So some of you may of already heard of Dragon Cave. If you haven't, here's a brief summary. Dragon Cave is an adoptables site where you collect dragon eggs. You put them in your signature and then the eggs will hatch into hatchlings, and eventually become adults. Eggs and Hatchlings collect views, unique views, and clicks. Those help them to hatch and grow up faster, but too many in a short amount of time can get the Egg or Hatchling sick. Once an adult they don't collect clicks, views, and unique views, and they cannot die. I've gotten very addicted to it, and I've noticed some other people here on Smogon have started too.
I wanted to make this thread after seeing a couple other users with some Dragon Cave eggs in their signature. The purpose here is really just a sharing place. Show off some favorite dragons you have, ask for help with hatching, etc. Feel free to add your scroll for others to see.
Dragon Cave is here.
The wiki is here.
If this thread doesn't belong in The Great Library, it's totally fine to delete or move it.