This is a team that I have had l lot of success in, due to the fact that salamence seems to work well with the other members. A lot of people stick with the more defensive Dragonite, but I actually think that salamence is a lot better because of its moxie ability, and the ability to sweep through unprepared teams.
Scizor @ Choice Band
Trait: Technician
EVs: 248 HP / 252 Atk / 8 SDef
Adamant Nature
IVs: 30 Spd
- Bullet Punch
- Pursuit
- U-turn
- Superpower
CB Scizor is the first part of my volt-turn core, and its no mystery why. Scizor and rotom-w are used consistently on the same team as they are a great core. Scizor and rotom-w cover each others weakness really effectively, with Scizor taking care of grass types like celebi and ferrothorn and with bullet punch can take out terrakion and mamoswine which would be difficult to deal with otherwise. I use 30 speed ivs so that if I am in againsed another scizor, I will u-turn out last which means I will get switch advantage. CB Scizor works on almost any team, due to the amount of threats it can deal with and this team is no exception.
Starmie @ Leftovers
Trait: Natural Cure
EVs: 252 Spd / 252 SAtk / 4 SDef
Timid Nature
- Ice Beam
- Scald
- Thunderbolt
- Rapid Spin
A spinner is important for this team to work, as I have no Poison type to remove toxic spikes from the field and everyone but salamence was grounded, and salamence who was weak to rocks. Starmie was the best choice as it can deal with spin-blockers such as Jellicent and Gengar. It also has great offencive pressure and helps againsed rain teams. The other spinners have no offensive capability and are not as effective on a non-weather team. The set is standered, with thunderbolt hitting water types and ice beam hitting dragon types.
I use scald as a stab move as I don't like missing with hydropump and scald is good to hit ferrothorn on the switch.
Tangrowth @ Leftovers
Trait: Regenerator
EVs: 252 Def / 252 HP / 4 Sdef
Bold Nature
IVs: 30 spd
- Giga Drain
- Hidden Power [Ice]
- Sleep powder
- Leech Seed
Tangrowth is a great support pokemon for this team, because of the fact it can put a opponent to sleep as well as its access to leech seed, which means I can heal the team. Most people, because of how predictable Tangrowth is, will switch fire types or grass types such as Ferrothorn into Tangrowth predicting the leech seed, meaning I can get a free switch into salamence who carries fire fang. Tangrowth can cheak many threats, most notably breloom and physical dragons except kyriem (who is checked by Scizor anyway). It can check many physical attackers in OU due to its enormous physical bulk, and regenerator with leech seed, which make it different to take down even with super effective attacks.
252 Atk Choice Band Terrakion X-Scissor vs. 252 HP / 252+ Def Tangrowth: 160-190 (39.6 - 47.02%) -- guaranteed 3HKO
252+ Atk Choice Band Dragonite Outrage vs. 252 HP / 252+ Def Tangrowth: 204-240 (50.49 - 59.4%) -- 80.08% chance to 2HKO
(Meaning I can get a free switch into salamence if Tangrowth breaks multiscale)
252 Atk Life Orb Weavile Ice Punch vs. 252 HP / 252+ Def Tangrowth: 187-221 (46.28 - 54.7%) -- 7.81% chance to 2HKO
Rotom-Wash @ Leftovers
Trait: Levitate
EVs: 232 HP / 220 Spd / 56 SAtk
Modest Nature
IVs: 0 Atk
- Volt Switch
- Hydro Pump
- Will-o-wisp
- Rain dance
Rotom-w was chosen for this team alongside Scizor to act a a pivot and somthing which can help deal with water type pokemon, which are not very threatening to this team with rotom-w and Scizor. This rotom-w carries rain dance to help prevent sun teams (which are the biggest issue to this team), from doing much damage. Rotom-w is almost always my lead against any weather teams, which after I set up a rain dance can volt switch into Heatran. Rotom is my switch into starmie and can take scalds the best on the team. I choose to not to use pain spilt because of the fact that is is very unreliable in a offensive metagame, and the fact that Rotom-w is mainly used as a pivot unless a physical attacker is a on the field, in which case I have Will-o-wisp. Physical pokemon are not very threatening to this team anyway, so I usually just end up using volt-switch or hydro pump. (Except dragonite who usually carries lum berry anyway)
Salamence @ Choice Scarf
Trait: Moxie
EVs: 252 Atk / 252 Spd / 4 HP
Jolly Nature
- Outrage
- Dragon Claw
- Fire fang
- Earthquake
This is the pokemon this team was build around, as it does an excellent job of overpowering through anything that is not faster than it. If I can get a free switch into this thing late game with the opponents revenge killer taken out, it is usually over. I use fire fang over fire blast because of the fact that I don't like missing, and if I miss the opponent they usually can take me out with one hit due to salamence being so frail. Fire fang also gets the moxie boost unlike fire blast. This thing is a great revenge killer also and can deal with other dragons with multi scale deactivated as well as steel types due to earthquake and fire fang. The whole teams goal is to support salamence to hopefully achieve a sweep.
