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Programming Team Planner for Pokémon

When following you link the pokemon displayed do not match the names
primarina appears as malamar
muk appears as chatot
mismagius appears as mega latias
Golisopod appears as unown
Drampa appears as boonsweet
Sandslash appears as mankey

also I cant seem to find mega kangaskhan
Files have been renamed so it's possible that your browser is relying on a cached version. Please reload. Regarding Kangaskhan, click on the '+' button next to the Type filter and tick the box for Megas.
Files have been renamed so it's possible that your browser is relying on a cached version. Please reload. Regarding Kangaskhan, click on the '+' button next to the Type filter and tick the box for Megas.

I did, I could find the other megas no problem but kangaskhan was the only one i couldnt find
Thanks, also is it possible to restrict the list for it not to show certain Pokémon types? Maybe I want to look for a part Steel type Pokémon that isn't Electric type for example.
I tend to avoid using pokemon of the same type on my teams, but when I uncheck a type, dual-types with it still show up. Is there a chance of an option to turn this off, so dual types are left out if I uncheck one of their types?
Seconding the dual type exclusion thing digitalSorrow mentioned, also do you think you could include the Pokemon obtainable via Island Scan? They are perfectly legal Pokemon you can get on your team after all. You could make a little legend to denote "Island Scan Only", and while we're on the topic you could make another symbol to denote "Postgame Only" for Cosmog, Cosmoem, UBs, and Tapus.

Edit: One more thing, you have the Lycanroc forms listed as version exclusives but according to Serebii: "Despite this, these Pokémon aren't version exclusive. You can find the other form in the wild during the corresponding time of day in Vast Poni Canyon."
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Also, can you get another filter but instead of a Pokémon resisting a certain type, just it not being weak to that typing (neutral or resisted)?
Hi, um... I'm in National Dex mode and I have it set to show only Fully Evolved and Mega Evolved Pokemon. For some reason Seadra appears in this list. Can you fix this?

Pic for proof:

(This is my first time posting, let me know if I do anything wrong!)

EDIT: It appears Porygon and Roselia are also in the list for some reason. Kinda surprised I missed Porygon the first time...
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Thanks for all the suggestions and feedback! I'll take them into consideration and try to implement them, but it may take a while since my school semester is coming to an end and I must focus on academic stuff.

Appreantly, the Trapinch, Beldum, Gible and Goomy lines aren't version exclusive...
Cherrim image in the National Dex doesn't appear!! Appears Unown instead. Thank you for fixing Heracross!
Hi, um... I'm in National Dex mode and I have it set to show only Fully Evolved and Mega Evolved Pokemon. For some reason Seadra appears in this list. Can you fix this?

(This is my first time posting, let me know if I do anything wrong!)

EDIT: It appears Porygon and Roselia are also in the list for some reason. Kinda surprised I missed Porygon the first time...

Addressed all of these bugs. Once again, thanks for reporting them, guys!

Edit: One more thing, you have the Lycanroc forms listed as version exclusives but according to Serebii: "Despite this, these Pokémon aren't version exclusive. You can find the other form in the wild during the corresponding time of day in Vast Poni Canyon."

While this is true and you may catch either form in the wild, the evolution itself is version locked and the possibility to catch the other form comes very late in the game. For this reason I'm keeping them tagged as version exclusives
Gastly, Haunter, Gengar, Drifloon, and Drifblim still show up in the "Your Options" list when Ghost is unchecked.
Not to be nitpicking, but Kartana and Celesteela's sugimori artwork aren't displayed on this planner. It just seems awkward when the other pokemon don't use Global Link art.
i cant find jiachi in the natinol dex team planner
It's there. Try filtering by gen III & Steel type. It should be the last mon.

Not to be nitpicking, but Kartana and Celesteela's sugimori artwork aren't displayed on this planner. It just seems awkward when the other pokemon don't use Global Link art.
I haven't been able to find a clear version of their Sugimori artwork. The one from Bulbapedia & the official site comes with a glow effect, so for the time being I'm keeping the PGL artwork.
Hello! Great tool, thanks for making it.
I noticed that Spheal and its evolutions are not included. However, you can catch one on Akala island on Mondays using the Island Scanner.
Hello! Great tool, thanks for making it.
I noticed that Spheal and its evolutions are not included. However, you can catch one on Akala island on Mondays using the Island Scanner.
Thanks! These have been added along with official art of Cosmoem, Celesteela, and Kartana.
I forgot to thank you so much for creating the team planner! Its so rare to find team planners in the web that are this organized and consistent as yours. You did a fantastic job on it!

BTW there is some errors that bother me:
-Wishiwashi's School form artwork isn't shown when the cursor touches the pokemon.
-Is it possible for Meloetta-Pirouette to have the Fighting type icon replacing the Psychic type icon when the cursor touches Meloetta? It's still labeled as Normal/Psychic. If not, can you give Meloetta-Pirouette it's own separate slot instead? It's similar to mega evolutions as Meloetta not running Relic Song is no different from a pokemon not holding their megastone. It doesn't even get listed when you search for only Fighting types.
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Hei! I want to congratulate you because of the nice tool you made. I came here to report a bug, all the site is upside-down and not working propperly, it doesn't show the Pokemons, and the sprites are a long list that go to the bottom of the page, can you look at it, please? Thanks!
Hey, I am new to pokemon, but I really like playing around with data and finding the "strongest" pokemon lineup seems like a good challenge. Knowing the lineups type weaknesses is a good start, but wouldn't you also want to know the base stats of your team? this site (http://bulbapedia.bulbagarden.net/wiki/List_of_Pokémon_by_base_stats_(Generation_VII-present) seems to provide all that. if you added that into your database you could allow for comparisions between base stats. You could also show the base stats relative to each type, for instance a fire type with attack 100 against a grass type would have a relative attack of 200, which may be useful. From there you could create a program that maximizes the total base stats over all the types (you could weight it to promote balance between all types) to find the ultimate lineup. well sorta, you still need to account for moves which is another beast.