Technical Support v2 [READ ORIGINAL POST before posting]

1. Windows 7 64-Bit
2. All browsers
3. Yes. I have also tried other computers.
4. Since last week.
5 HomosexualKyurem/MineMineMelonYT
6. My chat messages show up to me, but not to other people. I message my friends, but they don't see any messages.
1) Windows 7 Ultimate 32 Bit
2) Chrome ( 45.0.2454.101)
3) No
4) An hour ago.
5) A/Grape
6) I'm struggling to connect through PS. Internet is fine, and I've been connecting to PS fine up until an hour ago. The time I do get on PS, I can only send a few messages before it disconnects me again. I've cleared cache too. Most servers wont let me in either.
  • Operating system: Windows 10
  • Web Browser (with version, if you know it): Google Chrome 46.0.2490.86
  • Have you tried other browsers? If so, which one, and does this problem happen on them as well?: I have, and yes.
  • When did this problem start?: It's been going on for a while, but it got worse last night.
  • Your PS username: Silver Scrapes
  • And of, course, your problem (include any error messages verbatim. give frequency, etc.).: Experiencing similar problem to Swagcaliber above, was unable to connect to any server except for a few moments at a time last night, tried clearing cache, tried restarting computer several times, no dice. Tried other servers as well. It's a bit better today (I can connect, at least) but I can only send, as said above, a couple of messages at a time. While I do not receive a disconnected message, it's clear that I'm not connected - I am unable to give/receive messages in PMs or in rooms, nor am I able to battle. This problem has been going on, but I'd still be able to talk for a long while (i.e. several hours), and a simple refresh fixed it again. Upon refresh I am able to send a message or two, then it locks up again. For whatever reason last night, the issue stepped way up in intensity, and for several hours I was unable to connect for more than a few moments at a time, and usually I wasn't able to do even that. Again, it lessened to the point where I can connect again at the very least, but am unable to send more than a couple messages at a time and am unable to battle.
Addendum: I uninstalled Stylish to see if that would change anything, and it did - I now receive the disconnected message (sometimes), but the problem still persists.
EDIT: https does not help.
  • Macbook Air OS X Yosemite Version 10.10.3 (14D136)-----Processor 1.3 GHz Intel Core i5
  • Chrome; Version 46.0.2490.86 (64-bit)
  • Yes: Safari. and yes. I need PS to live. It is my oxygen.
  • about Mid-October, If I were to have to choose a time range it would be Oct.17-Now.
  • Jaybird9876 (my only nickname is: The 2nd Jayateer)
  • attached image. So whenever I'm at school in the morning, my friends and I hang outside a classroom and play PS. It works PERFECTLY fine (as long as I use Chrome) but the SECOND I connect to my internet at home, I can't even choose my name much less show the news tab. I had this computer last year as well and I could bring it home and play better than I did at school. The attached image shows up

Please help me ASAP



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  1. Operating system ( Mac OS X)
  2. Web Browser (with version, if you know it) (google chrome and firefox latest versions)
  3. Have you tried other browsers? If so, which one, and does this problem happen on them as well? (yes)
  4. When did this problem start?(as long as I have been a member)
  5. Your PS username (ropro)
  6. And of, course, your problem (include any error messages verbatim. give frequency, etc.). Pokemon showdown does not allow me to speak in the main chat, even though my account is a week old and I have played on the OU ladder. What should I do?
1. Windows 7 64 bit
2. Mozilla Firefox (I'm guessing It's the latest version, not really sure sorry)
3. Not yet.
4. I've only noticed this past week something was wrong.
5. swalotkum
6.I keep getting the "Couldn't conect to server!" message. At first I assumed showdown was down or simply my dorm's internet wasn't good enough for showdown but I keep getting that message regardless.
win 10
no other browsers but have used same account on different computers and been able to log in
have not been able to connect for ~3 months
open pokemon showdown and a dialog box appears saying "Can't connect to server! Retry - Work Offline"
  1. Windows 7
  2. Firefox
  3. I've tried Google Chrome, but it still happens.
  4. Today
  5. TheStarmanLord
  6. I've set up a team with full movesets, but when I get into a battle, two of my Pokemon only know struggle and one of them no longer has agility.
Windows 7
Chrome Version 47.0.2526.106 m
Around 15 minutes ago, after my Flash plugin crashed and I rebooted my laptop

I click on Choose Name and type in my username. Every time I type it and click Choose name, that little window closes and nothing happened.

I can still see the background I put, but I can't battle or talk in the Lobby. Please help.

Edit: It got fixed.
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1.Windows 10
2. Chrome
3. No other browsers
4. Ten Minutes Ago (9:20 AM PST)
5. Sandy Colress
6. All of my teams were deleted after being automatically logged out of Showdown for some reason. I've had my teams saved on my computer for months, so I don't know what could've happened to them. Even if I can't recover them, I'd like to know what's going on. Thanks.
I've asked in the Help room twice but no one seems to know how to fix it, so I'll try asking here.

1. Windows 8.1
2. Firefox 43.0.3
3. No, I don't use any other browsers.
4. About 2-3 weeks ago
5. Akiii
6. I can't connect to any of the servers, except to the main one. I've tried the whole list. It doesn't give me the standard "Couldn't connect to server" message, instead it just says "Connecting..." as if it was loading but it never loads up. I added screenshots, this is exactly what it looks like on every alternative server.