Heatran @ Leftovers
Trait: Flash Fire
EVs: 252 SDef / 252 HP / 4 SAtk
Calm Nature
IVs: 0 Atk
- Lava Plume
- Toxic
- Roar
- Stealth rocks
This pokemon was chosen over other pokemon like Jirachi, because of the fact that it helps deal with sun teams and can cheak many pokemon such as special dragons, grass types such as Venusaur and choice banded Scizor locked into bullet punch. I have little to say about specially defencive Heatran as that is all it does as well as keep rocks on the field. And stop sub calm minders in their tracks.
Choice banded dragonite - Only if rocks are not up as I will need to sack something to break multiscale (unless Tangrowth is in as I can just put it to sleep)
Choice scarf starmie - massive threat as it can hit everything on my team for supereffective damage (except rotom-w who takes a huge amount of damage)
Sun teams- by far the biggest threat of all and i have rotom-w to help stop sun from being up. Heatran is also a check but if the team has a dugtrio, I will need to use Scizor (as long as the sun sweeper does not carry hidden power ice) or even Salamence. I will also need to play Heatran very well and ensure it does not get trapped.
Scizor @ Choice Band
Trait: Technician
EVs: 248 HP / 252 Atk / 8 SDef
Adamant Nature
IVs: 30 Spd
- Bullet Punch
- Pursuit
- U-turn
- Superpower
CB Scizor is the first part of my volt-turn core, and its no mystery why. Scizor and rotom-w are used consistently on the same team as they are a great core. Scizor and rotom-w cover each others weakness really effectively, with Scizor taking care of grass types like celebi and ferrothorn and with bullet punch can take out terrakion and mamoswine which would be difficult to deal with otherwise. I use 30 speed ivs so that if I am in againsed another scizor, I will u-turn out last which means I will get switch advantage. CB Scizor works on almost any team, due to the amount of threats it can deal with and this team is no exception.
Starmie @ Leftovers
Trait: Natural Cure
EVs: 252 Spd / 252 SAtk / 4 SDef
Timid Nature
- Ice Beam
- Scald
- Thunderbolt
- Rapid Spin
A spinner is important for this team to work, as I have no Poison type to remove toxic spikes from the field and everyone but salamence was grounded, and salamence who was weak to rocks. Starmie was the best choice as it can deal with spin-blockers such as Jellicent and Gengar. It also has great offencive pressure and helps againsed rain teams. The other spinners have no offensive capability and are not as effective on a non-weather team. The set is standered, with thunderbolt hitting water types and ice beam hitting dragon types.
I use scald as a stab move as I don't like missing with hydropump and scald is good to hit ferrothorn on the switch.
