- General tournament rules and regulations can be found here.
- Grand Slam rules can be found here.
- Standard SM UU.
- Best of three, single elimination.
- Battles should take place on Pokemon Showdown!
- SM cartridge win conditions are in place, there are no ties.
- Tiers are locked at the beginning of each round.
I expect many battles to be completed under alts and I expect many battles to be completed on other servers to prevent scouting. These kind of factors are pretty bad for tournament security, and thus I will make this clear: If I hear any whispers of identity theft (battling as someone you are not) or proxy battling (helping someone else battle through pm) I will not be pleased and I will take severe actions.
Next, I do not want to hear anything about counterteaming, at all. It is the silliest thing I have ever heard, any battler worth their marbles has more than one team. Do not complain about it. I also don't want to hear about any forceful scouting, whether it be spying on another teams irc channel or following your opponent around on PO. There is a difference between "ipl is known for using stall" and "let me follow ipl around all day to watch all his battles since I am his opponent". I expect a lot of the former and none of the latter.
With that said, I give permission to all battlers to ask any person spectating their battle to leave if they do not want them watching. However, given the fact that this is the big stage, I am sure a lot of people want to watch, so don't be too mean.
Timer Clause
As for taking long between moves, if your opponent asks you to hurry up, please oblige. If you are doing a damage calc for a key turn that is one thing, but prolonging every move is suspicious and annoying. Don't do it. Furthermore, Battle Timeout is a rule for a reason. If you run out of time, you lose, simple as that. It does not matter what your opponent says. Do not battle if you think you will have to leave mid battle, and instead reschedule for a better time. Timing out is still classified as a loss, unless the reason for timing out is a disconnection. If there is any suspicion that a disconnect was carried out deliberately to take advantage of this rule in any way, we reserve the right to exercise a harsh punishment.
If a player disconnects and either player contends that they could still win, the optimal solution is to recreate the exact situation the disconnection occurred at during the battle. If it is agreed between players that this is not feasible due to unreasonable battle length, highly improbable circumstances, or some other reason, the player who did not disconnect may choose to rematch with either the same teams or (the option to use) new teams. Timing out is still classified as a loss, unless the reason for timing out is a disconnection. If there is any suspicion that a disconnect was carried out deliberately to take advantage of this rule in any way, we reserve the right to exercise a harsh punishment. Do not do it.
I know that was a lot to read, but it is all necessary for me to have posted here so everyone can see it in the case of a dispute. I don't want any confusion or any problems.
I expect many battles to be completed under alts and I expect many battles to be completed on other servers to prevent scouting. These kind of factors are pretty bad for tournament security, and thus I will make this clear: If I hear any whispers of identity theft (battling as someone you are not) or proxy battling (helping someone else battle through pm) I will not be pleased and I will take severe actions.
Next, I do not want to hear anything about counterteaming, at all. It is the silliest thing I have ever heard, any battler worth their marbles has more than one team. Do not complain about it. I also don't want to hear about any forceful scouting, whether it be spying on another teams irc channel or following your opponent around on PO. There is a difference between "ipl is known for using stall" and "let me follow ipl around all day to watch all his battles since I am his opponent". I expect a lot of the former and none of the latter.
With that said, I give permission to all battlers to ask any person spectating their battle to leave if they do not want them watching. However, given the fact that this is the big stage, I am sure a lot of people want to watch, so don't be too mean.
Timer Clause
As for taking long between moves, if your opponent asks you to hurry up, please oblige. If you are doing a damage calc for a key turn that is one thing, but prolonging every move is suspicious and annoying. Don't do it. Furthermore, Battle Timeout is a rule for a reason. If you run out of time, you lose, simple as that. It does not matter what your opponent says. Do not battle if you think you will have to leave mid battle, and instead reschedule for a better time. Timing out is still classified as a loss, unless the reason for timing out is a disconnection. If there is any suspicion that a disconnect was carried out deliberately to take advantage of this rule in any way, we reserve the right to exercise a harsh punishment.
If a player disconnects and either player contends that they could still win, the optimal solution is to recreate the exact situation the disconnection occurred at during the battle. If it is agreed between players that this is not feasible due to unreasonable battle length, highly improbable circumstances, or some other reason, the player who did not disconnect may choose to rematch with either the same teams or (the option to use) new teams. Timing out is still classified as a loss, unless the reason for timing out is a disconnection. If there is any suspicion that a disconnect was carried out deliberately to take advantage of this rule in any way, we reserve the right to exercise a harsh punishment. Do not do it.
