Completed The woooorld is gonna roll me

"Two down, one to go!"

Liquidation | Liquidation | Liquidation

At start of step, IF Play Rough AND you have strictly more than 18 HP THEN Counter
At start of turn, IF Reflect is present on Tinkaton's side AND Light Screen is not present on Tinkaton's side THEN Surf
Once at start of turn, IF Tinkaton has Protection THEN Rain Dance

= =Team Gaboswampert= =
agdbldd the Tinkaton :tinkaton: @ :cheri berry:Cheri Berry
HP: 90/90 | EN: 100/100 | ATK 6 / DEF 6 / SPA 5 / SPD 8 / SPE 94
Size 1 / Weight 5 / Chill 5 / Recovery 2
Abilities: Mold Breaker / Own Tempo
- - - -
= = = =
- - - -
- - - -
Food the Malamar :malamar: @ :oran berry: Oran Berry Consumed
HP: 51/90 | EN: -3/100 | ATK 7 / DEF 6 / SPA 5 / SPD 6 / SPE 78
Size 3 / Weight 2 / Chill 5 / Recovery 1
Abilities: Contrary / Suction Cups
- - - -
Pendejo the Hawlucha :hawlucha: @ :muscle band: Muscle Band
HP: -8/90 | EN: 46/100 | ATK 7 / DEF 6 / SPA 5 / SPD 5 / SPE 118
Size 2 / Weight 2 / Chill 5 / Recovery 1
Abilities: Limber / Unburden
= = = =
Oran Berry
Pecha Berry
Cheri Berry
Rawst Berry
Wise Glasses
Muscle Band @ :hawlucha:
= = = =

= =Team TMan87= =
Azura the Quaquaval :quaquaval: @ :expert belt: Expert Belt
HP: 42/90 | EN: 38/100 | ATK 9 / DEF 6 / SPA 6 / SPD 6 / SPE 85
Size 3 / Weight 4 / Chill 5 / Recovery 1
Abilities: Torrent
- - - -
= = = =
- - - -
- - - -
Obélix the Greedent :greedent: @ :oran berry: Oran Berry and :starf berry: Starf BerryConsumed
HP: 7/105 | EN: -3/100 | ATK 7 / DEF 7 / SPA 4 / SPD 6 / SPE 20
Size 1 / Weight 1 / Chill 5 / Recovery 2
Abilities: Cheek Pouch / Gluttony
- - - -
= = = =
1x Oran Berry
1x Starf Berry

1x Destiny Knot
1x Loaded Dice
1x Expert Belt @ :quaquaval:
1x Miracle Seed
1x Power Anklet
= = = =

Start of Round
(:tinkaton: 94 Spe > :quaquaval: 85 Spe)
agdbldd moves first!

Rolling highs = desired effect
(d24=24=crit. d24=1=no crit)
(90% chance to hit, d10=10=hit / d10=1=no hit)
(10% chance of effect, d10=10=effect, d10=1=no effect)
Discord Rolls
Start of Step 1]

Turn 1
Fake Out -4 EN
Vs Quauaval
Crit d24=21
(4 BAP +6 ATK -6 DEF)
= Azure takes 4 Damage!
:quaquaval: is flinching! +Faked marker
End of Step 1
Start of Step 2

Turn 1
Thunder Wave -7 EN
Vs Quauaval
Hit d10=4
= Azure is paralyzed!
:quaquaval: +1 Paralysis marker

Turn 2
Vs Tinkaton
Crit d24=14 / Ef d5=4
(9 BAP +3 STAB +9 ATK -6 DEF)
= agdbldd takes 15 Damage!
End of Step 2
Start of Step 3

Turn 1
Reflect -10 EN
Vs Allied Field
= agdbldd erected a physical barrier!
:tinkaton: +Reflect (6) Steps

Turn 2
Vs Tinkaton
Crit d24=20
(9 BAP +3 STAB +6 ATK -8 SPD)
= agdbldd takes 10 Damage!
End of Round!
:quaquaval: gains 1 paralysis marker

