The Complete Pokedex Project Reboot

[Stage 2] Petriant
: Rock/Grass
Ability: Sturdy/Rock Head
Hidden Ability: Skill Link
Stats: 90/110/135/30/100/70 (BST 535)
New Moves: Rock Blast, Bullet Seed, Growth, Horn Leech, Seed Bomb, Grass Knot, Superpower, Head Smash, Synthesis
Method of Evolution: Level up during a Triple battle with two Trevenants by its side while holding Miracle Seed.
Height / Weight:
Design/Desc.: It has leaves sprouting from its horn. Its skin is now petrified wood and is a combination of both types, and the green orbs on its hands are now spiked rock-hard seeds. Now has a beard of moss.

Its years of mimicking trees has allowed it to transform and take the characteristics of petrified wood. While it is now a part-plant, any seeds it bears are rock-hard and inedible.

Increase defenses, attack and speed is welcome as it now has a new niche of Skill Link Rock Blast/Bullet Seed as an alternate to Rock Head Head Smash/Wood Hammer. Horn Leech for recovery and it does have a horn so it makes sense.

[Stage 2] Kamoleon
: Normal
Ability: Color Change/Trace
Hidden Ability: Protean
Stats: 70/100/75/65/125/45 (BST 480)
New Moves: Power Whip, Dragon Pulse, Dragon Claw, Reflect Type, Iron Head, Metal Claw, Calm Mind, Dragon Tail, Play Rough, Acrobatics, Ice Shard
Method of Evolution: Level up at Level 36 while learning Nature Power.
Height / Weight:
Design/Desc.: Its eyes are now bulbous and more like a proper chameleon. It now has spikes on its head and its body and arms are longer. There are now two stripes on its body.

It blends with its environment as its eyes change direction independently, tracing and studying the movements of its prey. When the moment is right, it strikes with its long tongue in perfect precision.

Added more variety in coverage and dragon-like moves because reptiles are close enough to Dragons. Trace makes sense as a third ability because like camouflage, it changes depends on the surroundings (although it is ability instead of type).

[Stage 3] Kaleideon
: Normal
Ability: Color Change/Trace
Hidden Ability: Protean
Stats: 80/105/90/70/135/50 (BST 530)
New Moves: Hyper Beam, Giga Impact, Dragon Dance, Stone Edge, Earthquake, Megahorn
Method of Evolution: Trade with Prism Scale while learning Reflect Type
Height / Weight:
Design/Desc.: It has horns like a horned chameleon and a slight frill around its neck. THe stripe patterns are now more complex patterns. Its tail is now has a larger spiral.
A master of disguise, it can match intricate patterns in its environment in a blink of an eye. Its scales are prized and popular items for jewellery as it changes colour depending on the owner's taste.
Added the usual final-evo moves like Hyper Beam and Earthquake.

[Stage 3] Wailstrom
: Water/Steel
Ability: Thick Fat/Unaware
Hidden Ability: Pressure
Stats: 175/100/70/100/70/40 (BST 555)
New Moves: Flash Cannon, Slack Off, Stockpile, Swallow, Spit Up, Belch, Perish Song, Iron Head, Roar, Wish, Calm Mind, Aqua Jet, Bulk Up
Method of Evolution: Trade with Metal Coat and learning Whirlpool
Height / Weight:
Design/Desc.: Its body is now longer, and a darker shade of blue- resembling a submarine/sperm whale fusion. It now has some barnacle-like protrusions on its skin.
Living in high pressure waters of the deep has toughened its skin, which now consists of an iron hide with thick blubber underneath for warmth. Rare sightings are usually in areas of violent whirlpools, which has spurned many legends of slumbering underwater giants.

Loses Speed for more offensive and defensive presence along with a new typing. Unaware makes it a nice stop to setup sweepers and it can use Perish Song/Roar to phaze them out and Slack Off to heal. Can go physical or special and can boost with either Bulk Up/Calm Mind.

[Stage 3] Tarantavolt
: Bug/Electric
Ability: Compound Eyes/Arena Trap
Hidden Ability: Tinted Lens
Stats: 90/77/75/107/75/111 (BST 535)
New Moves: Sludge Bomb, Taunt, Dark Pulse, Focus Blast, Imprison
Method of Evolution: Use Thunderstone while holding a Scope Lens.
Height / Weight:
Design/Desc.: Has more eyes with multiple lenses. Its fur resemble lightning bolts and is fuzzier at its behind like Jolteon.
It creates intricate webs of very thin threads of silk, almost invisible to the naked eye and can also see heat signatures of its prey. These threads carry a strong amount of electricity that can paralyse victims of any size.

Arena Trap and Imprison deal with the whole spiderweb theme- interestingly, Bug and Electric STABS deals with Flying types and Levitators which are mostly Psychic type. Focus Blast is for coverage and is something for Compound Eyes to abuse. Tinted Lens also works because of its many eyes. Abilities maybe too good so Special Attack increase isn't that high to try and balance it out.

[Stage 3] Dozelax
: Normal
Ability: Thick Fat/Poison Heal
Hidden Ability: Gluttony
Stats: 170/120/80/70/120/40 (BST 600)
New Moves: Slack Off, Switcheroo
Method of Evolution: Trade with Leftovers and learning Slack Off while Asleep
Height / Weight:
Design/Desc.: Has very thick, shaggy fur that is as soft as a pillow. Has a small beard and is constantly drooling.
It can sleep for several days after consuming a scrumptious meal. Its stomach can digest any food, no matter how old, and its body is prone to tossing and turning during hibernation- accidentally bulldozing any obstacles around it.

Dozelax doesn't need much, just reliable recovery and small boosts to its stats. Switcheroo can be used in conjuction with Poison Heal- which is an upgrade of Immunity since it can now digest any food.
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Voting time! Again, not a lot of time so did this in a hurry, if I make a mistake let me know, I'll fix it in the morning.

Voting Format:

Petriant: username goes here

The submissions:

[Stage 2] Petriant by zerobreaker000
: Rock
Ability: Sap Sipper/Rock Head
Hidden Ability: Chlorophyll
Stats: 85/115/130/45/90/70 (BST 535)
New Moves: Energy Ball, Solar Beam, Bullet Seed, Horn Leech, Seed Bomb, Grass Knot, Worry Seed, Superpower, Recover, Grassy Terrain
Method of Evolution: Level up when Grassy Terrain is active
Height / Weight: 1.6 m/83.6 kg

[Stage 2] Truowoodo by Pika Xreme
Ability: Sturdy/Rock Head
Hidden Ability: Heatproof
Stats: 110 | 110 | 125 | 40 | 110 | 40 (BST 535)
New Moves: Head Smash, Seed Bomb, Leaf Blade, Synthesis
Height / Weight: 4'11" / 123 lbs
Design/Desc.: Truowoodo has achieved its dream of becoming a tree. It's still a rock, but it's a rock that's also a tree. Its body is much thicker, and leaves are growing on it. Its smile is less derpy and more of someone who has accomplished their dream.

[Stage 2] Petriant by mcFlareon
: Rock/Grass
Ability: Sturdy/Rock Head
Hidden Ability: Skill Link
Stats: 90/110/135/30/100/70 (BST 535)
New Moves: Rock Blast, Bullet Seed, Growth, Horn Leech, Seed Bomb, Grass Knot, Superpower, Head Smash, Synthesis
Method of Evolution: Level up during a Triple battle with two Trevenants by its side while holding Miracle Seed.
Height / Weight:
Design/Desc.: It has leaves sprouting from its horn. Its skin is now petrified wood and is a combination of both types, and the green orbs on its hands are now spiked rock-hard seeds. Now has a beard of moss.

