we first scheduled for sunday, july 8th, but i had given him the wrong timezone. even though i was about 30 minutes late, i sent him a vm telling him that i was still available to play and informing him of the nickname under which i would be on ps, to which he did not answer despite being online. we rescheduled for tuesday, 4:30pm EDT, and 30 minutes prior to the scheduled time, he asks "we’re playing in an hour and a half yes?", to which i answer yes. at this point, i went into ps main server and waited for him to challenge, but he never did so. at 4:18pm, he sent a message on my smogon profile "ready?", which i didn't answer until much later because i wasn't on smogon; i didn't think it was necessary for me to periodically check my profile as i thought his "we’re playing in an hour and a half yes?" was enough confirmation. he lashed out on me and proceeded to never connect again.