options
* If Speed control is not a huge issue, Tapu Bulu could run a Choice Band set with Wood Hammer, Horn Leech, Superpower, and Stone Edge (Don't need to repeat moveset since it's the same as the current set) to become an incredibly deadly wallbreaker that can break through things that its Choice Scarf set cannot. For example, Wood Hammer from Choice Band Tapu Bulu can 2HKO Porygon2 and OHKO Toxapex after minimal chip damage. Probably mention an example of where Speed control is not an issue (what other Pokemon would it be paired with that acts as speed control instead?)
* Zen Headbutt is also an option on this set merely to hit Mega Venusaur, which otherwise walls any Tapu Bulu set with ease. On what set? The band set? I don't know if this is really even worth including, tbh. The Scarf set can't touch MVenu even with Zen Headbutt (4HKO), and the band set is a low chance to 2hko (14%) thanks to grassy terrain recovery. You can keep it if you want, but you need to be more explicit that it's for the band set, 2hkos after SR, and you need to talk about what attack you're running it over, and the downside to doing so.
* In a similar vein, Tapu Bulu can run a Swords Dance set with Fightinium Z in order to lure and KO threats such as Celesteela, but this set misses out on the immediate Speed and Attack that Choice Scarf and Choice Band provide, respectively.

Checks and Counters
**Bulky Steel-types**: Tapu Bulu struggles to break past Pokemon such as Skarmory and Mega Scizor, as they resist Tapu Bulu's STAB moves and can beat it with their own. Other Pokemon such as Heatran can easily force out Tapu Bulu locked into a Grass-type move, but it has to be wary of Superpower.

**Poison-types**: Poison-types such as Mega Venusaur and Choice Scarf Nihilego can take advantage of Tapu Bulu's quadruple Poison weakness extremely well and threaten it with their STAB moves. Mega Venusaur specifically is an amazing Tapu Bulu counter, as its quadruple resistance to Grass and excellent physical bulk helps it take on Tapu Bulu.

**Faster PokemonRevenge Killers**: Due to Tapu Bulu's low natural Speed, faster Pokemon holding a Choice Scarf such as Greninja and Victini can easily outspeed Tapu Bulu and take advantage of its various weaknesses.

**Fire-types**: Pokemon such as Torkoal and Mega Charizard X can resist Tapu Bulu's Grass-type moves and KO it with their own STAB moves, though they must be wary of its Stone Edge coverage.

**Dragon-types**: Despite Tapu Bulu's Fairy typing, it's lack of a reliable STAB move make Pokemon such as Latios and Mega Altaria able to take on Tapu Bulu well by resisting its STABGrass-type moves.

**Status**: Tapu Bulu's dependence on sheer Attack and Speed make burns and paralysis especially crippling. While poisoned, it is also easier to wear down due to its tendency to use Wood Hammer often.

**Physically Defensive Pokemon**
QC 1/3


free palestine
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Monotype Leader
amcheck, implement what you agree w/
* Tapu Bulu is the greatest offensive Pokemon available to Grass teams, making it a crucial option for any team.
* Grassy Surge brings massive support to itself and the entire team alike by boosting the power of its Grass-type moves and providing residual recovery for the whole team.
- i would also talk abt how grassy surge makes the team way less weak to ground-type wallbreakers like band excadrill

* Because of Tapu Bulu’s above-average Attack stat in tandem with terrain-boosted moves like Wood Hammer, it is able to function as a fearsome wallbreaker and revenge killer for Grass teams.
* Tapu Bulu’s decent bulk, passive Grassy Surge recovery, and access to Horn Leech often makes it hard to take down. Additionally, it is usually supported by bulky teammates that can give it safe opportunities to come in on the field.
* While its Fairy typing gives Tapu Bulu defensive utility against Dark-, Fighting-, and Dragon-types, it stacks a common weakness to Poison that can be exploited by revenge killers such as Dugtrio.
* Additionally, Tapu Bulu lacks access to any physical Fairy STAB move, making it often rely on its coverage moves in order to hit threats that resist its Grass STAB such as Dragonite.
* Tapu Bulu’s dependence on Grass STAB can be detrimental as Grass is a very offensive type.
- this doesnt make sense. i think you meant grass is not a very good offensive type

* Because of this, Tapu Bulu finds itself walled by several resisted threats such as Skarmory and Sap Sipper Azumarill.
-imo merge this w/ bullet abt being easily walled by grass resists. also skarm would wall bulu anyway use a diff example

* Although it commonly holds a Choice Scarf, Tapu Bulu’s below-average Speed leaves it outpaced by almost any other relevant Choice Scarf user in the metagame.

name: Choice Scarf (Grass)
move 1: Wood Hammer
move 2: Horn Leech
move 3: Superpower
move 4: Stone Edge
item: Choice Scarf
ability: Grassy Surge
nature: Jolly
evs: 252 Atk / 4 SpD / 252 Spe

* Wood Hammer is insanely powerful under Grassy Terrain and is Tapu Bulu’s strongest move and most reliable way to break past walls such as Mega Sableye, though it comes at the cost of being worn down due to recoil.
* Horn Leech, although weaker, grants Tapu Bulu with a way to recover its HP while dealing considerably high damage. This is especially useful against weakened or frailer Pokemon that Horn Leech can KO in order to preserve its longevity such as x.
* Superpower offers useful coverage that can deal with certain Steel-types such as Heatran and Ferrothorn, which otherwise wall Tapu Bulu.
* Lastly, Stone Edge’s main purpose is to offer coverage against Flying-, Fire-, and Bug-types that resists Tapu Bulu’s other coverage moves such as Zapdos, Mega Charizard Y, and Volcarona, respectively.

