Doubles Tapu Koko (GP 1/1)

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Lágrimas Ocultas
is a Tiering Contributor Alumnus

Tapu Koko has a small niche thanks to it support it setting Electric Terrain, which supports Regieleki's powerful Electric-type moves, especially Rising Voltage, and blocks sleep moves like Spore. Tapu Koko further supports Regieleki by OHKOing Rillaboom with Choice Band-boosted Brave Bird, opening up the way for Regieleki to use Rising Voltage unhindered by Grassy Terrain. Tapu Koko is only found on certain hail teams alongside teammates such as Alolan Ninetales, Kyurem-B, and Genesect that can check and threaten Grass- and Ground-types like Zygarde, Landorus, and Rillaboom with Blizzard. However, Tapu Koko heavily struggles with the prevalence of Ground- and Grass-types in DOU such as Landorus, Zygarde, and especially Rillaboom, which overrides Electric Terrain with Grassy Terrain. Furthermore, it can only be used with decent effectiveness on one niche archetype that requires another niche Pokemon in Regieleki, leaving Tapu Koko as a suboptimal pick in DOU.

name: Physical Attacker
move 1: Wild Charge
move 2: Brave Bird
move 3: Iron Head
move 4: U-turn
item: Choice Band
ability: Electric Surge
nature: Adamant / Jolly
evs: 252 Atk / 4 SpD / 252 Spe


* Wild Charge is Tapu Koko's best physical STAB move, being its main way of dealing damage due to the boost from Electric Terrain.

* Brave Bird allows Tapu Koko to OHKO some Electric-resistant Pokemon, mainly Grass-types such as Rillaboom, Amoonguss, and Tsareena.

* Iron Head allows Tapu Koko to hit Kyurem-B and OHKO Diancie.

* U-turn keeps momentum while getting Tapu Koko out when opposing Terrain setters may switch in, allowing it to re-set Electric Terrain later in the game. U-turn also hits Rillaboom, the main Terrain setter in the tier, hard.

* An Adamant nature and Choice Band guarantee an OHKO on Rillaboom with Brave Bird, while a Jolly nature allows Tapu Koko to outrun Timid Naganadel and neutral-nature Dragapult and Zeraora.

Other Options

Tapu Koko can use Light Screen and Reflect on hyper offense structures, but it hardly justifies the teamslot since Tapu Koko usually wants to deal damage or pivot out. Support Tapu Koko with Sitrus Berry and moves such as Nature's Madness, Taunt, and Electroweb can fit on teams that lack a Spore answer and can disrupt teams, although such sets have little offensive utility and still struggle against Amoonguss; Safety Goggles users and Tapu Fini are generally much better options. A special attacker set with Thunderbolt, Dazzling Gleam, and Volt Switch is also an option, but it struggles to make any progress against Rillaboom and Ground-types.

- Written by: [[Meminger21, 550738]]
- Quality checked by: [[Yoda2798, 243662], [emma, 294304]]
- Grammar checked by: [[Adeleine, 517429]]
Last edited:
  • "Despite Tapu Koko suffering from the prevalence of Grass-types and Ground-types in DOU, such as Landorus, Zygarde, and especially Rillaboom, which can also reset terrain; Electric Surge grants it a small niche by being able to support Regieleki's powerful moves with Electric Terrain, while being a Spore check. Using a Choice Band set with Brave Bird lets Tapu Koko KO Rillaboom, further helping Regieleki use Rising Voltage unopposed." - Replace the first few sentences with this which is a reordering and slight rewrite of what you have currently.
  • Remove the mention of Regieleki from the Ninetales-A sentence since that's covered before it now, then combine it with the next sentence about other teammates, and remove the mention of regular Kyurem. So the sentence should start "Tapu Koko is also found on hail teams alongside teammates such as Ninetales-A, Kyurem-B, and Genesect..." and cover what you have now about using Blizzard and checking those Pokemon.
  • In the last sentence, specify that it's "one niche archetype", and mention how using Tapu Koko also requires using another not great Pokemon too (Regieleki).
  • Mention Wild Charge is boosted by terrain, also make it "the low base power means it won't KO most neutral targets."
  • For Brave Bird remove the super effective part and instead say they resist Wild Charge. Also, remove the Adamant nature part and combine the two sentences into one.
  • For Iron Head, say that it hits another Electric-type resist in Kyurem-B, then say the Diancie KO after that. You can also remove the "little value otherwise" part.
  • You can remove the point about Electric Surge since it's not necessary.
  • For Jolly, say it outspeeds "Timid Naganadel and neutral nature Dragapult and Zeraora", since Modest Naganadel and Dragapult both exist.
  • For support sets, mention screens too (Reflect and Light Screen).
  • Mention a special (offensive) set, and how that's bad as it's much worse into Rillaboom.
Tag once implemented and I'll look over.
  • Replace "Kyurem-B" with "and" when talking about Blizzard, since all those teammates can use it.
  • For Brave Bird, mention it can KO those Grass-type Pokemon.
  • For Iron Head, remove "by super effective".
  • Specify it's a "Special offensive set".
Do those for QC 1/2

