The Complete Pokedex Project

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[Baby] Starflake


Stats: 40 | 55 | 55 | 55 | 55 | 60 (310)
Removed Moves: Future Sight, Blizzard, Fire Blast, Moonblast, Overheat, Stone Edge, Iron Head, Solar Beam, Acrobatics, Earthquake, Gyro Ball, Giga Impact, Hyper Beam
Method of Evolution: Evolves to Lunatone with a Moon Stone, Evolves into Solrock with a Sun Stone
Height / Weight: 2'06" / 186.5 lbs.
Design/Desc.: The body is a small rock with 2 sides of it. One side has a wide open eye, like Lunatone, surrounded by brown rock. On the other side, it has a red iris surrounded by yellow rock with orange rock as it's basis. It has yellow rocks surrounding it and it has a beak-like fixture in the middle, with one side brown and the other side orange.​
Well, it is a little comet taking the form of Lunatone and Solrock in a little comet. It's powers are not yet fully developed, thus can't learn the more powerful versions of it's moves. It can't also take control of other powers like looking into the future, so that negates Future Sight. It can still use powers, just not a whole lot stronger. It's stats are equal impressions of both Solrock and Lunatone.

[Stage 1] Lunatone / Solrock
[Stage 2] Lunarune / Solstone (2 separate templates)



Hidden Ability: Intimidate
Stats: 80 | 65 | 85 | 105 | 95 | 105 (535)
New Moves: Power Gem, Dazzling Gleam, Moonlight (by level up)
(Lunarune only) Misty Terrain, Thunderbolt, Thunder, Surf, Muddy Water
Method of Evolution: Level up with Moonlight at Night
Height / Weight: 4'03" / 486.5 lbs.
Design/Desc.: It's form now takes up a full moon look, with it's eyes turning blue, just like it's shiny. The beak has changed to now having 2 off the on the front and back of it as well as it spewing rainbow colored energy out of the line. It also has cracks in it which are also spewing out rainbow energy.​
With it's origin of the moon in it, it kinda shows a Fairy type in progress. It already learns Moonblast, so that wasn't far down the corner. It also has Intimidate because the eyes are still intimidating. The Water-type moves are there because moons are for the tides.



Ability: Levitate
Hidden Ability: Flash Fire
Stats: 80 | 105 | 95 | 65 | 85 | 105 (535)
New Moves: Power Gem, Dazzling Gleam, Morning Sun (by level up)
(Solstone only) Flare Blitz, Flame Wheel, Heat Crash
Method of Evolution: Level up using Morning Sun at Day
Height / Weight: 4'11" / 429.5 lbs.
Design/Desc.: It's body now has it's yellow appendages on fire. It's body is now a light red with magma developing in the places where the yellow bumps were. It's eyes are also now orange and more open.​
It is based off the sun, so it's evolution becomes more angry and heated, but with it's shell not melting due to the withstandable rock. It gains the same added moves as Lunatone, but with Morning Sun instead and it has Flash Fire due to it able to eat up Fire now.
[Baby] Chiplug


Hidden Ability: Run Away
Stats: 50 | 45 | 35 | 50 | 45 | 50 (275)
New Moves: Nasty Plot
Method of Evolution: Max Happiness into either Emolga with a Flying-type move or other wise to Pachirisu
Height / Weight: 0'9" / 12.9 lbs.
Design/Desc.: It is a small white rodent with blue stripes on it's head and yellow on it's back. It's tail is a combination of Pachirisu's and Emolga's. It also has black ears, blue sides, and yellow cheeks.​
It's just a little rodent for them to evolve from. It's like The Reptile's but with different stats and the abilities switched.

[Stage 1] Pachirisu / Emolga
[Stage 2] Risuchu / Volmolga (2 separate templates)



Run Away / Prankster
Hidden Ability: Volt Absorb
Stats: 80 | 45 | 90 | 90 | 105 | 105 (515)
New Moves: Hyper Voice, Hyper Beam, Giga Impact, Slack Off
Method of Evolution: Level Up while learning Helping Hand
Height / Weight: 2'06" / 26.8 lbs.
Design/Desc.: It's tail now has 2 more points on it's tail, both in the same bluish color. It's ears are now a bit longer and the stripe on it's forehead extends down to it's nose. The yellow cheeks are also now larger. It's hands are also bigger and have little arms connecting them.​
Since it is a mammal, and since they do put mammals in the Normal type, I can't say that this not that far off. Prankster is there because it can be a little tricksy, so it can develop shocks in a flash. It also has the typing due to Emolga having one.



Static / Cheek Pouch
Hidden Ability: Motor Drive
Stats: 55 | 105 | 60 | 110 | 62 | 123 (515)
New Moves: Hurricane, Hyper Beam, Giga Impact, Aqua Tail, Brave Bird
Method of Evolution: Level Up while holding Magnet
Height / Weight: 2'06" / 26.8 lbs.
Design/Desc.: It now has a hood with yellow on the inside and black on the inside and is connected by it's ears. It's head now has a spark-like design on the middle of it's face that is yellow. The belly and appendages now become beige, with yellow markings on it. The tail morphs into a W-like shape that is yellow. It's face now has a look that is a mix of a plain and happy look.​
It's typing is the same, but everything is different. It's look has a little bit of hooded heroes in it. The new ability I chose was Cheek Pouch because it's a flying squirrel. The stats are improved in the offensive department, but barely nothing in the defenses other than a little bit of Special Defence added. The moves are added due to it being more powerful, Aqua Tail is there because it has a bigger tail and Brave Bird is there because it's the only good physical Flying move out there. It may seem odd, but looking at the Zubat line, I guess it can work.
[Stage 1] Cubone
[Stage 2] Marowak
[Stage 3] Numskul


Rock Head / Vital Spirit
Hidden Ability: Battle Armor
Stats: 80 | 110 | 120 | 50 | 100 | 60 (520)
New Moves: Bite, Crunch, Dark Pulse, Rock Polish, Head Smash
(Numskul only) Payback, Sucker Punch, Ice Punch, Superpower, Snarl, Dual Chop, Revenge, Submission
Method of Evolution: Trade while holding Thick Club (Note: Numskul will not get the boost from Thick Club because it will absorb it.)
Height / Weight: 5'01" / 189.3 lbs.
Design/Desc.: It's head now gains horns on the skull, colored beige. It also now has tribal patterns all over the skull and belly. It's body now gains more bones for armor, with the chest being protected with ribs. It also now has 2 clubs which are also beige.​
It says that it grows effortless, but it now has grown so effortless that it is now seeking out it's mother's killer. The ability Vital Spirit reflects that. It now has gathered more bones and has gained more power. It's power gotten so out of control, that it's bones can't give it more power, hence that it has to be traded with it. It also learns some more moves involving it's new power and bones.
[Stage 1] Combee
[Stage 2] Vespiquen (female only) / Dronestrik (male only)


Ability: Pickup
Hidden Ability: Compound Eyes
Stats: 70 | 102 | 60 | 102 | 60 | 90 (474)
New Moves: (Dronestrik only) Megahorn, Night Slash, Swords Dance, Knock Off, Poison Jab, Gunk Shot
(Loses from Vespiquen) Power Gem, The Order Moves, Captivate, Destiny Bond
(Added to Combee) Tri Attack
Method of Evolution: Level 21 if Male.
Height / Weight: 3'11" / 79.7 lbs.
Design/Desc.: It has 2 legs that Vespiquen did not have. They are black with yellow claws. It's abdomen is smaller and has a stinger on it. It's head is more like a wasp's head. It's eyes are also grey when not in battle and red when active.​
It's under Vespiquen's power, meaning it does not has a lot of power over it. It can, however, take control over it, sometimes even wrecking over the Combee's hive. Pickup refrences about the various things that the queen wants. It's stats are almost the same as a reversed Vespiquen, but with less defense and more speed.

[Stage 3] Hivetriarch (female only) / Waspassin (male only) (2 separate templates)



Ability: Serene Grace
Hidden Ability: Filter
Stats: 80 | 80 | 112 | 120 | 122 | 30 (544)
New Moves: Dazzling Gleam, Sludge Wave
(Hivetriarch only) Moonblast, Earth Power, Psychic, Psyshock, Energy Ball, Calm Mind, Hurricane, Moonlight, Play Rough
Method of Evolution: Learn Dazzling Gleam at Level 49
Height / Weight: 5'06" / 349.6 lbs
Design/Desc.: It's abdomen now has twice the space of Vespiquen's abdomen. It now has legs and it's arms are yellow. It now has a cape and it's gem is larger as well as it being blue. It is accomplished with 2 Combees.​
It has now the power over the moon, which explains the Fairy typing. It has Serene Grace and Filter which is demonstrated by it's relationship with the Moon. It now also has moves which relate with many demonstrated moves. It's abdomen now has twice the space to release more Combees. But, it has much more weight, meaning it's speed is decreased.



Sheer Force
Hidden Ability: Poison Point
Stats: 80 | 122 | 60 | 102 | 60 | 120 (544)
New Moves: Sludge Wave
(Waspassian only) Drill Peck, Drill Run, Horn Drill, Hone Claws, Cross Poison, Toxic Spikes, Dig, Rock Tomb, Rock Slide, Dark Pulse
Method of Evolution: Learn Sludge Wave at Level 49
Height / Weight: 5'01" / 123.6 lbs
Design/Desc.: One of it's arms now have a drill appendage attached to it with the other arm being normal still. It's legs now have purple on them and it's arms are also purple as well. It's eyes are now always red and the antenna have poison oozing out of them. Also, it's stinger is larger and has silver on it.​
Now rivaling the more bulky and slow Hivetriarch, the fast, hard-hitting Waspassin now is Poison type to counter it. It has Sheer Force to have it strike hard and try to counter the queen of them all. Poison Point is there because it has a stinger and it has a ton of new moves to escalate to it's design. It also has moves matching more powerful Pokémon.
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[Stage 3] Numskul

Typing Ground/Ghost
Ability Battle Armour and Technichan
Hidden Ability Mummy
Stats 70/95/130/60/100/55 [BS:510]
New Moves Superpower, Shadow Punch (Numskul only) Shadow Ball (all FE Ghosts get this), Shadow Sneak Will o Wisp, Trick Room
Method of Evolution Trade while holding Spell Tag
Desc/Design Its skull now has a Hood shape, while having ribcage armour and a ghostly purple aura surrounding it. Its eyes now look like hollow eye sockets.

The Numskul familycycle of mourning has 3 stages. Grief(Cubone), Acceptance(Marowak), añd finally Embrace(Numskul). Numskul has embraced the death of its mother so much, it gained a Ghost typing to prove it. Its ribcage armour supports Battle Armour, while its hard training being a Maworak allowed it to perfect its bone wielding Technique, supporting Technichan. Its Ghost typing, itd timr embracing death (and the fact that it still loves mom) earns it Mummy as its Hidden Ability.

I'll edit Starflake family later.
[Stage 3] Numskul
Typing: Ground/Ghost
Ability: Rock Head/Cursed Body
Hidden Ability: Battle Armor
Stats: 75 | 100 | 115 | 50 | 100 | 65 Bst-505 (BST cannot exceed 520)
New Moves: Shadow Punch, Shadow Claw, Curse, Grudge
Method of Evolution: Level up at night
Height / Weight: 4'5" / 162.5
Design/Desc.: It skull become black and cracked. It have a bone spine growing on it back the the bone it was holding grew larger. It skin become a darker brown
[Stage 3] Numskul

Rock Head / Lightning Rod
Hidden Ability: Cursed Body
Stats: 70 | 100 | 120 | 80 | 90 | 60 (BST 520)
New Moves: [Level Up] Shadow Punch (0), Curse, (0), Phantom Force (59), -Retaliate; [Tutor] Pain Split, Snatch; [TMs/HMs] Shadow Ball, Torment, Flame Charge, Focus Blast, Dark Pulse
Method of Evolution: Level up Marowak in that ghost tower from RBY with a Ghost-type Pokemon in your party
Height / Weight: 4' / 71 lbs
Design/Desc.: A purplish fire seeps out from underneath its skull helmet. The eye sockets glow red and trails of smoke waft out of them. The bone is surrounded by the same purplish fiery glow. Its skin is gray and it has a ridge of black fur down its spine.
Damn, I was hoping people weren't going to jump on the Ground/Ghost train so quickly. Oh well.

Basically I nudged up all its stats, keeping in mind it can wield the Thick Club item like Cubone and Marowak can. 100 Attack x2 for free is really strong but it only has 60 Speed. Instead of bulking it out too much I added more base points to Special Attack, as now in the afterlife Numskul is more attuned with the art of energy manipulation. Cursed Body is there to fit the Ghost/cursed soul/lost mother theme.
[Stage 2] Dronestrik


Honey Gather
Hidden Ability: Hustle
Stats: 65 | 75 | 67 | 75 | 67 | 95 [BST 444]
New Moves: It basically has the same movepool Vespiquen has, except it doesn't learn Attack Order, Defense Order, Heal Order and Power Gem. Instead it has Poison Sting, Poison Jab, and Leech Life
Method of Evolution: Train to Level 30 while holding Honey
Height / Weight: 1'3.2" / 52.1 lb
Design/Desc.: The upper half of Dronestrik similar to Vespiquen, except that, instead of the royal crown that Vespiquen wears it instead wears what looks like a helmet. It's lower body now looks like a more standard bee - think about Beedrill's lower half and that' basically what Dronestrik looks like.
Dronestrike is suppose to look like a standard bee to be like a drone to Vespiquen. It not only lacks the Order moves (and Power Gem) but it also has lower BST than Vespiquen - this is to fit with the theme better. Dronestrike is suppose to be less than Vespiquen. It keeps the same abilities it had while it was a Combee because while it is much more powerful than Combee it basically has the same role as it.

