[Stage 2] Petriant
Typing: Rock/Grass
Ability: Sturdy/Rock Head
Hidden Ability: Skill Link
Stats: 90/110/135/30/100/70 (BST 535)
New Moves: Rock Blast, Bullet Seed, Growth, Horn Leech, Seed Bomb, Grass Knot, Superpower, Head Smash, Synthesis
Method of Evolution: Level up during a Triple battle with two Trevenants by its side while holding Miracle Seed.
Height / Weight:
Design/Desc.: It has leaves sprouting from its horn. Its skin is now petrified wood and is a combination of both types, and the green orbs on its hands are now spiked rock-hard seeds. Now has a beard of moss.
[Stage 2] Kamoleon
Typing: Normal
Ability: Color Change/Trace
Hidden Ability: Protean
Stats: 70/100/75/65/125/45 (BST 480)
New Moves: Power Whip, Dragon Pulse, Dragon Claw, Reflect Type, Iron Head, Metal Claw, Calm Mind, Dragon Tail, Play Rough, Acrobatics, Ice Shard
Method of Evolution: Level up at Level 36 while learning Nature Power.
Height / Weight:
Design/Desc.: Its eyes are now bulbous and more like a proper chameleon. It now has spikes on its head and its body and arms are longer. There are now two stripes on its body.
[Stage 3] Kaleideon
Typing: Normal
Ability: Color Change/Trace
Hidden Ability: Protean
Stats: 80/105/90/70/135/50 (BST 530)
New Moves: Hyper Beam, Giga Impact, Dragon Dance, Stone Edge, Earthquake, Megahorn
Method of Evolution: Trade with Prism Scale while learning Reflect Type
Height / Weight:
Design/Desc.: It has horns like a horned chameleon and a slight frill around its neck. THe stripe patterns are now more complex patterns. Its tail is now has a larger spiral.
[Stage 3] Wailstrom
Typing: Water/Steel
Ability: Thick Fat/Unaware
Hidden Ability: Pressure
Stats: 175/100/70/100/70/40 (BST 555)
New Moves: Flash Cannon, Slack Off, Stockpile, Swallow, Spit Up, Belch, Perish Song, Iron Head, Roar, Wish, Calm Mind, Aqua Jet, Bulk Up
Method of Evolution: Trade with Metal Coat and learning Whirlpool
Height / Weight:
Design/Desc.: Its body is now longer, and a darker shade of blue- resembling a submarine/sperm whale fusion. It now has some barnacle-like protrusions on its skin.
[Stage 3] Tarantavolt
Typing: Bug/Electric
Ability: Compound Eyes/Arena Trap
Hidden Ability: Tinted Lens
Stats: 90/77/75/107/75/111 (BST 535)
New Moves: Sludge Bomb, Taunt, Dark Pulse, Focus Blast, Imprison
Method of Evolution: Use Thunderstone while holding a Scope Lens.
Height / Weight:
Design/Desc.: Has more eyes with multiple lenses. Its fur resemble lightning bolts and is fuzzier at its behind like Jolteon.
[Stage 3] Dozelax
Typing: Normal
Ability: Thick Fat/Poison Heal
Hidden Ability: Gluttony
Stats: 170/120/80/70/120/40 (BST 600)
New Moves: Slack Off, Switcheroo
Method of Evolution: Trade with Leftovers and learning Slack Off while Asleep
Height / Weight:
Design/Desc.: Has very thick, shaggy fur that is as soft as a pillow. Has a small beard and is constantly drooling.
[Stage 2] Petriant
Typing: Rock/Grass
Ability: Sturdy/Rock Head
Hidden Ability: Skill Link
Stats: 90/110/135/30/100/70 (BST 535)
New Moves: Rock Blast, Bullet Seed, Growth, Horn Leech, Seed Bomb, Grass Knot, Superpower, Head Smash, Synthesis
Method of Evolution: Level up during a Triple battle with two Trevenants by its side while holding Miracle Seed.
Height / Weight:
Design/Desc.: It has leaves sprouting from its horn. Its skin is now petrified wood and is a combination of both types, and the green orbs on its hands are now spiked rock-hard seeds. Now has a beard of moss.
Its years of mimicking trees has allowed it to transform and take the characteristics of petrified wood. While it is now a part-plant, any seeds it bears are rock-hard and inedible.
Increase defenses, attack and speed is welcome as it now has a new niche of Skill Link Rock Blast/Bullet Seed as an alternate to Rock Head Head Smash/Wood Hammer. Horn Leech for recovery and it does have a horn so it makes sense.