Despite Tapu Koko suffering from the prevalence of Grass-types and Ground-types in DOU, such as Landorus, Zygarde, and especially Rillaboom, which can also reset terrain; Electric Surge grants it a small niche by being able to support Regieleki's powerful moves with Electric Terrain, while being a Spore check. Tapu Koko has a small niche in its ability Electric Surge which lets it support Regieleki's powerful moves with Electric Terrain as well as block Spore. Using a Choice Band set with Brave Bird lets Tapu Koko KO Rillaboom, further helping Regieleki use Rising Voltage unopposed. It further supports Regieleki by using a Choice Band set, which can let it pick up a surprise OHKO on Rillaboom with Brave Bird, opening up the way for Regieleki to use Rising Voltage unopposed. Tapu Koko is also only found on certain hail teams alongside teammates such as Ninetales-A, Kyurem-B, and Genesect that are able to check and threaten Zygarde, Landorus and Rillaboom and can while also make making use of Blizzard as a powerful spread attack that never misses on Hail. However, Tapu Koko can only be used with a decent efectiveness in one niche archetype that requires to use another niche Pokemon in Regieleki, and still struggles against common archetypes and Pokemon. However, Tapu Koko heavily struggles from the prevalence of Ground- and Grass-types in DOU such as Landorus, Zygarde, and especially Rillaboom which overrides Electric Terrain with Grassy Surge. Furthermore, it can only be used with decent effectiveness on one niche archetype that requires another niche Pokemon in Regieleki, leaving Tapu Koko as not a strong choice in the tier.

name: Physical Attacker
move 1: Wild Charge
move 2: Brave Bird
move 3: Iron Head
move 4: U-Turn
item: Choice Band
ability: Electric Surge
nature: Adamant/Jolly Adamant / Jolly
evs: 252 Atk / 4 SpD / 252 Spe


* Wild Charge is Tapu Koko's best physical STAB being boosted by Electric Terrain and the main way to deal damage, although the low base power means it won't KO most neutral targets.

* Brave Bird allows Tapu Koko to hit Electric resists, mainly Grass-types such as Rillaboom, Amoonguss and Tsareena and OHKO them.

* Iron Head allows Tapu Koko to hit Kyurem-B and OHKO Diancie.

* U-Turn is a great move on Tapu Koko since it allows to keep the momentum while being able to pivot out of possible terrain settersto be able to reset the electric terrain later in the game.

* An Adamant nature and Choice Band maximazes Tapu Koko's power and guarantees a KO on Rillaboom, while a Jolly nature allows Tapu Koko to outrun Timid Naganadel and neutral nature Dragapult and Zeraora.

Other Options

Tapu Koko can also use a dual screens set on hyper offensive structures, but it is not common and hardly justifies the slot. Support Tapu Koko with Sitrus Berry and attacks such as Nature's Madness, Taunt and Electroweb can fit on teams that lack a Spore check and can disrupt teams with the aforementioned moves, although they have little offensive utility, and still stuggle struggle against Amoonguss, and Safety Googles or Tapu Fini are generally much better options. A Special offensive set specially offensive set with Thunderbolt, Dazzling Gleam, and Volt Switch is also an option, but it's much worse struggles to make any progress into Rillaboom and Ground-types.

- Written by: [[Meminger21, 550738]]
- Quality checked by: [[Yoda2798, 243662], [username2, userid2]]
- Grammar checked by: [[username1, userid1]]

Tapu Koko has a small niche in its ability Electric Surge which lets it support Regieleki's powerful moves with Electric Terrain as well as block Spore. It further supports Regieleki by using a Choice Band set, which can let it pick up a surprise OHKO on Rillaboom with Brave Bird, opening up the way for Regieleki to use Rising Voltage unopposed. Tapu Koko is only found on certain hail teams alongside teammates such as Ninetales-A, Kyurem-B, and Genesect that are able to check and threaten Zygarde, Landorus and Rillaboom while also making use of Blizzard as a powerful spread attack that never misses on in Hail. However, Tapu Koko heavily struggles from the prevalence of Ground- and Grass-types in DOU such as Landorus, Zygarde, and especially Rillaboom which overrides Electric Terrain with Grassy Surge. Furthermore, it can only be used with decent effectiveness on one niche archetype that requires another niche Pokemon in Regieleki, leaving Tapu Koko as not a strong choice in the tier.