[Stage 3] Waspassin


Poison Touch
Hidden Ability: Sheer Force
Stats: 70 | 95 | 72 | 95 | 72 | 120 [BST 524]
New Moves: Megahorn, Sludge Bomb, Drill Run
Method of Evolution: Train to Level 50 while holding a Poison Barb
Height / Weight: 2'9.5" / 92.4 lb
Design/Desc.: What used to be its "helmet" now looks more like a wasps face, along with it having a more angry-face. The black patterns on its body have spread more, making it more black-with-yellow rather than yellow-with-black. It's stringer is also much larger than it used to be, while its wings not only also become bigger but also become more jagged and menacing. It's antennas are slicked back but can still be seen from the front.
Waspassin is now a much stronger force, becoming blistering fast and having moderate attack force. This attacking force is amplified thanks to Sheer Force - there is precedence with Hustle turning into Sheer Force, so I don't feel like this is too outlandish. Higher speed also fits the idea of a wasp. Finally, despite it having mixed offenses I can see Waspassin being more physically oriented due to stronger moves and coverage, which works well

[Stage 3] Hivetriarch


Hidden Ability: Parental Bond
Stats: 90 | 85 | 117 | 85 | 117 | 50 [BST 544]
New Moves: Psychic, Psyshock, Zen Headbutt, Calm Mind, Stored Power, Light Screen, Reflect
Method of Evolution: Train to Level 55
Height / Weight: 4'2.4" / 99.2 lb
Design/Desc.: Its crown is now much larger - the "gem" on it is now radiant and bright. It also has a similar gem on its chest area. It's abdomen is also much larger, and has smaller gems all around it. Finally, there are two Combee's on each of its now slightly larger arms, acting as sort of shields.
The idea of Telepathy, Parental Bond, and its Psychic-typing is that it is now much more connected to the Hive Mind - to the point where it can Telepathically connect with them and even control them for battle. This also gives Hivetriarch a better but still kind of meh typing defensively - offensively, it's pretty alright. It now has access to a lot of psychic-based attacks such as Psychic and Calm Mind, which fit with its new typing.
[Baby] Starflake


Ability: [[Levitate]]
Hidden Ability: N/A
Stats: 50 | 50 | 55 | 50 | 55 | 20 (BST 280)
New Moves: [Level Up] Rollout (9), Rock Tomb (20); -Fire Spin, Psychic, Heat Wave, Zen Headbutt, Psyshock, Calm Mind, Hyper Beam, Light Screen, Earthquake, Shadow Ball, Flamethrower, Fire Blast, Overheat, Charge Beam, Will-o-Wisp, Giga Impact, Dream Eater, Moonblast, Hypnosis, Future Sight, Icy Wind, Ice Beam, Blizzard
Method of Evolution: Level up at Meteor Falls holding a Star Piece during the day (Solrock); Level up at Meteor Falls holding a Star Piece during the night (Lunatone)
Height / Weight: 9'' / 35 lbs
Design/Desc.: A levitating chunk of rock with one red eye and one blue eye​
Starflake has mirrored stats to indicate that it hasn't found its specialty yet. I kept it slow and like most Rock-types gave it usable defenses. I removed lots of flavor moves that can't be learned until it evolves. Levitate had to stay. Not much else to say about this one.
[Stage 2] Lunarune


Ability: Ice Body
Hidden Ability: Forewarn
Stats: 85 | 65 | 85 | 115 | 100 | 85 (BST 535)
New Moves: [Level Up] Ancient Power (0), Power Gem (47); [Tutor] Magnet Rise; [TMs/HMs] Focus Blast, Flash Cannon, Dark Pulse, Dazzling Geam
Method of Evolution: Level Up in battle while under the effects of Wonder Room at night
Height / Weight: 4'7'' / 492 lbs
Design/Desc.: A Lunatone "head" with a cape covering its lower body. The moon has more craters.​
I tried to make Lunarune competitive but while staying true to the line. The added bulk should let it play a supportive role but it also has a usable Speed and solid Special Attack for the lower tiers (where it would most likely end up.) As an attacker it has its Rock/Psychic STAB options but also new coverage in Fighting or Steel attacks, depending on team needs.

Ice Body infers how cold the moon is. This also gives Lunarune a niche on Hail teams where it can use 100% accurate Blizzards (no STAB tho) and heal with the ability. I took away Levitate because it "touches" the ground now with its cape. What's underneath is a mystery however! Forewarn is just a generic Psychic ability. I didn't go with a "good" one because Lunatone was never spectacular so I don't expect its evolution to break that mold suddenly.
[Stage 2] Solstone


Ability: Flame Body
Hidden Ability: Forewarn
Stats: 85 | 115 | 100 | 65 | 85 | 85 (BST 535)
New Moves: [Level Up] Ancient Power (0), Power Gem (47); [Tutor] Magnet Rise; [TMs/HMs] Focus Blast, Flash Cannon, Dazzling Geam
Method of Evolution: Level Up in battle while under the effects of Wonder Room during the day
Height / Weight: 4'9'' / 516 lbs
Design/Desc.: A Solrock "head" with a cape covering its lower body. The moon has more craters.​
See Lunatone for the stat and movepool justifications.

I chose Flame Body as the primary ability to referenec how hot the sun is. With respectable bulk in the lower tiers this lets Solstone check some physical attackers. Unfortunately Solrock has a better special movepool than physical one, so it cannot apply the same offensive pressure as its counterpart. It could probably work as a suicide lead with Stealth Rock, Trick Room, or dual screens and Explosion
[Baby] Chiplug


Hidden Ability: Unburden
Stats: 35 | 35 | 40 | 35 | 40 | 70 (BST 255)
New Moves: -any moves Pachirisu and Emolga can't both learn
Design/Desc.: Standard little yellow chipmunk "cutemon". Probably has a black lightning bolt on forehead, Harry Potter style.​
Standard fare really. I went with Static as its base ability because that's the only ability Emolga has. If it evolves into Pachirisu it will change to Run Away/Pickup randomly. The HA is Unburden because I imagine when it gets scared it drops all its nuts and escapes without the weight holding it down.
[Stage 2] Risuchu


Cheek Pouch / Pickup
Hidden Ability: Volt Absorb
Stats: 70 | 55 | 80 | 80 | 110 | 115 (BST 510)
New Moves: [Level Up] Bullet Seed (0), Fake Out (28), Mega Drain (31), Energy Ball (45), Thunder (54); [Tutors] Giga Drain, Knock Off, Recycle, Worry Seed; [TMs/HMs] Hyper Beam, Solar Beam, Energy Ball, Shadow Claw, Retaliate, Giga Impact, Grass Knot, Nature Power
Method of Evolution: Use a Grass Stone on Pachirisu
Height / Weight: 3'5'' / 29 lbs
Design/Desc.: Replace the blue stripe/points with green. Make its ears leafier and its tail look like a curled up fern.​
So I jumped the shark! Really tho we have enough Electric rodents and I decided Risuchu needed to get in touch with its roots. The combination of Electric/Grass is fun. It would like more Grass moves but I could only do so much without overdoing it.

Cheek Pouch because it should have it anyway. Now it can pull Recycle+Sitrus gimmicks with its usable special bulk. The stat spread makes it a fast special attacker should it go that route instead, though its severely lacking in coverage, meaning it just has its STABs and a Hidden Power of choice, or it can just run Knock Off.
[Stage 2] Volmolga


Cheek Pouch / Static
Hidden Ability: Motor Drive
Stats: 65 | 75 | 70 | 103 | 75 | 122 (BST 510)
New Moves: [Level Up] Defog (0), Thunder (60), Hurricane (63); [TMs/HMs] Hyper Beam, Giga Impact
Method of Evolution: Use a Thunder Stone on Emolga
Height / Weight: 3'' / 25 lbs
Design/Desc.: Its ears are shaped like goggles which it can pull down over its eyes (yes they're translucent.) The cape/wings are bigger and the insides are black now instead of yellow. The tail is a lot fluffier. It has a yellow lightning bolt on its tummy now.​
I added Cheek Pouch as its other normal ability to match Risuchu. I kept Static and Motor Drive the same. All it learns that's relevant is Hurricane and Defog, mostly because its strong enough to fly into storms and harness their power.

Electric/Flying is a solid offensive type, so I think Volmolga would do well in a tier like NU where it can run a fast Volt Switch set.
[Stage 2] Dronestrik (male only)


Hidden Ability: Hustle
Stats: 75 | 95 | 67 | 64 | 60 | 113 (BST 474)
New Moves: [Level Up] Spikes (0), U-turn (0), Aerial Ace (0), Poison Sting (3), Fury Attack (9), Quick Attack (12), Twineedle (15), Aerial Ace (19), Pin Missile (22), Slash (25), Double Hit (28), U-turn (31), Agility (34), Infestation (37), Feint (40), Bug Buzz (44), Fell Stinger (49), Lock On (55); [Tutors] Bug Bite, Endeavor, Giga Drain, Iron Defense, Magnet Rise, Shock Wave, Signal Beam, Sky Attack, Snatch, Snore, Tailwind; [TMs/HMs] Toxic, Venoshock, Hidden Power, Sunny Day, Ice Beam, Protect, Rain Dance, Frustration, Solar Beam, Return, Double Team, Reflect, Sludge Bomb, Aerial Ace, Facade, Flame Charge, Rest, Attract, Thief, Steel Wing, Energy Ball, Charge Beam, Explosion, Shadow Claw, Flash, Thunder Wave, Gyro Ball, Swords Dance, Struggle Bug, X-Scissor, Infestation, Swagger, Sleep Talk, U-turn, Substitute, Flash Cannon, Wild Charge, Rock Smash, Nature Power, Confide, Cut
Method of Evolution: Level up Combee w/ holding Super Honey
Height / Weight: 2'4'' / 24 lbs
Design/Desc.: A sleek "drone" shape colored like a bee with a stinger in the back that flashes red like a beacon. Its antennae function like the antennae on a remote controlled device.​
The design inspiration is based on drones sent out by the queen to do work/battle for the hive. Dronestrik is a fast, lithe attacker that works best in teams (Swarm) or under pressure (Hustle). 113 is pretty fast for a MC pokemon, but imo a bee drone should be fast. 95 Attack is solid especially after the Hustle boost. However, it lacks strong STAB moves so I don't see it being OP anytime soon.

Some of the moves might look funny but I tried to keep in mind it's more drone than bee. I gave it some "beam" moves like Ice Beam, Solar Beam, and Charge Beam. Spikes are useful for setting an ambush. Overall its versatility would make it a contender to something like Scyther in the lower tiers, and it can match Scyther's power via Hustle while also providing team support with hazards.

[Stage 3] Hivetriarch (female only)


Hidden Ability: Solid Rock
Stats: 80 | 95 | 122 | 95 | 122 | 30 (BST 544)
New Moves: [Level Up] Rock Tomb (0), Rock Slide (50), -Fell Stinger; [Tutors] Block, Iron Defense, Stealth Rock; [TMs/HMs] Taunt, Smack Down, Earthquake, Sandstorm, Rock Tomb, Rock Polish, Rock Slide
Method of Evolution: Evolve Vespiquen w/ holding the Crystal Crown in the Master Hive room
Height / Weight: 4'9'' / 244 lbs
Design/Desc.: A large rocky crown now adorns her head. Her wings are larger and she has smaller ones on her "hive". The hive part is also rocky now, aka hardened honey.​
So basically Hivetriarch is a really old hive queen that hardened with age. She got a lot heavier, hence the drop in Speed. She's also much bulkier and has decent offenses. Unnerve changed to Solid Rock because she's not as unnerving as before I guess.

Overall with a slightly better typing and ability she should be able to pull off a decent support set in the lower tiers with some combination of Stealth Rock, Defog, Roost, status, and a STAB move.

[Stage 3] Waspassin (male only)


Hidden Ability: Hustle
Stats: 85 | 121 | 77 | 74 | 60 | 127 (BST 544)
New Moves: [Tutors] Gunk Shot, Knock Off; [TMs/HMs] Hone Claws, Taunt, Hyper Beam, Giga Impact
Method of Evolution: Level up Dronestrik in the Hive Room
Height / Weight: 3'7'' / 40 lbs
Design/Desc.: An upgraded Dronestrik drone. It's larger and more streamlined. Its black bands are also thicker, making it darker overall.​
I kept the stat spread the same with more emphasis on upping Attack and Speed, its major strengths. I added Gunk Shot and Knock Off for coverage, and because it's a bigger, better drone. Hone Claws is there because I imagine it has small Beedrill-like extensions that can be honed. Taunt because it mocks you before it delivers the final blow.