I know that was a lot to read, but it is all necessary for me to have posted here so everyone can see it in the case of a dispute. I don't want any confusion or any problems.
- Evasion Clause
- OHKO Clause
- Sleep Clause
- Species Clause
- Timed Battle
- Team Preview
General recommendations (formerly known as teal6's Specific Hosting Rules, which I'm shamelessly stealing and including in the OP due to the former's status as Smogon's current Head Tournament Director):
- Contact your opponent as soon as possible upon the round going up. Activity cases are going to be handled in a very strict manner.
- When scheduling, offer as wide a swathe of time when you are available to play. 1 hour of activity on one or two weeknights is unlikely to be considered acceptable.
- Schedule specifically - do not schedule for "Friday afternoon" or "Sunday morning", pick a date, a time and note the timezone.
- If I catch news of ghosting or some other sort of nefarious play, I reserve the right to investigate to the full limits of my ability in conjunction with the TD team provided there is adequate evidence to warrant it.
Round 1
VAvalanche vs. Applekomarov
Neo vs. Renato Alejandro
Matter of the dark 1 vs. Starmei
Serpi386 vs. naruto(sage)
Zarif vs. Redneckdino69
Chloe. vs. CKW
Cwffan95 vs. False.
lilly momo vs. Ballistic6x
Alore vs. Naurmael
Azelea vs. Sonic51621
MamoJustWins vs. SparksBlade
theglob77 vs. Kjcan24
idiotfrommars vs. Quote
Evster vs. BIHI
Meru vs. explodingdaisies
xRockGuardian vs. Huston
Kyouryu vs. John
cryalot vs. Laga (extended)
GABite2002sp vs. MajorBowman
thunder109050 vs. Michael_Denvit
Pohjis vs. Amaroq
dogknees vs. London Beats
Luthier vs. Darkmao
askHMC vs. 21Jackie21
Rhett Sargent vs. Akaru Kokuyo
Rodriblutar vs. Alice Kazumi
snatchless vs. Abyssal Ruins
pokemon sparrow vs. SHINYSPAM
ZaelTX vs. Nails
Ununhexium vs. AustinXX555
MassiveDestruction vs. The Quasar
EnemyJurist vs. Bongi
Ciele vs. Garchomp for president
Assassin Rogue vs. Unlucky_076
CyberOdin vs. Mindnight
paoisd vs. PokeTCG gamer1288
StanislasLeLama vs. K Legacy
Jordan Moore vs. Trwogonoga
The Trap God vs. pokeisfun
XxpokephoenixX vs. raj_10rocks
Aldroc vs. overworld99
Grimsley-Tejas vs. GreyPowerVan
Chase5423 vs. Lord Ninjax
Sandstorm571 vs. gorex (extended)
amber lamps vs. CluelessSKB
L1ppe1 vs. Teddeh
Staxi vs. It's mimikyu
Hikari vs. Ervli
HotFuzzBall vs. PokeARi
BigBoy038 vs. meepsvictory
Jinover vs. nadando
hexed vs. gazzakemp28
Arejandoru vs. SkyDragonMD
Heldinho vs. TaylorSwiftFan1
Cr4zyM4p vs. Get this Money
Frat Dude vs. shade
Funbot28 vs. BreloomMyHomie
Aquadext vs. Jox
Updated Kanto vs. TechnoBlast
Superior91 vs. Alpha Rabbit
majaspic22 vs. Pyroniz
Star vs. Weegah
Post Moves vs. jusmone123
Peli vs. judeinbmw
z0mOG vs. Little Jirachi.
Pepeduce vs. Bad feeling
dukevesper vs. Skelos
MixMence vs. darksylvion
Stargazr vs. MasterAmpharos
Bughouse vs. Lord Moet
Manipulative vs. Eren.