Set Details
* Maximum EVs in Speed, a Jolly nature, and Choice Scarf allow Tapu Bulu to compensate for its unimpressive Speed stat and outspeed the majority of the unboosted metagame.
* Maximum investment in Attack allows Tapu Bulu to hit as hard as possible.
* Grassy Surge grants Tapu Bulu and the entire team a boost to their Grass-type moves as well as residual recovery for all grounded Pokemon, enabling it to become Grass's most threatening offensive option while offering a huge benefit to its teammates as well.

Usage Tips
* It is quite important to be selective when deciding whether to use Wood Hammer or Horn Leech during the game. Wood Hammer should be used early-game more often as it's Tapu Bulu's main way of effectively revenge killing and punching holes in the opposing team, while Horn Leech can serve as a serviceable option against weakened teams late-game for it to clean.
- would mention when its better to use wood hammer vs certain mons like toxapex

* Tapu Bulu is best utilized as a great revenge killer, coming in on fast Pokemon such as Mega Lopunny that it can KO while simultaneously serving as a solid wallbreaker.
* It is imperative for Tapu Bulu to avoid all kinds of status, as a potential paralysis or burn can cripple its Speed and Attack stat, respectively. Tapu Bulu also dislikes being poisoned as it becomes easily worn down in tandem with Wood Hammer recoil.
* When faced against common Choice Scarf revenge killers that can KO Tapu Bulu like Greninja and Latios, it is important to make use of its bulkier teammates in order to check these Pokemon.
- latios can not ko bulu, use a diff example

* Tapu Bulu requires Grassy Terrain being up in order to KO certain common defensive Pokemon such as Toxapex, so it is important to keep this in mind before attempting to break past these Pokemon.
* Do not use Superpower outside of select predicted Steel- and Normal-types as it locks Tapu Bulu into a move that lowers its Attack and Defense and opens the door for many revenge killers and walls such as Celesteela and Porygon2 to simply come in on it.
* Be wary of Protect users like Ferrothorn that can scout for Tapu Bulu’s move, waste Grassy Terrain turns, and give teammates a potential switch-in.
* also talk abt how it can use its grassy terrain as support for its teammates

Team Options
* Mega Venusaur's fantastic defensive utility makes it a premier team option for Tapu Bulu. Mega Venusaur's great typing allows it to switch into physical attackers such as (Mega) Scizor while Tapu Bulu can eliminate stronger wallbreakers such as Mega Diancie with ease.
* Ferrothorn aids Tapu Bulu by taking on many bulkier threats such as Skarmory and Porygon2. Ferrothorn also possesses a useful immunity to Poison, allowing it to check Poison-types such as Nihilego for it.
- talk abt how ferros ability to set spikes helps bulus ability to wallbreak

* Cradily completes a great defensive core between it, Ferrothorn, and Mega Venusaur that checks certain Fire- and Flying-types such as Volcarona and Mega Charizard Y with Rock Slide while also providing entry hazard support for Tapu Bulu and the rest of the team. Cradily can also cripple problematic walls for Tapu Bulu such as Porygon2 with Toxic.
* Celebi is a good offensive partner for Tapu Bulu, taking on threats such as Mega Venusaur, and pressuring bulkier teams thanks to its access to Nasty Plot. On the other hand, Tapu Bulu shines more against offensively oriented types such as Psychic that Celebi may struggle with.
* Breloom is another offensive setup threat that pairs well with Tapu Bulu, offering strong priority and access to Spore to shut down problematic Pokemon such as Toxapex. Additionally, Tapu Bulu's Grassy Surge gives Breloom an easier time preserving its Focus Sash while making Bullet Seed an even stronger STAB move.

Other Options
* If Speed control is not a huge issue, Tapu Bulu could run a Choice Band set to become an incredibly deadly wallbreaker that can break through things that its Choice Scarf set cannot. For example, Wood Hammer from Choice Band Tapu Bulu can 2HKO Porygon2 and OHKO Toxapex after minimal chip damage. This set appreciates another teammate such as Choice Scarf Rotom-Mow taking the role of Speed control.
* In a similar vein, Tapu Bulu can run a Swords Dance set with Fightinium Z in order to lure and KO threats such as Celesteela and Porygon2, but this set misses out on the immediate Speed and Attack that Choice Scarf and Choice Band provide, respectively.