I know Wasp+Assassin could be interpreted to be Dark-type with stealth-related moves, but in my head it's just an extension of the drone theme, not a literal assassin waiting in the shadows.
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[Stage 2] Volmolga (2 separate templates)

Typing: Electric/Flying
Ability: Lightningrod / Motor Drive
Hidden Ability: Magic Guard
Stats: 70 | 85 | 70 | 95 | 70 | 125 (475 cannot exceed 515)
New Moves: Hurricane, Hyper Beam, Giga Impact, Fly
Method of Evolution: Level up with Mega Raichu in the party (same as my Risuchu)
Height / Weight: 1'08" / 14 lbs.
Design/Desc.: The cute little flying-squirrel patagium it has splits into actual wings and an actual cape. The wings look a bit like its tail. Speaking of the tail, there's two more of those now, counting up to three tails, two wings, two arms, and two legs, a whole 9 limbs! Or... limby things. Yeah.

[Stage 2] Dronestrik (male only)
Typing: Bug/Flying
Ability: Pressure
Hidden Ability: Unnerve
Stats: 60 | 102 | 60 | 102 | 60 | 90 (BST cannot exceed 474)
Removed Moves: Attack Order, Heal Order, Defend Order,
Method of Evolution: Level 21 Male Combee. That is all.
Height / Weight: 2'51" / 45 lbs
Design/Desc.: Similar to Combee, with a larger body covering all its heads. Also, it has a neck and bigger wings.

[Stage 2] Solstone

Typing: Rock/Fire
Ability: Levitate
Hidden Ability: DROUGHT
Stats: 80 | 115 | 105 | 65 | 90 | 80
New Moves: Flare Blitz, Flame Charge, Thunderbolt, Thunder, Ice Beam, Blizzard, Morning Sun, Gravity, Dazzling Gleam
Method of Evolution: Sun Shard
Height / Weight: 4'11" / 10759.3 lbs
Design/Desc.: It is now purely white, glowing, and the ol' rock is now fire.
Note: This is a WIP. I'll edit this as I go on.

[Baby] Starflake

Typing: Fire/Psychic
Ability: [[Levitate]]
Hidden Ability:
Stats: 55/50/50/50/50/55
New Moves:
- Rock Slide, Stealth Rock, Stone Edge,
+ Heat Wave

Method of Evolution: Evolves into Lunatone by Happiness at night, and Solrock by Happiness during day
Height / Weight: 0.5 m, 50 kg
Design/Desc.: A white, glowing star - that's all there is to it. Stars are hot masses which cool over time - I noted down the typing reason in the Justification.​
I used Solrock and Lunatone's stats as a base. Notably, their speed and HP stats are similar and the rest are shuffled around between them. So I worked on reducing them in a plausible enough way that it appears logical when it evolves into either of them.

Decided on the typing after this discussion:
[17:37:07] %SpartanMalice: what would a star fall under then? rock?
[17:37:12] %SpartanMalice: not the starfish variant
[17:37:17] %Pikachuun: hm
[17:37:24] %SpartanMalice: (it's for a prevo of Solrock/Lunatone in eevee's petmod)
[17:37:28] %Pikachuun: Fire/Psychic
[17:37:36] %Pikachuun: there is no rock in the sun
[17:37:40] %Pikachuun: only heat
[17:37:50] %SpartanMalice: ye
[17:37:51] %Pikachuun: psychic is due to chemical reactions (only type I can think of for this)
[17:38:17] %SpartanMalice: honestly I think pure psychic makes the most sense due to it being a pre-evo
[17:38:23] %Pikachuun: it's basically a burning ball of hydrogen and helium
[17:38:32] %Pikachuun: actually fire/psychic does make sense in context
[17:38:45] %SpartanMalice: hmm
[17:38:45] %Pikachuun: It starts out as a burning ball of energy
[17:38:47] %Pikachuun: but cools into rock
[17:38:48] %SpartanMalice: yeah its not too bad

On that note, I removed some of its rock based moves and added Heat Wave as Flamethrower didn't seem to make too much sense.

[Stage 1] Lunatone / Solrock
[Stage 2] Lunarune / Solstone

Typing: Rock / Psychic
Ability: Levitate
Hidden Ability: Insomnia
Stats: 90/55/80/110/110/90 (BST cannot exceed 535)
New Moves: N/A
Method of Evolution: Use a Moon Stone on Lunatone
Height / Weight: 2 m / 200 kg
Design/Desc.: Lunarune develops into a full moon, basically - it keeps the eyes though, only now they're similar to glalie's - it isn't actually "angry" but its give such an appearance. This also justifies Insomnia (the closest I could find to a moon based ability). It takes a grayish pallette compared to its previous light brown.​
This one was easier as it already learns the moon based moves. I expanded on the Solrock/Lunatone being physical/special parallels idea and gave them similar, yet different stats. Following the theme from Lunatone, Lunarune's stats are more specially oriented. It keeps the Rock typing because well... it's a moon.

[Stage 2] Solstone

Typing: Fire/Psychic
Ability: Levitate
Hidden Ability: Drought (only for the purpose of using a Hidden Ability, and this felt justified on a sun based pokemon - that said, if you feel this is too powerful then ignore this as part of the submission)
Stats: 90/110/110/55/80/90 (BST cannot exceed 535)
New Moves:
+ Flare Blitz
Method of Evolution: Evolve Solrock using a Sun Stone.
Height / Weight: 5 m / 400 kg
Design/Desc.: Solstone's eye opens wider, akin to the eye of sauron, and emits a bright solar flare. Its spikes are now constantly burning as opposed to being static. They also detach themselves akin to Hoopa - U's limbs, whilst still circling around the circular shape of Solstone's body, akin to asteroids and such circling around the sun.​
This completes the circle - Starflake was supposed to be a baby star - hence the fire typing, which cools down in time to become a solidified rock - but eventually it evolves into a bigger star, and this being the sun, I felt the fire typing is justified. It needs something unique to stand out anyways. Flare Blitz is due to the fact that Eevee General suggested Seed Flare as it sounds similar to Solar Flare, but I feel Flare Blitz makes more sense.

The stats are, as usual, a physical mirror to Lunarune's, just as it was in the case of Solrock / Lunatone.
[Baby] Chiplug

Hidden Ability: 1
Stats: x | x | x | x | x | x (BST cannot exceed 300)
New Moves:
Method of Evolution:
Height / Weight:
x / x

[Stage 1] Pachirisu / Emolga
[Stage 2] Risuchu / Volmolga (2 separate templates)

Hidden Ability: 1
Stats: x | x | x | x | x | x (BST cannot exceed 515)
New Moves:
Method of Evolution:
Height / Weight:
x / x
[Stage 1] Cubone
[Stage 2] Marowak
[Stage 3] Numskul

Typing: Ground
Ability: Rock Head, Sticky Hold
Hidden Ability: Battle Armor
Stats: 85 / 95 / 125 / 60 / 95 / 60 (520)
New Moves:
+ Head Charge, Hammer Arm, Rock Polish
Method of Evolution: Level up with Mamoswine in the team and while its holding Thick Club
Height / Weight: x / x
Design/Desc.: The original design I'd went for this was that of a big, burly caveman type with a Mamoswine pelt - I still feel it works (Raikou's cool too, but do you really need one of those to complete your pokedex?)​
The fact that it actually gets to use Thick Club made this easier tbh. I gave it +15 across the board, then added 5 to HP. 60 is not a bad speed tier for Rock Polish sets considering its access to Thick Club.

So I originally wanted to give this Thick Fat to match its design but decided against it. I realize Sticky Hold seems off - but let's think about it for a second - Accelgor's Sticky Hold doesn't make sense either. Marowak on the other hand, its bones are very important and its signature moves practically are already bone based. tl;dr It's a way of making it hold on to its stone - its PU as it is already, not letting its Thick Club get knocked off won't change it too much in such a speed based environment.

Head Charge is not so useful but it suits flavour considering its bone skull. Hammer Arm is to make use of its larger size (could be nice in TR as well), and finally Rock Polish to coincide with the early man theme - after all, they did polish a lot of rocks.
[Stage 1] Combee
[Stage 2] Dronestrik (male only)

Typing: Bug/Flying
Ability: Frisk
Hidden Ability: Unnerve
Stats: 70/70/82/70/82/100 (BST 474)
New Moves:
*Same moves Vespiquen gains barring Attack and Defend Order)
Method of Evolution:
Height / Weight:
0.8 m, 20 kg
Design/Desc.: Lacks the regal appearance of a Vespiquen, instead opting for a veil similar to Accelgor's, and a shorter "skirt" than Vespiquen, mimicing Roman Legionaries.​
So going with the name "Dronestrik" I went with a scouting theme - as such, high speed for a middle evolution but as Vespiquen is after all, a queen bee, it should be superior to Vespiquen in the other stats so I averaged them out. As queen bees are supposed to be the largest bees, I made it smaller than vespiquen in size too.

[Stage 3] Hivetriarch (female only)

Typing: Bug
Ability: Pressure
Hidden Ability: 1
Stats: 70 /80 / 122 / 110 / 122 / 40
New Moves:
Quiver Dance
Method of Evolution: Trade using King's Rock (genius)
Height / Weight: 3 m / 65 kg
Design/Desc.: Hivetriarch's gown is adorned with more diamond shaped objects, thus sort of giving it an "armored" look - after all, its supposed to be a Hive. Moving on to that, much like how Magnezone/Magneton, the Metang and Klang lines - and last but not least Slowbro and Slowking - including other pokemon in their sprite or multiple instances of pre evolutions, Hivetriarch has a bunch of worker combees circling around it (her "bodyguards", if you will)​
Considering it's supposed to be "royal" Quiver Dance seemed fitting based off its description - "a beautiful dance" - I increased its defenses as its supposed to be a Hive, basically a slightly improved Vespiquen - and since its static, I removed the flying typing.

[Stage 3] Waspassin (male only)

Typing: Bug / Flying
Ability: Pressure
Hidden Ability: Technician
Stats: 70 / 105 / 82 / 70 / 82 / 135
New Moves:
Night Slash, Cut, Psycho Cut, Poison Jab
Method of Evolution: Trade using Assault Vest
Height / Weight: x / x
Design/Desc.: Continuing with the previous design, it gains a hood as opposed to a "mask" like Accelgor had, and its arms extend to gain an appearance similar to... I don't know how to describe it exactly but, see how Mega Garchomp gets Scythes for hands? Well, imagine Waspassin's as more of a pike.​
Now I know the speed is really high, but consider this: Accelgor has high speed, utility moves, and decent SpA - and its low tier. Waspassin has high speed, not as high as Accelgor, it doesn't get a proper way of boosting its attack other than hone claws, and honestly, with a Bug / Flying typing its gonna need all the luck it needs. Technician only boosts Aerial Ace and Bug Bite, and the choice between Bug Bite and Attack Order is more PP and berry eating (lol - although it is situation-ally useful) or a high crit ratio. I gave it some slashing moves to go with the Attack Drone theme. Poison Jab is a bonus - Beedrill has stingers, this one's "pike-arms" act similarly.
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[Stage 3] Lunarune

Typing: Rock/Fairy
Ability: Levitate
Hidden Ability: Regenerator
Stats: 85/65/85/125/100/75
New Moves: + Recover, Ice Beam, Surf, Power Gem, Dazzling Gleam, Draining Kiss
Method Of Evolution: Level up while holding a Moon Stone
Design Lunarune is now a full moon, but has a a sleek dark cresent shaped shadow that grows as Lunarune takes more damage. It has a sharp pointy nose and a glowing pale white colour.

Lunarune's stats are an interesting case. Lunarune it the personification of the moon, so its stats are placed in such a way that makes it specially oriented. I gave it the Fairy typing due to such close association with Moons, and Regenerator as its Hidden Ability to demonstrate the Moon's different phase.

