The PU Open III - Round 1

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If you would like to dispute a claim, let me know ASAP. There were over 100 uncompleted games I had to go through (a normal side effect of not enough subs) which means that things can and probably were missed. I've tagged everyone involved in a call so you see this and can dispute if necessary

Conflux vs Fish1899 - I don't see a response
Nalei vs MJ2020 - no response, called act
Emre Mor 9 vs Ninjadog - gave win
Fardin vs s_aman - stopped responding
Hikertoad vs mahershalalhashbaz - missed time and stopped responding
TopLel TopKek vs Mix - stopped responding
dodrio 123 vs London13 - never responded
Corckscrew vs Vieux Singe - never responded
Alva vs Meri Berry - never responded
Perish Song vs Jhonx~ - gave win
-Niko- vs RedFireBlast - no public contact but redfireblast hasn't been online since signing up
Detroit_Dragapult vs Vaboh - never responded
Abnxrmal vs JohnSimmons378 - no public scheduling but he hasn't been on for a week and there was an act call
Mr Cheese The first vs Shrug - stopped responding and hasn't been online
ForgottenOnes vs Havens - both missed a time then Havens stopped responding
xSkelly34 vs Flawless Nazgul - stopped responding
Pepeduce vs chiefkieff7 - never responded
Gentle Berserker vs OminousDraco - stopped responding
Adaam vs Its_Basir - never responded
DreamScream vs Karppi - gave win
Anoerfin vs Twonk1 - neither has any public contact but twonk was on today and anoerfin hasn't been on since the round was posted
Memoric vs Bluxio - gave win
Zesty43 vs Mr.Pegicow - neither has public contact but Zesty was on today and pegicow hasn't been on since the 30th
Ren-chon vs Regnite - no response
Yoshi vs Youngster_Bill - gave win
ilesaural vs ivyz - I don't see any contact, but there was an activity call that went undisputed
Gonz@lo vs martha - never responded
sand1234 vs Duncajuwon - never responded
yedla vs epicpvz2 - stopped responding
Eternal Spirit vs Perishing chatot - No public contact but an undisputed activity call
Blue YM vs Zygarde12 - stopped responding
Hammy vs Aquatic2727 - no public contact but hammy has been online recently aquatic hasn't
King Billu vs Nevve - gave win
Amaranth vs WafleHause - never responded
Glaciated Person vs blunty1 - never responded
Kyundai vs tlenit1 - stopped responding
Pokedots vs Mysterious M - missed time, gave win
HJAD vs Applin baby - missed time
brewfasa vs Malfunction - gave win
iZeku vs Marshall.Law - gave win
Jytcampbell vs xtra$hine - never responded
Akashi vs UBERLandon21 - missed time, stopped responding
neomon vs Lifesucksdie - never responded
Maxomega vs touflick - never responded
Groudon vs Souw - gave win
Quaze vs Amukamara - I see likely discord contact and a contextless activity call with no proof of anything, but it also hasn't been contested
Jase Duken vs 2xTheTap - no response
midnightstriker23 vs Gondra - no public contact but midnightstriker hasn't been online since signing up
Twixtry vs CKW - gave win
alvVlu vs GW - no response
Sapientia vs BitchKicker - stopped responding and hasn't been online
rdar vs ShtCrazy - no response
KingKdot vs vanillacoke - gave win
Pradhaaan vs halaman95 - halaman tried to contact but pradhaan's wall was locked, don't see anything after that
LockedBeast vs Ajna - no response
eclipseY vs The Thunderbirds - no response
Xiri vs Leigh39 - gave win
PinkDragonTamer vs Burt Jarvis - missed time and stopped responding
Kink vs ToastedBunzzz02 - gave win
Obstabooze vs iChatot - iChatot lost 1 game and went unresponsive
Shadowmonstr4 vs Luisin - no response
realSurfyTeen vs pj - unclear VMs but pj posted about being given the win and it went uncontested
Riku Sakuraba vs Hurtadoo - gave win
Fogbound Lake vs Lugia_numair - missed time and gave win
ezemitch vs Terracotta - no public contact but ezemitch hasn't been online since the round went up while Terracotta is active
Techno Strike vs Pohjis - missed time, stopped responding
Ah coup d'etat vs ACR1 - gave win
-Latios- vs ProDigeZz - gave win
Mazinger vs Jrdn - never responded, then Jrdn told me to give him the win on discord
toytean vs jake - gave win
Yay vs Kushalos - I don't see any response from Yay on Kush's wall after the initial contact
little maths vs Royal1604 - gave win in French
ddlcfan69 vs luisotte - no response
Anish vs Slyish - gave win
Sacred Wings vs Kev - missed time, stopped responding
deadlymanatee vs MAMP - never responded
alive vs SoulWind - gave win
Drud vs Gasus - missed time, stopped responding
SweetLady992 vs Dreamcatcher - no response
rinnegan418 vs PTF - no response
Kiichikos vs GeorgeCheese - stopped responding
musasa347 vs Beraldinhoo - gave win
naruto(sage) vs Thimblebony - stopped responding
eblurb vs skierdude101 - uncontested activity call
Bongi vs des121 - stopped responding
PotheadSkanker vs Maki's Fox - appears to be much more active and pothead kinda stopped responding
KSG vs PasteurPS - nothing public but there's an uncontested post about KSG giving win
Carlosmh7 vs 5gen - nothing public but 5gen is much more active
TacticalFacepalms vs Sir Pin - gave win
coolio1223 vs The LpZ - gave win
zeriloa vs Dankoc - no response
lockjaw vs monchooo - no response
Squash17 vs tom holland - no response. Spiderman nooooooo
100percentpureheat vs CBU - banned
karrakarra vs Flamita - nothing public but karrakarra is far less active
devinn vs kittykatananinja5 - didn't directly respond and not active
SolarflareRo vs Star - no public contact but uncontested post about being given the win