tdcash96 vs. blizzardy
The Mawile Ace vs. Trainerred66
Brazilian Army vs. Sakumoto
chriskfein9418 vs. Bundy300
SOMALIA vs. dragonuser
SceptileTheReptile vs. Ultra mudkip
PD vs. Icy_Koko (extended)
Kyleos vs. JhawkKing
NazSanity vs. HANTSUKI
GNDL vs. xCaptainHero
Der Schweinsteiger vs. Tricking
bsu vs. Stall Hater
elodin vs. TheGawddss
MJ vs. Serene's Grace
A Hero's Destiny vs. Filthy UU
DinoCam5203 vs. Eddie1840
Darksafadao vs. OminousDraco
Vubon vs. snagaa
Bronto Burt 2 vs. Stan Soojung
Level 51 vs. KionetVahTargaryen (extended)
Sonired vs. BasedGodTaranK
Melle2402 vs. Scotti
TrainerRetro vs. Alloy
Marcoh233 vs. Solgaleo
Darkdiglett vs. TSR
Korby vs. byGiann
haru. vs. inkdexpi
Heliodor vs. Midnight Howl
obii vs. The Dark Sakura
SGarcia vs. cielbakasan
Ethan_Millett vs. Shiba
Mael vs. nLTk
TDK vs. Analytic
Hamhamhamham vs. Christo
Orphic vs. Hogg
nightcore vs. Keahi
Sam I Yam vs. p2
tsmugs vs. Risky Ricky
Vai Lusa vs. HQuaze
Elec. vs. soulgazer
Marcop vs. Void
PHenriqueHM vs. Euphonos
Mithril vs. Samspark
Hurricane69 vs. Justice_Avenger
Simiatic vs. drsheep19
kingnaves vs. ict
SirLittlePvP vs. tko
Ajna vs. EviGaro
bluri vs. Trapspring
Bushtush vs. Not Miyan
king o kush vs. didi
MetalGro$$ vs. Wamr
AmazingMo vs. Rem's242
nickgod vs. HSA
aim vs. rural
MystMotone101 vs. MiyoKa
lighthouses vs. Decision Makers
Californium vs. Sken
Arizona5959 vs. blinkboy
Alexander. vs. DrReuniclus
StarBlim vs. FinkyFinkerton
Eevee General vs. Kingofcrimea
Malekith vs. HT
Nanofaia vs. Colonel M
Kidrock5921 vs. Kit10
Paraplegic vs. Metal Sonic
TraceofLife vs. Hachimaki98
ZoroDark vs. zugubu royale
Leooo_33 vs. blarghlfarghl
dodmen vs. Chilli_J
artik vs. insult
Kennyth vs. Topflygon
Ark vs. Clearly
Doritos678 vs. dusk raimon
TBNRthink vs. Senpai D.M
Teamgetoverit17 vs. Ninjadog~
Anki vs. Vertex
Many vs. odeio stall
Vagg_Slayerr vs. roseguardin
kangaskhario vs. Shoot
sanjay. vs. Misicloud
silver97 vs. FlamingVictini
sparktrain vs. jonah.pa
Shaddow spratan74 vs. Bhris Brown
KingPiloswine vs. EV Sceptile
Mazinger vs. Moirai
FLCL vs. xImRaptor
Illegalsushi vs. Welli0u
ShinyDurant vs. azza
PokemonmasterTj vs. jake rennie
DoubleJ vs. drewdunn123
danerod vs. Toxzn
r0ady vs. Lavos
matthewc20090 vs. MeowMiXXX
DanteSkart vs. NimoNimal
Original_Nero vs. Annoying Orange
Sra. Monse vs. teal6
Mr. Miner vs. McMeghan
Blackoblivion vs. LuckOverSkill
Eclipse vs. BloodyBisharp
Wizardo22 vs. Teamcali15
cavaliers16 vs. col49
BuzzkillAmpharos vs. Sun
togkey vs. Bax
Lord Iroh vs. Jason Genova
Lordoftheacorn vs. Fabianhunt113
Ed vs. Lonny1309
Zokuru vs. Fruitdealer
Bored_6886 vs. Arii Stella
Squallfire vs. scottyboy1119
Level 56 vs. Quite Quiet
Seo. vs. GoatFetish
Kickasser vs. Kelvinsweg123
Velvet Blood vs. TrueGodsLeftUs
Shaneghoul vs. Empo
CrabOctopusBR vs. Mix
Osh vs. Noxx
MFJr King vs. neomn