I will edit Solstone later, but i probs won't do Starflake.
[Stage 1] Cubone

[Stage 2] Marowak

[Stage 3] Numskul
Ability: Technician (replaces Lightning Rod)
Hidden Ability: Guts
Stats: 105 | 90 | 110 | 60 | 100 | 55 (+95; 520 BST)
New Moves: Mach Punch (This is probably overpowered on this but I still want to include it in the suggestion, Sucker seems more balanced because you can play around it), Sucker Punch, Close Combat, Revenge, Bulk Up, Punishment, Submission, Head Smash
Method of Evolution: Reaching level 40
Height / Weight: 1,2 m / 60 kg
Design/Desc.: Slightly taller and bulkier Marowak

Justification: Typing: Marowak already learns a lot of Fighting type moves from TMs, Tutors and as Egg Moves (Just as many as it has Ground type moves if I'm not mistaken), also it has a wide array of punching moves and if that doesn't convince you, Marowak runs the Dojo in PMD Explorers of Darkness/Time. Therefore it would make perfect sense for it to get Fighting as a subtype upon evolving.
Abilities: Both of them are justified with the entirety of Marowak's dex entries. For Technician: "It throws the bone skillfully" and "It is skilled in using them as weapons". For Guts, especially the Gen 3 entries: "Its tempered and hardened spirit is not easily broken.". Also Guts is common on Fighting types and ferocious Pokemon, Numskul fits those criteria.
For the stats, I oriented myself on the level up from Cubone to Marowak, with a slight bonus to HP for better bulk.
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Let's vote! **You may only vote for three of your own submissions.** Copy this layout:


The submissions:
[Baby] Starflake by unfixable


Hidden Ability: None
Stats: 30 | 55 | 50 | 55 | 50 | 50 (290)
New Moves:
Method of Evolution: Use a Moon Stone to evolve into Lunatone, or a Sun Stone to evolve into Solrock.
Height / Weight: .6 m / 84 kg
Design/Desc.: Starflake looks like a tiny little asteroid. It's a dusty gray, but with an orangish tint. Upon evolution, it will either morph to fit the night or the light, as to which is up to its trainer. Starflake prefer living in mountains, with the light reflecting upon their outer shell. They use their levitation powers to get around. Starflake have not yet mastered their Psychic capability.
Starflake is not a Psychic-type because it has not yet mastered the abilities of a Psychic-type, although the little fella is still trying! The only skill he had been able to acquire is Levitation, hence Levitate. Its stat spread is just a flat number since it can go either way, depending on his evolutionary path. Making one higher than other seems odd, so I kept it flat. He remains not so terribly fast, but not so terribly slow. No new moves are added, and no new moves are removed. I don't find it necessary on this one. Moon Stone reacts and bonds with Starflake's body and turns it into the Moon shape, will the Sun Stone brings out the true power of the Sun and causes Solrock to morph out of it. It's a tiny little thing, hence only .6 m, but it does weigh a bit since it's a lunar asteroid made out of rock!
[Baby] Starflake by zerobreaker000
Ability: Levitate
Hidden Ability: Levitate
Stats: 40/45/55/45/55/60 (BST 300)
New Moves: Dazzling Gleam, Flash Cannon
(Loses access to) Hyper Beam, Giga Impact, Ice Beam, Blizzard, Flamethrower, Fire Blast, Flame Charge, Incinerate, Overheat, Will-O-Wisp, Icy Wind, Heat Wave, Magic Room, Wonder Room, Solar Beam, Rain Dance, Sunny Day, Moonblast, Fire Spin, Hypnosis, Future Sight, Moonlight, Morning Sun, Surf
Method of Evolution: Level 25
(Lunatone) At night
(Solrock) In day
Height / Weight: 0.6 m / 44.5 kg
Design / Desc.: A light brown sphere with spiky protrusions from its sides, as well as a single glowing red eye in the middle.
Man, that’s a lot of removed moves. This is done to make sure Starflake doesn’t learn any moves that only one side of the evolution can get. The stats are made so in order to fit under Lunatone and Solrock’s base stats; Its Speed is the highest due to it being such a small star. Dazzling Gleam and Flash Cannon… are pretty much just moves Lunatone and Solrock should’ve gotten long ago. Having it evolve at lvl 25 allows it to learn Cosmic Power right before evolving, which fits the flavor.
[Baby] Starflake by Ticktock


Stats: 40 | 55 | 55 | 55 | 55 | 60 (310)
Removed Moves: Future Sight, Blizzard, Fire Blast, Moonblast, Overheat, Stone Edge, Iron Head, Solar Beam, Acrobatics, Earthquake, Gyro Ball, Giga Impact, Hyper Beam
Method of Evolution: Evolves to Lunatone with a Moon Stone, Evolves into Solrock with a Sun Stone
Height / Weight: 2'06" / 186.5 lbs.
Design/Desc.: The body is a small rock with 2 sides of it. One side has a wide open eye, like Lunatone, surrounded by brown rock. On the other side, it has a red iris surrounded by yellow rock with orange rock as it's basis. It has yellow rocks surrounding it and it has a beak-like fixture in the middle, with one side brown and the other side orange.​
Well, it is a little comet taking the form of Lunatone and Solrock in a little comet. It's powers are not yet fully developed, thus can't learn the more powerful versions of it's moves. It can't also take control of other powers like looking into the future, so that negates Future Sight. It can still use powers, just not a whole lot stronger. It's stats are equal impressions of both Solrock and Lunatone.
[Baby] Starflake by Eevee General


Ability: [[Levitate]]
Hidden Ability: N/A
Stats: 50 | 50 | 55 | 50 | 55 | 20 (BST 280)
New Moves: [Level Up] Rollout (9), Rock Tomb (20); -Fire Spin, Psychic, Heat Wave, Zen Headbutt, Psyshock, Calm Mind, Hyper Beam, Light Screen, Earthquake, Shadow Ball, Flamethrower, Fire Blast, Overheat, Charge Beam, Will-o-Wisp, Giga Impact, Dream Eater, Moonblast, Hypnosis, Future Sight, Icy Wind, Ice Beam, Blizzard
Method of Evolution: Level up at Meteor Falls holding a Star Piece during the day (Solrock); Level up at Meteor Falls holding a Star Piece during the night (Lunatone)
Height / Weight: 9'' / 35 lbs
Design/Desc.: A levitating chunk of rock with one red eye and one blue eye​
Starflake has mirrored stats to indicate that it hasn't found its specialty yet. I kept it slow and like most Rock-types gave it usable defenses. I removed lots of flavor moves that can't be learned until it evolves. Levitate had to stay. Not much else to say about this one.
[Baby] Starflake by SpartanMalice

Typing: Fire/Psychic
Ability: [[Levitate]]
Hidden Ability:
Stats: 55/50/50/50/50/55
New Moves:
- Rock Slide, Stealth Rock, Stone Edge,
+ Heat Wave

Method of Evolution: Evolves into Lunatone by Happiness at night, and Solrock by Happiness during day
Height / Weight: 0.5 m, 50 kg
Design/Desc.: A white, glowing star - that's all there is to it. Stars are hot masses which cool over time - I noted down the typing reason in the Justification.​
I used Solrock and Lunatone's stats as a base. Notably, their speed and HP stats are similar and the rest are shuffled around between them. So I worked on reducing them in a plausible enough way that it appears logical when it evolves into either of them.

On that note, I removed some of its rock based moves and added Heat Wave as Flamethrower didn't seem to make too much sense.
Lunarune by unfixable

Hidden Ability: Magic Guard
Stats: 85 | 65 | 75 | 115 | 105 | 90 (535)
New Moves:
+Thunderbolt, +Blizzard, +Ice Shard
Method of Evolution: Level up Lunatone with an Ice-type Pokemon in the last slot.
Height / Weight: 4.6 m / 418 kg
Design/Desc.: Lunarune takes a chilling turn in the form of becoming a comet, made of ice and rock instead of pure rock. It takes a light, crystal, blue appearance, alongside deep red eyes and icicles surrounding its body. With its enhanced intellect, it is able to guard itself from field effects and assume an almost impeccable form.
Lunarune takes on another astrological being, a comet, as its new form. Its stat spread is similar to its pre-evolution Lunatone's and focuses mainly on being a powerful Special Attacker. With a lean 115 Special Attack and a powerful STAB combination, it affects the metagame in a positive way by boosting offensive prowess. While Ice is a bad type defensively, Magic Guard makes up for it due to Lunatone's natural mind wiring allows it to telepathically avoid the opponent's status attacks. It is able to evolve and gain the powers of the comets by harnessing the power of a teammate.
Solstone by unfixable

Hidden Ability: Magic Bounce
Stats: 85 | 115 | 90 | 75 | 65 | 105 (535)
New Moves:
+Fire Blast, +Flame Wheel
Method of Evolution: Level up Solrock with a Fire-type Pokemon in the last slot.
Height / Weight: 4.9 m / 402 kg
Design/Desc.: Solstone ignites its true power in this form. With a bright orange appearance, akin to its pre-evolution's shiny form, it can be quite difficult to look at without wearing shades! While Solstone is admittedly not as intelligent as Lunarune, it still is able to put up a magical shield to reflect opponent's attacks in certain situations.
Solstone takes after our very own Sun, hence the Fire typing. Without its Rock anymore, Solstone becomes much more heated and often angry. It's not possible to touch Solstone. Solstone has an orange body and blue eyes, since it has taken the opposite of Lunarune. Magic Bounce is given to it to somewhat mitigate its glaring Stealth Rock weakness, but mainly to separate it from Lunarune. One notable thing you'll find is that Solstone is that in the transition to a heated being, it also became more agitated and improved its strength overall. With a faster Speed than Lunarune, it comes with lowered defenses as well.
[Stage 2] Lunarune by zerobreaker000
Ability: Magic Guard
Hidden Ability: Levitate
Stats: 85/70/80/105/125/70 (BST 535)
New Moves: Moonlight, Dazzling Gleam, Surf, Flash Cannon
(Lunarune only) Aurora Beam, Draining Kiss, Misty Terrain, Muddy Water
Method of Evolution: Level up at night w/ Moonlight
Height / Weight: 1.7 m / 238.0 kg
Design / Desc.: Plates in the shape of the lunar phases stack from the middle out, with the full moon-shaped plate in the middle and the waxing/waning crescents on the outside. Indiscernible runes are inscribed on it.
Not even going to change the typing because, uh, it’s a meteorite, not the real Moon. The ability changes to Magic Guard to fit with its name (runes = magic, duh), but if you want to keep Levitate for whatever reason, go for the HA. The stats makes it a more defensive counterpart to Solstone, and the new moves it gains are all either Fairy-type (which is somewhat related to the Moon), space-related (Aurora Beam) or references how Moon causes tides (Surf, Muddy Water).
[Stage 2] Solstone by zerobreaker000
Ability: Flash Fire
Hidden Ability: Levitate
Stats: 80/120/95/95/75/70 (BST 535)
New Moves: Morning Sun, Dazzling Gleam, Flash Cannon
(Solstone only) Flare Blitz, Flame Burst, Mystical Fire, Flame Wheel
Method of Evolution: Level up in day w/ Morning Sun
Height / Weight: 1.9 m / 274.0 kg
Design / Desc.: A giant orange sphere with rock arches on it, as well as twelve stone pillars forming into a circle, with a single pillar that acts like a tail in the middle, making the whole thing resemble a sundial.
Like Lunarune, it doesn’t change typing, but its ability is changed to Flash Fire to reference its similarity to the Sun. The stats follow Solrock being a physical attacker, though its SpA is boosted too because god look at all those Special moves. All of the new moves it gets are Fire-type moves, because honestly, what other type fits the Sun?
[Stage 2] Lunarune by Swagodile


Hidden Ability: N/A
Stats: 90 | 55 | 85 | 115 | 110 | 80 (535)
New Moves:
Surf (moon, tides), Power Gem
Method of Evolution: Max happiness with a Moon Shard
Height / Weight: 5'1"
/ 420 lbs
Design/Desc.: Now resembles a full moon instead of a crescent moon, but it keeps the nose. Basically, think the moon from Majora's Mask except less creepy, beige, and with no mouth.
Fairy-types have an association with the moon, and the moon Pokemon should get STAB on Moonblast.
[Stage 2] Solstone by Swagodile


Hidden Ability: 1 (optional)
Stats: 90 | 115 | 110 | 55 | 85 | 80 (535)
New Moves:
Flare Blitz, Flame Charge
Method of Evolution: Max Happiness with a Sun Shard
Height / Weight: 5'8
/ 390 lbs
Design/Desc.: Its eyes are now fully open, and its "spikes" are now on fire.
SOLrock, fire.
[Stage 2] Lunarune / Solstone by Ticktock



Hidden Ability: Intimidate
Stats: 80 | 65 | 85 | 105 | 95 | 105 (535)
New Moves: Power Gem, Dazzling Gleam, Moonlight (by level up)
(Lunarune only) Misty Terrain, Thunderbolt, Thunder, Surf, Muddy Water
Method of Evolution: Level up with Moonlight at Night
Height / Weight: 4'03" / 486.5 lbs.
Design/Desc.: It's form now takes up a full moon look, with it's eyes turning blue, just like it's shiny. The beak has changed to now having 2 off the on the front and back of it as well as it spewing rainbow colored energy out of the line. It also has cracks in it which are also spewing out rainbow energy.​
With it's origin of the moon in it, it kinda shows a Fairy type in progress. It already learns Moonblast, so that wasn't far down the corner. It also has Intimidate because the eyes are still intimidating. The Water-type moves are there because moons are for the tides.



Ability: Levitate
Hidden Ability: Flash Fire
Stats: 80 | 105 | 95 | 65 | 85 | 105 (535)
New Moves: Power Gem, Dazzling Gleam, Morning Sun (by level up)
(Solstone only) Flare Blitz, Flame Wheel, Heat Crash
Method of Evolution: Level up using Morning Sun at Day
Height / Weight: 4'11" / 429.5 lbs.
Design/Desc.: It's body now has it's yellow appendages on fire. It's body is now a light red with magma developing in the places where the yellow bumps were. It's eyes are also now orange and more open.​
It is based off the sun, so it's evolution becomes more angry and heated, but with it's shell not melting due to the withstandable rock. It gains the same added moves as Lunatone, but with Morning Sun instead and it has Flash Fire due to it able to eat up Fire now.
[Stage 2] Lunarune by Eevee General


Ability: Ice Body
Hidden Ability: Forewarn
Stats: 85 | 65 | 85 | 115 | 100 | 85 (BST 535)
New Moves: [Level Up] Ancient Power (0), Power Gem (47); [Tutor] Magnet Rise; [TMs/HMs] Focus Blast, Flash Cannon, Dark Pulse, Dazzling Geam
Method of Evolution: Level Up in battle while under the effects of Wonder Room at night
Height / Weight: 4'7'' / 492 lbs
Design/Desc.: A Lunatone "head" with a cape covering its lower body. The moon has more craters.​
I tried to make Lunarune competitive but while staying true to the line. The added bulk should let it play a supportive role but it also has a usable Speed and solid Special Attack for the lower tiers (where it would most likely end up.) As an attacker it has its Rock/Psychic STAB options but also new coverage in Fighting or Steel attacks, depending on team needs.

