The unstoppable duo/trio?

Hi guys.I'm Marconidas(forgot the s on account), and I mostly played Gen4.Currently,I'm around 1660 of ladder,with around 65% winrate,and trying to improve and reach higher positions.With NOT Pokebank team(since it was only officially released some time ago), I made a team based on abusing the lack of reliable, tank, SR users with Volt Switch and series of priorities.The base of the team is the duo Azumarill+Kangaskhan, who have common counters but most teams only have enough mon for one of them.So, the general strategy is beating their counters with strong pokemon that have a lot of power and do not need to change often, creating a space that enemy team is forced to use a pokemon to beat either Azumarill or Kangaskhan, meaning the other can finish the late game.
These are the most common counters of Azumarill and Kangaskhan:
-Use of WoW
-General physically defensive steel
-Breloom (Mach Punch for Kang, Grass move for Azumarill, Spore any of them)

So, the team was designed to have several mon who can react on those.


Xatu@ Rocky Helmet
Ability: Magic Bounce
EVs: 252 HP/252 Def/4 Spe
Bold Nature
- Wish
- U-Turn
- Future Sight
- Psyshock/Toxic
As much as I liked Machamp, it was hard changing members and usually I got beaten up due to hard to change.Xatu works as an amazing lead, since it means entry hazards/burn or paralysis move as move doesn't work.Future Sight ensures that I get a good lead against Speed Burst Protect abusers.Last move works as a filler, I almost never use that.Only thing I can do is re-spreading the EVs and putting Light Clay to setup Reflect or Light Screen.


Magnezone @ Choice Specs
Ability: Magnet Pull
EVs: 252 HP/252 SpA/4 SpD
Modest Nature
- Volt Switch
- Thunderbolt
- Flash Cannon
- Hidden Power Fire
Zone comes as a response to all steel walls.Stops them from changing with a Special Attacker and it is a step closer to Azumarill and Kang sweep.Specs was used because the damage is higher, and I found better having a pokemon who can do a lot of damage by having right predicts than having free set-up against Skarmory,Forretress,etc.


Gengar @ Black Sludge
Ability: Levitate
EVs: 4 HP/252 SpA/252 Spe
Timid Nature
- Substitute
- Haze/Disable/WoW
- Focus Blast
- Shadow Ball
Gengar comes as a real nice switch-in option if necessary, since he has immunity to toxic, spikes, possible normal,fightning and ground resistance,two quad resistances and is faster than most pokemons.Substitute Gengar can be a real pain to face, since he most likely destroy the normal pokemon with 2HKO, which he has a opportunity with high Speed and behind a sub.
I realized that some fairies could even handle the Sludge Bomb, so I've put a support move on it.


Conkeldurr @ Assault Vest
Ability: Guts
EVs: 252 HP/252 Atk/4 Spd (need appropriate spread)
Adamant Nature
- Mach Punch
- Drain Punch
- Payback
- Poison Jab
Formerly Machamp. Same reason as before: Guts means a status absorber,Assault Vest means a tanky mon.Still needs a better game spread to avaliate who is better,but I like the 'non-miss' factor, while Drain Punch is, in most cases, better than Cross Chop.


Azumarill @ Sitrus Berry
Ability: Huge Power
EVs: 252 HP/252 Atk/4 Spe
Adamant Nature
- Belly Druim
- Aqua Jet
- Waterfall
- Play Rough
The second member of the priority trio, and the first member of the superpowered attackers.Formerly I used a CB set, but then I realized I had few chances to setup, Azumarill was on many of them a opponent setup chance.Belly Drum+Sitrus Berry change this dynamics, making Azumarill not only a chance to setup, but also a pokemon who can use either Waterfall/Play Rough as STAB as first attack and KOing by priority Aqua Jet afterwards.


Kangaskhan @ Kangaskhanite
Ability: Scrappy/Parental Bond
EVs: 4 HP/252 Atk/252 Spe
Adamant Nature
- Power-up Punch
- Sucker Punch
- Return
- Earthquake
The third member of the priority trio, and the second member of superpowered attackers.If none of listed counters are present(since most were removed earlier), there is little to do to stop Kangaskhan from sweeping with 1.5x power with Parental Bond and being able to change between moves.Return+Earthquake make the common attacks, while Fake Out gives a free-turn(to Mega-evolve and free damage) and Sucker Punch kills choice scarf users.The best option against this kangaroo and his child is not losing the mentioned counters before he enters the arena.I've put Power-up Punch because Fake Out was only good against full offense, on which case Sucker Punch does a lot already, and even more with buff from Power-up Punch.

Some things that I think the team needs
-A reliable lead
-A sleep-talk user
-More power to break the opponent physical defensive core when composed of not-steel types.
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i think you need some defensive Pokemon i think you can turn magnazone defensive by giving him the moves
  1. sub
  2. charge beam
  3. hp fire
  4. magnet rise (to get rid of its biggest weakness)
and then you give him leftovers
Alrighty, here we go:

Machamp: I'm not sure Assault Vest is the best option for this guy. I'd prefer Life Orb or maybe even Choice Band to increase damage output. But the big thing is that you're missing out on a great combo of Dynamicpunch and No Guard (ability). Dynamicpunch is powerful and has that nice 100% confuse rate, and the low accuracy is negated by No Guard.

Magnezone: Good.

Gengar: Seems good although if I were you I might run Substitute+Disable, which personally is the most annoying set I've ever faced.

Talonflame: I'm kin of hesitant about the item choice—at first I thought the Berry might be to trigger the damage boost for Acrobatics but then I saw you run Brave Bird. I'd use Life Orb to boost damage and in general it's a better option than Sitrus.

Azumarill: Again, I don't think Sitrus Berry is the best option here. I think Splash Plate (to boost Aqua Jet damage) would be better, and maybe replacing something with Ice Punch for coverage against dragon-types.

Kangaskhan: Fine.

As for a lead, I like running Landorus-therian. I run it as a lead with Stealth Rock and Gravity, and it also counters Aegislash (which is everywhere now) and Intimidate is always nice. I'm not sure you need a Sleep Talk user, but for something that can smash through physical walls I'd go for a special sweeper—I'll let you decide which one and try it out for yourself, although my personal favorite this gen is Greninja.
120HP/252ATK/136SPDEF was the regular conk spread last gen, optimizing it's overall bulk, and I don't see any reason that should change this gen. I would switch earthquake for crunch on kangashan as it beats up sub disable gengar, which sets up all over EQ Khan, and is better for beating common new ghosts like gourgeist and trevenant in general. It does make aegislash a little more tricky, but they wont switch in in fear of EQ, and sucker punch still beats most variants and it wont activate kings shield.

For Azumarill run a regular set with mystic water and waterfall, aqua jet, play rough, and knock off/superpower since rotom-w, jellicent, bulky grass and bulky water types still stop belly drum azumarill just like regular azumarill but regular azumarill can better take advantage of its awesome typing and bulk, which you lose with belly drum since you cant tank attacks as well and azumarill is to slow to afford to use anything but aqua jet without its bulk to allow it to tank an attack.
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