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Other Metagames The Impregnable Fort (Peaked Anything Goes ladder with 95 GXE on three accounts)

*insert quote about perseverance*

Before I begin, I'd just like to remind everyone that using stall in AG is not recommended unless you have a proper understanding of the meta and how it functions. Similar to other tiers/metas, stall in AG requires a very careful usage of all mons and recognising wincons in every game. However, due to the fact that AG has absolutely no clauses whatsoever (except endless battle), and the monstrous birthchild of AG - Mega Rayquaza, stall has always been considered unviable. Mainly, this is due to the fact that almost nothing in the entire game can boast of being a reliable switch in vs all forms of Mega Rayquaza, which makes it extremely difficult to utilise stall, as it relies heavily on switching and conservative usage of all mons. Additionally, no sleep clause means that darkrai gets an instant "I eat stall for breakfast" tag, whereas no species clause makes it extremely difficult to wall mons and the risk of one of them breaking through its check is drastically increased.

The idea of this team came to me after viewing a post on the Anything Goes Resources thread by thelinearcurve. It basically was a question, asking if anyone had tried using 2 or more mons below C ranks in their team and peaked the ladder with it. Since I am usually pretty jobless, I thought of going ahead with this idea. This only reinforced my plans to make a team based around Clefable and Quagsire, two unaware walls for specially offensive and physically offensive mons, respectively. Clefable, with a decent specially defensive typing, has access to cleric moves and is capable of walling two of the most spammed mons in the meta - Xerneas and Jolly Lum Berry Normalceus, with the same set. On the other hand, Quagsire is simply wonderful as a defensive wall, completely shutting down e killers, and tanking hits from almost any physically offensive move in the game which isn't super effective. It also gains access to counter, toxic and recover, which gives you brilliant toxic stalling potential vs physically offensive mons. Naturally, this had potential to form a wonderful core.


The following were some of the pre requisites I looked for before building this team. This is based on my perception of how AG functions and what an "ideal" stall team should be able to deal with.

1- Not losing to Mray : Pretty self explanatory.
2- Darkrai checks : Abusing the lack of a sleep clause, on its own, would beat 95% of the stall teams in AG.
3- E killers and Xerns : Very, very commonly spammed. Their usage is so heavy, checking these two convincingly would be 40% of the job done.
4- not losing to BP teams : Notorious for taking massive shits on stall
5- Checking common stallbreakers : Mgar, LO Yveltal, LO Mewtwo, double dance P don etc.
6- Natural synergy between the core : being able to switch in and out vs each other's checks comfortably was a necessity for each of my mons.

Let's get to it.



Quagsire @ Leftovers
Ability: Unaware
EVs: 248 HP / 252 Def / 8 SpD
Impish Nature
- Recover
- Toxic
- Earthquake
- Counter

- Physically defensive unaware wall.
- one of the best e killer checks in the game.
- toxic staller + counter killer

Expecting quag to do anything other than checking e killers might backfire. But considering how beautifully it checks e killers, it just had to be here. While it isn't supposed to switch in vs most of the powerful mons, the fact that I have Gira, P don and Ho oh - three of the bulkiest mofos in the meta, I can afford to not require Quagsire to switch in. Quag can also soft check double dance p don and defeat any physical Mon 1v1 in endgame scenarios. Quag should be used in endgames once all specially offensive mons have been eliminated.


Sableye @ Sablenite
Ability: Prankster
EVs: 248 HP / 252 Def / 8 Spe
Impish Nature
- Fake Out
- Foul Play
- Will-O-Wisp
- Recover

- fake out lead
- magic bouncer to provide assistance to Ho oh
- Solid Mon with a decent movepool
- soft checks Mray and e killers
- automatically shuts down rock setting Bulkceus variations, which could trouble my team otherwise.
- additional pressure vs Darkrai

Probably one of the most valuable additions to this team. Msab puts in pressure vs so many teams without even being in play. The simple knowledge that a magic bouncer is a part of my team makes it difficult to set up rocks. It gives an additional answer to status users, as well. Another e killer check (RIP Arcspam), Msab's typing allows it to entirely wall e killers with wisp + foul play, and bitch-switch to quag, in case shit goes south. Fake out lead is useful, as well.