Ice Body infers how cold the moon is. This also gives Lunarune a niche on Hail teams where it can use 100% accurate Blizzards (no STAB tho) and heal with the ability. I took away Levitate because it "touches" the ground now with its cape. What's underneath is a mystery however! Forewarn is just a generic Psychic ability. I didn't go with a "good" one because Lunatone was never spectacular so I don't expect its evolution to break that mold suddenly.
[Stage 2] Solstone by Eevee General


Ability: Flame Body
Hidden Ability: Forewarn
Stats: 85 | 115 | 100 | 65 | 85 | 85 (BST 535)
New Moves: [Level Up] Ancient Power (0), Power Gem (47); [Tutor] Magnet Rise; [TMs/HMs] Focus Blast, Flash Cannon, Dazzling Geam
Method of Evolution: Level Up in battle while under the effects of Wonder Room during the day
Height / Weight: 4'9'' / 516 lbs
Design/Desc.: A Solrock "head" with a cape covering its lower body. The moon has more craters.​
See Lunatone for the stat and movepool justifications.

I chose Flame Body as the primary ability to referenec how hot the sun is. With respectable bulk in the lower tiers this lets Solstone check some physical attackers. Unfortunately Solrock has a better special movepool than physical one, so it cannot apply the same offensive pressure as its counterpart. It could probably work as a suicide lead with Stealth Rock, Trick Room, or dual screens and Explosion
[Stage 2] Solstone by Pika Xreme

Typing: Rock/Fire
Ability: Levitate
Hidden Ability: DROUGHT
Stats: 80 | 115 | 105 | 65 | 90 | 80
New Moves: Flare Blitz, Flame Charge, Thunderbolt, Thunder, Ice Beam, Blizzard, Morning Sun, Gravity, Dazzling Gleam
Method of Evolution: Sun Shard
Height / Weight: 4'11" / 10759.3 lbs
Design/Desc.: It is now purely white, glowing, and the ol' rock is now fire.
[Stage 2] Lunarune by SpartanMalice

Typing: Rock / Psychic
Ability: Levitate
Hidden Ability: Insomnia
Stats: 90/55/80/110/110/90 (BST cannot exceed 535)
New Moves: N/A
Method of Evolution: Use a Moon Stone on Lunatone
Height / Weight: 2 m / 200 kg
Design/Desc.: Lunarune develops into a full moon, basically - it keeps the eyes though, only now they're similar to glalie's - it isn't actually "angry" but its give such an appearance. This also justifies Insomnia (the closest I could find to a moon based ability). It takes a grayish pallette compared to its previous light brown.​
This one was easier as it already learns the moon based moves. I expanded on the Solrock/Lunatone being physical/special parallels idea and gave them similar, yet different stats. Following the theme from Lunatone, Lunarune's stats are more specially oriented. It keeps the Rock typing because well... it's a moon.
[Stage 2] Solstone by SpartanMalice

Typing: Fire/Psychic
Ability: Levitate
Hidden Ability: Drought (only for the purpose of using a Hidden Ability, and this felt justified on a sun based pokemon - that said, if you feel this is too powerful then ignore this as part of the submission)
Stats: 90/110/110/55/80/90 (BST cannot exceed 535)
New Moves:
+ Flare Blitz
Method of Evolution: Evolve Solrock using a Sun Stone.
Height / Weight: 5 m / 400 kg
Design/Desc.: Solstone's eye opens wider, akin to the eye of sauron, and emits a bright solar flare. Its spikes are now constantly burning as opposed to being static. They also detach themselves akin to Hoopa - U's limbs, whilst still circling around the circular shape of Solstone's body, akin to asteroids and such circling around the sun.​
This completes the circle - Starflake was supposed to be a baby star - hence the fire typing, which cools down in time to become a solidified rock - but eventually it evolves into a bigger star, and this being the sun, I felt the fire typing is justified. It needs something unique to stand out anyways. Flare Blitz is due to the fact that Eevee General suggested Seed Flare as it sounds similar to Solar Flare, but I feel Flare Blitz makes more sense.

The stats are, as usual, a physical mirror to Lunarune's, just as it was in the case of Solrock / Lunatone.
[Baby]Chiplug by The Reptile


Run Away
Hidden Ability: Static
Stats: 50 | 35 | 45 | 35 | 50 | 65 [BST 280]
New Moves: Nasty Plot, Acrobatics
Removed Moves: Anything that both Emolga and Pachurisu do not share
Method of Evolution: Happiness. If Chiplug knows Acrobatics it will evolve into an Emolga - otherwise, it evolves into Pachurisu
Height / Weight: 0'10.3" / 4.9 lb
Design/Desc.: It's now a small white rodent with a small squirrel-like tail. It doesn't have any notable features on it, except for its yellow pikachu-esque cheek. Imagine Dedenne, only without a tail, pure white, and smaller ears and that is what Chiplug looks like
Nasty Plot might seem strange at first, but it is important to know that Pichu also does the same thing - that is, grant Nasty Plot to its line. There really isn't much to talk about here - Run Away fits the best since not only does Pachurisu have it but it's also an ability that is known for changing (so Run Away --> Static isn't a stretch when evolving into Emolga). Static was chosen as the HA because I think it would of been weird to pick either Motor Drive or Volt Absorb, as it would change for one of the lines. Plus, this means that Chiplug has an ability from both Pachu and Emolga
[Baby] Chiplug by zerobreaker000
Ability: Run Away/Pickup (reminder that Pachirisu has 2 abilities, so its prevo must have 2 as well.)
Hidden Ability: Static
Stats: 25/35/30/35/30/70 (BST 225)
New Moves:
(Loses access to) Acrobatics, Bide, Endure, Sweet Kiss, Taunt, Roost, Aerial Ace, Echoed Voice, Gunk Shot, Signal Beam, Uproar, Tailwind, Pursuit
Method of Evolution: Level up w/ high friendship
(Emolga) Holding Coba Berry
Height / Weight: 0.3 m / 3.1 kg
Design / Desc.: A basic cartoonish yellow squirrel with white face and yellow cheeks, as well as a stubby tail.
That was a lot of removed moves. Anyways, Chiplug’s stats are all lower than both Pachirisu and Emolga, with its Speed being the highest because both of the mons has Speed as their highest stat. The level up method is the same as Azurill and Pichu, both of which are baby mons of the regional electric rodents. I did use Coba Berry as a way to differentiate Emolga’s evolution though.
[Baby] Chiplug by Ticktock


Hidden Ability: Run Away
Stats: 50 | 45 | 35 | 50 | 45 | 50 (275)
New Moves: Nasty Plot
Method of Evolution: Max Happiness into either Emolga with a Flying-type move or other wise to Pachirisu
Height / Weight: 0'9" / 12.9 lbs.
Design/Desc.: It is a small white rodent with blue stripes on it's head and yellow on it's back. It's tail is a combination of Pachirisu's and Emolga's. It also has black ears, blue sides, and yellow cheeks.​
It's just a little rodent for them to evolve from. It's like The Reptile's but with different stats and the abilities switched.
[Baby] Chiplug by Eevee General


Hidden Ability: Unburden
Stats: 35 | 35 | 40 | 35 | 40 | 70 (BST 255)
New Moves: -any moves Pachirisu and Emolga can't both learn
Design/Desc.: Standard little yellow chipmunk "cutemon". Probably has a black lightning bolt on forehead, Harry Potter style.​
Standard fare really. I went with Static as its base ability because that's the only ability Emolga has. If it evolves into Pachirisu it will change to Run Away/Pickup randomly. The HA is Unburden because I imagine when it gets scared it drops all its nuts and escapes without the weight holding it down.
[Stage 2]Risuchu by The Reptile


Fur Coat / Pickup
Hidden Ability: Volt Absorb
Stats: 75 | 70 | 80 | 70 | 105 | 115 [BST 515]
New Moves: Slack Off, Giga Impact, Hyper Beam
Method of Evolution: Using a Thunder Stone
Height / Weight: 1'6.4" / 12.3 lb
Design/Desc.: Its tail is much larger and puffier now, which it is always wrapped up in. The blue fur has also spread more across its body, and it now has a small blue circle on its stomach. It's tooth is a bit larger than it use to be, and it has a dopey "sleepy" look to it - it uses its big fluffy tail as a pillow. It's white fur is also now a more sky blue color - still white-ish, but now with a bit of blue
Basically, Pachurisu's whole thing was that it was a bulkmon. The idea of giving it Fur Coar came when I realized that I'd have to give Voltmolga a new ability - it made sense to me that both of them would get a new ability, plus Run Away has precedence of turning into something else. Slack Off fits the new design idea of it being a sleepy head, and fits very well competitively.

[Stage 2] Voltmolga by The Reptile


Static / Unburden
Hidden Ability: Motor Drive
Stats: 65 | 90 | 70 | 90 | 70 | 127 [BST 512]
New Moves: Hurricane, Giga Impact, Hyper Beam
Method of Evolution: Using a Thunder Stone
Height / Weight: 1'6.7" / 13.6 lb
Design/Desc.: Its "wings" are now much bigger, and look more like a cape now. Its tail becomes bigger, but is more sleek now - almost looking more aerodynamic. Its ears are also a bit larger but are now slicked back. It now has a more determined look on its face. It also gains a pattern on its stomach - it is that of a black triangle.
Voltmolga gains Unburden as its new ability, which fits the idea of a flying squirrel. Its new found access to Hurricane is there to not only mimic Rishuchu's access to Slack Off but also demonstrates Emolgas mastery of air. It's insane speed is there because Emolga's only good stat has always been speed, so it makes sense for this to transfer over to its evolution, although it does have semi-usable SpA and Attack this time around. Voltmolga may or may not work well in OU, but it does have some interesting things going for it (Nasty Plot and Motor Drive are cool, plus its speed is really nice - outspeed Talonflame by 1 point).
[Stage 2] Risuchu by zerobreaker000
Ability: Unburden/Cheek Pouch
Hidden Ability: Volt Absorb
Stats: 70/55/85/65/110/115 (BST 500)
New Moves: Hyper Beam, Giga Impact
(Shared with Emolga) Wild Charge, Knock Off, Thunder Shock, Encore, Agility, Knock Off, Air Slash, Astonish, Baton Pass, Tickle
Method of Evolution: Level 30
Height / Weight: 0.8 m / 32.5 kg
Design / Desc.: Its body becomes larger and bulkier, with a body shape more akin to regular squirrels; The spikes that are on its tail appears on its arms and back as well.
God, all these added moves. That’s what happens when you put two mons with even just a bit of different learnset together. All these moves either make just as much sense on Pachirisu (and Risuchu), or are Egg Moves of Emolga. The stats are geared towards making Risuchu a bulky supporter, although this comes at the cost of its (lack of) offensive power. Unburden and Cheek Pouch are direct upgrades of Run Away/Pickup when taking flavor into account, and Volt Absorb is pretty good considering that Risuchu lacks recovery.
[Stage 2] Volmolga by zerobreaker000
Ability: Static
Hidden Ability: Motor Drive
Stats: 65/85/75/95/65/128 (BST 513)
New Moves: Hyper Beam, Giga Impact
(Shared with Pachirisu) Growl, Swift, Super Fang, Hyper Fang, Dig, Grass Knot, Magnet Rise, Seed Bomb, Thunder Punch, Bestow, Bite, Defense Curl, Fake Tears, Flail, Flatter, Follow Me, Rollout
Method of Evolution: Level 30
Height / Weight: 0.8 m / 27.5 kg
Design / Desc.: Its body becomes lengthened, as its flaps turns into a shape that looks more like wings with zigzag edge, and the jagged tail is rotated by 90 degrees and mirrored, forming a sort of back wings.
Like Risuchu, Volmolga gains a ridiculous amount of moves simply due to Pachirisu. The stat spread leans towards special sweeper, with a slightly higher buff in Def than SpD. The typings and abilities made sense so I didn’t touch them at all.
[Stage 2] Risuchu by Stitch98

Ability: Cheek Pouch/Pickup
Hidden Ability: Volt Absorb
Stats: 80 | 70 | 85 | 70 | 105 | 105 | 515
New Moves: Play Rough (lv. 55), Dazzling Gleam (TM), Draining Kiss (beginning), Giga Impact (TM), Wish (beginning), Heal Bell (Move Tutor), Baby-doll Eyes (beginning)
Method of Evolution: Same as Eevee>Sylveon
Height / Weight: 0.6 m / 4.5 kg
The Dedenne than we all want :D It can work, just like how Pachirisu does, as a supporter in doubles and a Cleric or Annoyer in singles, thanks to its very good speed coupled with its 80/85/105 bulkiness and its new movepool. Its typing gives it 5 resistances (including flying-type) and one immunity, while having just 2 weaknesses to Ground and Poison. Overall a good improvement imho.
252 Atk Mega Garchomp Earthquake vs. 252 HP / 252+ Def Shuca Berry Risuchu: 160-190 (43.9 - 52.1%) -- 17.2% chance to 2HKO
[Stage 2] Volmolga by Stitch98

Hidden Ability: Motor Drive
Stats: 65 | 70 | 75 | 105 | 75 | 125 | 515
New Moves: Hurricane (lv. 60), Giga Impact (TM), Yawn (beginning)
Method of Evolution: If its level is raised by one during a Sky Battle.
Height / Weight: 0.6 m / 6.0 kg
A good status spreader that can even work as a Choice Specs sweeper thanks to its very nice Speed and good movepool. I can see it working very well under rain (I can see a Whishcash's evolution as a very good Drizzle user).
[Stage 2] Risuchu / Volmolga by Ticktock



Run Away / Prankster
Hidden Ability: Volt Absorb
Stats: 80 | 45 | 90 | 90 | 105 | 105 (515)
New Moves: Hyper Voice, Hyper Beam, Giga Impact, Slack Off
Method of Evolution: Level Up while learning Helping Hand
Height / Weight: 2'06" / 26.8 lbs.
Design/Desc.: It's tail now has 2 more points on it's tail, both in the same bluish color. It's ears are now a bit longer and the stripe on it's forehead extends down to it's nose. The yellow cheeks are also now larger. It's hands are also bigger and have little arms connecting them.​
Since it is a mammal, and since they do put mammals in the Normal type, I can't say that this not that far off. Prankster is there because it can be a little tricksy, so it can develop shocks in a flash. It also has the typing due to Emolga having one.