Checks and Counters
**Bulky Steel-types**: Tapu Bulu struggles to break past Pokemon such as Skarmory and Mega Scizor, as they resist Tapu Bulu's STAB moves and can beat it with their own. Other Pokemon such as Heatran can easily force out Tapu Bulu locked into a Grass-type move, but it has to be wary of Superpower.

**Poison-types**: Poison-types such as Mega Venusaur and Choice Scarf Nihilego can take advantage of Tapu Bulu's quadruple Poison weakness extremely well and threaten it with their STAB moves. Mega Venusaur specifically is an amazing Tapu Bulu counter, as its quadruple resistance to Grass and excellent physical bulk helps it take on Tapu Bulu.

**Revenge Killers**: Due to Tapu Bulu's low natural Speed, faster Pokemon holding a Choice Scarf such as Greninja and Victini can easily outspeed Tapu Bulu and take advantage of its various weaknesses.

**Fire-types**: Pokemon such as Torkoal and Mega Charizard X can resist Tapu Bulu's Grass-type moves and KO it with their own STAB moves, though they must be wary of its Stone Edge coverage.

**Dragon-types**: Despite Tapu Bulu's Fairy typing, it's lack of a reliable STAB move make Pokemon such as Latios and Mega Altaria able to take on Tapu Bulu well by resisting its Grass-type moves.

**Status**: Tapu Bulu's dependence on sheer Attack and Speed make burns and paralysis especially crippling. While poisoned, it is also easier to wear down due to its tendency to use Wood Hammer often.

**Physically Defensive Pokemon**: Physically defensive walls such as Porygon2 can reliably wall and beat Tapu Bulu. Additionally, Grassy Terrain works against it in these cases as it gives the opposing Pokemon an additional form of passive recovery.
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Our life is what our thoughts make it
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* Tapu Bulu is the greatest offensive Pokemon available to Grass teams, making it a crucial option for any team. why is it crucial just explain a little bit why it is important
* Grassy Surge brings massive support to itself and the entire team alike by boosting the power of its Grass-type moves and providing residual recovery for the whole team. It also weakens the power of Ground-type moves, allowing Grass teams to more reliably check wallbreakers such as Choice Band Excadrill.
* Because of Tapu Bulu’s above-average Attack stat in tandem with terrain-boosted moves like Wood Hammer, it is able to function as a fearsome wallbreaker and revenge killer for Grass teams.
* Tapu Bulu’s decent bulk, passive Grassy Surge recovery, and access to Horn Leech often makes it hard to take down. Additionally, it is usually supported by bulky teammates that can give it safe opportunities to come in on the field.
* While its Fairy typing gives Tapu Bulu defensive utility against Dark-, Fighting-, and Dragon-types, it stacks a common weakness to Poison that can be exploited by revenge killers such as Dugtrio.
* Additionally, Tapu Bulu lacks access to any physical Fairy STAB move, making it often rely on its coverage moves in order to hit threats that resist its Grass STAB such as Dragonite.
* Tapu Bulu’s dependence on Grass STAB can be detrimental as Grass is a very bad offensive type. meaning it relies on its coverage should added since it's kind of bad thing to rely on coverage like Superpower and Stone Edge all the time
* Because of this, Tapu Bulu finds itself walled by several resisted threats such as Celesteela and Sap Sipper Azumarill. This seems more like a checks and counter detail since you could argue the same for Mega Charizard Y or Heatran without talking about its coverage
* Although it commonly holds a Choice Scarf, Tapu Bulu’s below-average Speed leaves it outpaced by almost any other relevant Choice Scarf user in the metagame. Give examples of choice scarfers that exploit this since some scarfers can't touch touch Bulu

name: Choice Scarf (Grass)
move 1: Wood Hammer
move 2: Horn Leech
move 3: Superpower
move 4: Stone Edge
item: Choice Scarf
ability: Grassy Surge
nature: Jolly
evs: 252 Atk / 4 SpD / 252 Spe

* Wood Hammer is insanely powerful under Grassy Terrain and is Tapu Bulu’s strongest move and most reliable way to break past walls such as Mega Sableye, though it comes at the cost of being worn down due to recoil.
* Horn Leech, although weaker, grants Tapu Bulu with a way to recover its HP while dealing considerably high damage. This is especially useful against weakened or frailer Pokemon that Horn Leech can KO in order to preserve its longevity, such as Diggersby.
* Superpower offers useful coverage that can deal with certain Steel-types such as Heatran and Ferrothorn, which otherwise wall Tapu Bulu.
* Lastly, Stone Edge’s main purpose is to offer coverage against Flying-, Fire-, and Bug-types that resists Tapu Bulu’s other coverage moves such as Zapdos, Mega Charizard Y, and Volcarona, respectively.

Set Details
* Maximum EVs in Speed, a Jolly nature, and Choice Scarf allow Tapu Bulu to compensate for its unimpressive Speed stat and outspeed the majority of the unboosted metagame.
* Maximum investment in Attack allows Tapu Bulu to hit as hard as possible.
* Grassy Surge grants Tapu Bulu and the entire team a boost to their Grass-type moves as well as residual recovery for all grounded Pokemon, enabling it to become Grass's most threatening offensive option while offering a huge benefit to its teammates as well.