[Stage 2] Imitimber by G-Luke
Ability: Sap Sipper / Rock Head
Hidden Ability: Illusion
Stats: 90 | 125 | 130 | 40 | 85 | 60 (BST cannot exceed 535)
New Moves: Head Smash, Transform, Energy Ball, Seed Bomb, Bullet Seed
Method of Evolution:
Height / Weight:
x / x

Kamoleon/Kaleideon by zerobreaker000
[Stage 2] Kamoleon
: Normal
Ability: Color Change
Hidden Ability: Protean
Stats: 65/95/75/70/125/50 (BST 480)
New Moves: Play Rough, Iron Head, Tail Slap, Dragon Claw, Dragon Pulse, Dragon Tail, Power Whip, Smack Down, Zen Headbutt, Reflect Type, Entrainment, Role Play, Stealth Rock, Refresh, Sludge Bomb, Sludge Wave, Poison Jab, Sucker Punch, Extrasensory, Psycho Cut, Signal Beam, Encore
Method of Evolution: Level up while knowing Camouflage
Height / Weight: 1.5 m/39.0 kg

[Stage 3] Kaleideon
: Normal
Ability: Color Change
Hidden Ability: Protean
Stats: 70/105/80/80/135/60 (BST 530)
New Moves: Outrage, Surf, Focus Blast, Earthquake, Bulldoze, Dark Pulse, Superpower, Gunk Shot, Nature Power, Swords Dance, Psychic, Psyshock, Calm Mind, Ancient Power, Agility, Earth Power
Method of Evolution: Level up while in a team with members that do not have overlapping types.
Height / Weight: 2.1 m/67.5 kg

Kamoleon/Kaleideon by the someone
[Stage 2] Kamoleon
Typing: Normal
Ability: Color Change
Hidden Ability: Protean
Stats: 70 | 90 | 80 | 70 | 120 | 50 (BST 480)
New Moves: Mach Punch, Acrobatics, Dazzling Gleam, Dragon Breath, Sludge, Recycle, Stealth Rock, Spikes, Toxic Spikes, Teleport, Double Team
Method of Evolution: Level up while type is changed.
Height / Weight: 1.6m / 36kg
Design/Desc.: Kamoleon becomes bigger and has purple patterns. It gets a longer torso and arms.

[Stage 3] Kaleideon
Typing: Normal/Dark
Ability: Color Change
Hidden Ability: Protean
Stats: 80 | 100 | 90 | 80 | 120 | 60 (BST 530)
New Moves: Quick Attack, Dragon Pulse, Dragon Claw, Pursuit, Confuse Ray, Trick-or-Treat, Conversion, Conversion2, Reflect Type
Method of Evolution: Level up while type is changed.
Height / Weight: 2.0m / 12kg
Design/Desc.: Kaleideon gets more purple details, and some parts of it seem like they're floating, but they're actually invisible.
Kecmeleon/Kecleidascope by Pika Xreme
[Stage 2] Kecmeleon
Typing: Normal
Ability: Color Change
Hidden Ability: Protean
Stats: 75 | 95 | 75 | 65 | 125 | 45 (480 cannot exceed 480)
New Moves:
Height / Weight: 4'04" / 70 lbs
Design/Desc.: idk

[Stage 3] Kecleidascope
Typing: Normal
Ability: Color Change
Hidden Ability: Protean
Stats: 100 | 100 | 80 | 70 | 130 | 50 (530 cannot exceed 530)
New Moves: Bulk Up, Dragon Dance
Height / Weight: 5'05" / 90 lbs
Design/Desc.: idk

Kamoleon/Kaleideon by mcFlareon
[Stage 2] Kamoleon
: Normal
Ability: Color Change/Trace
Hidden Ability: Protean
Stats: 70/100/75/65/125/45 (BST 480)
New Moves: Power Whip, Dragon Pulse, Dragon Claw, Reflect Type, Iron Head, Metal Claw, Calm Mind, Dragon Tail, Play Rough, Acrobatics, Ice Shard
Method of Evolution: Level up at Level 36 while learning Nature Power.
Height / Weight:
Design/Desc.: Its eyes are now bulbous and more like a proper chameleon. It now has spikes on its head and its body and arms are longer. There are now two stripes on its body.

[Stage 3] Kaleideon
: Normal
Ability: Color Change/Trace
Hidden Ability: Protean
Stats: 80/105/90/70/135/50 (BST 530)
New Moves: Hyper Beam, Giga Impact, Dragon Dance, Stone Edge, Earthquake, Megahorn
Method of Evolution: Trade with Prism Scale while learning Reflect Type
Height / Weight:
Design/Desc.: It has horns like a horned chameleon and a slight frill around its neck. THe stripe patterns are now more complex patterns. Its tail is now has a larger spiral.

[Stage 3] Wailstrom by zerobreaker000
: Water
Ability: Drizzle/Unaware
Hidden Ability: Pressure
Stats: 180/90/65/100/70/50 (BST 555)
New Moves: Slack Off, Boomburst, Stockpile, Swallow, Spit Up, Belch, Refresh, Perish Song, Hurricane, Whirlwind
Method of Evolution: Level up in rain
Height / Weight: 24.5 m/721.9 kg

Stage 3: Wailstrom by tyarrow1
Water / Steel
Ability: Oblivious / Water Veil
Hidden Ability: Multiscale
Stats: 180 / 90 / 50 / 100 / 50 / 85 (BST 555)
New Moves: Recover, Flash Cannon, Splash (It learns it again)
Method of Evolution: Level up while knowing Hydro Pump and Water Spout
Height / Weight: 60'11" (18.6 m) 1010 lbs (458 kg)
Design/Desc.: Like Wailord but... BIGGER. Also, with a red line going down the side and spots that make it look like a submarine / airplane.

[Stage 3] Wailstorm by the someone
Typing: Water/Steel
Ability: Water Veil/Oblivious
Hidden Ability: Levitate
Stats: 170 | 100 | 60 | 100 | 60 | 60 (BST 550)
New Moves: Sky Attack, Fly, Sky Drop, Bounce, Defog, Air Slash, Hurricane, Thunder
Method of Evolution: Level up while type is changed.
Height / Weight: 14.6m / 430kg
Design/Desc.: Looks like Wailord, except it has a pointy head and the lower white part is metallic grey.
Justification: Wailord is kinda like a blimp. It's heavy, but it has low density, and therefore it can float. So Wailstorm becomes a blimp, and it can float in the sky. It's also related to storms, and it's made of electric conductors, so it can learn Thunder. Shrugs.

[Stage 3] Wailstrom by Pika Xreme
Ability: Water Veil / Oblivious
Hidden Ability: Magic Bounce
Stats: 180 | 120 | 50 | 95 | 50 | 60 (555 cannot exceed 555)
New Moves: Icicle Crash, Slack Off
Height / Weight: 67'07" / 600 lbs
Design/Desc.: ??