Ho-Oh @ Leftovers
Ability: Regenerator
EVs: 248 HP / 208 Def / 52 SpD
Impish Nature
- Recover
- Toxic
- Sacred Fire
- Brave Bird

- regen healing
- shits on special ceus (except rock and water)
- darkrai soft check
- offensive presence
- secondary xern check

Alright, the amount of work this thing puts in w/o rocks on is just surreal. Tanks almost any hit that isn't rock type. Some of the notable ones are +1 ascent from Mega Rayquaza (which is amazing, as Mray would prefer setting up vs Ho oh over most of my other mons), LO M2 Psystrike, LO y god foul play/sucker/knock off, crappy scarfed Rock Slide Xern sets, geoxern Thunder etc. It should be noted that some of these tanks are huge (esp LO Y god and LO M2). Ho oh also works with Clefable to PP stall darkrai out of games. Sp def evs to tank Thunder from Geoxern. All in all, this is gold.


Clefable @ Leftovers
Ability: Unaware
EVs: 248 HP / 8 SpA / 252 SpD
Calm Nature
- Moonblast
- Wish
- Protect
- Heal Bell

- specially defensive unaware wall
- heal bell
- xern and lum e killer check
- darkrai check
- cm ceus check
- wish-support

If I had to vote one Mon that puts in most work in this team, it'd be Clefable. A ubiquitous mennace, Clefable aims at switching into specially offensive mons like Xerns, special ceus and passive forms of Y god, Lugia, support ceus etc and get heal bell and wish recovery. Clefable is also the reason I don't auto-lose to NP darkrai/BP. In a team based around physically defensive walls, Clefable brings in some much needed specially defensive air. I have also grown to realize that Clefable, quite often, is pretty much all you need as specially defensive support, with P don providing a shoulder for it to fall on. This, along with Quag, absorb the entire setup sweeping meta. A very underrated mon.


Giratina @ Leftovers
Ability: Pressure
EVs: 248 HP / 252 Def / 8 Spe
Impish Nature
- Defog
- Toxic
- Dragon Tail
- Rest

- reliable defogger
- Most reliable Mray switch in amongst the 6 in this team
- tertiary e killer check (RIP arcspam)
- p don switch in
- ho oh switch in
- Pressure pressure (I'm sorry, I just had to)

Using a Ho Oh naturally calls for a defogger, and there isn't a better one in AG than Gira-A. With its impressive bulk and typing, Gira is as brilliant at defogging as it is at walling physically offensive moves. Dtail is preferred over roar to get damage on Mray, as well as kick out Lumcoat e killers. Having three legitimate Xern checks in the team gives Gira a LOT of breathing space. Toxic is preferred over wisp to successfully switch into P don and cripple it, and also because I already have enough pressure vs physically offensive mons ; meaning I can afford to not have wisp. All else is self explanatory.


Groudon-Primal @ Red Orb
Ability: Desolate Land
EVs: 248 HP / 252 SpD / 8 Spe
Careful Nature
- Stealth Rock
- Rest
- Earthquake
- Roar

- rock setter
- p ogre switch in (the only one)
- tertiary Xern check
- solid bulk with powerful stab

I have to admit, this is here just so that I don't auto-lose to p ogre pressure. Decent rock setter with roar. I have gone for rest over plume to give it longevity in situations demanding for it. Max HP and SP Def to take minimal damage from P ogre and tank 2 earth powers from CM ceus. This usually ends up being the Mon that I sack when I need to sack something, as the other 5 do all that is needed. I won't undermine having a switch in for P ogre, though.



Life Orb Yveltal can be a real pain in the butt for this team. The fact that I lack a reliable switch in for it contributes to its already potent stallbreaking ability. The best play is stalling this out with Ho oh/Clefable. If either are at 100%, this becomes much easier. Y god beats everything else on my team without breaking a sweat.


No matter how good you think your stall team is vs Mray, this thing can't be stopped by one Mon. This is mainly due to the fact that it has 4 very viable stallbreaking sets, both specially and physically offensive, and it can just change the entire game. The most common issue has been banded Mray switching in vs Clefable and guaranteeing a kill. Best course of action is to switch to Gira immediately, which will tank 2 ascents w/o rocks and almost eliminate Mray permanently with dtail hitting it at -2 def. The major issue, though, is the lately increased usage of Specs Mray, which threatens to cripple my team in a very different way. Specs Draco will kill everything in the team that is a switch in for Lum/Band Ray. I have tried fixing this, and it just simply is too difficult. Mray has to be phazed out by Rocks/dtail asap. The bright side, though, is that Lum Mray has more overall utility and its usage is way higher than band/specs.