name: Physical Attacker
move 1: Wild Charge
move 2: Brave Bird
move 3: Iron Head
move 4: U-Turn
item: Choice Band
ability: Electric Surge
nature: Adamant / Jolly
evs: 252 Atk / 4 SpD / 252 Spe


* Wild Charge is Tapu Koko's best physical STAB being boosted by Electric Terrain and the main way to deal damage.

* Brave Bird allows Tapu Koko to hit Electric Electric-type resists, mainly Grass-types such as Rillaboom, Amoonguss and Tsareena and OHKO them.

* Iron Head allows Tapu Koko to hit Kyurem-B and OHKO Diancie.

* U-Turn is a great move on Tapu Koko since it allows to keep keeps the momentum while being able to pivot out of possible terrain setters to be able to reset the electric terrain Electric Terrain later in the game. Mention how it hits Rillaboom.

* An Adamant nature and Choice Band maximazes maximizes Tapu Koko's power and guarantees a KO OHKO on Rillaboom, while a Jolly nature allows Tapu Koko to outrun Timid Naganadel and neutral nature Dragapult and Zeraora.

Other Options

Tapu Koko can use a dual screens set on hyper offensive structures, but it is not common and hardly justifies the slot. Support Tapu Koko with Sitrus Berry and attacks such as Nature's Madness, Taunt and Electroweb can fit on teams that lack a Spore check and can disrupt teams with the aforementioned moves, although they have little offensive utility, still struggle against Amoonguss, and Safety Googles or Tapu Fini are generally much better options. A specially offensive set with Thunderbolt, Dazzling Gleam, and Volt Switch is also an option, but struggles to make any progress into Rillaboom and Ground-types.

- Written by: [[Meminger21, 550738]]
- Quality checked by: [[Yoda2798, 243662], [username2, userid2]]
- Grammar checked by: [[username1, userid1]]

QC 2/2
AM GP check, implement as you wish.

Add Remove Comments (AC and RC are Add and Remove Comma, respectively)

Tapu Koko has a small niche in thanks to its ability Electric Surge which lets it support Regieleki's powerful Electric-type moves, (AC) such as Rising Voltage, (AC) with Electric Terrain as well as block and block sleep moves like Spore. It Tapu Koko further supports Regieleki by using a Choice Band set, which can let it pick up a surprise OHKO on Rillaboom with Brave Bird, opening up the way for Regieleki to use Rising Voltage unopposed. Tapu Koko is only found on certain hail teams alongside teammates such as Ninetales-A, Kyurem-B, and Genesect that are able to check and threaten Grass- and Ground-types like Zygarde, Landorus, (AC) (Smogon uses the Oxford comma so you need to have a comma after every item in the list) and Rillaboom while also making use of Blizzard as a powerful spread attack that never misses in Hail with Blizzard, which can't miss with hail. However, Tapu Koko heavily struggles from the prevalence of Ground- and Grass-types in DOU such as Landorus, Zygarde, and especially Rillaboom, (AC) which overrides Electric Terrain with Grassy Surge. Furthermore, it can only be used with decent effectiveness on one niche archetype that requires another niche Pokemon in Regieleki, leaving Tapu Koko as not a strong choice in the tier suboptimal pick in DOU.

name: Physical Attacker
move 1: Wild Charge
move 2: Brave Bird
move 3: Iron Head
move 4: U-Turn
item: Choice Band
ability: Electric Surge
nature: Adamant / Jolly
evs: 252 Atk / 4 SpD / 252 Spe


* Wild Charge is Tapu Koko's best physical STAB being boosted by Electric Terrain and the main way to deal damage and main way of dealing damage due to it being boosted by Electric Terrain.

* Brave Bird allows Tapu Koko to hit Electric Electric-type resists Electric-resistant Pokemon, mainly Grass-types such as Rillaboom, Amoonguss and Tsareena, (AC) and OHKO them.

* Iron Head allows Tapu Koko to hit Kyurem-B and OHKO Diancie.

* U-Turn keeps momentum while being able to pivot out of possible other terrain setters switching in to be able to , (AC) allowing it to reset the Electric Terrain later in the game. U-Turn also hits Rillaboom, the main terrain setter in the tier.