[Stage 2] Kamoleon
Typing: Normal
Ability: Color Change/Trace
Hidden Ability: Protean
Stats: 70/100/75/65/125/45 (BST 480)
New Moves: Power Whip, Dragon Pulse, Dragon Claw, Reflect Type, Iron Head, Metal Claw, Calm Mind, Dragon Tail, Play Rough, Acrobatics, Ice Shard
Method of Evolution: Level up at Level 36 while learning Nature Power.
Height / Weight:
Design/Desc.: Its eyes are now bulbous and more like a proper chameleon. It now has spikes on its head and its body and arms are longer. There are now two stripes on its body.
It blends with its environment as its eyes change direction independently, tracing and studying the movements of its prey. When the moment is right, it strikes with its long tongue in perfect precision.
Added more variety in coverage and dragon-like moves because reptiles are close enough to Dragons. Trace makes sense as a third ability because like camouflage, it changes depends on the surroundings (although it is ability instead of type).
[Stage 3] Kaleideon
Typing: Normal
Ability: Color Change/Trace
Hidden Ability: Protean
Stats: 80/105/90/70/135/50 (BST 530)
New Moves: Hyper Beam, Giga Impact, Dragon Dance, Stone Edge, Earthquake, Megahorn
Method of Evolution: Trade with Prism Scale while learning Reflect Type
Height / Weight:
Design/Desc.: It has horns like a horned chameleon and a slight frill around its neck. THe stripe patterns are now more complex patterns. Its tail is now has a larger spiral.
A master of disguise, it can match intricate patterns in its environment in a blink of an eye. Its scales are prized and popular items for jewellery as it changes colour depending on the owner's taste.
Added the usual final-evo moves like Hyper Beam and Earthquake.
[Stage 3] Wailstrom
Typing: Water/Steel
Ability: Thick Fat/Unaware
Hidden Ability: Pressure
Stats: 175/100/70/100/70/40 (BST 555)
New Moves: Flash Cannon, Slack Off, Stockpile, Swallow, Spit Up, Belch, Perish Song, Iron Head, Roar, Wish, Calm Mind, Aqua Jet, Bulk Up
Method of Evolution: Trade with Metal Coat and learning Whirlpool
Height / Weight:
Design/Desc.: Its body is now longer, and a darker shade of blue- resembling a submarine/sperm whale fusion. It now has some barnacle-like protrusions on its skin.
Living in high pressure waters of the deep has toughened its skin, which now consists of an iron hide with thick blubber underneath for warmth. Rare sightings are usually in areas of violent whirlpools, which has spurned many legends of slumbering underwater giants.
Loses Speed for more offensive and defensive presence along with a new typing. Unaware makes it a nice stop to setup sweepers and it can use Perish Song/Roar to phaze them out and Slack Off to heal. Can go physical or special and can boost with either Bulk Up/Calm Mind.
[Stage 3] Tarantavolt
Typing: Bug/Electric
Ability: Compound Eyes/Arena Trap
Hidden Ability: Tinted Lens
Stats: 90/77/75/107/75/111 (BST 535)
New Moves: Sludge Bomb, Taunt, Dark Pulse, Focus Blast, Imprison
Method of Evolution: Use Thunderstone while holding a Scope Lens.
Height / Weight:
Design/Desc.: Has more eyes with multiple lenses. Its fur resemble lightning bolts and is fuzzier at its behind like Jolteon.
It creates intricate webs of very thin threads of silk, almost invisible to the naked eye and can also see heat signatures of its prey. These threads carry a strong amount of electricity that can paralyse victims of any size.
Arena Trap and Imprison deal with the whole spiderweb theme- interestingly, Bug and Electric STABS deals with Flying types and Levitators which are mostly Psychic type. Focus Blast is for coverage and is something for Compound Eyes to abuse. Tinted Lens also works because of its many eyes. Abilities maybe too good so Special Attack increase isn't that high to try and balance it out.
[Stage 3] Dozelax
Typing: Normal
Ability: Thick Fat/Poison Heal
Hidden Ability: Gluttony
Stats: 170/120/80/70/120/40 (BST 600)
New Moves: Slack Off, Switcheroo
Method of Evolution: Trade with Leftovers and learning Slack Off while Asleep
Height / Weight:
Design/Desc.: Has very thick, shaggy fur that is as soft as a pillow. Has a small beard and is constantly drooling.
It can sleep for several days after consuming a scrumptious meal. Its stomach can digest any food, no matter how old, and its body is prone to tossing and turning during hibernation- accidentally bulldozing any obstacles around it.
Dozelax doesn't need much, just reliable recovery and small boosts to its stats. Switcheroo can be used in conjuction with Poison Heal- which is an upgrade of Immunity since it can now digest any food.
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