The Smogon Transformice Thread

I hadn't realized they brought racing mode back, but the "old" racing mode was severely screwed up by people glitching the cheese from the previous map. Maybe they fixed that?
racing is fucking awesome, ive been playing that everyday as its the best part of the game, playing against the best players on true skill (but not as gay as bootcamp) maps without the help of a shaman.

also on the rank stuff, since they removed rounds im now on the top 1000 as 900 something :B
New items/ CHRISTMAS items
and presumably a christmas map but I haven't played it yet

A lightsaber in the mouth, one of the new items, alongside plenty of hair things
Get the box to get a present

when it is snowing you can throw snowballs by pressing down. But the snow is intermittent.
Heres the Christmas level, its like the Halloween one, but theres no cheese or hole. Instead, in this map you see another NPC and if you click yourself you can spend your gifts on different christmas special items, like a Santa beard. You can also give out gifts to friends.

its like maps last 1 minute, (or if theres only a 1 left it ends), the shaman is a bot that does nothing, just stays on the same place, and the maps have been handpicked on the basis that you can race on them for first, without the help or shaman or bootcamp ones.

really hard to get first, but really cool.

in other news im almost at 3200 firsts now
An online flash game
multiple mice all run and try to get the cheese to the hole.
there is a link in the op, try the game out
altair quit im pretty sure, the only people i see on nowadays are


and ddrmaster

pretty much it
I'm quite the regular player, I guess Rey is just blind.

On another note, I played one of my own maps recently (as in with everyone else). I got first on it too, though I of course knew all of the twists.