Static / Cheek Pouch
Hidden Ability: Motor Drive
Stats: 55 | 105 | 60 | 110 | 62 | 123 (515)
New Moves: Hurricane, Hyper Beam, Giga Impact, Aqua Tail, Brave Bird
Method of Evolution: Level Up while holding Magnet
Height / Weight: 2'06" / 26.8 lbs.
Design/Desc.: It now has a hood with yellow on the inside and black on the inside and is connected by it's ears. It's head now has a spark-like design on the middle of it's face that is yellow. The belly and appendages now become beige, with yellow markings on it. The tail morphs into a W-like shape that is yellow. It's face now has a look that is a mix of a plain and happy look.​
It's typing is the same, but everything is different. It's look has a little bit of hooded heroes in it. The new ability I chose was Cheek Pouch because it's a flying squirrel. The stats are improved in the offensive department, but barely nothing in the defenses other than a little bit of Special Defence added. The moves are added due to it being more powerful, Aqua Tail is there because it has a bigger tail and Brave Bird is there because it's the only good physical Flying move out there. It may seem odd, but looking at the Zubat line, I guess it can work.
[Stage 2] Risuchu by Eevee General


Cheek Pouch / Pickup
Hidden Ability: Volt Absorb
Stats: 70 | 55 | 80 | 80 | 110 | 115 (BST 510)
New Moves: [Level Up] Bullet Seed (0), Fake Out (28), Mega Drain (31), Energy Ball (45), Thunder (54); [Tutors] Giga Drain, Knock Off, Recycle, Worry Seed; [TMs/HMs] Hyper Beam, Solar Beam, Energy Ball, Shadow Claw, Retaliate, Giga Impact, Grass Knot, Nature Power
Method of Evolution: Use a Grass Stone on Pachirisu
Height / Weight: 3'5'' / 29 lbs
Design/Desc.: Replace the blue stripe/points with green. Make its ears leafier and its tail look like a curled up fern.​
So I jumped the shark! Really tho we have enough Electric rodents and I decided Risuchu needed to get in touch with its roots. The combination of Electric/Grass is fun. It would like more Grass moves but I could only do so much without overdoing it.

Cheek Pouch because it should have it anyway. Now it can pull Recycle+Sitrus gimmicks with its usable special bulk. The stat spread makes it a fast special attacker should it go that route instead, though its severely lacking in coverage, meaning it just has its STABs and a Hidden Power of choice, or it can just run Knock Off.
[Stage 2] Volmolga by Eevee General


Cheek Pouch / Static
Hidden Ability: Motor Drive
Stats: 65 | 75 | 70 | 103 | 75 | 122 (BST 510)
New Moves: [Level Up] Defog (0), Thunder (60), Hurricane (63); [TMs/HMs] Hyper Beam, Giga Impact
Method of Evolution: Use a Thunder Stone on Emolga
Height / Weight: 3'' / 25 lbs
Design/Desc.: Its ears are shaped like goggles which it can pull down over its eyes (yes they're translucent.) The cape/wings are bigger and the insides are black now instead of yellow. The tail is a lot fluffier. It has a yellow lightning bolt on its tummy now.​
I added Cheek Pouch as its other normal ability to match Risuchu. I kept Static and Motor Drive the same. All it learns that's relevant is Hurricane and Defog, mostly because its strong enough to fly into storms and harness their power.

Electric/Flying is a solid offensive type, so I think Volmolga would do well in a tier like NU where it can run a fast Volt Switch set.
[Stage 2] Risuchu by Pika Xreme

Typing: Electric/Steel
Ability: Magician / Levitate
Hidden Ability: Volt Absorb
Stats: 120 | 75 | 80 | 45 | 100 | 95 (BST cannot exceed 515)
New Moves: Parabolic Charge, Stockpile, Swallow, Spit Up, Wish, Iron Head, Flash Cannon
Method of Evolution: Level up with Mega Raichu in the party
Height / Weight: 1'08 / 10.6 lbs
Design/Desc.: The colors blue and white switch. The white is now grey. The now-grey is now armor, and the spikes are now a chainsaw that runs along its whole body. The very large chainsaw makes it hard to breed with anything that doesn't resist Steel, but it makes it incredibly easy to saw nuts in half and eat them.
Pickup turns into Magician, which, flavor-wise, is still an item-stealing ability, while actually being a usable ability. Levitate replaces Run Away, but it's purely competitive. And Volt Absorb... is volt absorb.
[Stage 2] Volmolga by Pika Xreme

Typing: Electric/Flying
Ability: Lightningrod / Motor Drive
Hidden Ability: Magic Guard
Stats: 70 | 85 | 70 | 95 | 70 | 125 (475 cannot exceed 515)
New Moves: Hurricane, Hyper Beam, Giga Impact, Fly
Method of Evolution: Level up with Mega Raichu in the party (same as my Risuchu)
Height / Weight: 1'08" / 14 lbs.
Design/Desc.: The cute little flying-squirrel patagium it has splits into actual wings and an actual cape. The wings look a bit like its tail. Speaking of the tail, there's two more of those now, counting up to three tails, two wings, two arms, and two legs, a whole 9 limbs! Or... limby things. Yeah.
[Stage 3] Numskul by Swagodile

Ability: Rock Head / Solid Rock (replaces Lightning Rod)
Hidden Ability:
Battke Armor
Stats: 80 | 100 | 130 | 50 | 100 | 60 (BST cannot exceed 520)
New Moves:

Superpower, Dual Chop
Method of Evolution: Trade while holding Rare Bone

Height / Weight: 4'1" / 80kg
It's taller, and wearing a ribcage around its chest as armor. It also now wields two bones as opposed to just one.

[Stage 3] Numskul by zerobreaker000
Ability: Skill Link/Lightning Rod
Hidden Ability: Battle Armor
Stats: 80/100/130/60/85/60 (BST 515)
New Moves: Superpower, Night Slash, Ice Punch
(Numskul only) Arm Thrust, Hammer Arm, Taunt, Final Gambit, Drain Punch
Method of Evolution: Level up w/ Bone Rush (level learned is swapped w/ Thrash)
Height / Weight: 1.7 m / 86.8 kg
Design / Desc.: The body becomes slightly more sleek, as it gains bone-made shoulder pads and two long bones to wield instead of a single short one.
Note: Thick Skull works with Numskul as well.
The Pokedex entries of Marowak notes that they can use their bones as weapons skillfully. So yeah, this is the logical next step. Skill Link was just explained right there, as well as the addition of Fighting-type. The stats are spreaded out to minimize min-maxing, but honestly Marowak’s stats was like that from the very start. The new moves are a bunch of STAB, Night Slash (which Marowak should be able to do with its bone clubs) and Ice Punch - Why Marowak can learn all those special Ice-type moves but not the last of the elemental punches baffles me.
[Stage 3] Numskul by Pika Xreme
Typing: Ground/Ghost
Ability: Solid Rock and Sap Sipper
Hidden Ability: Battle Armor
Stats: 110 | 95 | 125 | 50 | 95 | 45
New Moves: Astonish, Shadow Claw, Shadow Punch, Shadow Sneak, Shadow Ball
Method of Evolution: Level up in a "Haunted" area (Lavender Tower, Mt. Pyre, etc)
Height / Weight: 3'03" / 66.1 lbs
Design/Desc.: Surrounded by a ghostly aura, with the skull now floating above the revealed head. The head has a shape similar both to the skull and to the head of Kangaskhan.
Remember that Marowak Ghost? The one in Lavender Town? Yeah... Sap Sipper is effectively a total upgrade over Lightningrod, because there is no reason for this thing to need that except in inverse battles. Rhyperior gives precedent for Rock Head being replaced by Solid Rock.
[Stage 3] Numskul by The Reptile


Rock Head / Lightingrod
Hidden Ability: Battle Armor
Stats: 80 | 95 | 130 | 70 | 90 | 55 [BST 520]
New Moves: Head Smash, Rock Polish
Method of Evolution: Trade while holding a Thick Club
Height / Weight: 4'8.6" / 111.6 lb
Design/Desc.: It now wears more of a bone armor rather than just a bone helmet - a rib cage protects its chest and back while it has large bones over its knees. All of this is connected through smaller bones and a spinal cord that connects the new armor to the helmet, which now has more prominent horns on it and has green and red feathers around it. It now also has tribal paintings on its helmet, and its bone has 3 feathers tied to it now - 2 green and 1 red.
Note: I assume that Numskul gains the boost from Thick Club.
Numskul is now a much bulkier and stronger attacker - basically a better version of Marowak. Head Smash gives it access to very powerful coverage, while Rock Polish gives it a chance to attempt to sweep with higher speed. 95 attack might not seem like much, but remember that it can abuse Thick Club, which gives it insane strength (It has around the same power as 252+ Attack Groudon using Precipice Blade while holding an Earth Plate when using EQ). Meanwhile, it has great physical bulk and mediocre special bulk, allowing it to take hits. I kept all of its abilities and typing because these are the things that make the most sense tbh.
[Stage 3] Numskul by Stitch98


Ability: Cursed Body / Lightning Rod
Hidden Ability: Illusion
Stats: 60 | 70 | 60 | 130 | 90 | 110 | 520
New Moves:
Shadow Ball (TM), Shadow Claw (TM), Dark Pulse (TM), Crunch (lv. 67), Sucker Punch (lv. 62), Shadow Sneak (beginning), Will-O-Wisp (TM), Curse (beginning)
Method of Evolution: If its friendship is at the lowest level possible and its level is raised by one at night.
Height / Weight: 1.3 m / 15.0 kg
Design/Desc.: Skulls are white, the "smoke" is purple and the body is brown like Marowak's​
All of its ghost-ness comes out. It wants to take its revenge on humans that mistreated it and its mother. So it becomes a sweeper (physical with Thick Club or special without its item) fast and brutal. It loses some HP and Defense because its body is less physical, but it gains Special Attack, Special Defense and Speed, typical of Ghost-type mons.
[Stage 3] Numskul by Ticktock


Rock Head / Vital Spirit
Hidden Ability: Battle Armor
Stats: 80 | 110 | 120 | 50 | 100 | 60 (520)
New Moves: Bite, Crunch, Dark Pulse, Rock Polish, Head Smash
(Numskul only) Payback, Sucker Punch, Ice Punch, Superpower, Snarl, Dual Chop, Revenge, Submission
Method of Evolution: Trade while holding Thick Club (Note: Numskul will not get the boost from Thick Club because it will absorb it.)
Height / Weight: 5'01" / 189.3 lbs.
Design/Desc.: It's head now gains horns on the skull, colored beige. It also now has tribal patterns all over the skull and belly. It's body now gains more bones for armor, with the chest being protected with ribs. It also now has 2 clubs which are also beige.​
It says that it grows effortless, but it now has grown so effortless that it is now seeking out it's mother's killer. The ability Vital Spirit reflects that. It now has gathered more bones and has gained more power. It's power gotten so out of control, that it's bones can't give it more power, hence that it has to be traded with it. It also learns some more moves involving it's new power and bones.
[Stage 3] Numskul by G-Luke

Typing Ground/Ghost
Ability Battle Armour and Technichan
Hidden Ability Mummy
Stats 70/95/130/60/100/55 [BS:510]
New Moves Superpower, Shadow Punch (Numskul only) Shadow Ball (all FE Ghosts get this), Shadow Sneak Will o Wisp, Trick Room
Method of Evolution Trade while holding Spell Tag
Desc/Design Its skull now has a Hood shape, while having ribcage armour and a ghostly purple aura surrounding it. Its eyes now look like hollow eye sockets.

