Ongoing The Blazing Dojo - Maxim vs Hyjack

The Blazing Dojo, Round 6

Maxim (1 Tech)
:sv/zygarde complete:
HP: 75/135, EN: 31/100, Stats: 7/9/6/9/85, Typing: Dragon / Ground, Abilities: Aura Break / Power Construct
Status: Poison (6), Toxin, 4 Chills, Quickness, Field: Clear
:punching glove: Punching Glove
:sticky barb: Sticky Barb
:cleanse tag: Cleanse Tag
:safety goggles: Safety Goggles
:flame orb: Flame Orb - NOTE: NEVER USE
:glalie: KO
:machamp: (Unselected)
Battlefield: Clear​
Hyjack (2 Tech)
Patience :leftovers: Leftovers
HP: 39/80, EN: 44/100, Stats: 7/12/11/7/25, Typing: Psychic / Fairy, Abilities: Healer / Anticipation / Magic Bounce
Status: -10% Evasion (Nature), 4 Chills, Quickness, 1 Recovery, Field: Reflect (6 steps)
:assault vest: Assault Vest
:leftovers: Leftovers
:journal: Adventure Rules
:eject button: Eject Button
:plasmanta: KO
:dhelmise: (Unselected)
Step 1
:zygarde complete:
Zygarde used Camouflage! (-8 EN)
Zygarde transformed into a Normal type!

Hatterene used Nuzzle! (-4 EN)
Crit (1, d24): 8 (No)
(4 + (7 - 9))*1 = 2
Zygarde was paralyzed! (Paralysis, 2 Strain)
(Zygarde's Speed is now 42)

Hatterene munched on its leftovers! (+6 HP)

:zygarde::toxic orb:
Zygarde was hurt by its poison! (-6 HP)

Step 2

:zygarde complete:
Zygarde used Hyper Voice! (-7 EN)
Crit (1, d24): 10 (No)
(9 + 3 + (6 - 7))*1 = 11

Hatterene used Draining Kiss! (-7 EN)
Crit (1, d24): 9 (No)
(5 + 3 + (11 - 9))*1 = 10
Hatterene drained HP! (+5 HP)

Hatterene munched on its leftovers! (+2 HP)

:zygarde::toxic orb:
Zygarde was hurt by its poison! (-6 HP)

Step 3

:zygarde complete:
Zygarde used Hyper Voice! (-7 EN)
Crit (1, d24): 22 (No)
(9 + 3 + (6 - 7))*1 = 11

Hatterene used Draining Kiss! (-7 EN)
Crit (1, d24): 22 (No)
(5 + 3 + (11 - 9))*1 = 10
Hatterene drained HP! (+5 HP)

Hatterene munched on its leftovers! (+2 HP)

:zygarde complete::toxic orb:
Zygarde was hurt by its poison! (-6 HP)

:mienfoo: Round Summary :mienfoo:
:zygarde complete: HP: -2-6-10-6-10-6 = -40
:zygarde complete: EN: -8-7-7 = -22
:hatterene: HP: +6-11+5+2-11+5+2 = -2
:hatterene: EN: -4-7-7 = -18
Maxim (1 Tech)
:sv/zygarde complete:
HP: 35/135, EN: 9/100, Stats: 7/9/6/9/42, Typing: Dragon / Ground Normal, Abilities: Aura Break / Power Construct
Status: Poison (6), Toxin, 4 Chills, Quickness, Camouflage (Normal), Paralyzed (3), Field: Clear
:punching glove: Punching Glove
:sticky barb: Sticky Barb
:cleanse tag: Cleanse Tag
:safety goggles: Safety Goggles
:flame orb: Flame Orb - NOTE: NEVER USE
:glalie: KO
:machamp: (Unselected)
Battlefield: Clear​
Hyjack (2 Tech)
Patience :leftovers: Leftovers
HP: 37/80, EN: 26/100, Stats: 7/12/11/7/25, Typing: Psychic / Fairy, Abilities: Healer / Anticipation / Magic Bounce
Status: -10% Evasion (Nature), 4 Chills, Quickness, 1 Recovery, Field: Reflect (3 steps)
:assault vest: Assault Vest
:leftovers: Leftovers
:journal: Adventure Rules
:eject button: Eject Button
:plasmanta: KO
:dhelmise: (Unselected)

"That Toxic from three rounds ago and Zygarde's stolen Leftovers are really paying off now, helping Hatterene turn the tides in its favor."