Usage Tips
* It is quite important to be selective when deciding whether to use Wood Hammer or Horn Leech during the game. Wood Hammer should be used early-game more often as it's Tapu Bulu's main way of effectively revenge killing and punching holes in the opposing team, while Horn Leech can serve as a serviceable option against weakened teams late-game for it to clean. Additionally, Wood Hammer ensures that bulkier Pokemon like Chansey and Toxapex are 2HKOed. The recoil of Wood Hammer should be mentioned here somewhere since that's important in Wood Hammer vs Horn Leech debate
* Tapu Bulu is best utilized as a great revenge killer, coming in on fast Pokemon such as Mega Lopunny that it can KO while simultaneously serving as a solid wallbreaker.
* It is imperative for Tapu Bulu to avoid all kinds of status, as a potential paralysis or burn can cripple its Speed and Attack stat, respectively. Tapu Bulu also dislikes being poisoned as it becomes easily worn down in tandem with Wood Hammer recoil.
* When faced against common Choice Scarf revenge killers that can KO Tapu Bulu like Greninja and Nihilego, it is important to make use of its bulkier teammates in order to check these Pokemon. such as
* Tapu Bulu requires Grassy Terrain being up in order to KO certain common defensive Pokemon such as Toxapex, so it is important to keep this in mind before attempting to break past these Pokemon.
* Do not use Superpower outside of select predicted Steel- and Normal-types as it locks Tapu Bulu into a move that lowers its Attack and Defense and opens the door for many revenge killers and walls such as Celesteela and Porygon2 to simply come in on it.
* Be wary of Protect users like Ferrothorn that can scout for Tapu Bulu’s move, waste Grassy Terrain turns, and give teammates a potential switch-in.

Team Options
* Mega Venusaur's fantastic defensive utility makes it a premier team option for Tapu Bulu. Mega Venusaur's great typing allows it to switch into physical attackers such as (Mega) Scizor while Tapu Bulu can eliminate stronger wallbreakers such as Mega Diancie with ease.
* Ferrothorn aids Tapu Bulu by taking on many bulkier threats such as Skarmory and Porygon2. Ferrothorn also possesses a useful immunity to Poison, allowing it to check Poison-types such as Nihilego for it. Ferrothorn can also provide hazard support in the form of Spikes to enhance Tapu Bulu's ability to wallbreak.
* Cradily completes a great defensive core between it, Ferrothorn, and Mega Venusaur that checks certain Fire- and Flying-types such as Volcarona and Mega Charizard Y with Rock Slide while also providing Stealth Rock support for Tapu Bulu and the rest of the team. Cradily can also cripple problematic walls for Tapu Bulu such as Porygon2 with Toxic.
* Celebi is a good offensive partner for Tapu Bulu, taking on threats such as Mega Venusaur and pressuring bulkier teams thanks to its access to Nasty Plot. On the other hand, Tapu Bulu shines more against offensively oriented types such as Psychic that Celebi may struggle with. How it checks Poison-type needs to be mentioned since that's really big thing
* Breloom is another offensive setup threat that pairs well with Tapu Bulu, offering strong priority and access to Spore to shut down problematic Pokemon such as Toxapex. Additionally, Tapu Bulu's Grassy Surge gives Breloom an easier time preserving its Focus Sash while making Bullet Seed an even stronger STAB move.

Other Options
* If Speed control is not a huge issue I'd mention another Choice Scarf user since even with Webs Tapu Bulu is still using Scarf (Webs are pretty bad too then the last sentence can be cut), Tapu Bulu could run a Choice Band set to become an incredibly deadly wallbreaker that can break through things that its Choice Scarf set cannot. For example, Wood Hammer from Choice Band Tapu Bulu can 2HKO Porygon2 and OHKO Toxapex after minimal chip damage. This set appreciates another teammate such as Choice Scarf Rotom-Mow taking the role of Speed control.
* In a similar vein, Tapu Bulu can run a Swords Dance set with Fightinium Z in order to lure and KO threats such as Celesteela and Porygon2, but this set misses out on the immediate Speed and Attack that Choice Scarf and Choice Band provide, respectively.

Checks and Counters
**Bulky Steel-types**: Tapu Bulu struggles to break past Pokemon such as Skarmory and Mega Scizor, as they resist Tapu Bulu's STAB moves and can beat it with their own. Other Pokemon such as Heatran can easily force out Tapu Bulu locked into a Grass-type move, but it has to be wary of Superpower.

**Poison-types**: Poison-types such as Mega Venusaur and Choice Scarf Nihilego can take advantage of Tapu Bulu's quadruple Poison weakness extremely well and threaten it with their STAB moves. Mega Venusaur specifically is an amazing Tapu Bulu counter, as its quadruple resistance to Grass and excellent physical bulk helps it take on Tapu Bulu.

**Revenge Killers**: Due to Tapu Bulu's low natural Speed, faster Pokemon holding a Choice Scarf such as Greninja and Victini can easily outspeed Tapu Bulu and take advantage of its various weaknesses.