The Numskul familycycle of mourning has 3 stages. Grief(Cubone), Acceptance(Marowak), añd finally Embrace(Numskul). Numskul has embraced the death of its mother so much, it gained a Ghost typing to prove it. Its ribcage armour supports Battle Armour, while its hard training being a Maworak allowed it to perfect its bone wielding Technique, supporting Technichan. Its Ghost typing, itd timr embracing death (and the fact that it still loves mom) earns it Mummy as its Hidden Ability.
[Stage 3] Numskul by money12wolf
Ability: Rock Head/Cursed Body
Hidden Ability: Battle Armor
Stats: 75 | 100 | 115 | 50 | 100 | 65 Bst-505 (BST cannot exceed 520)
New Moves: Shadow Punch, Shadow Claw, Curse, Grudge

Method of Evolution: Level up at night
Height / Weight: 4'5" / 162.5
It skull become black and cracked. It have a bone spine growing on it back the the bone it was holding grew larger. It skin become a darker brown

[Stage 3] Numskul by Eevee General

Rock Head / Lightning Rod
Hidden Ability: Cursed Body
Stats: 70 | 100 | 120 | 80 | 90 | 60 (BST 520)
New Moves: [Level Up] Shadow Punch (0), Curse, (0), Phantom Force (59), -Retaliate; [Tutor] Pain Split, Snatch; [TMs/HMs] Shadow Ball, Torment, Flame Charge, Focus Blast, Dark Pulse
Method of Evolution: Level up Marowak in that ghost tower from RBY with a Ghost-type Pokemon in your party
Height / Weight: 4' / 71 lbs
Design/Desc.: A purplish fire seeps out from underneath its skull helmet. The eye sockets glow red and trails of smoke waft out of them. The bone is surrounded by the same purplish fiery glow. Its skin is gray and it has a ridge of black fur down its spine.
Damn, I was hoping people weren't going to jump on the Ground/Ghost train so quickly. Oh well.

Basically I nudged up all its stats, keeping in mind it can wield the Thick Club item like Cubone and Marowak can. 100 Attack x2 for free is really strong but it only has 60 Speed. Instead of bulking it out too much I added more base points to Special Attack, as now in the afterlife Numskul is more attuned with the art of energy manipulation. Cursed Body is there to fit the Ghost/cursed soul/lost mother theme.
[Stage 3] Numskul by SpartanMalice

Typing: Ground
Ability: Rock Head, Sticky Hold
Hidden Ability: Battle Armor
Stats: 85 / 95 / 125 / 60 / 95 / 60 (520)
New Moves:
+ Head Charge, Hammer Arm, Rock Polish
Method of Evolution: Level up with Mamoswine in the team and while its holding Thick Club
Height / Weight: x / x
Design/Desc.: The original design I'd went for this was that of a big, burly caveman type with a Mamoswine pelt - I still feel it works (Raikou's cool too, but do you really need one of those to complete your pokedex?)​
The fact that it actually gets to use Thick Club made this easier tbh. I gave it +15 across the board, then added 5 to HP. 60 is not a bad speed tier for Rock Polish sets considering its access to Thick Club.

So I originally wanted to give this Thick Fat to match its design but decided against it. I realize Sticky Hold seems off - but let's think about it for a second - Accelgor's Sticky Hold doesn't make sense either. Marowak on the other hand, its bones are very important and its signature moves practically are already bone based. tl;dr It's a way of making it hold on to its stone - its PU as it is already, not letting its Thick Club get knocked off won't change it too much in such a speed based environment.

Head Charge is not so useful but it suits flavour considering its bone skull. Hammer Arm is to make use of its larger size (could be nice in TR as well), and finally Rock Polish to coincide with the early man theme - after all, they did polish a lot of rocks.
[Stage 3] Numskul by Akiii
Ability: Technician (replaces Lightning Rod)
Hidden Ability: Guts
Stats: 105 | 90 | 110 | 60 | 100 | 55 (+95; 520 BST)
New Moves: Mach Punch (This is probably overpowered on this but I still want to include it in the suggestion, Sucker seems more balanced because you can play around it), Sucker Punch, Close Combat, Revenge, Bulk Up, Punishment, Submission, Head Smash
Method of Evolution: Reaching level 40
Height / Weight: 1,2 m / 60 kg
Design/Desc.: Slightly taller and bulkier Marowak

Justification: Typing: Marowak already learns a lot of Fighting type moves from TMs, Tutors and as Egg Moves (Just as many as it has Ground type moves if I'm not mistaken), also it has a wide array of punching moves and if that doesn't convince you, Marowak runs the Dojo in PMD Explorers of Darkness/Time. Therefore it would make perfect sense for it to get Fighting as a subtype upon evolving.
Abilities: Both of them are justified with the entirety of Marowak's dex entries. For Technician: "It throws the bone skillfully" and "It is skilled in using them as weapons". For Guts, especially the Gen 3 entries: "Its tempered and hardened spirit is not easily broken.". Also Guts is common on Fighting types and ferocious Pokemon, Numskul fits those criteria.
For the stats, I oriented myself on the level up from Cubone to Marowak, with a slight bonus to HP for better bulk.
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[Stage 2] Dronestrik by Swagodile

Hidden Ability: Infiltrator
Stats: 70 | 102 | 80 | 102 | 80 | 40 (BST cannot exceed 474)
New Moves:
Method of Evolution:
Height / Weight:
3'6" / 79 lbs
Design/Desc.: Slim and sleek, with a drone-esque appearance.
It's a drone.
[Stage 3] Waspassin by Swagodile

Hidden Ability: Defiant (some are known to go rogue and leave the hive)
Stats: 70 | 122 | 80 | 102 | 80 | 90 (BST cannot exceed 544)
New Moves:
Night Slash, Hone Claws, Swords Dance
Method of Evolution: Level up while knowing Night Slash
Height / Weight: 3'7 / 69 lbs
Design/Desc.: Black and yellow, similar to a bumblebee. Has an assassin-esque appearance.
The "assin" part of the name brought to mind an assassin.
[Stage 2] Dronestrik by zerobreaker000
Typing: Bug/Flying
Ability: Honey Gather
Hidden Ability: Hustle
Stats: 50/105/62/105/62/90 (BST 474)
New Moves: Same as Vespiquen unless noted below:
(Gains access to) Megahorn, Poison Jab, Brick Break, Night Slash, Sky Drop, Snarl, Quick Attack, Feint, Agility, Swords Dance
(Loses access to) Attack Order, Defend Order, Heal Order, Power Gem, Quash, Hyper Beam, Giga Impact
(Combee) Odor Sleuth, Tri-Attack
Method of Evolution: Level 31
Height / Weight: 0.8 m / 19.2 kg
Design / Desc.: A cross between a wasp and honey bee, possessing the fur coat and a hexagonal torso armor; the two arms are armed with hexagon honeycomb gauntlets, with stingers protruding in the front.
As a counterpart of Vespiquen, Dronestrik has mostly the same learnset aside form a few crucial changes, including the removal of Order moves and adding more physical moves. The abilities came straight from Combee, and the stat spread is similar to Vespiquen’s, only inverted with a few changes.
[Stage 3] Waspassin by zerobreaker000
Typing: Bug/Flying
Ability: Pickpocket
Hidden Ability: Hustle
Stats: 55/125/67/110/67/120 (BST 544)
New Moves:
(Waspassin only) Sucker Punch, Knock Off, Superpower, Vacuum Wave, Hyper Beam, Giga Impact
Method of Evolution: Level up w/ Hivetriarch in party
Height / Weight: 1.3 m / 33.4 kg
Design / Desc.: The honeycomb gauntlets on its arms now comes in three, surrounding the stinger which becomes thinner like a blade; The wings becomes longer and sleeker, and the fur on its chest extends onto the wings.
A straight upgrade over Dronestrik, I can’t think of much reason to change the Flying-type, so even though it’s pretty crap I kept the typing. The stat spread focuses mostly on going fast, though it also has great offensive presence. The moves are mostly just moves that I couldn’t put on Dronestrik but would fit flavor on Waspassin.
[Stage 2] Dronestrik by Ticktock


Ability: Pickup
Hidden Ability: Compound Eyes
Stats: 70 | 102 | 60 | 102 | 60 | 90 (474)
New Moves: (Dronestrik only) Megahorn, Night Slash, Swords Dance, Knock Off, Poison Jab, Gunk Shot
(Loses from Vespiquen) Power Gem, The Order Moves, Captivate, Destiny Bond
(Added to Combee) Tri Attack
Method of Evolution: Level 21 if Male.
Height / Weight: 3'11" / 79.7 lbs.
Design/Desc.: It has 2 legs that Vespiquen did not have. They are black with yellow claws. It's abdomen is smaller and has a stinger on it. It's head is more like a wasp's head. It's eyes are also grey when not in battle and red when active.​
It's under Vespiquen's power, meaning it does not has a lot of power over it. It can, however, take control over it, sometimes even wrecking over the Combee's hive. Pickup refrences about the various things that the queen wants. It's stats are almost the same as a reversed Vespiquen, but with less defense and more speed.
[Stage 3] Waspassin by Ticktock


Ability: Sheer Force
Hidden Ability: Poison Point
Stats: 80 | 122 | 60 | 102 | 60 | 120 (544)
New Moves: Sludge Wave
(Waspassian only) Drill Peck, Drill Run, Horn Drill, Hone Claws, Cross Poison, Toxic Spikes, Dig, Rock Tomb, Rock Slide, Dark Pulse
Method of Evolution: Learn Sludge Wave at Level 49
Height / Weight: 5'01" / 123.6 lbs
Design/Desc.: One of it's arms now have a drill appendage attached to it with the other arm being normal still. It's legs now have purple on them and it's arms are also purple as well. It's eyes are now always red and the antenna have poison oozing out of them. Also, it's stinger is larger and has silver on it.
Now rivaling the more bulky and slow Hivetriarch, the fast, hard-hitting Waspassin now is Poison type to counter it. It has Sheer Force to have it strike hard and try to counter the queen of them all. Poison Point is there because it has a stinger and it has a ton of new moves to escalate to it's design. It also has moves matching more powerful Pokémon.
[Stage 2] Dronestrik by The Reptile


Honey Gather
Hidden Ability: Hustle
Stats: 65 | 75 | 67 | 75 | 67 | 95 [BST 444]
New Moves: It basically has the same movepool Vespiquen has, except it doesn't learn Attack Order, Defense Order, Heal Order and Power Gem. Instead it has Poison Sting, Poison Jab, and Leech Life
Method of Evolution: Train to Level 30 while holding Honey
Height / Weight: 1'3.2" / 52.1 lb
Design/Desc.: The upper half of Dronestrik similar to Vespiquen, except that, instead of the royal crown that Vespiquen wears it instead wears what looks like a helmet. It's lower body now looks like a more standard bee - think about Beedrill's lower half and that' basically what Dronestrik looks like.
Dronestrike is suppose to look like a standard bee to be like a drone to Vespiquen. It not only lacks the Order moves (and Power Gem) but it also has lower BST than Vespiquen - this is to fit with the theme better. Dronestrike is suppose to be less than Vespiquen. It keeps the same abilities it had while it was a Combee because while it is much more powerful than Combee it basically has the same role as it.

[Stage 3] Waspassin by The Reptile


Poison Touch
Hidden Ability: Sheer Force
Stats: 70 | 95 | 72 | 95 | 72 | 120 [BST 524]
New Moves: Megahorn, Sludge Bomb, Drill Run
Method of Evolution: Train to Level 50 while holding a Poison Barb
Height / Weight: 2'9.5" / 92.4 lb
Design/Desc.: What used to be its "helmet" now looks more like a wasps face, along with it having a more angry-face. The black patterns on its body have spread more, making it more black-with-yellow rather than yellow-with-black. It's stringer is also much larger than it used to be, while its wings not only also become bigger but also become more jagged and menacing. It's antennas are slicked back but can still be seen from the front.
Waspassin is now a much stronger force, becoming blistering fast and having moderate attack force. This attacking force is amplified thanks to Sheer Force - there is precedence with Hustle turning into Sheer Force, so I don't feel like this is too outlandish. Higher speed also fits the idea of a wasp. Finally, despite it having mixed offenses I can see Waspassin being more physically oriented due to stronger moves and coverage, which works well
[Stage 2] Dronestrik by Eevee General


Hidden Ability: Hustle
Stats: 75 | 95 | 67 | 64 | 60 | 113 (BST 474)
New Moves: [Level Up] Spikes (0), U-turn (0), Aerial Ace (0), Poison Sting (3), Fury Attack (9), Quick Attack (12), Twineedle (15), Aerial Ace (19), Pin Missile (22), Slash (25), Double Hit (28), U-turn (31), Agility (34), Infestation (37), Feint (40), Bug Buzz (44), Fell Stinger (49), Lock On (55); [Tutors] Bug Bite, Endeavor, Giga Drain, Iron Defense, Magnet Rise, Shock Wave, Signal Beam, Sky Attack, Snatch, Snore, Tailwind; [TMs/HMs] Toxic, Venoshock, Hidden Power, Sunny Day, Ice Beam, Protect, Rain Dance, Frustration, Solar Beam, Return, Double Team, Reflect, Sludge Bomb, Aerial Ace, Facade, Flame Charge, Rest, Attract, Thief, Steel Wing, Energy Ball, Charge Beam, Explosion, Shadow Claw, Flash, Thunder Wave, Gyro Ball, Swords Dance, Struggle Bug, X-Scissor, Infestation, Swagger, Sleep Talk, U-turn, Substitute, Flash Cannon, Wild Charge, Rock Smash, Nature Power, Confide, Cut
Method of Evolution: Level up Combee w/ holding Super Honey
Height / Weight: 2'4'' / 24 lbs
Design/Desc.: A sleek "drone" shape colored like a bee with a stinger in the back that flashes red like a beacon. Its antennae function like the antennae on a remote controlled device.​
The design inspiration is based on drones sent out by the queen to do work/battle for the hive. Dronestrik is a fast, lithe attacker that works best in teams (Swarm) or under pressure (Hustle). 113 is pretty fast for a MC pokemon, but imo a bee drone should be fast. 95 Attack is solid especially after the Hustle boost. However, it lacks strong STAB moves so I don't see it being OP anytime soon.