HeliosAflame comments
Maxim orders first
Hyjack orders second
Doduodrio refs[/spoiler]
This looks like the full lock out. Maxim only managed to push Hatt's hp by 2 this round while taking 40 chip back.
It does not look like it is possible for no item zygarde to overcome the healing of draining kiss and leftovers while reflect is in play.
I like that hyjack had subs that beat dig this round. I am less sure about the nuzzle, since it seems too slow to come up and does not change speed order. The hyper voices make sense, but do not have the damage to punch through.
Unless something very strange happens, Hyjack has this from here.
The Blazing Dojo, Round 7

Maxim (1 Tech)
:sv/zygarde complete:
HP: 35/135, EN: 9/100, Stats: 7/9/6/9/42, Typing: Dragon / Ground Normal, Abilities: Aura Break / Power Construct
Status: Poison (6), Toxin, 4 Chills, Quickness, Camouflage (Normal), Paralyzed (3), Field: Clear
:punching glove: Punching Glove
:sticky barb: Sticky Barb
:cleanse tag: Cleanse Tag
:safety goggles: Safety Goggles
:flame orb: Flame Orb - NOTE: NEVER USE
:glalie: KO
:machamp: (Unselected)
Battlefield: Clear​
Hyjack (2 Tech)
Patience :leftovers: Leftovers
HP: 37/80, EN: 26/100, Stats: 7/12/11/7/25, Typing: Psychic / Fairy, Abilities: Healer / Anticipation / Magic Bounce
Status: -10% Evasion (Nature), 4 Chills, Quickness, 1 Recovery, Field: Reflect (3 steps)
:assault vest: Assault Vest
:leftovers: Leftovers
:journal: Adventure Rules
:eject button: Eject Button
:plasmanta: KO
:dhelmise: (Unselected)
Step 1
:zygarde complete:
Zygarde used Giga Impact! (-10 EN)
Miss (10, d10): 3 (No), Crit (1, d24): 18 (No)
(15 + 3 + (7 - 12))*1 = 13
:reaper cloth: Zygarde fainted from exhaustion!

Hatterene munched on its Leftovers! (+6 HP)

:mienfoo: Round Summary :mienfoo:
:zygarde complete: HP: -0
:zygarde complete: EN: -10
:hatterene: HP: -13+6 = -7
:hatterene: EN: -0
Maxim (1 Tech)
:sv/zygarde complete:
HP: 0/135, EN: 0/100, Stats: 7/9/6/9/85, Typing: Dragon / Ground, Abilities: Aura Break / Power Construct
Status: Fainted, Field: Clear
:punching glove: Punching Glove
:sticky barb: Sticky Barb
:cleanse tag: Cleanse Tag
:safety goggles: Safety Goggles
:flame orb: Flame Orb - NOTE: NEVER USE
:glalie: KO
:machamp: (Unselected)
Battlefield: Clear​
Hyjack (2 Tech)
Patience :leftovers: Leftovers
HP: 30/80, EN: 26/100, Stats: 7/12/11/7/25, Typing: Psychic / Fairy, Abilities: Healer / Anticipation / Magic Bounce
Status: -10% Evasion (Nature), 4 Chills, Quickness, 1 Recovery, Field: Reflect (3 steps)
:assault vest: Assault Vest
:leftovers: Leftovers
:journal: Adventure Rules
:eject button: Eject Button
:plasmanta: KO
:dhelmise: (Unselected)

"Zygarde finally goes out with a bang, fainting from exhaustion."
Good battle guys, thanks for taking part!
A lot of my thoughts on the battle were noted in the last few rounds but here are some things to consider!

Well played with Glalie. The only small note is you could have played with stat stage durations more and used icy wind instead of scary face in the second round to get more damage down.
Zygarde had a couple of thoughts. strategically zygarde needed a damage item so that hatt could not out sustain them. In the first round vs hatterene Zygarde missed dig as an exploit to get 3 hits in for free. If your mon has evasives it is always worth checking if your opponent forgot to play around it because it happens surprisingly often!

I liked the hatterene batton pass set up. I it is great seeing people try out different item ideas and game plans. Very cool.
I am not as big a fan of the metal coat. I think it greatly limited your second round compared to expert belt by making it much harder to 2 step glalie. Also remember that ko subs are free, especially vs opponents with explode or healing wish!

for both players don't forget about evasives.
Also if you are trying to write orders quickly I would say the default things you should sub for every battle are
1. evasive moves
2. action disruption. I would recommend always writing your primary order as "if able, use x." unless you have a really good reason not to just to make sure you don't lose to random taunts or torments. It is often very easy to combine a second sub into this, for example "if my opponent does not have a protective status, use x"