**Fire-types**: Pokemon such as Torkoal and Mega Charizard X can resist Tapu Bulu's Grass-type moves and KO it with their own STAB moves, though they must be wary of its Stone Edge coverage.

**Dragon-types**: Despite Tapu Bulu's Fairy typing, it's lack of a reliable STAB move make Pokemon such as Latios and Mega Altaria able to take on Tapu Bulu well by resisting its Grass-type moves.

**Status**: Tapu Bulu's dependence on sheer Attack and Speed make burns and paralysis especially crippling. While poisoned, it is also easier to wear down due to its tendency to use Wood Hammer often.

**Physically Defensive Pokemon**: Physically defensive walls such as Porygon2 can reliably wall and beat Tapu Bulu. Additionally, Grassy Terrain works against it in these cases as it gives the opposing Pokemon an additional form of passive recovery.
QC 2/3
- In the line talking about Grassy Terrain cutting EQ damage in half, I'd mention how this is useful because Grass's defensive core is neutral to Ground-type moves. It's a bit unintuitive and worth clarifying.

Team Options:
- I think it's worth mentioning broadly how Grassy Terrain can support teammates with passive recovery (especially useful for Mega Venusaur, who has no passive lefties recovery, and Ferrothorn, who has no reliable recovery move).
- I might talk about Ferrothorn's general defensive utility a bit more outside of the immunity to Poison-type attacks.

Other Options:
- You should talk about the downsides of running these sets. For example, Choice Band Bulu has the opportunity cost of Choice Scarf Bulu, as Grass has no other revenge killers even half as strong as Bulu.
- I'd mention Rockium Z alongside Fightinium Z, which hits notable targets such as Mega Venusaur and Sap Sipper Azumarill while still doing heavy damage to threats such as Skarmory and Celesteela.

Otherwise looks good, QC 3/3



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Tapu Bulu is the greatest offensive Pokemon available to Grass teams. Its unmatched combination of offensive wallbreaking power and great ability makes it a crucial option for any Grass team. Grassy Surge brings massive support to itself and the entire team alike by boosting the power of its Grass-type moves and providing passive recovery for all grounded Pokemon. It also weakens the power of Ground-type moves. This allows Grass's defensive core, which is entirely neutral to Ground, to have a much easier time checking wallbreakers like Choice Band Excadrill. Because of Tapu Bulu's above-average Attack stat in tandem with its strong Terrain-boosted moves like Wood Hammer, it is able to function as a fearsome wallbreaker and revenge killer for Grass teams. Additionally, Tapu Bulu's decent bulk, passive Grassy Surge recovery, and access to Horn Leech often make it hard to take down. To emphasize this, Tapu Bulu is usually supported by bulky teammates that can give it safe opportunities to come in on the field. However, while its Fairy typing gives Tapu Bulu defensive utility against Dark-, Fighting-, and Dragon-types, it stacks a common weakness to Poison that can be exploited by revenge killers such as Dugtrio. Additionally, Tapu Bulu lacks access to any physical Fairy STAB move, making it often rely on its coverage moves in order to hit threats that resist its Grass STAB such as Dragonite. Furthermore, Grass is a bad offensive typing, and this means that Tapu Bulu often finds itself overly reliant on coverage options like Superpower and Stone Edge in order to hit the many threats that resist its STAB attacks. Although it commonly holds a Choice Scarf, Tapu Bulu’s below-average Speed and numerous weaknesses allow many of the metagame’s metagame's common Choice Scarf users such as Greninja and Victini to easily revenge kill it.

name: Choice Scarf (Grass)
move 1: Wood Hammer
move 2: Horn Leech
move 3: Superpower
move 4: Stone Edge
item: Choice Scarf
ability: Grassy Surge
nature: Jolly
evs: 252 Atk / 4 SpD / 252 Spe

Wood Hammer is insanely powerful under Grassy Terrain and is Tapu Bulu's strongest move and most reliable way to break past walls such as Mega Sableye, though it comes at the cost of being worn down due to recoil. Horn Leech, although weaker, grants provides Tapu Bulu with a way to recover its HP while still dealing considerably high damage. This is especially useful against weakened or frailer Pokemon that Horn Leech can KO in order to preserve its longevity, such as Diggersby. Superpower offers useful coverage that can deal with certain Steel-types such as Heatran and Ferrothorn, which otherwise wall Tapu Bulu. Lastly, Stone Edge's main purpose is to offer coverage against Flying-, Fire-, and Bug-types that resists resist Tapu Bulu's other coverage moves such as Zapdos, Mega Charizard Y, and Volcarona, respectively.

Set Details
Maximum EVs in Speed, a Jolly nature, and Choice Scarf allow Tapu Bulu to compensate for its unimpressive Speed stat and outspeed the majority of the unboosted metagame. Maximum investment in Attack allows Tapu Bulu to hit as hard as possible. Grassy Surge grants Tapu Bulu and the entire team a boost to their Grass-type moves as well as residual passive recovery for all grounded Pokemon, enabling it to become Grass's most threatening offensive option while offering a huge benefit to its teammates as well.