Some of the moves might look funny but I tried to keep in mind it's more drone than bee. I gave it some "beam" moves like Ice Beam, Solar Beam, and Charge Beam. Spikes are useful for setting an ambush. Overall its versatility would make it a contender to something like Scyther in the lower tiers, and it can match Scyther's power via Hustle while also providing team support with hazards.
[Stage 3] Waspassin by Eevee General


Hidden Ability: Hustle
Stats: 85 | 121 | 77 | 74 | 60 | 127 (BST 544)
New Moves: [Tutors] Gunk Shot, Knock Off; [TMs/HMs] Hone Claws, Taunt, Hyper Beam, Giga Impact
Method of Evolution: Level up Dronestrik in the Hive Room
Height / Weight: 3'7'' / 40 lbs
Design/Desc.: An upgraded Dronestrik drone. It's larger and more streamlined. Its black bands are also thicker, making it darker overall.​
I kept the stat spread the same with more emphasis on upping Attack and Speed, its major strengths. I added Gunk Shot and Knock Off for coverage, and because it's a bigger, better drone. Hone Claws is there because I imagine it has small Beedrill-like extensions that can be honed. Taunt because it mocks you before it delivers the final blow.

I know Wasp+Assassin could be interpreted to be Dark-type with stealth-related moves, but in my head it's just an extension of the drone theme, not a literal assassin waiting in the shadows.
[Stage 2] Dronestrik by Pika Xreme
Typing: Bug/Flying
Ability: Pressure
Hidden Ability: Unnerve
Stats: 60 | 102 | 60 | 102 | 60 | 90 (BST cannot exceed 474)
Removed Moves: Attack Order, Heal Order, Defend Order,
Method of Evolution: Level 21 Male Combee. That is all.
Height / Weight: 2'51" / 45 lbs
Design/Desc.: Similar to Combee, with a larger body covering all its heads. Also, it has a neck and bigger wings.
[Stage 2] Dronestrik by SpartanMalice

Typing: Bug/Flying
Ability: Frisk
Hidden Ability: Unnerve
Stats: 70/70/82/70/82/100 (BST 474)
New Moves:
*Same moves Vespiquen gains barring Attack and Defend Order)
Method of Evolution:
Height / Weight:
0.8 m, 20 kg
Design/Desc.: Lacks the regal appearance of a Vespiquen, instead opting for a veil similar to Accelgor's, and a shorter "skirt" than Vespiquen, mimicing Roman Legionaries.​
So going with the name "Dronestrik" I went with a scouting theme - as such, high speed for a middle evolution but as Vespiquen is after all, a queen bee, it should be superior to Vespiquen in the other stats so I averaged them out. As queen bees are supposed to be the largest bees, I made it smaller than vespiquen in size too.
[Stage 3] Waspassin by SpartanMalice

Typing: Bug / Flying
Ability: Pressure
Hidden Ability: Technician
Stats: 70 / 105 / 82 / 70 / 82 / 135
New Moves:
Night Slash, Cut, Psycho Cut, Poison Jab
Method of Evolution: Trade using Assault Vest
Height / Weight: x / x
Design/Desc.: Continuing with the previous design, it gains a hood as opposed to a "mask" like Accelgor had, and its arms extend to gain an appearance similar to... I don't know how to describe it exactly but, see how Mega Garchomp gets Scythes for hands? Well, imagine Waspassin's as more of a pike.​
Now I know the speed is really high, but consider this: Accelgor has high speed, utility moves, and decent SpA - and its low tier. Waspassin has high speed, not as high as Accelgor, it doesn't get a proper way of boosting its attack other than hone claws, and honestly, with a Bug / Flying typing its gonna need all the luck it needs. Technician only boosts Aerial Ace and Bug Bite, and the choice between Bug Bite and Attack Order is more PP and berry eating (lol - although it is situation-ally useful) or a high crit ratio. I gave it some slashing moves to go with the Attack Drone theme. Poison Jab is a bonus - Beedrill has stingers, this one's "pike-arms" act similarly.

[Stage 3] Hivetriarch by Swagodile

Hidden Ability: Intimidate
Stats: 100 | 80 | 122 | 80 | 122 | 40 (BST cannot exceed 544)
New Moves:
Moonblast, Dazzling Gleam, Calm Mind
Method of Evolution: Level up while knowing Moonblast
Height / Weight: 4'11 / 109 lbs
Design/Desc.: Imagine Vespiquen, but larger, and with a more "regal" appearance. Her wings are larger and pink, and her "crown" is now spikey, with two more "gems" in the middle.
The Fairy-type is associated with "feminine" Pokemon.
[Stage 3] Hivetriarch by zerobreaker000
Typing: Bug
Ability: Pressure
Hidden Ability: Intimidate
Stats: 85/90/132/90/117/30 (BST 544)
New Moves: Feint, Acid Spray
(Hivetriarch only) Earthquake, Hammer Arm, Calm Mind, Autotomize, Seed Bomb, Sludge Wave, Psychic, Dazzling Gleam, Zen Headbutt
Method of Evolution: Level up w/ Attack Order, Defend Order and Heal Order
Height / Weight: 1.6 m / 60.1 kg
Design / Desc.: The honeycomb extends up to its shoulders, chest and even the back as armors, and the wings devolve into a cape; the gem on its forehead extends to the back of the head, forming a tiara.
With how it can’t fly anymore removing the Flying-type seems pretty reasonable. While its Speed is now truly crap, its bulk is exceptional; combined with Intimidate, it can make for a pretty useful wall. All of the added moves are either moves that fits the flavor of queen or befitting of its bulky armor.
[Stage 3] Hivetriarch by Pika Xreme
Typing: Bug/Rock
Ability: Pressure
Hidden Ability: Regenerator
Stats: 100 | 100 | 112 | 80 | 112 | 40
New Moves: Smack Down, Rock Slide, Power Gem, Stone Edge, Head Smash, Rock Blast, Rock Polish, Stealth Rock
Method of Evolution: Level up while holding Stone Hive (new item)
Height / Weight: 5'22" / 255.69 lbs
Design/Desc.: The hive is now full, as well as made of stone. The red crest on its head is now a large gem. The thin, almost breakable-looking part of its body is now covered by another red gem. It also loses the mandibles and its eyes become larger, but the wings now have vaguely mandible-shaped extensions, separated by a crystal functioning as a joint.
[Stage 3] Hivetriarch by Ticktock


Ability: Serene Grace
Hidden Ability: Filter
Stats: 80 | 80 | 112 | 120 | 122 | 30 (544)
New Moves: Dazzling Gleam, Sludge Wave
(Hivetriarch only) Moonblast, Earth Power, Psychic, Psyshock, Energy Ball, Calm Mind, Hurricane, Moonlight, Play Rough
Method of Evolution: Learn Dazzling Gleam at Level 49
Height / Weight: 5'06" / 349.6 lbs
Design/Desc.: It's abdomen now has twice the space of Vespiquen's abdomen. It now has legs and it's arms are yellow. It now has a cape and it's gem is larger as well as it being blue. It is accomplished with 2 Combees.​
It has now the power over the moon, which explains the Fairy typing. It has Serene Grace and Filter which is demonstrated by it's relationship with the Moon. It now also has moves which relate with many demonstrated moves. It's abdomen now has twice the space to release more Combees. But, it has much more weight, meaning it's speed is decreased.
[Stage 3] Hivetriarch by The Reptile


Hidden Ability: Parental Bond
Stats: 90 | 85 | 117 | 85 | 117 | 50 [BST 544]
New Moves: Psychic, Psyshock, Zen Headbutt, Calm Mind, Stored Power, Light Screen, Reflect
Method of Evolution: Train to Level 55
Height / Weight: 4'2.4" / 99.2 lb
Design/Desc.: Its crown is now much larger - the "gem" on it is now radiant and bright. It also has a similar gem on its chest area. It's abdomen is also much larger, and has smaller gems all around it. Finally, there are two Combee's on each of its now slightly larger arms, acting as sort of shields.
The idea of Telepathy, Parental Bond, and its Psychic-typing is that it is now much more connected to the Hive Mind - to the point where it can Telepathically connect with them and even control them for battle. This also gives Hivetriarch a better but still kind of meh typing defensively - offensively, it's pretty alright. It now has access to a lot of psychic-based attacks such as Psychic and Calm Mind, which fit with its new typing.
[Stage 3] Hivetriarch by Eevee General


Hidden Ability: Solid Rock
Stats: 80 | 95 | 122 | 95 | 122 | 30 (BST 544)
New Moves: [Level Up] Rock Tomb (0), Rock Slide (50), -Fell Stinger; [Tutors] Block, Iron Defense, Stealth Rock; [TMs/HMs] Taunt, Smack Down, Earthquake, Sandstorm, Rock Tomb, Rock Polish, Rock Slide
Method of Evolution: Evolve Vespiquen w/ holding the Crystal Crown in the Master Hive room
Height / Weight: 4'9'' / 244 lbs
Design/Desc.: A large rocky crown now adorns her head. Her wings are larger and she has smaller ones on her "hive". The hive part is also rocky now, aka hardened honey.​
So basically Hivetriarch is a really old hive queen that hardened with age. She got a lot heavier, hence the drop in Speed. She's also much bulkier and has decent offenses. Unnerve changed to Solid Rock because she's not as unnerving as before I guess.

Overall with a slightly better typing and ability she should be able to pull off a decent support set in the lower tiers with some combination of Stealth Rock, Defog, Roost, status, and a STAB move.
[Stage 3] Hivetriarch SpartanMalice

Typing: Bug
Ability: Pressure
Hidden Ability: 1
Stats: 70 /80 / 122 / 110 / 122 / 40
New Moves:
Quiver Dance
Method of Evolution: Trade using King's Rock (genius)
Height / Weight: 3 m / 65 kg
Design/Desc.: Hivetriarch's gown is adorned with more diamond shaped objects, thus sort of giving it an "armored" look - after all, its supposed to be a Hive. Moving on to that, much like how Magnezone/Magneton, the Metang and Klang lines - and last but not least Slowbro and Slowking - including other pokemon in their sprite or multiple instances of pre evolutions, Hivetriarch has a bunch of worker combees circling around it (her "bodyguards", if you will)​
Considering it's supposed to be "royal" Quiver Dance seemed fitting based off its description - "a beautiful dance" - I increased its defenses as its supposed to be a Hive, basically a slightly improved Vespiquen - and since its static, I removed the flying typing.


Thanks for your patience! I had to split the submissions into 2 posts due to character limits, so it's a bit uglier than usual. j~j
Last edited:
Starflake: Ticktock
Lunarune/Solstone: Ticktock
Chiplug: Ticktock
Risuchu/Volmolga: Eevee General
Numskul: SpartanMalice
Dronestrik/Waspassin: The Reptile
Hivetriarch: The Reptile
Last edited:
Starflake: Ticktock
Lunarune/Solstone: Eevee General
Chiplug: Ticktock
Risuchu/Volmolga: The Reptile
Numskul: SpartainMalice
Dronestrik/Waspassin: The Reptile
Hivetriarch: The Reptile
Starflake: Unfixable
Lunarune/Solstone: Swagodile
Chiplug: Ticktock
Risuchu/Volmolga: Pika Xreme (chainsaws)
Numskul: G-Luke
Dronestrik/Waspassin: Swagodile
Hivetriarch: Pika Xreme

(Changed vote)
Last edited:
Starflake: unfixable
Lunarune/Solstone: Ticktock
Chiplug: zerobreaker000
Risuchu/Volmolga: Eevee General
Numskul: zerobreaker000
Dronestrik/Waspassin: Swagodile
Hivetriarch: Ticktock
Starflake: Ticktock
Lunarune/Solstone: Eevee General
Chiplug: zerobreaker000
Risuchu/Volmolga: Eevee General
Numskul: zerobreaker000
Dronestrik/Waspassin: Eevee General
Hivetriarch: zerobreaker000
Lunarune/Solstone: SpartanMalice

Dronestrik/Waspassin : SpartanMalice

Numskul: SpartanMalice

Chiplug: Eevee General
Risichu / Volmolga: The Reptile
Hivetriarch: zerobreaker000

Starflake: unfixable

(formatting may be a little messed up cause I'm on phone. Also how does Brave Bird on a flying squirrel make sense ._. Think creatively not ridiculously - at least Solstone's Fire typed ideas came from it being based off the sun.)
Starflake: Eevee General
Lunarune/Solstone: Swagodile
Chiplug: The Reptile
Risuchu/Volmolga: The Reptile
Numskul: Eevee General
Dronestrik/Waspassin: Eevee General
Hivetriarch: Swagodile
Starflake: Eevee General
Lunarune/Solstone: TickTock
Chiplug: The Reptile
Risuchu/Volmolga: TickTock
Numskul: The Reptile
Dronestrik/Waspassin: Eevee General
Hivetriarch: Pika Xreme
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