[Stage 3] Wailstrom by G-Luke
Typing: Water/Steel
Ability: Levitate / Soundproof
Hidden Ability: Pressure
Stats: 180 | 95 | 60 | 110 | 60 | 50 (BST cannot exceed 555)
New Moves: Iron Head, Flash Cannon, Perish Song, Boomburst, Roar, Iron Defense
Method of Evolution: Level up in a hoarde of Wailord
Height / Weight: x / x

[Stage 3] Wailstrom by mcFlareon
: Water/Steel
Ability: Thick Fat/Unaware
Hidden Ability: Pressure
Stats: 175/100/70/100/70/40 (BST 555)
New Moves: Flash Cannon, Slack Off, Stockpile, Swallow, Spit Up, Belch, Perish Song, Iron Head, Roar, Wish, Calm Mind, Aqua Jet, Bulk Up
Method of Evolution: Trade with Metal Coat and learning Whirlpool
Height / Weight:
Design/Desc.: Its body is now longer, and a darker shade of blue- resembling a submarine/sperm whale fusion. It now has some barnacle-like protrusions on its skin.

[Stage 3] Tarantavolt by zerobreaker000
: Bug/Electric
Ability: Compound Eyes/Intimidate
Hidden Ability: Fur Coat
Stats: 80/80/85/117/65/108 (BST 535)
New Moves: Sludge Bomb, Sludge Wave, Poison Jab, Gunk Shot, Toxic Spikes, Dark Pulse, Knock Off, Ancient Power, Ominous Wind, Shadow Ball, Shadow Claw
Method of Evolution: Level up in Chargestone Cave
Height / Weight: 1.1 m/36.8 kg

[Stage 3] Galvander by Pika Xreme
Typing: Bug/Electric
Ability: Compound Eyes / Intimidate
Hidden Ability: Swarm
Stats: 80 | 85 | 70 | 105 | 80 | 115 (535 cannot exceed 535)
New Moves: Quiver Dance, Sludge Bomb, Sludge Wave
Height / Weight: 3'04" / 32.5 lbs
Design/Desc.: It gets its little nibbly things from its time as Joltik back, and its fur is floofier. And it gets a little bit bigger, too.

Stage 3: Tarantavolt by tyarrow1
Bug - Electric
Ability: Compoundeyes / Lightningrod
Hidden Ability: Swarm
Stats: 75 / 77 / 70 / 107 / 70 / 136 (BST 535)
New Moves: Taunt, Sleep Powder, Nasty Plot, Spikes
Method of Evolution: Thunderstone
Height / Weight: 3'8" (1.1 m) 87 lbs (39.5 kg)
Design/Desc.: Like Galvantula but much, much larger and with 8 legs instead of six. Notably, Tarantavolt is jittery in appearance, which is contrary to its large size. The yellow floof areas make up much more of its body as well, and the blue floof makes a large lightning-bolt-shaped floof structure in the back.

[Stage 3] Tarantavolt by mcFlareon
: Bug/Electric
Ability: Compound Eyes/Arena Trap
Hidden Ability: Tinted Lens
Stats: 90/77/75/107/75/111 (BST 535)
New Moves: Sludge Bomb, Taunt, Dark Pulse, Focus Blast, Imprison
Method of Evolution: Use Thunderstone while holding a Scope Lens.
Height / Weight:
Design/Desc.: Has more eyes with multiple lenses. Its fur resemble lightning bolts and is fuzzier at its behind like Jolteon.

[Stage 3] Morsnorlax by Pika Xreme
Ability: Thick Fat / Poison Heal
Hidden Ability: Levitate
Stats: 170 | 120 | 80 | 80 | 120 | 30 (BST 600)
New Moves: Shadow Claw, Play Rough, Icicle Crash, Heat Crash, Waterfall, Dragon Claw, Slack Off
Method of Evolution: Level up while Cursed
Height / Weight: 6'11 / 1014.1 lbs
Design/Desc.: The blue/green fur becomes rainbow-y and floofy. Morsnorlax itself is sitting on an upside-down rainbow that connects to its back instead of standing on the ground.

Stage 3: Dozelax by tyarrow1
Ability: Filter / Thick Fat
Hidden Ability: Gluttony
Stats: 180 / 130 / 65 / 65 / 130 / 30 (BST 600)
New Moves: Nope
Method of Evolution: Feed Snorlax 100 Pokepuffs in Pokemon-Amie
Height / Weight: 8'6" (2.6 m) 1543.2 lbs (700 kg)
Design/Desc.: It is basically even bigger and better. Notably, it is 120% floofier. It also has different shades of blue, such as light blue and darker blue in waves around its body.

[Stage 2] Dozelax by the someone
Ability: Poison Heal/Thick Fat
Hidden Ability: Oblivious
Stats: 200 | 110 | 75 | 75 | 110 | 30 (BST 600)
New Moves: Psycho Shift, Trick, Slack Off, Trick Room
Method of Evolution: Level up while knowing Rest.
Height / Weight: 2.3m / 502kg
Design/Desc.: A bigger Snorlax that has Psychic powers to collect food while sleeping. It's arms and upper part of it's back become pink-ish, as if it was wearing a shirt way too small for it's body.
Justification: Rest is a Psychic-type move, and the line is based on sleeping, so it becomes part-Psychic. When it sleeps, it becomes Oblivious to other things. The Pokedex says it even eats moldy food, so Dozelax evolves to eat poisonous things safely.

[Stage 2] Dozelax by Swagodile
Ability: Natural Cure / Thick Fat
Hidden Ability: Gluttony
Stats: 180 | 120 | 75 | 75 | 130 | 20 (BST cannot exceed 600)
New Moves:
Slack Off
Method of Evolution: Feed 50 pokepuffs in Pokemon-Amie.
Height / Weight: x / x
A bigger, fatter Snorlax with darker fur and a beard.
Justification: Rest cures status, and Snorlax is known for sleeping, so I gave it Natural Cure.

[Stage 2] Dozelax by G-Luke
Ability: Poison Heal / Thick Fat
Hidden Ability: Truant
Stats: 180 | 130 | 75 | 65 | 120 | 30 (BST cannot exceed 600)
New Moves: Slack Off, Hypnosis, Explosion, Skill Swap, Trick, Trick Room, Gravity, Psychic
Method of Evolution: Level up while asleep
Height / Weight: 7'11" / 1241 lbs
Design/Desc.: Dozelax has a goatie and a hourglass pattern on its belly. It has gotten rounder and much bigger and has a night like hat growth of hair on its head.

[Stage 3] Dozelax by mcFlareon
: Normal
Ability: Thick Fat/Poison Heal
Hidden Ability: Gluttony
Stats: 170/120/80/70/120/40 (BST 600)
New Moves: Slack Off, Switcheroo
Method of Evolution: Trade with Leftovers and learning Slack Off while Asleep
Height / Weight:
Design/Desc.: Has very thick, shaggy fur that is as soft as a pillow. Has a small beard and is constantly drooling.
Petriant: zerobreaker000
Kamoleon->Kaleideon: the someone
Wailstrom: zerobreaker000
Tarantavolt: mcFlareon
Dozelax: the someone
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Petriant: Can I split my vote between zerobreaker000 and G-Luke???
Kamoleon->Kaleideon: the someone
Wailstrom: zerobreaker000
Tarantavolt: mcFlareon
Dozelax: the someone

Sorry you'll have to choose just one ^^

I might change the voting in other rounds though if the voting gets problematic/depending on feedback from others.