Usage Tips
It is quite important to be selective when deciding whether to use Wood Hammer or Horn Leech during the game. Wood Hammer should be used early-game more often, (AC) as it's Tapu Bulu's main way of effectively revenge killing and punching holes in the opposing team, while Horn Leech can serve as a serviceable option against weakened teams late-game for it to clean. Additionally, while Wood Hammer’s recoil can wear Tapu Bulu down quickly, it ensures that bulkier Pokemon like Chansey and Toxapex are 2HKOed. Tapu Bulu is best utilized as a great revenge killer, coming in on fast Pokemon such as Mega Lopunny that it can KO while simultaneously serving as a solid wallbreaker. It is imperative for Tapu Bulu to avoid all kinds of status, as a potential paralysis or burn can cripple its Speed and or Attack stat, respectively. Tapu Bulu also dislikes being poisoned, (AC) as it becomes easily worn down in tandem with Wood Hammer recoil. When faced against common Choice Scarf revenge killers that can KO Tapu Bulu like Greninja and Nihilego, it is important to make use of its bulkier teammates in order to check these Pokemon, such as Ferrothorn. Tapu Bulu requires Grassy Terrain being up in order to KO certain common defensive Pokemon such as Toxapex, so it is important to keep this in mind before attempting to break past these Pokemon. Do not use Superpower outside of hitting select Steel- and Normal-types, (AC) as it locks Tapu Bulu into a move that lowers its Attack and Defense and opens the door for many setup sweepers and walls such as Volcarona and Porygon2 to simply come in on it. Be wary of Protect users like Celesteela that can scout for Tapu Bulu's move, waste Grassy Terrain turns, and give teammates a potential switch-in.

Team Options
Tapu Bulu's The residual recovery offered by Tapu Bulu's Grassy Surge make makes defensive Pokemon ideal partners for it. Mega Venusaur's fantastic defensive utility makes it a vital team option for Tapu Bulu. Mega Venusaur's great typing allows it to switch into physical attackers such as (Mega) Scizor, (AC) while Tapu Bulu can eliminate stronger wallbreakers such as Mega Diancie with ease. Ferrothorn helps Tapu Bulu by taking on many bulkier threats such as Skarmory and Porygon2. It also possesses an amazing defensive typing with a useful immunity to Poison, allowing it to check Poison-types such as Nihilego for Tapu Bulu. Ferrothorn can also provide entry hazard support in the form of Spikes to enhance Tapu Bulu's ability to wallbreak. Cradily completes a great defensive core between it, Ferrothorn, and Mega Venusaur that checks certain Fire- and Flying-types such as Volcarona and Mega Charizard Y with Rock Slide while also providing Stealth Rock support for Tapu Bulu and the rest of the team. Cradily can also cripple problematic walls for Tapu Bulu such as Porygon2 with Toxic. Celebi is a good offensive partner for Tapu Bulu, mainly taking on threating Poison-types such as Mega Venusaur while pressuring bulkier teams thanks to its access to Nasty Plot. On the other hand, Tapu Bulu shines more against offensively oriented types such as Psychic that Celebi may struggle with. Breloom is another offensive setup threat that pairs well with Tapu Bulu, offering strong priority and access to Spore to shut down problematic Pokemon such as Toxapex. Additionally, Tapu Bulu's Grassy Surge gives Breloom an easier time preserving its Focus Sash while making its Bullet Seed an even stronger STAB move.

Other Options
At the expense of much-needed Speed, Tapu Bulu could run a Choice Band set to become a much deadlier wallbreaker that can break through things that its Choice Scarf set cannot. For example, Wood Hammer from Choice Band Tapu Bulu can 2HKO Porygon2 and OHKO Toxapex after minimal chip damage. This set appreciates another teammate such as Choice Scarf Rotom-Mow taking the role of speed control Rotom-C to keep faster foes in check, but Tapu Bulu generally fulfills this role better than Grass's other options. In a similar vein, Tapu Bulu can run a Swords Dance set with a Z-Move in order to lure and KO threats such as Mega Venusaur with Rockium Z and Celesteela with Fightinium Z, but this set misses out on the immediate Speed and Attack that Choice Scarf and Choice Band provide, respectively.

Checks and Counters
**Bulky Steel-types**: Tapu Bulu struggles to break past Pokemon such as Skarmory and Mega Scizor, as they resist Tapu Bulu's its STAB moves and can beat it with their own. Other Pokemon such as Heatran can easily force out Tapu Bulu locked into a Grass-type move, but it has to be wary of Superpower.

**Poison-types**: Poison-types such as Mega Venusaur and Choice Scarf Nihilego can take advantage of Tapu Bulu's quadruple Poison weakness extremely well and threaten it with their STAB moves. Mega Venusaur specifically is an amazing Tapu Bulu counter, as its quadruple resistance to Grass and excellent physical bulk helps help it take on Tapu Bulu.

**Revenge Killers**: Due to Tapu Bulu's low natural Speed, faster Pokemon holding a Choice Scarf such as Greninja and Victini can easily outspeed Tapu Bulu it and take advantage of its various weaknesses.