The only set that has a shot at breaking through my team is sludge bomb rai. And also, this depends a lot on how the sleep turns pan out. Even this set is beaten by Ho oh if rocks aren't up. NP-void-sludge bomb-d pulse LO rai could beat it, though, but is pretty awful and uncommon and is very cteamy. *cough cough* Zang strats *cough cough*
Long story short, not a major threat, but a potential threat.

Other notable threats - Mega Gengar, Kyurem-W, Rock setter Ghostceus, LO xern, LO Mewtwo, Mega Glalie, ur mom

Basically, considering how most of these threats will trouble stall teams in any case, there isn't a major flaw. Moreover, none of these mons straight up sweep all of my team. The presence of unaware users also guarantees a great advantage vs BP teams, which usually shit on stall. Msab handles klefki, whereas arcspam just straight up loses to this. Clefable and quag are about the only mons likely to lose to Mgar (quag 2hkos with eq on the switch in and wins). This team is about as foolproof as stall can be in the meta rn.

Zangooser for the help with the RMT *wink*
DonnotheFirst for being in constant awe of my grace and beauty
Drayden8437 for ragequitting upon the sight of my stall
hexandwhy for the Clefable and Ho oh core idea
GunnerRohan for being a mentor and a great friend <3
thelinearcurve for not being on the ladder enough
flowre idk why, I'm just a huge admirer <3
GonxKillua for being my one and true love

AG family <3
Megazard, megaqwer:D, Synoptic, @TheEpicCookie, Ratkiller, Josh, johnvelong Articuno ICryptis, Lando, UltimateThimo, Ahuehuehue, TheHungrySage, @TiksiBranch, Quantum Tesseract, Whis, Black Schatten, Naruto, Lance, DSMP, dusk raimon, Primal Box and all the players from the ladder for being so shit at this game. (Not even kidding)

If I missed anyone, I am not sorry. I just don't like you much.

Account made specifically for stall


#1 and #2, both alts of mine

Latest screenshots (Accs at #1, #4 and #7)

Quagsire @ Leftovers
Ability: Unaware
EVs: 248 HP / 252 Def / 8 SpD
Impish Nature
- Recover
- Toxic
- Earthquake
- Counter

Sableye @ Sablenite
Ability: Prankster
EVs: 248 HP / 252 Def / 8 Spe
Impish Nature
- Fake Out
- Foul Play
- Will-O-Wisp
- Recover

Ho-Oh @ Leftovers
Ability: Regenerator
EVs: 248 HP / 200 Def / 52 SpD
Impish Nature
- Recover
- Toxic
- Sacred Fire
- Brave Bird

Clefable @ Leftovers
Ability: Unaware
EVs: 248 HP / 8 SpA / 252 SpD
Calm Nature
- Moonblast
- Wish
- Protect
- Heal Bell

Giratina @ Leftovers
Ability: Pressure
EVs: 248 HP / 252 Def / 8 Spe
Impish Nature
- Defog
- Toxic
- Dragon Tail
- Rest

Groudon-Primal @ Red Orb
Ability: Desolate Land
EVs: 248 HP / 252 SpD / 8 Spe
Careful Nature
- Stealth Rock
- Rest
- Earthquake
- Roar
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This is by far the hottest stall team in AG & i dont think anyone can build a team better than this. The fact that u cover all threats so well & there's only a couple of mons (which aren't very niche in ag) that can potentially break ur team really makes it evident that stall: is finally viable. (if u use this team)

I actually spent a while trying to think of legitimate sets/cores that could fuck ur shit up, but i couldn't think of a lot except maybe fire blast/taunt mewtwo (2hkos msab), but ho-oh + msab take it on relatively well. I guess the one mon which can potentially break ur team is definitely mixed ray, since gira/quag gets draco'd, leaving a hole in ur team.