Tangrowth @ Leftovers
Trait: Regenerator
EVs: 252 Def / 252 HP / 4 Sdef
Bold Nature
IVs: 30 spd
- Giga Drain
- Hidden Power [Ice]
- Sleep powder
- Leech Seed
Tangrowth is a great support pokemon for this team, because of the fact it can put a opponent to sleep as well as its access to leech seed, which means I can heal the team. Most people, because of how predictable Tangrowth is, will switch fire types or grass types such as Ferrothorn into Tangrowth predicting the leech seed, meaning I can get a free switch into salamence who carries fire fang. Tangrowth can cheak many threats, most notably breloom and physical dragons except kyriem (who is checked by Scizor anyway). It can check many physical attackers in OU due to its enormous physical bulk, and regenerator with leech seed, which make it different to take down even with super effective attacks.
252 Atk Choice Band Terrakion X-Scissor vs. 252 HP / 252+ Def Tangrowth: 160-190 (39.6 - 47.02%) -- guaranteed 3HKO
252+ Atk Choice Band Dragonite Outrage vs. 252 HP / 252+ Def Tangrowth: 204-240 (50.49 - 59.4%) -- 80.08% chance to 2HKO
(Meaning I can get a free switch into salamence if Tangrowth breaks multiscale)
252 Atk Life Orb Weavile Ice Punch vs. 252 HP / 252+ Def Tangrowth: 187-221 (46.28 - 54.7%) -- 7.81% chance to 2HKO
Rotom-Wash @ Leftovers
Trait: Levitate
EVs: 232 HP / 220 Spd / 56 SAtk
Modest Nature
IVs: 0 Atk
- Volt Switch
- Hydro Pump
- Will-o-wisp
- Rain dance
Rotom-w was chosen for this team alongside Scizor to act a a pivot and somthing which can help deal with water type pokemon, which are not very threatening to this team with rotom-w and Scizor. This rotom-w carries rain dance to help prevent sun teams (which are the biggest issue to this team), from doing much damage. Rotom-w is almost always my lead against any weather teams, which after I set up a rain dance can volt switch into Heatran. Rotom is my switch into starmie and can take scalds the best on the team. I choose to not to use pain spilt because of the fact that is is very unreliable in a offensive metagame, and the fact that Rotom-w is mainly used as a pivot unless a physical attacker is a on the field, in which case I have Will-o-wisp. Physical pokemon are not very threatening to this team anyway, so I usually just end up using volt-switch or hydro pump. (Except dragonite who usually carries lum berry anyway)
Salamence @ Choice Scarf
Trait: Moxie
EVs: 252 Atk / 252 Spd / 4 HP
Jolly Nature
- Outrage
- Dragon Claw
- Fire fang
- Earthquake
This is the pokemon this team was build around, as it does an excellent job of overpowering through anything that is not faster than it. If I can get a free switch into this thing late game with the opponents revenge killer taken out, it is usually over. I use fire fang over fire blast because of the fact that I don't like missing, and if I miss the opponent they usually can take me out with one hit due to salamence being so frail. Fire fang also gets the moxie boost unlike fire blast. This thing is a great revenge killer also and can deal with other dragons with multi scale deactivated as well as steel types due to earthquake and fire fang. The whole teams goal is to support salamence to hopefully achieve a sweep.
Heatran @ Leftovers
Trait: Flash Fire
EVs: 252 SDef / 252 HP / 4 SAtk
Calm Nature
IVs: 0 Atk
- Lava Plume
- Toxic
- Roar
- Stealth rocks
This pokemon was chosen over other pokemon like Jirachi, because of the fact that it helps deal with sun teams and can cheak many pokemon such as special dragons, grass types such as Venusaur and choice banded Scizor locked into bullet punch. I have little to say about specially defencive Heatran as that is all it does as well as keep rocks on the field. And stop sub calm minders in their tracks.
Choice banded dragonite - Only if rocks are not up as I will need to sack something to break multiscale (unless Tangrowth is in as I can just put it to sleep)
Choice scarf starmie - massive threat as it can hit everything on my team for supereffective damage (except rotom-w who takes a huge amount of damage)
Sun teams- by far the biggest threat of all and i have rotom-w to help stop sun from being up. Heatran is also a check but if the team has a dugtrio, I will need to use Scizor (as long as the sun sweeper does not carry hidden power ice) or even Salamence. I will also need to play Heatran very well and ensure it does not get trapped.