Petriant: Pika Xreme
Kamoleon->Kaleideon: mcFlareon
Wailstrom: G-Luke
Tarantavolt: tyarrow1
Dozelax: Swagodile
Petriant: Pika Xreme
Kamoleon->Kaleideon: mcFlareon
Wailstrom: G-Luke
Tarantavolt: Pika Xreme
Dozelax: Swagodile
Sorry for voting late :)

Petriant: Pika Xreme
Kamoleon->Kaleideon: mcFlareon
Wailstrom: McFlareon
Tarantavolt: zerobreaker000
Dozelax: the someone
Thanks for the votes- here are our winners! Congrats to all, glad to see more participants in this slate :D

Truowoodo: Pika Xreme
Wailstorm-R (Rain) and Wailstrom-S (Steel): zerobreaker000 and G-Luke
Galvander: Pika Xreme
Dozelax: Swagodile

Winning entries:
  • Truowoodo: Rock/Grass, 110 / 110 / 125 / 40 / 110 / 40, Abilities: Sturdy / Rock Head / Heatproof, New Moves: Head Smash, Seed Bomb, Leaf Blade, Synthesis
  • Kamoleon: Normal, 70 / 100 / 75 / 65 / 125 / 45, Abilities: Color Change / Trace / Protean, New Moves: Power Whip, Dragon Pulse, Dragon Claw, Reflect Type, Iron Head, Metal Claw, Calm Mind, Dragon Tail, Play Rough, Acrobatics, Ice Shard
  • Kaleideon: Normal, 80 / 105 / 90 / 70 / 135 / 50, Abilities: Color Change / Trace / Protean, New Moves: Hyper Beam, Giga Impact, Dragon Dance, Stone Edge, Earthquake, Megahorn
  • Wailstorm-R: Water, 180 / 90 / 65 / 100 / 70 / 50, Abilities: Drizzle / Unaware / Pressure, New Moves: Slack Off, Boomburst, Stockpile, Swallow, Spit Up, Belch, Refresh, Perish Song, Hurricane, Whirlwind
  • Wailstrom-S: Water/Steel, 180 / 95 / 60 / 110 / 60 / 50 , Abilities: Levitate / Soundproof / Pressure, New Moves: Iron Head, Flash Cannon, Perish Song, Boomburst, Roar, Iron Defense
  • Galvander: Bug/Electric, 80 / 85 / 70 / 105 / 80 / 115 , Abilities: Compoundeyes / Intimidate / Swarm, New Moves: Quiver Dance, Sludge Bomb, Sludge Wave
  • Dozelax: Normal, 180 / 120 / 75 / 75 / 130 / 20 , Abilities: Thick Fat / Natural Cure / Gluttony, New Moves: Slack Off

Next slate should be up tomorrow.

Quick thoughts-

-Truowoodo would perform really well in Trick Room teams and has quite the bulk. Rock Head + Head Smash is going to hurt and can be used with Wood Hammer for some high-powered recoil-free STABs. Heatproof makes sure its resistance to Fire is not lost (and with only Normal/Electric resistance, another resistance is welcome). It also takes less damage from burns but Rock Head is the superior ability.

-Galvander has some simple upgrades but they work well enough. Intimidate goes well with fast Volt Switch pivoting. Quiver Dance gives it a boosting move and it has the speed to possibly use a Sub + QD boosting set.

-Kaleideon's new high-powered moves are very welcome as options for its attacking/type-changing arsenal. New type-changing options such as Steel or Fairy would be interesting- while it doesn't have access to every type, the added range of types is still a pretty solid choice. Protean Ice Shard is of note as an option against Dragon types- a Life Orb Fake Out/Ice Shard combo deals with bulky Multiscale Dragonite for instance.

-Dozelax's Natural Cure is a very welcome addition. Very nice synergy with Rest which is associated with its design- even if you don't use Rest, it can patch up nasty burns and toxic. Slack Off is a healing alternative that doesn't require switching and generally better if you opt for Thick Fat.

-Even though Wailstrom-R has lower attacking stats, its Drizzle abilities gives it a much better offensive presence when using STAB moves. It also gets a no-miss Hurricane to hit Grass types. Unaware and Whirlwind can be used against setup sweepers and to rack up SR damage.

-Wailstorm-S has a lot more resistances and with Levitate, can even bypass Ground moves and Spikes hazards. Still has to watch out for common Fighting and Electric type moves. It can also use Perish Song better with Soundproof. Toxic immunity is also nice for a Water type with this much HP.

In the meantime, discuss away!
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Truowoodo's dual STABs are only resisted by Steel, and most OU Steel-types as well as Wailstrom-S have a secondary typing weak to one of them (even Skarmory isn't safe). Brick Break, Hammer Arm or Low Kick can hit the rest super-effectively, so there's no need to worry. Its great bulk coupled with its typing and Synthesis make it very hard to knock out. Compared to other types, being a good Rock or Grass type is hard, but Truowoodo manages to be both! This is a success on the level of Mantarine or Castphere.
Next slate!

Coral reefs, southern seas and humid jungles ahoy! The theme is Pokemon who are likely to live in the newly revealed tropical region of Alola!

I actually had this tropical theme in my head a few weeks back and by pure coincidence the day I was thinking of posting this is the day Gen 7 is revealed to be a tropical region based on Hawaii!

-Current Slate-

"Aloha Alola"

[Baby] Junglide
Jungle + Glide
Hidden Ability: 1
Stats: x | x | x | x | x | x (BST cannot exceed 390)
New Moves:
Removed Moves:
Method of Evolution:
Height / Weight:
x / x
[Stage 1] Tropius
[Stage 2] Tropisoar/Soarapod
Tropical + Soar/Dinosaur or Soar/Dinosaur/Sauropod (the type of dinosaurs Tropius is based on) + Pod (as in Seed pods)
Hidden Ability: 1
Stats: x | x | x | x | x | x (BST cannot exceed 540)
New Moves:
Method of Evolution:
Height / Weight:
x / x

[Baby] Minimola/Purifin
Mini + Mola or Purify + Fin
Hidden Ability: 1
Stats: x | x | x | x | x | x (BST cannot exceed 390)
New Moves:
Removed Moves:
Method of Evolution:
Height / Weight:
x / x
[Stage 1] Alomomola
[Stage 2] Solamola/Nursola
Solar (from Sunfish) + Mola or Nurse + Solar
Hidden Ability: 1
Stats: x | x | x | x | x | x (BST cannot exceed 540)
New Moves:
Method of Evolution:
Height / Weight:
x / x

[Stage 1] Dwebble
[Stage 2] Crustle
[Stage 3] Crustation
Crustacean/Crust + Station

Hidden Ability: 1
Stats: x | x | x | x | x | x (BST cannot exceed 535)
New Moves:
Removed Moves:
Method of Evolution:
Height / Weight: x / x

[Stage 1] Corsola
[Stage 2] Reeflow/Reeflora
Reef + Flow/Flora

Hidden Ability: 1
Stats: x | x | x | x | x | x (BST cannot exceed 450)
New Moves:
Method of Evolution:
Height / Weight:
x / x
[Stage 3] Solatoll/Solatoille
Solar + Atoll (a chain of islands formed by coral)

Hidden Ability: 1
Stats: x | x | x | x | x | x (BST cannot exceed 540)
New Moves:
Method of Evolution:
Height / Weight:
x / x

[Stage 1] Clamperl
[Stage 2] Huntail | Gorebyss
[Stage 3] Fanglair | Scalypso

Fang (Reference to Deep Sea Tooth)+ Glare/Lair/Angler & Scale (Reference to Deep Sea Scale) + Calypso (a Greek nymph)

Hidden Ability: 1
Stats: x | x | x | x | x | x (BST cannot exceed 540)
New Moves:
Method of Evolution:
Height / Weight:
x / x

Copy+Paste me:
Hidden Ability:
New Moves:
Method of Evolution:
Height / Weight:
[hide=Dex Entry][/hide]
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[Stage 3] Crustation
Ability: Solid Rock | Shell Armor
Hidden Ability: Defiant
Stats: 80 | 115 | 135 | 65 | 85 | 55 (BST 535)
New Moves: Foul Play, Pursuit, Sucker Punch, Revenge, Superpower, Bulk Up, Heavy Slam, Head Smash
Method of Evolution: Level up while battling another Crustle.
Height / Weight: 1.7m | 410 kg
Design/Desc.: Stronger, bulkier Crustle. It's more visible under the rock, but the rock is still visibly bigger than it.
Justification: Crustle's Pokedex entries mention how there are fighting rituals and how the Crustle with the hardest rock wins. When evolving, Crustation gets an array of fighting-related moves. Defiant is also related to it's fighting spirit. It also gets heaviness and solidness related moves, as well as Solid Rock, symbolizing its rock is stronger than any Crustle's.