**Fire-types**: Pokemon such as Torkoal and Mega Charizard X can resist Tapu Bulu's Grass-type moves and can KO it with their own STAB moves, though they must be wary of its Stone Edge coverage.

**Dragon-types**: Despite Tapu Bulu's Fairy typing, it's its lack of a reliable STAB move make Pokemon such as Latios and Mega Altaria able to take on Tapu Bulu well by resisting its Grass-type moves.

**Status**: Tapu Bulu's dependence on sheer Attack and Speed make makes burns and paralysis especially crippling. While poisoned, it is also easier to wear down due to its tendency to use Wood Hammer often.

**Physically Defensive Pokemon**: Physically defensive walls such as Porygon2 can reliably wall and beat Tapu Bulu. Additionally, Grassy Terrain works against it in these cases as it gives the opposing Pokemon an additional form of passive recovery.
Last edited:


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Tapu Bulu is the greatest offensive Pokemon available to Grass teams. Its unmatched combination of offensive wallbreaking power and a great ability makes it a crucial option for any Grass team. Grassy Surge brings massive support to itself and the entire team alike by boosting the power of its Grass-type moves and providing passive recovery for all grounded Pokemon. It also weakens the power of Ground-type moves. This allows Grass's defensive core, which is entirely neutral to Ground, to have a much easier time checking wallbreakers like Choice Band Excadrill. Because of Tapu Bulu's above-average Attack stat in tandem with its strong Terrain-boosted moves like Wood Hammer, it is able to function as a fearsome wallbreaker and revenge killer for Grass teams. Additionally, Tapu Bulu's decent bulk, passive Grassy Surge recovery, and access to Horn Leech often make it hard to take down. To emphasize this, Tapu Bulu is usually supported by bulky teammates that can give it safe opportunities to come in on the field. However, while its Fairy typing gives Tapu Bulu defensive utility against Dark-, Fighting-, and Dragon-types, it stacks a common weakness to Poison that can be exploited by revenge killers such as Dugtrio. Additionally, Tapu Bulu lacks access to any physical Fairy STAB move, making it often rely on its coverage moves in order to hit threats that resist its Grass STAB moves such as Dragonite. Furthermore, Grass is a bad offensive typing, and this means that Tapu Bulu often finds itself overly reliant on coverage options like Superpower and Stone Edge in order to hit the many threats that resist its STAB attacks. Although it commonly holds a Choice Scarf, Tapu Bulu’s Bulu's below-average Speed and numerous weaknesses allow many of the metagame's common Choice Scarf users such as Greninja and Victini to easily revenge kill it.

name: Choice Scarf (Grass)
move 1: Wood Hammer
move 2: Horn Leech
move 3: Superpower
move 4: Stone Edge
item: Choice Scarf
ability: Grassy Surge
nature: Jolly
evs: 252 Atk / 4 SpD / 252 Spe

Wood Hammer is insanely powerful under Grassy Terrain and is Tapu Bulu's strongest move and most reliable way to break past walls such as Mega Sableye, though it comes at the cost of being worn down due to recoil. Horn Leech, although weaker, provides Tapu Bulu with a way to recover its HP while still dealing considerably high damage. This is especially useful against weakened or frailer Pokemon that Horn Leech can KO,(AC) such as Diggersby,(AC) in order to preserve its longevity,(RC) such as Diggersby. Superpower offers useful coverage that can deal with certain Steel-types such as Heatran and Ferrothorn, which otherwise wall Tapu Bulu. Lastly, Stone Edge's main purpose is to offer coverage against Flying-, Fire-, and Bug-types that resist Tapu Bulu's other coverage moves such as Zapdos, Mega Charizard Y, and Volcarona.

Set Details
Maximum EVs in Speed, a Jolly nature, and Choice Scarf allow Tapu Bulu to compensate for its unimpressive Speed stat and outspeed the majority of the unboosted metagame. Maximum investment in Attack allows Tapu Bulu to hit as hard as possible. Grassy Surge grants Tapu Bulu and the entire team a boost to their Grass-type moves as well as passive recovery for all grounded Pokemon, enabling it Tapu Bulu to become Grass's most threatening offensive option while offering a huge benefit to its teammates as well.

Usage Tips
It is quite important to be selective when deciding whether to use Wood Hammer or Horn Leech during the game. Wood Hammer should be used early-game more often, as it's Tapu Bulu's main way of effectively revenge killing and punching holes in the opposing team, while Horn Leech can serve as a serviceable option against weakened teams late-game for it to clean. Additionally, while Wood Hammer’s Hammer's recoil can wear Tapu Bulu down quickly, it ensures that bulkier Pokemon like Chansey and Toxapex are 2HKOed. Tapu Bulu is best utilized as a great revenge killer, coming in on fast Pokemon such as Mega Lopunny that it can KO while simultaneously serving as a solid wallbreaker. It is imperative for Tapu Bulu to avoid all kinds of status, as a potential paralysis or burn can cripple its Speed or Attack stat. Tapu Bulu also dislikes being poisoned, as it becomes easily worn down in tandem with Wood Hammer recoil. When faced against common Choice Scarf revenge killers that can KO Tapu Bulu like Greninja and Nihilego, it is important to make use of its bulkier teammates in order to check these Pokemon, such as Ferrothorn. Tapu Bulu requires Grassy Terrain being up in order to KO certain common defensive Pokemon such as Toxapex, so it is important to keep this in mind before attempting to break past these Pokemon. Do not use Superpower outside of hitting select Steel- and Normal-types, as it locks Tapu Bulu into a move that lowers its Attack and Defense and opens the door for many setup sweepers and walls such as Volcarona and Porygon2 to simply come in on it. Be wary of Protect users like Celesteela that can scout for Tapu Bulu's move, waste Grassy Terrain turns, and give teammates a potential switch-in switch in.

