Pending Team Simulator Minigame


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i used to be really big into madden mobile, and the forum i used had this maddeningly (ha!) fun game called the Pack Simulator (link)
Screen Shot 2022-03-29 at 1.19.05 PM.png

every time you run the game, it randomly generates ten in-game players, and it gives you more Score for generating players that have higher ratings and rarity. the game can be pure random, with no skill besides the patience to keep trying, or it can incorporate some level of skill, eg by giving you a limited # of retries and letting you lock some players in between retries. not fully knowing the scoring methodology added some ~mystery~ too

an equivalent for PS would make a really fun time-spending / fidgeting activity to get a high score, even maybe a competition. it would not need to be so elaborate as the picture provided. here's a mockup of a simple, purely random version.

Screen Shot 2022-03-29 at 4.09.51 PM.png

how did I get that score number? what are the dots? i rigged up an extremely rough scoring system to give vaguely proportionate and reasonable results. the dots indicate "bonuses" gained from the Pokemon, for example Voltorb and Electrode getting a bonus for sharing the same typing. it's a bit convoluted, but if you like this sort of thing, here's what I used.

Starting Score: 1000
Evolution Link Bonus (# of pokemon that evolve into or from another): 10000 * 3^(#-2)
Generation Match Bonus (# of pokemon in the pool's most common generation): 5000 * 3^(#-2)
Starting Letter Match Bonus (# of pokemon with the pool's most common starting letter): 2500 * 3^(#-2)
Type Match Bonus (# of pokemon with the pool's most common typing): 10000 * 3^(#-2)

Add all that up and multiply by the following values:
(Total BST/28800)^3
(Total Tier Score/1.2), where most recent tier giving untiered=1, pu=2, nu=3, ru=4, uu=5, ou=7, uber=10, ag=15

i understand this idea is peripheral to the sim's standard interests, but i think the playerbase could really have fun with it. if the door's open, i'm very able to discuss and think about feasibility/conceptualization/details/etc. obviously stuff i've mentioned wouldn't be set in stone. there's plenty of room for customization, eg you could also generate a move alongside each pokemon to change scoring