Overall it's pointless thinking of ways of breaking the team because its just that good. Congrats on ur peak & thanks for being the godfather of AG. (also stop manufacturing mini-hunterstorms now im fucking sick of it)

Love you.

e: can we get this bitch in team showcase asap please?!
I watched you playing with this team and winning over several top tier players yesterday and pondered whether my team stands any chance to break the wall. After some thoughts, you know what I did? Oh I just change the tier to 1v1 and had some relaxed game lol (u can see my id at the very bottom of your second peak picture, which means if I find battle I would very possibly meet u lol) This is how good this stall team is: it makes fear lol

Several comments on possible wall breaking: Apparently Mray Mix attacker would be a major threat but there is really no good way to prevent such a thing 100%. With the other day some using a similar core (ho oh, gira and clefable) I played with, I surprise-killed the gira with Draco on a Ray named "Choice Band" or sth. like that. That really works to get it through and finally break the chain of defense. (though that was only a semi-stall)

Also, I saw someone else using your team right after losing to you and it seems that it didn't work all that well for someone not familiar enough with stalling in AG (you would still agree that stall team is harder to peak than overpower teams) even he is top on the ladder. See: http://replay.pokemonshowdown.com/anythinggoes-340852351
Somehow a mega galie really fuck the defense line up due to rock being cleared and a crit..... with that final explosion really impressive lol. Normally, it seems that a moody would simply get stopped by unaware, but that is not the case for refrigerate Mega Evolved one with a power that not-unaware mons cannot stand but unaware mons cannot stand due to its very basic power...

Somehow again it is a crit that take pdon out which would otherwise roar Mray out after dragon dance. the life orb DD version would possibly oh-ko quagsire and pdon if it is not in its full health....so again it requires a lot of skill to use stall well and even peak

252+ Atk Refrigerate Mega Glalie Return vs. 248 HP / 0+ Def Clefable: 265-313 (67.4 - 79.6%) -- guaranteed 2HKO after Stealth Rock and Leftovers recovery
0 SpA Mega Glalie Freeze-Dry vs. 252 HP / 4 SpD Quagsire: 504-592 (127.9 - 150.2%) -- guaranteed OHKO
252+ Atk Refrigerate Mega Glalie Return vs. 252 HP / 252+ Def Unaware Quagsire: 180-213 (45.6 - 54%) -- 46.9% chance to 2HKO after Stealth Rock and Leftovers recovery
(so cannot swich in if not full HP; most Glalie here in AG doesn't use freeze dry but basically you cannot safe switch in any of the unawrewall to take the hit from a moody boosted one and needs to sacrifice...)

Pdon should deal with it though before it sets up, but if it comes in with 4 or more glalie on the team and somehow it got evasion on the first turn and demands an imediate roar...ooops....the constant EQ when predicting the roar would gradually make it hard for the team to stall. (Although only one of it can Mega evolve which can deal quite descent damage to unaware...)
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I watched you playing with this team and winning over several top tier players yesterday and pondered whether my team stands any chance to break the wall. After some thoughts, you know what I did? Oh I just change the tier to 1v1 and had some relaxed game lol (u can see my id at the very bottom of your second peak picture, which means if I find battle I would very possibly meet u lol) This is how good this stall team is: it makes fear lol

Several comments on possible wall breaking: Apparently Mray Mix attacker would be a major threat but there is really no good way to prevent such a thing 100%. With the other day some using a similar core (ho oh, gira and clefable) I played with, I surprise-killed the gira with Draco on a Ray named "Choice Band" or sth. like that. That really works to get it through and finally break the chain of defense. (though that was only a semi-stall)

Also, I saw someone else using your team right after losing to you and it seems that it didn't work all that well for someone not familiar enough with stalling in AG (you would still agree that stall team is harder to peak than overpower teams) even he is top on the ladder. See: Somehow a mega galie really fuck the defense line up..... with that final explosion really impressive lol. Normally, it seems that a moody would simply get stopped by unaware, but that is not the case for refrigerate Mega Evolved one with a power that not-unaware mons cannot stand but unaware mons cannot stand due to its very basic power...

252+ Atk Refrigerate Mega Glalie Return vs. 248 HP / 0+ Def Clefable: 265-313 (67.4 - 79.6%) -- guaranteed 2HKO after Stealth Rock and Leftovers recovery

0 SpA Mega Glalie Freeze-Dry vs. 252 HP / 4 SpD Quagsire: 504-592 (127.9 - 150.2%) -- guaranteed OHKO
252+ Atk Refrigerate Mega Glalie Return vs. 252 HP / 252+ Def Unaware Quagsire: 180-213 (45.6 - 54%) -- 46.9% chance to 2HKO after Stealth Rock and Leftovers recovery
(so cannot swich in if not full HP)

Pdon should deal with it though before it sets up

most Glalie here in AG doesn't use freeze dry but basically you cannot safe switch in any of the unawre wall to take the hit from a moody boosted one and needs to sacrifice...