Newalfonquest vs. Lcans
HNBL vs. Jase Duken
Yifeng vs. KevinELF
Gratify vs. Ganso
Bruno de Lucas vs. Will-I-am
Marcelinho Rodrigues vs. Kstreak
Trestyn vs. al3xisz
yeezyknows vs. HumbleGallade
Hassi vs. mirraa~
6A9 Ace Matador vs. Xman
Natural Talent vs. BTXGamer
Oddish. vs. Nintendi
Abk1997 vs. Ninetales Dragons
Pridy vs. Chill Shadow
Erzengel vs. Roseybear
the_hbomb vs. Whammerist
Zaionar vs. Holiday
drewone2 vs. TheWarbler
Maskun529 vs. Aalbaniaa
Eyan vs. jim horse
toshimelonhead vs. Twixtry
Pokemon_pro4real vs. ilesaural
Adaam vs. ShinyManaphy
AttackOnSamurott vs. Villuminati
Nui vs. -herO-
Aeroblacktyl vs. Jeffis
Raseri vs. rnbs
fitzy72 vs. blazenix
Rafael1112 vs. everybody
TUO vs. Rare Poison
Xyldaz vs. iAruban
JakeMoran12 vs. Estamos ATR
Cynde vs. Gengar2591
oh95 vs. Avaricity
RichBMS1 vs. dfmetal
Coco19955 vs. Jordn
dancingmoose3 vs. Letters
Forblaze vs. Meidan
Seniel vs. TheFlawlessWin
cuzzie vs. Lord Outrage
DreamScream vs. Lord Sample Team
Scrooge McDuck vs. Shogarth
Eniigma vs. Drax.
Leru vs. VolticHalberd
DanteKyouma vs. Poek
Zebraiken vs. BIAF
supergriefer101 vs. Hyogafodex
CarryMadolche vs. Pak
SimplySam vs. ZDen
Akashi vs. Dragongroudon9
dannyy705 vs. matthewleiria
RODAN vs. miltankmilk
Zelda vs. Elyna
Xlewing vs. L0ST
Flex81 vs. Arthur C Paes
BLINGAS vs. marilli
tahu vs. MK007
IsaacGS459 vs. pythonSL
tazz vs. dingbat
Vileman vs. Gyslexic Duy
Sabella vs. Acsel
MetaMnce vs. Frania
Dundies vs. passion
ABR vs. truedrew
Tamotoji Ryuu vs. Energy
Nama Jeff vs. ZombeStrike22Z
Aladyyn vs. CriticalMeme
Holiano vs. Unamed
Genesis7 vs. Hyjack
CheekyShroom vs. ABoy&HisTyphlosion
Peasounay vs. Disjunction
Naian Dach vs. partys over
omg-a-turtle-17 vs. Chlorox
Kudasai vs. Arsenal Arceus
SmashBrosBrawl vs. Shingu
Hybuyn vs. Monsieur Onion
RIPMyLifeFIR vs. lightning1870
Umbra Soul vs. Shinjikirigawa
Fiend vs. Drud
hjkhj vs. Leston
Kevin Pogantsch vs. Lucio283139
Drew vs. eht
Xenomyn vs. Amane Misa
Typhoonflame vs. Sharp Ladder UU
brodudeguy1 vs. Xavalvarez
Kaori vs. Zaettsu
SPEBSQSA vs. Nateboomer21
ImDm vs. Cloyy
Kebab mlml vs. LBLOL7
Temperarious vs. Aberforth
Zeden vs. daniel_s7
Sam-testings vs. LeoLancaster
Jho vs. Addaname
h0ngster vs. Exiline
Aggronus306 vs. WhiteQueen
Enki vs. uu iz da shizzle
11bug vs. PhatYT
GammaGoGamma vs. DetroitLolcat
GmU pokeboss9 vs. Robert Alfons
Elegyy vs. Andy Skabelund
Pradhaaan vs. Z+V
listyguy vs. Zephir
Flame Road vs. kidusrox
geeezer vs. Zee69
byronthewellwell vs. double switches
iuguns vs. qsns
TobyIsOp vs. sand1234
Asim12 vs. Karppi
thisrandomdude vs. PenguinAssault
Realistic Waters vs. Jayminape
sticktendo vs. Gummysaur
Miks Maks vs. WhiteLion
King vs. Dark swordman
Arifeen vs. ScrubBatman
Microwavable vs. Hammy
Mazar vs. Jad Yazbeck
trc vs. Rumor
ItzViper482 vs. Carnies Vengance
vinny_hunter vs. iRKD
Kordial vs. askov