= =Team Gaboswampert= =
Reflect (5) Steps
agdbldd the Tinkaton :tinkaton: @ :cheri berry:Cheri Berry
HP: 65/90 | EN: 79/100 | ATK 6 / DEF 6 / SPA 5 / SPD 8 / SPE 94
Size 1 / Weight 5 / Chill 5 / Recovery 2
Abilities: Mold Breaker / Own Tempo
- - - -
= = = =
- - - -
- - - -
Food the Malamar :malamar: @ :oran berry: Oran Berry Consumed
HP: 51/90 | EN: -3/100 | ATK 7 / DEF 6 / SPA 5 / SPD 6 / SPE 78
Size 3 / Weight 2 / Chill 5 / Recovery 1
Abilities: Contrary / Suction Cups
- - - -
Pendejo the Hawlucha :hawlucha: @ :muscle band: Muscle Band
HP: -8/90 | EN: 46/100 | ATK 7 / DEF 6 / SPA 5 / SPD 5 / SPE 118
Size 2 / Weight 2 / Chill 5 / Recovery 1
Abilities: Limber / Unburden
= = = =
Oran Berry
Pecha Berry
Cheri Berry
Rawst Berry
Wise Glasses
Muscle Band @ :hawlucha:
= = = =

= =Team TMan87= =
Azura the Quaquaval :quaquaval: @ :expert belt: Expert Belt
HP: 38/90 | EN: 24/100 | ATK 9 / DEF 6 / SPA 6 / SPD 6 / SPE 85
Size 3 / Weight 4 / Chill 5 / Recovery 1
Abilities: Torrent
- - - -
Major Status: Paralysis (2)
= = = =
- - - -
- - - -
Obélix the Greedent :greedent: @ :oran berry: Oran Berry and :starf berry: Starf BerryConsumed
HP: 7/105 | EN: -3/100 | ATK 7 / DEF 7 / SPA 4 / SPD 6 / SPE 20
Size 1 / Weight 1 / Chill 5 / Recovery 2
Abilities: Cheek Pouch / Gluttony
- - - -
= = = =
1x Oran Berry
1x Starf Berry[/S]
1x Destiny Knot
1x Loaded Dice
1x Expert Belt @ :quaquaval:
1x Miracle Seed
1x Power Anklet
= = = =

Gaboswampert to order 1st
TMan87 to order 2nd
Play Rough - Play Rough - Play Rough

IF the opponent uses Counter, use Fairy Wind
IF the opponent is under the effects of Protection, use Swords Dance
IF the opponent used Substitute, use Encore the next step

= =Team Gaboswampert= =
Reflect (5) Steps
agdbldd the Tinkaton :tinkaton: @ :cheri berry:Cheri Berry
HP: 65/90 | EN: 79/100 | ATK 6 / DEF 6 / SPA 5 / SPD 8 / SPE 94
Size 1 / Weight 5 / Chill 5 / Recovery 2
Abilities: Mold Breaker / Own Tempo
- - - -
= = = =
- - - -
- - - -
Food the Malamar :malamar: @ :oran berry: Oran Berry Consumed
HP: 51/90 | EN: -3/100 | ATK 7 / DEF 6 / SPA 5 / SPD 6 / SPE 78
Size 3 / Weight 2 / Chill 5 / Recovery 1
Abilities: Contrary / Suction Cups
- - - -
Pendejo the Hawlucha :hawlucha: @ :muscle band: Muscle Band
HP: -8/90 | EN: 46/100 | ATK 7 / DEF 6 / SPA 5 / SPD 5 / SPE 118
Size 2 / Weight 2 / Chill 5 / Recovery 1
Abilities: Limber / Unburden
= = = =
Oran Berry
Pecha Berry
Cheri Berry
Rawst Berry
Wise Glasses
Muscle Band @ :hawlucha:
= = = =

= =Team TMan87= =
Azura the Quaquaval :quaquaval: @ :expert belt: Expert Belt
HP: 38/90 | EN: 24/100 | ATK 9 / DEF 6 / SPA 6 / SPD 6 / SPE 85
Size 3 / Weight 4 / Chill 5 / Recovery 1
Abilities: Torrent
- - - -
Major Status: Paralysis (2)
= = = =
- - - -
- - - -
Obélix the Greedent :greedent: @ :oran berry: Oran Berry and :starf berry: Starf BerryConsumed
HP: 7/105 | EN: -3/100 | ATK 7 / DEF 7 / SPA 4 / SPD 6 / SPE 20
Size 1 / Weight 1 / Chill 5 / Recovery 2
Abilities: Cheek Pouch / Gluttony
- - - -
= = = =
1x Oran Berry
1x Starf Berry[/S]
1x Destiny Knot
1x Loaded Dice
1x Expert Belt @ :quaquaval:
1x Miracle Seed
1x Power Anklet
= = = =

Start of Round
(:tinkaton: 94 Spe > :quaquaval: 43 Spe)
agdbldd moves first!