[Stage 3] Fanglair
Ability: Swift Swim | Strong Jaw
Hidden Ability: Marvel Scale
Stats: 55 | 124 | 105 | 104 | 75 | 72 (BST 535)
New Moves: Fire Fang, Thunder Fang, Poison Fang, Knock Off, Dragon Rush, Dragon Tail, Iron Tail, Gunk Shot
Method of Evolution: Water Stone
Height / Weight: 2.7m | 53 kg
Design/Desc.: Way longer, has the same color as Clamperl's shell
Justification: Learns a lot of Dark type moves and has a huge jaw. Huntail's Pokedex entries also say it uses its tail to attack prey, so the tail moves are fitting.

[Stage 3] Scalypso
Ability: Swift Swim | Multiscale
Hidden Ability: Marvel Scale
Stats: 55 | 104 | 105 | 124 | 75 | 72 (BST 535)
New Moves: Giga Drain, Recover, Leech Seed, Reflect, Light Screen, Trick, Stored Power, Dragon Tail
Method of Evolution: Water Stone
Height / Weight: 2.6m | 50 kg
Design/Desc.: Has the same color as Clamperl's pearl and more shells around it like armor
Justification: Learns a lot of Psychic type moves and Pokedex says it leeches fluids from its prey. Gorebyss's Pokedex entries also say it's body isn't affected by ordinary attacks, so I gave it Multiscale to show that.

[Stage 2] Reeflora
Typing: Water/Rock
Ability: Hustle / Natural Cure
Hidden Ability: Regenerator
Stats: 65 | 65 | 95 | 90 | 95 | 40 (BST 450)
New Moves: Draining Kiss, Play Nice, Horn Leech, Megahorn, Horn Attack, Spikes
Method of Evolution: Level up.
Height / Weight: 0.8 m | 7 kg
Design/Desc.: Horn on its forehead gets bigger and shiny. Has a pallete of pink colors surrouding its body.

[Stage 3] Berriereef
Ability: Parental Bond / Natural Cure
Hidden Ability: Regenerator
Stats: 80 | 80 | 115 | 110 | 115 | 40 (BST 540)
New Moves: Calm Mind, Aromatherapy, Moonblast
Method of Evolution: Level up in a route where other Corsola appear
Height / Weight: 1.6m | 19kg
Design/Desc.: Smaller Corsola surround it, as if they were its feet. A shiny gem appears on its front horn.
Justification: Coral always live in colonies, so a Corsola evolves by grouping together. It has a horn, so Horn moves fit. And Pokedex says it can't live in polluted waters, and that it's branches shine brightly so Fairy moves fit imo.
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[Baby] Junglide
Typing: Grass/Flying
Ability: Rattled/Solar Power

Hidden Ability: Harvest

84 | 62 | 78 | 70 | 65 | 31 (BST 390)
Appearance: A smaller Tropius with a hanglider leaves. Has not yet to bear fruit.
Justification: Baby form, I guess it keeps little cup balanced from having a 460 stat mon taking hold.

[Stage 2] Tropisoar

Ability: Thick Fat/Dry Skin
Hidden Ability: Harvest
121 | 68 | 108 | 122 | 112 | 9 (BST 540)

New Moves: Dragon Tail, Draco Meteor, Trick Room, Fire Blast, Thunderbolt, Thunder, Flamethrower, Hurricane, Slack Off
Method of Evolution: Teach Tropius Draco Meteor and level up.
Appearance: A lazy Apatosaurus, fat, slow, and structurally incorrect by today's acceptable standards of dinosaur stature: its tail drags the ground and its face looks like a basket of fruit has overtaken it.
Justification: A draconic, majestic slow being. Tropius gone good, so let's let him be good, taking away the speed he'll never use.
[Stage 3] Crustation
Ability: Sturdy/Rough Skin
Hidden Ability: Unburden
Stats: 90/120/140/45/80/60
New Moves: Iron Defense, Recover, Head Smash,
Removed Moves: N/A
Method of Evolution:
Level up knowing Rock Wrecker
Height / Weight: 5'8"/645.3 lbs.
Design/Desc.: The bug in the rock becomes larger and more crab-like, and its rock shell loosely resembles a umbraculum's shell
Justification: Its Pokedex entries mention that Crustles fight for territory, so it makes sense for them to evolve to be able to move faster and hit Crustle shells harder, while others risk damaging their own shell by attacking it, hence Rough Skin. Unburden makes sense when coupled with the fact it knows Shell Smash, which would allow it to go even faster after breaking its shell if it has a White Herb. Iron Defense from leveling up rather than breeding or tutoring would enable it to make its shell even harder, which means it won't break as easily. Its evolution being triggered by leveling up knowing Rock Wrecker means that it evolves by being able to destroy other Crustles' shells easily if its name is to be taken literally.
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[Stage 2] Reefsola
Typing: Water/Rock
Ability: Solid Rock / Natural Cure
Hidden Ability: Regenerator
Stats: 90 | 60 | 90 | 80 | 90 | 40 (450 cannot exceed 450)
New Moves: Hyper Beam, Giga Impact, Focus Blast, Power Gem
Method of Evolution: Defeat a horde of other Corsola
Height / Weight: 3'00" / 66 lbs.
Design/Desc.: Much larger horizontally, and consists of a wider variety of coral. Has a gem in its forehead.

[Stage 3] Tanksola
Typing: Water/Rock
Ability: Solid Rock / Natural Cure
Hidden Ability: Regenerator
Stats: 110 | 70 | 110 | 90 | 110 | 50 (540 cannot exceed 540)
New Moves: Flamethrower, Fire Blast, Thunderbolt, Thunder, Charge Beam
Method of Evolution: Level 75
Height / Weight: 5'00" / 99 lbs.
but with more types of coral, and has a gem below on the armor below its face.
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[Baby] Junglide
: Grass/Flying
Ability: Chlorophyll/Leaf Guard
Hidden Ability: Gluttony
Stats: 64/50/53/54/57/31 (BST 305)
New Moves: Glare, Baby-Doll Eyes, Charm, Growl, Screech, Wing Attack, Brave Bird, Ancient Power
Removed Moves: Stomp, Hyper Beam, Earthquake, Giga Impact, Dragon Pulse, Outrage
Method of Evolution: Level up in Harsh Sunlight
Height / Weight: 0.9 m/46.5 kg
Rather simple, replacing Solar Power with Leaf Guard for both being sun-related abilities, Harvest to Gluttony because I don't envision Junglide having the banana beard but would gladly eat fruits, the stat are changed to be more balanced, and the moves added are mostly moves that a baby would learn. Well, there's Brave Bird (if zubat can get this a flying palm tree sauropod can lol) and Ancient Power (why does Tropius not learn this? geez).