* An Adamant nature and Choice Band maximizes Tapu Koko's power and guarantees a OHKO on Rillaboom with Brave Bird, while a Jolly nature allows Tapu Koko to outrun Timid Naganadel and neutral nature Dragapult and Zeraora.

Other Options

Tapu Koko can use a dual screens set Light Screen and Reflect on hyper offensive structures, but it is not common and hardly justifies the slot. Support Tapu Koko with Sitrus Berry and attacks such as Nature's Madness, Taunt, (AC) and Electroweb can fit on teams that lack a Spore check and can disrupt teams with the aforementioned moves, although they have little offensive utility, (RC) and still struggle against Amoonguss, and while Safety Googles or Tapu Fini are generally much better options. A specially offensive special attacker set with Thunderbolt, Dazzling Gleam, and Volt Switch is also an option, but struggles to make any progress into Rillaboom and Ground-types.

- Written by: [[Meminger21, 550738]]
- Quality checked by: [[Yoda2798, 243662], [emma, 294304]]
- Grammar checked by: [[username1, userid1]]
Add/Fix Remove Comment
(AC): Add Comma


Tapu Koko has a small niche thanks to its ability Electric Surge which lets it support it setting Electric Terrain, which supports Regieleki's powerful Electric-type moves, such as especially Rising Voltage, with Electric Terrain and block and blocks sleep moves like Spore. Tapu Koko further supports Regieleki by using a Choice Band set, which can let it pick up a surprise OHKO on OHKOing Rillaboom with Choice Band-boosted Brave Bird, opening up the way for Regieleki to use Rising Voltage unopposed. unhindered by Grassy Terrain. Tapu Koko is only found on certain hail teams alongside teammates such as Ninetales-A, Alolan Ninetales, Kyurem-B, and Genesect that are able to can check and threaten Grass- and Ground-types like Zygarde, Landorus, and Rillaboom with Blizzard, which can't miss with hail. However, Tapu Koko heavily struggles from with the prevalence of Ground- and Grass-types in DOU such as Landorus, Zygarde, and especially Rillaboom, which overrides Electric Terrain with Grassy Surge. Terrain. Furthermore, it can only be used with decent effectiveness on one niche archetype that requires another niche Pokemon in Regieleki, leaving Tapu Koko as a suboptimal pick in DOU.

name: Physical Attacker
move 1: Wild Charge
move 2: Brave Bird
move 3: Iron Head
move 4: U-Turn U-turn
item: Choice Band
ability: Electric Surge
nature: Adamant / Jolly
evs: 252 Atk / 4 SpD / 252 Spe


* Wild Charge is Tapu Koko's best physical STAB move, being its main way of dealing damage due to it being boosted by the boost from Electric Terrain.

* Brave Bird allows Tapu Koko to hit OHKO some Electric-resistant Pokemon, mainly Grass-types such as Rillaboom, Amoonguss, (AC) and Tsareena, and OHKO them.

* Iron Head allows Tapu Koko to hit Kyurem-B and OHKO Diancie.

* U-Turn U-turn keeps momentum while being able to pivot out of possible terrain setters switching getting Tapu Koko out when opposing Terrain setters may switch in, allowing it to reset re-set Electric Terrain later in the game. U-Turn U-turn also hits Rillaboom, the main terrain Terrain setter in the tier, hard.

* An Adamant nature and Choice Band maximizes Tapu Koko's power and guarantees a guarantee an OHKO on Rillaboom with Brave Bird, while a Jolly nature allows Tapu Koko to outrun Timid Naganadel and neutral-nature (added hyphen) Dragapult and Zeraora.

Other Options

Tapu Koko can use Light Screen and Reflect on hyper offensive structures, but it is not common and hardly justifies the teamslot. (i'd briefly mention why it struggles to justify itself here, eg if it has weak non-screens utility compared to other setters) Support Tapu Koko with Sitrus Berry and attacks moves such as Nature's Madness, Taunt, and Electroweb can fit on teams that lack a Spore check answer and can disrupt teams with the aforementioned moves, although they such sets have little offensive utility and still struggle against Amoonguss, while Safety Googles or Amoonguss; Safety Goggles users and Tapu Fini are generally much better options. A special attacker set with Thunderbolt, Dazzling Gleam, and Volt Switch is also an option, but it struggles to make any progress into against Rillaboom and Ground-types.

- Written by: [[Meminger21, 550738]]
- Quality checked by: [[Yoda2798, 243662], [emma, 294304]]
- Grammar checked by: [[Adeleine, 517429]]

GP Team done
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