Stareal vs iBuildPokemon - I do not understand this. It looks like Stareal did not respond at all then called activity on the basis that iBuildPokemon hasn't been very active. Which he hasn't but not inactive enough to get past Stareal not responding and calling activity.
Got sent a PM conversation of context, Stareal gets activity

Extension- you have until Wednesday, July 15th, 10PM EST. These games will still need to be played in the round 1 meta, not the round 2 meta! The current OP of the PU viability rankings accurately reflects what's legal for this.
GuzzlesOwO vs EriDBst - scheduled for earlier today and I don't see any posts about this
hs vs StepC - requested on discord
dice vs Chloe - nothing public that I can see but you're both extremely active so I'll give it the benefit of the doubt
Draphirion vs Decem - both had issues making times
blarghlfarghl vs PureJules - posted to ask for one
HaxxSel vs Pinboim3 - Haxxsel promised to follow up and didn't but Pinboim never did either. Both are active, so let's give it a shot
Juno vs Soul n' Blues - both called activity, both missed times, both have been extremely active. Get this done please
Eric079 vs z0mOG - nothing public I can see but both are extremely active. I really don't like flipping things
Blimax vs zS - posted to ask for one
Kiyo vs MetalGro$$ - nothing public but you're both extremely active and playing in PUPL so just do this please
Louna vs Chokepic - nothing public but both very active in other tours so let's try to get it done
Jack In My Box vs Nalorium - nothing public but both very active, play please
keppy vs Quite Quiet - Keppy said play soon or take win but then QQ just stopped responding? You're both around a lot so an extension seems ok
Bruno de Lucas vs Staxi - appear to have scheduled a time and then... nothing? you're both active so either lmk what happened or play the set
0NI vs Reje - nothing public, both pretty active, do something please
Hamhamhamhamham vs Solivagant - both went unresponsive for a while but both are still active so let's try to play this

DaneyTheManey vs Huston - no real scheduling and neither is very active
capperrr vs 100%GXE - contacted on discord and then nothing public, not super active
My opp gave me the win. had already warned you here before
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