WYAH? vs. Aidan Kelleher
Kiyo vs. Duhking
1 True Lycan vs. PursuitOfHappiny
Renny_ vs. Manan999
Luispeikou vs. Casparov
kingslowking vs. SuperPeachGuy
FMG vs. IsumiTora
implaser vs. A Cake Wearing A Hat
MysteryCooldude vs. Fancy Shorts
Bengsu vs. Imperator Caesar
Cdumas vs. Cicada
DeMoNtAe vs. Thyme
The Idiot Ninja vs. HJAD
Its Time vs. dream light
L4 L3Y3ND4 vs. benbe
PerroDog vs. zf
Kaideos vs. AuraMaster12
Kory2600 vs. Xirak
ridk021 vs. Snowy
ItsMeEnZo vs. H-C
OpTic_baccycones vs. LuigiRace
Fish1899 vs. Jahosefah
Roy Vey vs. GrabTheSpeed
Stringer Be11 vs. Flarowak
Pokeninja500 vs. Whis
peere vs. Eo Ut Mortus
Kurukaito vs. LLH
SableyeMyBae vs. kaimaalik
JayStaice vs. BlazingDark
Steve Angello vs. Rokhan
slavender vs. Kingler12345
Guilas D vs. eaglehawk
Alfredo_Rivero vs. GarchomptheG
SohamSpur vs. Aurora
Kec Meister vs. Mister McLovin
UmPM vs. TurtleKing
Corazan.. vs. Lacus Clyne
Lopunny Kicks vs. xMarth
SkySky vs. DestinyUnknown
FreezeWaffle vs. His
Kushalos vs. faketuit
Quint_ vs. KoldKappuccino
GunGunJ vs. doroknel
Eldongerking vs. Necrozma
KIllerGrapefruit vs. Ninjacalibur
coolsaksham vs. dcae
Threw vs. qwily
GingaGreninja11 vs. chimpact
BluBirD252 vs. tylr
Eric Jiang234 vs. Shrug
Kairak vs. Coconut
MiracleTheory vs. Eternal Spirit
fran17 vs. Jonahjonah
ThunderOBolt vs. Rafooa11
RedEmptionMc vs. InfernoMonferno
dice vs. Tony
Shwing! vs. 0Nl
RedMaxx vs. shok32
Floppy vs. Raiza
3.14dgeot-Mega vs. Obliviate
Dream Eater Gengar vs. Ursarox
Wanka vs. bakar2309
YABO vs. Yoss (extended)
Charasayshi vs. YouthBerry
Pearl vs. 6ti
carcy vs. Ace-11
CheezusBleezus vs. YMAS
rozes vs. bendavies
badabing vs. CoolStoryBrobat
DonPatozzo vs. Nozzermat
therealslap vs. Ice Tray
Dark Shion vs. Hyke
Jaajgko vs. Garay oak
Alken09 vs. Sonzinho
SoulWind vs. -Voltage-
Typhlosion56 vs. MegaStarUniverse
lkapkd1 vs. TheTapDancer
Funkyyyyy vs. Caledrith
KratosMana vs. soTsoT
Eon lights vs. kushal00
pork chop man vs. Dlanyer
PkmSilver vs. FireJirachi
SACREDxFIRE vs. Johansen
LuxCalum vs. Juanitoh
AJB vs. Yoshizilla315
Tito Linarez vs. Bro Kappa
Matame vs. adilbilal
PetitEwok vs. gengaraichu
Aria Silvertail vs. Fardin
potatobagel vs. BrothaJdogg
EternalSnowman vs. DBW
Shadow2Dennis vs. Mylo Xyloto
Sweepage vs. Shadestep
Gene Sp vs. ProfessorMasterChief
coyotegrimm vs. baister09
huguix vs. suapah
Moutemoute vs. DiggerSR
The Excadrill vs. PokeBeast5
tjdaas vs. GOAO
ggggd vs. Plans
Slurpuffite vs. UltraBallz
TheCrispyPanda vs. dakotaromans
Gunner Rohan vs. Hyssou
DurzaOffTopic vs. Jarii
Sam vs. sssthegreat
manjin vs. JoshTheKun
Mr. Perry vs. Phenomenal ZJ
Myzozoa vs. Chechen U Out
malefic vs. MonkRanton
Chrisloud1 vs. Haruno
Rai :3 vs. VladDracula X
Oibaf cune vs. Hilomilo
atomicllamas vs. GXS
TheWall vs. KingKdot
Confide vs. junior300403
Marshall.Law vs. Sacri'
Vysox vs. Groudon.
