The most original team EVER!!!!

LOL yea right =P


Infernape@ Choice Band
Jolly Nature: Blaze
252 Atk, 252 Spd, 6 HP
-Flare Blitz
-Close Combat
-Stone Edge
Everyone thinks all Infernapes now a days are Mixed, so normally, when I see a pokemon that is Mixape Weak, I U-turn, because opponnet is switching to Mixape Counter, either Starmie or Cress. CC and Flare Blitz are awesome STAB moves.


Metagross@ Leftovers
Adamant NAture: Clear Body
252 HP, 232 Atk, 12 Def, 8 Spd
-Meteor Mash
Need a bit of help here, but its my Weavile counter, and my Physical Sweeper.Hits everything hard, and when its weak, or facing something like Cune, Cress, you name it, I ASPLODE! =O

Timid Nature: Natural Cure
172 HP, 120 Sp Atk, 216 Spd
-Rapid Spin
So many uses on this team. Sp Sweeper, Spinner, Mixape Coutner and Gyara counter. I love this baby =D.

Garchomp@ Choice Scarf
Adamant NAture: Sand Veil
252 Atk, 252 Spd, 6 HP
-Fire Blast
- Crunch
Standard Scarfchomp. Another physcial sweeper. Revenge killer.

Gliscor@ Leftovers
Adamant Nature : Sand Veil
252 HP, 252 Def, 6 Atk
-Stealth Rock
Physical Wall. Comes in on Ttar. If its a boah, I u-turn, Adamant Nature breaks boah subs, then I switch to Ape or Meta, which resists Ice Beam and take Dark Pulse fairly well.

Bold Nature: NAtural Cure
158 HP, 252 Def, 100 Sp Atk
-Ice Beam
No team is complete without Blissey =D. This is by far one of my favorite sets. I believe Magnezone is only poke that walls it, but what is Magnezone gonna do to bliss? xD Explode I guess lol

Well that's my team, Rate away. =D
Nice team sportfreak I like some of your pictures as well I would use if they would allow hotlinking. I hate your Blissey it ruins Pokemon watch out for Metagross, but I guess thats what switching is for.
Starmie doesn't work very well as a Gyarados counter in the late game, when she has most likely taken some risidual damage. Believe me, i know, Starmie is currently my only Gyarados counter on my team.
Why wouldn't it? Anytime Gyara is out, Starmie comes in, they either DD or Waterfall, I tbolt while they switch to their Special Wall, then Recover, it ain't that hard. You just gotta mantain Starmie over 80%
Everything on this team is standard. No appear ant weaknesses. Lacking priority moves will bite you in the ass. I suggest you find a way of fitting one on your team because a stat upper like Dragonite or Salamence will come in and just rip your team apart.
Yeah I would definitely have a priority move in there, The only options i see though is Removing Thunderpunch for Bullet punch on metagross, Though bullet punch isn't nearly as effective as mach punch plus you need to have some chance at killing bulky waters with meta. I'd say remove U-turn for mach punch on infernape, it'll help out alot.