[Stage 3] Forcrusst
: Bug/Rock
Ability: Sturdy/Bulletproof
Hidden Ability: Weak Armor
Stats: 80/110/140/75/85/45 (BST 535)
New Moves: Crabhammer, Slack Off, King's Shield, Superpower, Explosion
Method of Evolution: Trade while holding King's Rock
Height / Weight: 2.0 m/550.0 kg
Bulletproof is a direct upgrade over Shell Armor, and seeing as this is supposed to be a fortress it fits fairly well. The stat boosts focuses on bulk - physical bulk mostly, but Atk as well. Crabhammer is something Crustle should've gotten a long time ago, Slack Off is there for reliable recovery, King's Shield provides further utility and gives it an edge against physical attackers - just imagine a king sitting in the fortress that is Forcrusst. Superpower is more coverage against Steel-types and fits on a generally powerful mon while Explosion is there because why not? Most Rock-type learns it already.
Forcrusst is Fortress + Crust(acean), by the way.

[Stage 3] Fanglair
: Water/Dark
Ability: Strong Jaw
Hidden Ability: Water Veil
Stats: 75/119/110/84/80/72 (BST 540)
New Moves: Poison Fang, Gunk Shot, Iron Tail, Thunder Fang, Superpower, Submission, Hyper Fang, Sucker Punch, Beat Up, Pursuit
Method of Evolution: Level up while Diving at night
Height / Weight: 2.3 m/48.6 kg
Strong Jaw seems about the one way to do a Huntail evo. The stat boosts focuses on Speed mostly, giving it a huge boost in speed as well as a decent amount of HP, and its Atk is enhanced too. Poison Fang and Thunder Fang are there to take advantage of Strong Jaw, while Gunk Shot, Iron Tail and Submission can be used in tandem with Coil for better accuracy. Superpower is a generic move all around and gives it an edge against Steel-types, while Sucker Punch, Beat Up and Pursuit are all STABs that are somewhat useful.

[Stage 3] Scalypso
: Water/Fairy
Ability: Serene Grace
Hidden Ability: Hydration
Stats: 75/74/110/129/80/72 (BST 540)
New Moves: Moonblast, Psyshock, Disarming Voice, Misty Terrain, Lovely Kiss, Sweet Kiss, Encore, Dazzling Gleam, Giga Drain, Calm Mind
Method of Evolution: Level up while Diving at night
Height / Weight: 2.5 m/51.9 kg
For a Gorebyss evo, Serene Grace fits the "Calypso" part of the name, and makes its Scald even more horrifying. Moonblast, Disarming Voice, Misty Terrain and Dazzling Gleam are all just Fairy-type moves, Psyshock and Calm Mind are Psychic-type moves that coincidentially many Fairy-types learn, Lovely Kiss and Sweet Kiss, well, just look at Gorebyss. Giga Drain references Gorebyss' habit of draining its prey of their body fluids, and the stat boosts mirrors Fanglair's.
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^Do you mean the current slate?

I've put a current slate in the 2nd post as well, with what they evolve from/to throughout the post.

[Stage 2] Fanglair
Ability: Swift Swim/Strong Jaw
Hidden Ability: Intimidate
Stats: 65 | 120 | 110 | 94 | 80 | 71 (BST cannot exceed 540)
New Moves: Thunder Fang, Wild Charge, Poison Fang, Knock Off, U-turn, Glare
Method of Evolution: Level up in an underwater battle while learning Crunch
Height / Weight: x / x

[Stage 2] Scalypso
Ability: Swift Swim/Marvel Scale
Hidden Ability: Multiscale
Stats: 65 | 84 | 110 | 120 | 90 | 71 (BST cannot exceed 540)
New Moves: Psyshock, Giga Drain, Refresh, Heal Bell, Calm Mind
Method of Evolution: Level up in an underwater battle while learning Psychic
Height / Weight: x / x
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[Stage 2] Reefsola
Typing: Water/Rock
Ability: Sap Sipper / Dry Skin
Hidden Ability: Regenerator
Stats: 100 | 55 | 95 | 90 | 95 | 15 (450 cannot exceed 450)
New Moves: Shell Smash, Giga Drain, Nasty Plot, Spikes, Trick Room
Method of Evolution: Teach Corsola Shell Smash and level up
Design/Desc.: The reefs grow moss, hence the Sap Sipper aspect. They are larger, spiky and more durable. But... heavy!

[Stage 3] Tanksola
Typing: Water/Rock
Ability: Sap Sipper / Dry Skin
Hidden Ability: Regenerator
Stats: 130 | 55 | 115 | 120 | 115 | 15 (540 cannot exceed 540)
New Moves: Toxic Spikes, Moonblast, Spike Shield, Leech Seeds
Method of Evolution: Moon Stone on Reefsola
Height / Weight:
Design/Desc.: Even bigger, the reef looks almost like it's made out of the moon and the moss can come alive like seeds.

[Stage 3] Fanglair
: Water/Dark
Ability: Tough Claws
Hidden Ability: Strong Jaw
Stats: 70/129/110/84/85/72 (BST 540)
New Moves: Pursuit, Play Rough, Dragon Tail, Poison Fang, Wild Charge, Dragon Claw, Drain Punch, Night Slash, Sucker Punch, Aqua Jet, Superpower, Ice Punch, Thunderpunch, Thunderfang, Hone Claws
Method of Evolution: Bring it to a certain cave and level while in the water.
Height / Weight:
Design/Desc.: Fangalair grows fangs... on it's new arms! That's right, its mouth becomes fangless and its newly sprouted arms have all the fangs and even some muscle.

[Stage 3] Scalypso
: Water/Fairy
Ability: Multi-scale
Hidden Ability: Dry Skin
Stats: 102/64/115/129/95/30 (BST 540)
New Moves: Moonblast, Thunderbolt, Focus Blast, Giga Drain, Earth Power, Recover, Dragon Pulse, Thunderbolt, Thunder
Method of Evolution: Level up while near a volcano or Desert
Height / Weight:
Design/Desc.: Poor Scalypso needs to overheat, shrivel up and suffer. The body weakens to become more shell which have moved from the bra than eel, hence the justification of lost physical strength and speed. The body becomes more sturdy with scales, multiple scales. Its skin is also very dry and shriveled, the poor thing.
48 Hours Left

Or at least when there is one more entry for the Alomomola prevo/evolution at least. Thanks for the entries so far though! :D

[Baby] Purifin
Ability: Healer/Hydration
Hidden Ability: Regenerator
Stats: 135 | 65 | 70 | 30 | 35 | 55 (BST cannot exceed 390)
New Moves: Heal Bell, Recover, Encore, Baton Pass, Reflect, Work Up
Removed Moves: Wide Guard, Healing Wish, Psychic, Shadow Ball
Method of Evolution: High happiness while Raining
Height / Weight: x / x
Design/Desc.: The main reason to breed a baby Alomomola is to get access to Recover. Also has interesting options like Work Up and Baton pass to go with Regenerator or Heal Bell/Encore for team support.

[Stage 2] Solamola
Ability: Magic Guard/Hydration
Hidden Ability: Regenerator
Stats: 175 | 80 | 95 | 45 | 65 | 80 (BST cannot exceed 540)
New Moves: Hyper Beam, Giga Impact, Play Rough, Solar Beam, U-turn, Nature Power, Sing, Bulk Up, Body Slam, Yawn
Method of Evolution: Shiny Stone
Height / Weight: x / x
Design/Desc.: Added fully-evolved moves like Hyper Beam. Play Rough is for STAB, U-turn for synergy with Regenerator and Bulk Up for any Baton Pass sets.