Rolling highs = desired effect
(d24=24=crit. d24=1=no crit)
(90% chance to hit, d10=10=hit / d10=1=no hit)
(10% chance of effect, d10=10=effect, d10=1=no effect)
Discord Rolls
Start of Step 1]

Turn 1
Play Rough -7 EN
Vs Quauaval
Crit d24=21 / Hit d10=8 / Eff d10=7
(9 BAP +3 STAB +6 ATK -6 DEF)*1.5
= Azure takes 18 Damage!

Turn 2
Vs Tinkaton
Crit d24=1 / Ef d5=2
(9 BAP +3 ABIL +3 STAB +9 ATK -13 DEF)
= agdbldd takes 11 Damage!
End of Step 1
Start of Step 2

Turn 1
Play Rough -7 EN
Vs Quauaval
Crit d24=22 / Hit d10=8 / Eff d10=10 YES
(9 BAP +3 STAB +6 ATK -6 DEF)*1.5
= Azure takes 18 Damage!

Turn 2
Vs Tinkaton
Crit d24=21 / Ef d5=2
(9 BAP +3 ABIL +3 STAB +9 ATK -13 DEF)
= agdbldd takes 11 Damage!
End of Step 2
Start of Step 3

Turn 1
Play Rough -7 EN
Vs Quauaval
Crit d24=22 / Hit d10=3 / Eff d10=2
(9 BAP +3 STAB +6 ATK -6 DEF)*1.5
= Azure takes 18 Damage!
:quaquaval: fainted!
End of Round!

= =Team Gaboswampert= =
Reflect (2) Steps
agdbldd the Tinkaton :tinkaton: @ :cheri berry:Cheri Berry
HP: 43/90 | EN: 58/100 | ATK 6 / DEF 6 / SPA 5 / SPD 8 / SPE 94
Size 1 / Weight 5 / Chill 5 / Recovery 2
Abilities: Mold Breaker / Own Tempo
- - - -
= = = =
- - - -
- - - -
Food the Malamar :malamar: @ :oran berry: Oran Berry Consumed
HP: 51/90 | EN: -3/100 | ATK 7 / DEF 6 / SPA 5 / SPD 6 / SPE 78
Size 3 / Weight 2 / Chill 5 / Recovery 1
Abilities: Contrary / Suction Cups
- - - -
Pendejo the Hawlucha :hawlucha: @ :muscle band: Muscle Band
HP: -8/90 | EN: 46/100 | ATK 7 / DEF 6 / SPA 5 / SPD 5 / SPE 118
Size 2 / Weight 2 / Chill 5 / Recovery 1
Abilities: Limber / Unburden
= = = =
Oran Berry
Pecha Berry
Cheri Berry
Rawst Berry
Wise Glasses
Muscle Band @ :hawlucha:
= = = =

= =Team TMan87= =
= = = =
- - - -
- - - -
Obélix the Greedent :greedent: @ :oran berry: Oran Berry and :starf berry: Starf BerryConsumed
HP: 7/105 | EN: -3/100 | ATK 7 / DEF 7 / SPA 4 / SPD 6 / SPE 20
Size 1 / Weight 1 / Chill 5 / Recovery 2
Abilities: Cheek Pouch / Gluttony
- - - -
Azura the Quaquaval :quaquaval: @ :expert belt: Expert Belt
HP: -16/90 | EN: 12/100 | ATK 9 / DEF 6 / SPA 6 / SPD 6 / SPE 85
Size 3 / Weight 4 / Chill 5 / Recovery 1
Abilities: Torrent
- - - -
Major Status: Paralysis (2)
= = = =
1x Oran Berry
1x Starf Berry[/S]
1x Destiny Knot
1x Loaded Dice
1x Expert Belt @ :quaquaval:
1x Miracle Seed
1x Power Anklet
= = = =

TMan87 to replace and order 1st
Gaboswampert to order 2nd

"Alright let's win this!"

Sending out :venusaur:Nycoll-Dyson the Venusaur w/ :miracle seed:Miracle Seed!