Firstly, thanks for the rate

I have to agree, using this team isn't fun or easy. On the contrary, it requires a lot of patience and careful plays, and you have to prepare yourself for the worst of RNG. And yes, Mray's versatility is almost too much for stall.

But the reason why I proceeded laddering with this team was because of how all of the pieces just work so beautifully in sync. This is also the first time I have used stall on the ladder. My playstyle usually revolves around HO setup sweeping, so it was a tough transition, initially. And believe me when I say this, it is as stressful for me to use this team as it would be for someone to face it.

There are some reasons why Glalie doesn't concern me as much, though. Firstly, it is the fact that Glalie's usage is very low on the ladder. Secondly, my natural unaware defense. And thirdly, circumstantial stat boosts.

The calcs do show that Glalie could potentially wreck my core, though. I will have quite a few issues vs freeze-dry + return Glalie and it would rely mostly on how Clefable plays out. I'll give this a mention in the threats list.
Firstly, thanks for the rate

I have to agree, using this team isn't fun or easy. On the contrary, it requires a lot of patience and careful plays, and you have to prepare yourself for the worst of RNG. And yes, Mray's versatility is almost too much for stall.

But the reason why I proceeded laddering with this team was because of how all of the pieces just work so beautifully in sync. This is also the first time I have used stall on the ladder. My playstyle usually revolves around HO setup sweeping, so it was a tough transition, initially. And believe me when I say this, it is as stressful for me to use this team as it would be for someone to face it.

There are some reasons why Glalie doesn't concern me as much, though. Firstly, it is the fact that Glalie's usage is very low on the ladder. Secondly, my natural unaware defense. And thirdly, circumstantial stat boosts.

The calcs do show that Glalie could potentially wreck my core, though. I will have quite a few issues vs freeze-dry + return Glalie and it would rely mostly on how Clefable plays out. I'll give this a mention in the threats list.

I totally agree with your points here. It really requires a lot of patience and careful plays and it is stressful for both you and the opponents. Again stall team hates crit as I added another crit resulted lose of that team on the previous post.
See again the other person using ur team: http://replay.pokemonshowdown.com/anythinggoes-340870717 although sending in pdon to pdon is not all that wise a switch, it at least shows a possible threat of rest sleep talk kyogre. When pdon is gone, sleep talk rest P kyogre would be hard to shield with. Although Clefable can deal with it, it cannot knock it down.
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This team is so thought out its amazing, it handles darkrai, mega ray, and EKiller / xerneas, im not sure what else to say, this team is just truly incredible. The amount of time and dedication put into this team is unreal, Congratz on the peak man, 3 times lol haha

Its good to see the Anything Goes tier getting the recognition it deserves and having more people making RMT's about it, this truly is like no other tier. Like the tier name suggests, Anything Goes
This team is so thought out its amazing, it handles darkrai, mega ray, and EKiller / xerneas, im not sure what else to say, this team is just truly incredible. The amount of time and dedication put into this team is unreal, Congratz on the peak man, 3 times lol haha

Its good to see the Anything Goes tier getting the recognition it deserves and having more people making RMT's about it, this truly is like no other tier. Like the tier name suggests, Anything Goes

Thanks for the words, BT! :D
And yes, one of the most important reasons why I chose to RMT this team over the others was because I wanted to introduce stall into AG and make the meta more versatile. Hopefully this will help build AG :)
You didn't include me on the shit list. Jk lol, really nice rmt im pretty sure I cant volunteer anything to make it better, and U peak the ladder like every other day/whenever else suits you so yeah. Gj bro nice to see a Tru stall team doing well
You didn't include me on the shit list. Jk lol, really nice rmt im pretty sure I cant volunteer anything to make it better, and U peak the ladder like every other day/whenever else suits you so yeah. Gj bro nice to see a Tru stall team doing well

Haha, thanks :D
Stall life <3

And check the s/o again. (I suck, ik)
Honestly Hunter, fuck your team building skills in the best way possible. This team is so effective at stalling, honestly nothing I can actually think of works against it, unless you make a blunder on your part ;) Thanks for being a God at AG and showing me the ropes, now I'm taking your stall team and using against you lololol <3
Also, thanks for kicking my ass a shit ton on the ladder and always saying I'll beat you when we match up. #FalsePromises