Tournament The Bad STABmons Tour ;~; - Won by Lax!

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Please tell me how the swellow could kill Swagsire
(EDIT: Abyssal is fixed)
252 Atk Guts Swellow Facade (140 BP) vs. 252 HP / 252+ Def Quagsire: 205-243 (52 - 61.6%) -- 97.7% chance to 2HKO after Leftovers recovery
It has some problems with the rocks that are going to be run to wall Fletchinder, but at least its good priorityspam?
~Round 1~

Banlist reminder: No mega stones, Azumarill, Sableye, or Chatter.

Battles are Best of 1. Play your matches on the STABmons format. Replays are encouraged.

Due: 5/25. Byes will be subbed in for inactive players starting 5/22.

White Lion18 vs Scyther NO Swiping
Deathly ♛The King vs AWailOfATail
sin(pi) vs OM room
Jajoken vs Quantum Tesseract
Rhythms vs Scarfnaut
LaxLapras vs Peef Rimgar
Maleovex vs nv
IllusioFINITOOOO vs The Reptile sub
baconbagon vs Betathunder
Akumeoy vs unfixable
bp scrub vs InfernapeTropius11
Megazard vs Salamencizer
OU banned my masquerain vs Derivatives
Kingslayer2779 vs jeran Dr. Phd. BJ vs megaqwer:D sub
Sanjay. vs BIAF
average fella vs Lax

  1. AllJokesAside
  2. ev0lv
  3. ih8ih8sn0w
  4. Stocke
  5. xJownage
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