Tournament Teamballo II - Player Signups (SV tiers, Custom Avatar Prize)

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Nickname: burnam
Tiers: sv doubles ou
Timezone: eastern standard time
Foreseeable inactivity: I have school, but I can work out times within school
Nickname: IsleKay
Tiers: SV OU/ SV DOUB / SV Mono / SM OU
Timezone: -6 EST
Foreseeable inactivity: Work 9-5 my timezone
Nickname: Jacataca37
Timezone: CST
Tiers: SV Ubers
Forseeable Inactivity: (inactive 8 am to 3:30 pm most days(due to school))
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Nickname: Nerfminer1
Tiers: SV OU, SS OU, ORAS OU, SM OU, SV Ubers, SV LC.
Time zone GMT +1
Forseeable inactivty: 9:30-2:30 weekdays
Nickname: Smellyalater293
Tiers: SV OU, SV LC, SS OU
Timezone: EST (-5)
Foreseeable inactivity: College exams next week, after that nothing.
Nickname: Diablo#OTF
Tiers: Preferably SS OU, SM OU
Timezone EST
Foreseeable inactivity: Work and Chores
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