[Baby] Junglide
Ability: Chlorophyll/Leaf Guard
Hidden Ability: Harvest
Stats: 80| 58 | 73 | 62 | 77 | 40 (BST cannot exceed 390)
New Moves: Belch, Grasswhistle, U-turn, Aromatherapy, Baton Pass, Worry Seed
Removed Moves: Earthquake, Steel Wing, Air Slash, Bulldoze, Fly
Method of Evolution: Level up with High happiness during Sun
Height / Weight: x / x
Design/Desc.: Has a leaf 'wing' behind its back that is shaped like a paraglider- because it doesn't truly fly it is only pure Grass. Is the only pure Grass that has Harvest as an ability.

[Stage 2] Tropisoar
Ability: Chlorophyll/Regenerator
Hidden Ability: Harvest
Stats: 110| 98 | 88 | 77 | 92 | 75 (BST cannot exceed 540)
New Moves: Hurricane, Draco Meteor, Wood Hammer, Dragon Rush
Method of Evolution: Trade with Dragon Scale
Height / Weight: x / x
Design/Desc.: Added more HP and more offensive presence on physical side to coincide with its access to Dragon Dance/Swords Dance. Regenerator is in reference to its growing fruit all the time.

[Stage 1] Reeflora
Ability: Natural Cure/Water Absorb
Hidden Ability: Regenerator
Stats: 70 | 60 | 95 | 85 | 95 | 45 (BST cannot exceed 450)
New Moves: Giga Drain, Horn Leech, Heal Bell, Baton Pass, Spiky Shield, Spikes
Method of Evolution: Level up at 30 with Ingrain and holding Miracle Seed
Height / Weight: x / x

[Stage 2] Solatoll
Ability: Natural Cure/Water Absorb
Hidden Ability: Regenerator
Stats: 95 | 60 | 110 | 100 | 110 | 65 (BST cannot exceed 450)
New Moves: Solar Beam, Hyper Beam, Giga Impact, Dazzling Gleam, Block
Method of Evolution: Shiny Stone
Height / Weight: x / x

[Stage 2] Crustation
Ability: Sturdy/Solid Rock
Hidden Ability: Skill Link
Stats: 80 | 110 | 135 | 65 | 95 | 55 (BST cannot exceed 450)
New Moves: Razor Shell, Pin Missile, Crabhammer, Metal Claw, Heavy Slam, Bulk Up
Method of Evolution: Defeat a horde of Crustle
Height / Weight: x / x
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Voting! Note since there's only one Alomomola evolution/prevo submission there's no point in voting for that :P

Voting Format:

Junglide: username goes here

The submissions:

[Baby] Junglide by @Dislac
Typing: Grass/Flying
Ability: Rattled/Solar Power
Hidden Ability: Harvest

Stats: 84 | 62 | 78 | 70 | 65 | 31 (BST 390)

[Baby] Junglide by@zerobreaker000
: Grass/Flying
Ability: Chlorophyll/Leaf Guard
Hidden Ability: Gluttony
Stats: 64/50/53/54/57/31 (BST 305)
New Moves: Glare, Baby-Doll Eyes, Charm, Growl, Screech, Wing Attack, Brave Bird, Ancient Power
Removed Moves: Stomp, Hyper Beam, Earthquake, Giga Impact, Dragon Pulse, Outrage
Method of Evolution: Level up in Harsh Sunlight
Height / Weight: 0.9 m/46.5 kg

[Baby] Junglide by@mcFlareon
Ability: Chlorophyll/Leaf Guard
Hidden Ability: Harvest
Stats: 80| 58 | 73 | 62 | 77 | 40 (BST cannot exceed 390)
New Moves: Belch, Grasswhistle, U-turn, Aromatherapy, Baton Pass, Worry Seed
Removed Moves: Earthquake, Steel Wing, Air Slash, Bulldoze, Fly
Method of Evolution: Level up with High happiness during Sun
Height / Weight: x / x

[Stage 2] Tropisoar by Dilasc
Ability: Thick Fat/Dry Skin
Hidden Ability: Harvest
121 | 68 | 108 | 122 | 112 | 9 (BST 540)
New Moves: Dragon Tail, Draco Meteor, Trick Room, Fire Blast, Thunderbolt, Thunder, Flamethrower, Hurricane, Slack Off
Method of Evolution: Teach Tropius Draco Meteor and level up.

[Stage 2] Tropisoar by mcFlareon
Ability: Chlorophyll/Regenerator
Hidden Ability: Harvest
Stats: 110| 98 | 88 | 77 | 92 | 75 (BST cannot exceed 540)
New Moves: Hurricane, Draco Meteor, Wood Hammer, Dragon Rush
Method of Evolution: Trade with Dragon Scale
Height / Weight: x / x

[Stage 3] Crustation by the someone
Ability: Solid Rock | Shell Armor
Hidden Ability: Defiant
Stats: 80 | 115 | 135 | 65 | 85 | 55 (BST 535)
New Moves: Foul Play, Pursuit, Sucker Punch, Revenge, Superpower, Bulk Up, Heavy Slam, Head Smash
Method of Evolution: Level up while battling another Crustle.
Height / Weight: 1.7m | 410 kg

[Stage 3] Crustation by LordBraixen
Ability: Sturdy/Rough Skin
Hidden Ability: Unburden
Stats: 90/120/140/45/80/60
New Moves: Iron Defense, Recover, Head Smash,
Removed Moves: N/A
Method of Evolution:
Level up knowing Rock Wrecker
Height / Weight: 5'8"/645.3 lbs.

[Stage 2] Crustation by mcFlareon
Ability: Sturdy/Solid Rock
Hidden Ability: Skill Link
Stats: 80 | 110 | 135 | 65 | 95 | 55 (BST cannot exceed 450)
New Moves: Razor Shell, Pin Missile, Crabhammer, Metal Claw, Heavy Slam, Bulk Up
Method of Evolution: Defeat a horde of Crustle

[Stage 3] Forcrusst by zerobreaker000
: Bug/Rock
Ability: Sturdy/Bulletproof
Hidden Ability: Weak Armor
Stats: 80/110/140/75/85/45 (BST 535)
New Moves: Crabhammer, Slack Off, King's Shield, Superpower, Explosion
Method of Evolution: Trade while holding King's Rock

Reeflora->Berriereef by the someone
[Stage 2]Reeflora
Ability: Hustle / Natural Cure
Hidden Ability: Regenerator
Stats: 65 | 65 | 95 | 90 | 95 | 40 (BST 450)
New Moves: Draining Kiss, Play Nice, Horn Leech, Megahorn, Horn Attack, Spikes
Method of Evolution: Level up.
Height / Weight: 0.8 m | 7 kg

[Stage 3] Berriereef
Ability: Parental Bond / Natural Cure
Hidden Ability: Regenerator
Stats: 80 | 80 | 115 | 110 | 115 | 40 (BST 540)
New Moves: Calm Mind, Aromatherapy, Moonblast
Method of Evolution: Level up in a route where other Corsola appear
Height / Weight: 1.6m | 19kg
Design/Desc.: Smaller Corsola surround it, as if they were its feet. A shiny gem appears on its front horn.

Reefsola->Tanksola by Pika Xreme
[Stage 2] Reefsola
Typing: Water/Rock
Ability: Solid Rock / Natural Cure
Hidden Ability: Regenerator
Stats: 90 | 60 | 90 | 80 | 90 | 40 (450 cannot exceed 450)
New Moves: Hyper Beam, Giga Impact, Focus Blast, Power Gem
Method of Evolution: Defeat a horde of other Corsola
Height / Weight: 3'00" / 66 lbs.