Team Options
The residual recovery offered by Tapu Bulu's Grassy Surge makes defensive Pokemon ideal partners for it. Mega Venusaur's fantastic defensive utility makes it a vital team option for Tapu Bulu. Mega Venusaur's great typing allows it to switch into physical attackers such as (Mega) Mega Scizor, while Tapu Bulu can eliminate stronger wallbreakers such as Mega Diancie with ease. Ferrothorn helps Tapu Bulu by taking on many bulkier threats such as Skarmory and Porygon2. It also possesses an amazing defensive typing with a useful immunity to Poison, allowing it to check Poison-types such as Nihilego for Tapu Bulu. Ferrothorn can also provide entry hazard support in the form of Spikes to enhance Tapu Bulu's ability to wallbreak. Cradily completes a great defensive core between it, Ferrothorn, and Mega Venusaur,(AC) that checks certain Fire- and Flying-types such as Volcarona and Mega Charizard Y with Rock Slide,(AC) and provides while also providing Stealth Rock support for Tapu Bulu and the rest of the team. Cradily can also cripple problematic walls for Tapu Bulu such as Porygon2 with Toxic. Celebi is a good offensive partner for Tapu Bulu, mainly taking on threating threatening Poison-types such as Mega Venusaur while pressuring bulkier teams thanks to its access to Nasty Plot. On the other hand, Tapu Bulu shines more against offensively oriented types such as Psychic that Celebi may struggle with. Breloom is another offensive setup threat that pairs well with Tapu Bulu, offering strong priority and access to Spore to shut down problematic Pokemon such as Toxapex. Additionally, Tapu Bulu's Grassy Surge gives Breloom an easier time preserving its Focus Sash while making its Bullet Seed an even stronger STAB move.

Other Options


At the expense of much-needed Speed, Tapu Bulu could run a Choice Band set to become a much deadlier wallbreaker that can break through things Pokemon that its Choice Scarf set cannot. For example, Wood Hammer from Choice Band Tapu Bulu can 2HKO Porygon2 and OHKO Toxapex after minimal chip damage. This set appreciates another teammate such as Choice Scarf Rotom-C to keep faster foes in check, but Tapu Bulu generally fulfills this role better than Grass's other options. In a similar vein, Tapu Bulu can run a Swords Dance set with a Z-Move in order to lure and KO threats such as Mega Venusaur with Rockium Z and Celesteela with Fightinium Z, but this set misses out on the immediate Speed and Attack that Choice Scarf and Choice Band provide, respectively.

Checks and Counters


**Bulky Steel-types**: Tapu Bulu struggles to break past Pokemon such as Skarmory and Mega Scizor, as they resist its STAB moves and can beat it with their own. Other Pokemon such as Heatran can easily force out Tapu Bulu locked into a Grass-type move, but it Heatran (the sentence still refers to "other Pokemon") has to be wary of Superpower.

**Poison-types**: Poison-types such as Mega Venusaur and Choice Scarf Nihilego can take advantage of Tapu Bulu's quadruple Poison weakness extremely well and threaten it with their STAB moves. Mega Venusaur specifically is an amazing Tapu Bulu counter, as its quadruple resistance to Grass and excellent physical bulk help it take on Tapu Bulu.

**Revenge Killers**: Due to Tapu Bulu's low natural Speed, faster Pokemon holding a Choice Scarf such as Greninja and Victini can easily outspeed it and take advantage of its various weaknesses.

**Fire-types**: Pokemon such as Torkoal and Mega Charizard X resist Tapu Bulu's Grass-type moves and can KO it with their own STAB moves, though they must be wary of Stone Edge.

**Dragon-types**: Despite Tapu Bulu's Fairy typing, its lack of a reliable Fairy STAB move makes Pokemon such as Latios and Mega Altaria able to take on Tapu Bulu well by resisting its Grass-type moves.

**Status**: Tapu Bulu's dependence on sheer Attack and Speed makes burns and paralysis especially crippling. While poisoned, it is also easier to wear down due to its tendency to use Wood Hammer often.

**Physically Defensive Pokemon**: Physically defensive walls such as Porygon2 can reliably wall and beat Tapu Bulu. Additionally, Grassy Terrain works against it Tapu Bulu in these cases,(AC) as it gives the opposing Pokemon an additional form of passive recovery.
GP 2/2

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