Project The Lunatic's Workshop [TEAMS BEING POSTED]

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Can we get much higher?

So High (Dragonite) @ Leftovers / The timbs boots idk
Ability: Multiscale
Shiny: Yes
Tera Type: Flying / Steel
EVs: 252 HP / 116 Def / 140 Spe
Jolly Nature
- Dragon Dance
- Substitute
- Roost
- Fly

Feel free to adjust EV's, Nature and Tera type as seen fit.

Been scratching my head real hard trying to figure out a new way to explore some pokémon for a meta i barely ever play but remembered this absolute madman set which I love from back in ORAS OU - with honestly very minimal touching-up on my part, i'd like to propose an attempt at trying good ol' Fly Nite in a more modern meta.

Lefties are chosen to exploit Fly's potential to allow you to gain invulnerability turns to get extra chip healing in to try and refresh Multiscale. If hazards are too problematic, HDB should remain a solid pick to be able to get that crucial one turn of guaranteed Multiscale protection. Tera Flying should remain an OK tera type and was chosen on a whim to try and squeeze in extra chip damage from Fly, while Steel is a late choice as the best defensive tera type i could think of for this thing, if anyone can figure out a better Tera feel free to use that instead. EV's are kept as-is from ORAS and definitely need some touch-ups.

Have 0 clue how to run this in NatDex at all but probably should work as a sort of lategame wincon in a semi-stall or BO team with emphasis on status chip damage (which Fly lets you force more turns of), and should be able to get surprise factor in as a bulkier-than-usual Dragonite set which aims to stay in an annoyingly long period of time.
Bewear @ Leftovers
Ability: Fluffy
Tera Type: Poison
EVs: 252 HP / 116 Atk / 140 Spe
Adamant Nature
- Bulk Up
- Drain Punch
- Darkest Lariat
- Ice Punch

Bewear has always been a mon that I've been fascinated with. It has great bulk with a high 120 hp, allowing to tank many neutral hits naturally, and fluffy to even further boost its survivability on the physical side. Also, its adorable and I'd love to see it with a small niche to fill.

Bulk Up is a wonderful move to further boost its great defensive survivability, as well as boosting its attack to potentially become a problem for the enemy. Drain Punch is a great choice for STAB and for recovery on top of lefties, as it can threaten the majority of steels, darks, rocks, or even neutral hits after just one boost. Now for the star of the show, Darkest Lariat! I love this move due to its ability to completely turn the tide on boost battles, completely ignoring the enemy's defense buffs. Ice Punch can be interchangeable with EQ or Frustration but I like to imagine a Glisc or Lando cease to exist. Finally, tera poison to flip matchups vs fairy and fighting types, to completely screw Zama over, as well as dodging toxic from stuff like Alomo. Lasty, the speed evs allow bewear to outspeed an uninvested heatran by 1 point.

All in all, bewear is a bulky teddy that strives to set up and hopefully bagging a few KO's. Hopefully these traits do allow it a small niche in the OU metagame. (btw teras, evs, moveset, etc can be changed)
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Primarina @ Psychium Z
Ability: Liquid Voice
Tera Type: Water
EVs: 80 HP / 252 SpA / 176 Spe
IVs: 0 Atk
- Psychic Noise
- Moonblast
- Calm Mind
- Substitute

Standard EV spread from Smogon, didn't see a need to change it because outspeeding Mega Mawile is nice. Change how you see fit.

Psychic Noise is a really cool move to use with Liquid Voice Primarina. Ordinarily, it'd be a Psychic type move, but Liquid Voice turns it into a Water type move. I think this cool on its own, but then you're left open to a very common Pokemon in Toxapex, and that's why I slapped Psychium Z onto this set. Like I said before- Liquid Voice turns Psychic Noise into a Water type move, but you can turn it BACK into a Psychic move by using a Z-Crystal to hit Toxapex or other Poison Types.

That's about the only reason I made this set, because I thought it was cool and unique :)
Slowking-Galar @ Heavy-Duty Boots
Ability: Regenerator
Tera Type: Dark
EVs: 252 HP / 60 Def / 88 SpA / 108 SpD
Quiet Nature
IVs: 0 Atk
- Chilly Reception
- Flamethrower
- Blizzard
- Sludge Bomb

This set is a mostly normal gking set except future sight is dropped for blizzard, and the EVs allow gking to live earthquakes from both gliscor and defensive landorus. EVs also allow it to ohko max hp max special defense gliscor with blizzard. The entire point is to bait in either landorus or gliscor then kill them.

contrarily, you can run 228 defense, 4 special attack (yes the 4 is needed), and 24+ special defense with max HP and ice beam to guarantee you live an earthquake from max attack landorus and you have a more accurate ice type move, but it won’t ohko max spD gliscor, only max HP.
Salamence @ Expert Belt
Ability: Moxie
Tera Type: Fire
EVs: 252 Atk / 4 SpD / 252 Spe
Jolly Nature
- Dragon Dance
- Dual Wingbeat
- Earthquake
- Temper Flare

Just as a heads up, I've never really done anything like this before so this might be bad but I decided to go out of my comfort zone a bit and give this a shot, so here it goes...