[Stage 3] Tanksola
Typing: Water/Rock
Ability: Solid Rock / Natural Cure
Hidden Ability: Regenerator
Stats: 110 | 70 | 110 | 90 | 110 | 50 (540 cannot exceed 540)
New Moves: Flamethrower, Fire Blast, Thunderbolt, Thunder, Charge Beam
Method of Evolution: Level 75
Height / Weight: 5'00" / 99 lbs.

Reefsola -> Tanksola by Dilasc
[Stage 2] Reefsola
Typing: Water/Rock
Ability: Sap Sipper / Dry Skin
Hidden Ability: Regenerator
Stats: 100 | 55 | 95 | 90 | 95 | 15 (450 cannot exceed 450)
New Moves: Shell Smash, Giga Drain, Nasty Plot, Spikes, Trick Room
Method of Evolution: Teach Corsola Shell Smash and level up

[Stage 3] Tanksola
Typing: Water/Rock
Ability: Sap Sipper / Dry Skin
Hidden Ability: Regenerator
Stats: 130 | 55 | 115 | 120 | 115 | 15 (540 cannot exceed 540)
New Moves: Toxic Spikes, Moonblast, Spike Shield, Leech Seeds
Method of Evolution: Moon Stone on Reefsola
Height / Weight:

Reeflora -> Solatoll by mcFlareon
[Stage 1] Reeflora
Ability: Natural Cure/Water Absorb
Hidden Ability: Regenerator
Stats: 70 | 60 | 95 | 85 | 95 | 45 (BST cannot exceed 450)
New Moves: Giga Drain, Horn Leech, Heal Bell, Baton Pass, Spiky Shield, Spikes
Method of Evolution: Level up at 30 with Ingrain and holding Miracle Seed
Height / Weight: x / x
[Stage 2] Solatoll
Ability: Natural Cure/Water Absorb
Hidden Ability: Regenerator
Stats: 95 | 60 | 110 | 100 | 110 | 65 (BST cannot exceed 450)
New Moves: Solar Beam, Hyper Beam, Giga Impact, Dazzling Gleam, Block
Method of Evolution: Shiny Stone
Height / Weight: x / x

Fanglair | Scalypso
Fanglair | Scalypso by the someone
[Stage 3] Fanglair
Ability: Swift Swim | Strong Jaw
Hidden Ability: Marvel Scale
Stats: 55 | 124 | 105 | 104 | 75 | 72 (BST 535)
New Moves: Fire Fang, Thunder Fang, Poison Fang, Knock Off, Dragon Rush, Dragon Tail, Iron Tail, Gunk Shot
Method of Evolution: Water Stone
Height / Weight: 2.7m | 53 kg
Design/Desc.: Way longer, has the same color as Clamperl's shell
Justification: Learns a lot of Dark type moves and has a huge jaw. Huntail's Pokedex entries also say it uses its tail to attack prey, so the tail moves are fitting.

[Stage 3] Scalypso
Ability: Swift Swim | Multiscale
Hidden Ability: Marvel Scale
Stats: 55 | 104 | 105 | 124 | 75 | 72 (BST 535)
New Moves: Giga Drain, Recover, Leech Seed, Reflect, Light Screen, Trick, Stored Power, Dragon Tail
Method of Evolution: Water Stone
Height / Weight: 2.6m | 50 kg
Design/Desc.: Has the same color as Clamperl's pearl and more shells around it like armor
Justification: Learns a lot of Psychic type moves and Pokedex says it leeches fluids from its prey. Gorebyss's Pokedex entries also say it's body isn't affected by ordinary attacks, so I gave it Multiscale to show that.

Fanglair | Scalypso by zerobreaker000
[Stage 3] Fanglair
: Water/Dark
Ability: Strong Jaw
Hidden Ability: Water Veil
Stats: 75/119/110/84/80/72 (BST 540)
New Moves: Poison Fang, Gunk Shot, Iron Tail, Thunder Fang, Superpower, Submission, Hyper Fang, Sucker Punch, Beat Up, Pursuit
Method of Evolution: Level up while Diving at night
Height / Weight: 2.3 m/48.6 kg

[Stage 3] Scalypso
: Water/Fairy
Ability: Serene Grace
Hidden Ability: Hydration
Stats: 75/74/110/129/80/72 (BST 540)
New Moves: Moonblast, Psyshock, Disarming Voice, Misty Terrain, Lovely Kiss, Sweet Kiss, Encore, Dazzling Gleam, Giga Drain, Calm Mind
Method of Evolution: Level up while Diving at night
Height / Weight: 2.5 m/51.9 kg

Fanglair | Scalypso by Dilasc
[Stage 3] Fanglair
: Water/Dark
Ability: Tough Claws
Hidden Ability: Strong Jaw
Stats: 70/129/110/84/85/72 (BST 540)
New Moves: Pursuit, Play Rough, Dragon Tail, Poison Fang, Wild Charge, Dragon Claw, Drain Punch, Night Slash, Sucker Punch, Aqua Jet, Superpower, Ice Punch, Thunderpunch, Thunderfang, Hone Claws
Method of Evolution: Bring it to a certain cave and level while in the water.
Height / Weight:
Design/Desc.: Fangalair grows fangs... on it's new arms! That's right, its mouth becomes fangless and its newly sprouted arms have all the fangs and even some muscle.

[Stage 3] Scalypso
: Water/Fairy
Ability: Multi-scale
Hidden Ability: Dry Skin
Stats: 102/64/115/129/95/30 (BST 540)
New Moves: Moonblast, Thunderbolt, Focus Blast, Giga Drain, Earth Power, Recover, Dragon Pulse, Thunderbolt, Thunder
Method of Evolution: Level up while near a volcano or Desert
Height / Weight:
Design/Desc.: Poor Scalypso needs to overheat, shrivel up and suffer. The body weakens to become more shell which have moved from the bra than eel, hence the justification of lost physical strength and speed. The body becomes more sturdy with scales, multiple scales. Its skin is also very dry and shriveled, the poor thing.

Fanglair | Scalypso by mcFlareon
[Stage 2] Fanglair
Ability: Swift Swim/Strong Jaw
Hidden Ability: Intimidate
Stats: 65 | 120 | 110 | 94 | 80 | 71 (BST cannot exceed 540)
New Moves: Thunder Fang, Wild Charge, Poison Fang, Knock Off, U-turn, Glare
Method of Evolution: Level up in an underwater battle while learning Crunch
Height / Weight: x / x
[Stage 2] Scalypso
Ability: Swift Swim/Marvel Scale
Hidden Ability: Multiscale
Stats: 65 | 84 | 110 | 120 | 90 | 71 (BST cannot exceed 540)
New Moves: Psyshock, Giga Drain, Refresh, Heal Bell, Calm Mind
Method of Evolution: Level up in an underwater battle while learning Psychic
Height / Weight: x / x
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Junglide: zerobreaker000
Tropisoar: Dilasc
Crustation: LordBraixen
Reefsola -> Tanksola: Pika Xreme
Fanglair/Scalypso: Dilasc

Here's a nice little suggestion: What if we just started the next slate in the middle of voting? And, of course, make it themed after Kirby: Planet Robobot. To not make next slate Kirby: Planet Robobot themed would be unforgivable (unless it isn't themed at all. I'd be chill with that.)