Data Temporary Leaves of Absence


bye (except circuit)
Was gonna be busy in February, but never expected it to come this early (plus some guests are coming for a few days)!!!

Will not be very active till the first week of March, can still order in battles, but reffings would be difficult!!!

If you wish (& the match needs to end at an urgent), please do ask for a subref!!! Very sorry for the inconvenience :-(
not feeling well today (stomach issues).
I'll try to order in league tonight but otherwise expect 1-2 days delay. if it's more than that then I have a Problem.

edit: I am feeling 50% better and may be back tomorrow.
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Won't have internet for a while (on the temp 60 minutes thing from the local provider)
I'll try to update things from the library starting tomorrow
I'm using the time I got now to ref/post what I can but in all likelihood it cuts off before I'm done

Internet is back, albeit slow. Smogon isn't very bandwidth demanding tho
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I feel like its time for me to take a break from bbp. Life has been extremely busy lately and my BBP motivation isn't that high itself. I have found myself procrastinating reffings which would have otherwise ended a lot earlier. I will try to finish off the stuff I have on my plate but I would suggest asking for a subref. (I will order from time to time in the 2 events I am part of so as to not affect my teammates.)
Gemini Taurus (realgam)
LouisCyphre (realgam)
cityscapes Rextreff (event)
TMan87 Doduodrio (raid)
gonna take some time to cool down, been too emotional about this game and I have no ongoing facilities I'm playing in so this is as good a time as any.
don't know yet if it's going to be a couple days or a couple weeks, I doubt it will be more than that.
subreffing is advised.