So...Salamence. I wanted to try to do something with ddance + moxie Salamence because it seems quite interesting to me and I've always thought that mence is underrated. Basically the goal here is for it to be able to sweep with ddance and moxie, and one way it's able to get boosted is through catching things like Corviknight off guard with temper flare.

Also its general unpredictability can help it out a lot. It's RUBL so no one's really prepared for it, it could be offensive or more defensive, and it could be physical or special. I think it should be tough for a lot of teams to easily deal with.

Warning: Don't click the spoilers unless you want to see A LOT of very possibly unneeded stuff. Consider yourself warned ^^

You might be thinking that this is just a worse dragonite, and maybe it is, but mence has a couple things going for it that dnite doesn't. Moxie enables sweeps at the cost of having a harder time setting up than you would with multi-scale, mence has more speed in exchange for less bulk, and mence has the element of surprise. Being RUBL, most people probably aren't going to know exactly what mence would be running, plus there's no way of knowing if it will be physical or special.

Setting up should be fairly easy, ideally coming in on something that can't really hit it and getting a ddance while it switches, then hopefully getting a surprise ko on whatever comes in (most likely a steel type looking to wall STAB) to get to +2. Seems like it should be able to snowball pretty quickly with its good coverage.

Flying/Ground is great coverage, hitting everything at least neutrally except for flying/flying-resists and levitate/flying-resists (hi Rotom). Temper flare adds to that by letting you hit everything but flying/rocks and rotom-wash neutrally.

One of the biggest stops to a flying/dragon would be a steel type; and one the biggest checks to a flying/dragon with EQ is flying birds, Corviknight in particular. Temper flare lets you OHKO Corv with a +2 tera fire temper flare (ddance + moxie boost probably), or EQ on a Corv switch-in into a boosted tera fire temper flare (at +0).

You can also 2HKO SpDef Gliscor after 2 turns of poison heal, Defensive Landorus-T, and Alomomola at +2.

The main drawback to this is that all of these are with Dual Wingbeat which is certainly less than ideal, but I think this could still work.

Potential changes I can think of:

I considered dragon claw as an option instead of dual wingbeat since it's the same base power, has much more consistency, and lets you hit everything neutrally with dclaw, tflare, or eq. The drawback is that instead of hitting fighting types for SE damage, you hit dragon types for SE, have less options to hit grass/bug types with, and then you can't hit fairies with your strongest move.

I have jolly here so that you can outspeed scarf urshifu and scarf lele at +1, maybe Adamant's better, I'm not too sure.

As for the item, I don't really know what to use. I know you either need to be Adamant or have an expert belt, charcoal, or life orb to guarantee an OHKO against the standard 252HP/184+Def Corviknight with the tera fire temper flare (again, +2 tera fire 75 bp temper flare or +0 tera fire 150 bp temper flare). For the record, adamant without one of the aforementioned items has a 75% chance to OHKO a 252/252+ Corviknight, jolly with one of the three items is guaranteed to OHKO.

Expert Belt lets you hit harder with super effective hits obviously, charcoal would allow you to use temper flare as your strongest move after tera, and life orb lets you hit harder overall (notably having a 62.5% chance to ohko gliscor with dual wingbeat after stealth rocks at +2). Another option I'm thinking of could potentially be Z move, Firium Z would let jolly mence OHKO Corv at +2, but this might be worse since you no longer get to tera.

There's also Dragonium Z. Obviously this would need dragon claw or outrage, I'd say they would replace dual wingbeat. This forces you to be at +2 to OHKO Corv with a boosted (150 bp) temper flare. The upside of Dragonium Z is that it gives you the chance to do a couple things. First, Z-Outrage grabs the OHKO on Alomomola at +2 and Z-Dragon-Claw would get the OHKO 68% of the time at +2. Z-Outrage OHKOs Defensive Landorus-T 80% of the time at +1, and Z-Dragon-Claw always does at +2. Z-Outrage always OHKOs SpDef Gliscor at +1, Z-Dragon-Claw having a 62% chance to OHKO at +1. Z-Outrage always OHKOs PhysDef Gliscor at +2, Z-Dragon-Claw has a 62% chance to OHKO PhysDef Gliscor at +2. Another thing to note is that using outrage gives a very strong move to click if there aren't any steels or fairies left.