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1. Windows 10
2. Chrome
3. No, I don't use any other browsers
4. The past 4 days
5. Germain
6. Showdown won't let me chose my name. I click the box, type my name in and it goes to a different box that asks me for my password. I type it in and it says that my password is incorrect.
1: Windows 10
2: Firefox 43.0.3
3: No, I have not.
4: I first noticed this problem about 6 months ago (I think August 2015).
5: supercool898 (just like this username; I use it for about everything)
6: The problem I have encountered is an inability to become rank autoconfirmed. Rank autoconfirmed is given when your account is a week old and you have won at least one ranked battle. It is used to allow you to talk in the various chat rooms on PS. However, even though I have had my name for about a year and have won many battles, I am still not rank autoconfirmed. I did not attempt to chat until about 6 months ago, so I can't say if I had the problem before then or not. I have seen very little talk about this via google, with only one thread talking about it. The advice given in the thread was to log out and log in again, but that has not worked for me (multiple times). Some help would be great!

Edit: *Facepalm* I did not realize that everybody gets the message "You must be rank autoconfirmed or higher to talk in this chat" and not people who are below rank autocorrect. There is no error.
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    1. Operating system: Windows 7
    2. Web Browser (with version, if you know it) Chrome / Chrome iOS
    3. Have you tried other browsers? If so, which one, and does this problem happen on them as well?: same problem (Safari iOS)
    4. When did this problem start?: Today
    5. Your PS username: Chronologically
    6. And of, course, your problem (include any error messages verbatim. give frequency, etc.): When I try to log on on my phone, I disconnect the second I log in. It only occurs when I'm logged in on my laptop (offline or not.) I have not tested it the other way around (logged in on phone but not laptop). Until today I could be logged in on phone and laptop. Already tried clearing cache on phone.
I'm having problems connecting myself. Every time I try, my browser says "Cannot connect to HTTPS. Try HTTP?" When I hit yes, then it still doesn't work because PS doesn't work on HTTP.
1. Operating System: Windows 7
2. Google Chrome
3. Yes - I tried firefox, and had the same problems.
4. The problem started this morning.
5. Strider755
6. I'm having problems connecting myself. Every time I try, my browser says "Cannot connect to HTTPS. Try HTTP?" When I hit yes, then it still doesn't work because PS doesn't work on HTTP. I tried restarting my computer, disabling my extensions, resetting my browser, everything. Nothing worked.

I asked around, and evidently I'm the only one having this problem. Any suggestions?
Operating system: windows xp sp3
Browser: chrome
Tried browsers: opera and firefox
USername: x-man unbound
Prob: I cant log in to pokemon showdown. It asks me to reconnect
Something similar to the above seems to be happening with me. I took a screencap of it so you can see exactly what is happening.

1. Operating System: Windows XP SP3
2. Browser: Firefox
3. Tried Browsers: Chrome and Explorer - Same screen came up.
4. Problem Started: The problem started some time after 11:00 EST yesterday night.
5. Username: Darth_Darkrai
6. Problem:As you can see from the above image, this error message pops up whenever I try to access showdown, or try to reload the showdown page I still have open in a tab. As far as I know, nothing changed on my end since yesterday afternoon, when Showdown was working perfectly. So, either something's wrong somewhere along the connection line, or I lost so badly yesterday that the server just refuses to let me back on. Frankly, either is possible.

EDIT: Additional Information: I just discovered that I can get onto the server with my downloaded copy, but still can't get on from my browser. Since the downloaded copy slows my computer the f*ck down, it's still rather inconvenient. I'm not sure why I can get on from the program, but not from the link on Firefox.


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1. Windows 10
2. Google Chrome
3. Tried browsers: IE, Google Chrome, Firefox
4. Problem started around 3 months ago
5. Username: Rozeluxe08
6. Disconnection issues when I log in. 'You have been disconnected - possibly because the server was restarted' > This always shows up. I got also the downloadable client but had the same issue.
Tried Internet explorer
Username Shakeyobala
Happened today

Hi, Im username Shakeyobala on pokemon showdown and I can't log in even though I know my username and password. Showdown keeps asking me to add a username, even when I use a new one, it askes me over and over when I click battle now. Using chrome browser for Android
(Server Specs)
Ubuntu 15.10
Pokemon Showdown
Username: duffyevan
Issues with custom css on my registered server

Hi, I run the competitiveshowdownleague server and we just recently had our server registered. I'm working on the custom css and for some reason some commands seem to be ignored... For example when i set a custom background in the body tag with the option background: url("..."); the image shows up tiled, but when I say background-size: cover; nothing happens on the site, it still shows up tiled... To my knowledge that should make the background image fill the screen regardless of resolution. Has anyone else had this problem or know how to fix it.
Evan Duffy
  1. Operating system Android 5.1.1
  2. (Web Browser) showdown app
  3. (Other Browsers?)
  4. (When did this problem start?) as soon as i switched phone (two months ago)
  5. (PS username) meronem
  6. (Problem) the mega evolution button (or check box) isn't displayed even though the active pokemon has it's correct mega stone (an altaria with an altarianite) so mega evolution is not possible.
Thank you
  1. Operating system Android 5.1.1
  2. (Web Browser) showdown app
  3. (Other Browsers?)
  4. (When did this problem start?) as soon as i switched phone (two months ago)
  5. (PS username) meronem
  6. (Problem) the mega evolution button (or check box) isn't displayed even though the active pokemon has it's correct mega stone (an altaria with an altarianite) so mega evolution is not possible.
Thank you
The PS app is unofficial so any problems with it should probably be directed to its creator (RainFountain). I'd recommend using the mobile browser version of it instead.
1. Windows 10
2. Google Chrome
3. Tried browsers: IE, Google Chrome, Firefox
4. Problem started around 3 months ago
5. Username: Rozeluxe08
6. Disconnection issues when I log in. 'You have been disconnected - possibly because the server was restarted' > This always shows up. I got also the downloadable client but had the same issue.

Quoting because I had the issue again. Last month, it was fixed but now Dc issues again.