Blade7055 vs. Toxigen
Gatorboy vs. Marikeinen
Silverwhiteblue vs. nurve
Finchinator vs. SlurpuffLoverKiwi
babidi1998 vs. reyscarface
Hassin627 vs. I Shuckle
Natalie. vs. Hys
MONNA LUSA vs. Kirigakure
InfamousChub vs. xray
swaggygiorgi vs. blalib
ItsYaBoi1337 vs. Peterwhite
iRebel vs. King Wynaut
irishbatman475 vs. Mikaav
Croo vs. blunder
Gaerys vs. Finding True Love
Gondra vs. CorbinJ
mackanmaxi5 vs. Accelgor
Rakan vs. TheOrbitalGnome
praj.pran vs. Plas
Witherfan vs. parivard
Xenonheat vs. ceraa
PapaBisexual vs. NukedNukem
leonidos1 vs. Lord Esche
ShiroFox vs. Lugia Proto
darrell1297 vs. Escoffier
Bluxio vs. ADF Test
fatty vs. Thimo
LolBron James vs. -Sora-
Blitzburgh vs. Spl4sh
Kink vs. SilentVerse
MrSoup vs. VPokemon
Santu vs. Alfabulous
Luxuryball13 vs. Darkness17
jerrytheboss vs. hueterito
Lax vs. capo the battler
checkoutmymixedape vs. Rojovsred
CieNeGa vs. RanaldRoo
imsosorrylol vs. Mtdp76
NoivernSkrub vs. Lashum
MaceMaster vs. Reviloja753
Balto vs. ujfalusi95
Feliburn vs. chipndale
Celysi vs. xTech
sassyaccident vs. Cherub Agent
antemortem vs. trash
Megazard vs. Skyzuma
Eternally vs. klinkinator
Notily vs. Real FV13
Competitively vs. Altervisi
SilentParadox vs. Tintin
zben vs. Navy
Drookez vs. JimmyG9965
White Hair Killer vs. Al-kun (extended)
Zenadark vs. Flamita
Ojama vs. iLlama
Purifier vs. Pillow Wisp
Hugo Barrington vs. coR.
MetalosseVGC2017 vs. alreadyajd
rbova93 vs. Corex94
RichardPepper vs. Adam the first
Zackachu1197 vs. Mr.378
Gastrik vs. CL.
deoxys speed vs. LeoShakur
balakay97 vs. Paleo
ssjjynx vs. Randomnick
Le Sabreur vs. Axellgor
Mysterious M vs. lightninging
Freestylerking vs. Taskr
Muneem vs. HSOWA
Highways vs. Heysup
roscoestar vs. Reymedy
CBU vs. Gallaniel
ET3RN4M vs. it▓ch▒Gl░
Zygocium vs. DennisEG
-Tsunami- vs. Martin
Sylink vs. Larlev
Chief_Paco vs. Jirachee
nonzer0 vs. MacDeath
Posho vs. Blightbringer
Jhonx~ vs. -Niko-
M Dragon vs. Watermelon5Gum
SaDiSTiCNarwhal vs. DTC
NOVED vs. Lolk
Path Of Sorrow vs. TapuYui
Shahk vs. QUANQUAN31611
Deadline is July 23 11:59 PM EDT
If there's no visible contact between you and your opponent before July 16, I reserve the right to sub one or both of you out
Since I'm playing in this tournament, the pairings have been brought to you by Mr. Prague Kick!
As of earlier today, Buzzwole has been banned from SM UU, which means it won't be legal in this tournament (unless it gets unbanned later on, that is). Besides that, Weavile has been unbanned recently as well, so people are free to use it as they please.
I'm hosting this for free and, as you can see by the posts below, it is guaranteed to take a toll on my excellent Like:Post ratio, so be sure to support me in this endeavor :]
Highlight Match-ups (IMO):
Pohjis vs. Amaroq
The Trap God vs. pokeisfun
TDK vs. Analytic
Hamhamhamham vs. Christo
Sam I Yam vs. p2
Malekith vs. HT
dice vs. Tony
badabing vs. CoolStoryBrobat
Marshall.Law vs. Sacri'
babidi1998 vs. reyscarface
Kink vs. SilentVerse
Highways vs. Heysup
Dundies vs. passion
Blightbringer vs. Posho
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