Sorry to anyone who dealt with reading all of this if it was mostly unnecessary, I wanted to put it to explain my thought process behind some things and some alternatives for items.

Here are some would-be checks and what this mence answers them with:
Corv: Temper Flare (2HKO, OHKO at +2 or 150 BP Tflare)
Heatran: EQ (OHKO) (Dual Wingbeat OHKOs at +1 if Heatran is tera grass)
MDiancie: EQ (OHKO)
Ferrothorn: Temper Flare (OHKO)
Iron Crown: EQ or Tflare (OHKOs max HP Crown at +1)
MSciz: Tflare (OHKO)
Koko...?: EQ (Chance to OHKO vs Bulky)
Pex: EQ (Very likely 2HKO)

Then obviously Dual Wingbeat is there for things like fighting types and tera grass heatran, yknow. Didn't include those here though since flying-weak mons wouldn't typically be considered a check to mence.

So some of the bigger problems I can easily think of are things like defensive landorus-t, phys def gliscor, iron defense Garganacl and alomomola coming in before you're sufficiently boosted. Dragonium Z is a way to get around the majority of these with relative ease but then you can't run one of the other items that allow you to do the Corviknight stuff as easily.

I wouldn't have included all that extra stuff but tbh that's just the kind of person I am, I like to be able to back up stuff I do with evidence and alternative options and whatnot. Anyways, sorry to anyone that had to read this whole thing if it was bad, but once again, I wanted to go ahead and force myself to give this a try; plus I do think this salamence could be pretty interesting if done well. I hope someone found this interesting ^^
Hello, sorry for the wait. Voting is up now.

:choice band: :Entei: by Medasus
:life orb: :volcarona: by Willro101
Taunt :aggron-mega: by Heatranator
:coalossal: by the fraud Nongy
:life orb: :revavroom: (on Sun?) by Illouri
:weakness policy: :palossand:
:assault vest: :tentacruel: by IronMonkey
Fly :dragonite: by Leeto64
:bewear: by Spookycooke
:psychium z: :primarina: by Salt Kitchen
Calm Mind + Rest :hatterene: by Vladimir Capuchin
Blizzard :slowking-galar: by It's that Breloom guy!
:expert belt: :salamence: by Evelynite

Lots of submissions, thanks for the participation!
Voting stage is Over! Here are the results:

:primarina: wins with 4 votes!
Primarina @ Psychium Z
Ability: Liquid Voice
Tera Type: Water
EVs: 80 HP / 252 SpA / 176 Spe
IVs: 0 Atk
- Psychic Noise
- Moonblast
- Calm Mind
- Substitute
Having recently made it into the C- thanks to a 2133 word post in the VR thread by I wonder who, Primarina serves as a good check to zama- i mean what?

:bewear: with 3 votes, to the dismay of our host
Bewear @ Leftovers
Ability: Fluffy
Tera Type: Poison
EVs: 252 HP / 116 Atk / 140 Spe
Adamant Nature
- Bulk Up
- Drain Punch
- Darkest Lariat
- Ice Punch
Bewear is ready to throw hands. literally what does this thing accomplish

:entei: with 2 votes!
Gouging F¡re (Entei) @ Choice Band
Ability: Inner Focus
Tera Type: Normal
EVs: 252 Atk / 4 SpD / 252 Spe
Jolly Nature
- Sacred Fire
- Extreme Speed
- Stone Edge
- Stomping Tantrum
Gouging Fire is a well known offensive threat, making its presence known on sun teams and offense alike! With the uhh addition of extreme speed, somewhere, it can focus on Tera Normal to challenge even faster foes than itself! Also it uhh shed its dragon type in uhh DLC 3 i think

:dragonite: with 2 votes!
So High (Dragonite) @ Leftovers / Heavy-Duty Boots
Ability: Multiscale
Shiny: Yes
Tera Type: Flying / Steel
EVs: 252 HP / 116 Def / 140 Spe
Jolly Nature
- Dragon Dance
- Substitute
- Roost
- Fly
Surely we still remember Z Fly dragonite right? well here we have the same thing but without the Z

:volcarona: and :revavroom: have one vote each so any spare builders have jobs too! In the meantime, there are 12 submissions, only half of which received votes - lots of unexplored room. Post your teams until 14 June, then our builders will have their say! See you next week
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