Sunny Day | Weather Ball | Weather Ball

At start of turn 2 or 3, IF Tinkaton has Protection THEN Work Up

= =Team Gaboswampert= =
Reflect (2) Steps
agdbldd the Tinkaton :tinkaton: @ :cheri berry:Cheri Berry
HP: 43/90 | EN: 58/100 | ATK 6 / DEF 6 / SPA 5 / SPD 8 / SPE 94
Size 1 / Weight 5 / Chill 5 / Recovery 2
Abilities: Mold Breaker / Own Tempo
- - - -
= = = =
- - - -
- - - -
Food the Malamar :malamar: @ :oran berry: Oran Berry Consumed
HP: 51/90 | EN: -3/100 | ATK 7 / DEF 6 / SPA 5 / SPD 6 / SPE 78
Size 3 / Weight 2 / Chill 5 / Recovery 1
Abilities: Contrary / Suction Cups
- - - -
Pendejo the Hawlucha :hawlucha: @ :muscle band: Muscle Band
HP: -8/90 | EN: 46/100 | ATK 7 / DEF 6 / SPA 5 / SPD 5 / SPE 118
Size 2 / Weight 2 / Chill 5 / Recovery 1
Abilities: Limber / Unburden
= = = =
Oran Berry
Pecha Berry
Cheri Berry
Rawst Berry
Wise Glasses
Muscle Band @ :hawlucha:
= = = =

= =Team TMan87= =
Nicoll-Dyson the Venusaur :venusaur: @ :miracle seed: Miracle Seed
HP: 90/90 | EN: 100/100 | ATK 6 / DEF 6 / SPA 7 / SPD 7 / SPE 80
Size 4 / Weight 4 / Chill 5 / Recovery 2
Abilities: Overgrow
= = = =
- - - -
- - - -
Obélix the Greedent :greedent: @ :oran berry: Oran Berry and :starf berry: Starf BerryConsumed
HP: 7/105 | EN: -3/100 | ATK 7 / DEF 7 / SPA 4 / SPD 6 / SPE 20
Size 1 / Weight 1 / Chill 5 / Recovery 2
Abilities: Cheek Pouch / Gluttony
- - - -
Azura the Quaquaval :quaquaval: @ :expert belt: Expert Belt
HP: -16/90 | EN: 12/100 | ATK 9 / DEF 6 / SPA 6 / SPD 6 / SPE 85
Size 3 / Weight 4 / Chill 5 / Recovery 1
Abilities: Torrent
- - - -
Major Status: Paralysis (2)
= = = =
1x Oran Berry
1x Starf Berry[/S]
1x Destiny Knot
1x Loaded Dice
1x Expert Belt @ :quaquaval:
1x Miracle Seed
1x Power Anklet
= = = =

Start of Round
(:tinkaton: 94 Spe > :venusaur: 80 Spe)
agdbldd moves first!

Rolling highs = desired effect
(d24=24=crit. d24=1=no crit)
(90% chance to hit, d10=10=hit / d10=1=no hit)
(10% chance of effect, d10=10=effect, d10=1=no effect)
Discord Rolls
Start of Step 1]

Turn 1
Substiture -12 EN
Vs Self
= Decoy
:tinkaton: -18 HP +Decoy

Turn 2
Sunny Day
Vs Field
= Here comes the sun~
+Sun (5) Rounds
End of Step 1
Start of Step 2

Turn 1
Encore -10 EN
Vs Venusaur
= Again
:vensaur: orders = Sunny Day

Turn 2
Sunny Day
Vs Field
= Dada dada~
End of Step 2
Start of Step 3

Turn 1
-1 Chill +12 EN
Vs Self
= Ahhhh...

Turn 2
Weather Ball
Vs Decoy
12 BAP
= Decoy ded
:tinkaton: -Decoy
End of Round!

= =Team Gaboswampert= =
agdbldd the Tinkaton :tinkaton: @ :cheri berry:Cheri Berry
HP: 25/90 | EN: 50/100 | ATK 6 / DEF 6 / SPA 5 / SPD 8 / SPE 94
Size 1 / Weight 5 / Chill 4 / Recovery 2
Abilities: Mold Breaker / Own Tempo
- - - -
= = = =
- - - -
- - - -
Food the Malamar :malamar: @ :oran berry: Oran Berry Consumed
HP: 51/90 | EN: -3/100 | ATK 7 / DEF 6 / SPA 5 / SPD 6 / SPE 78
Size 3 / Weight 2 / Chill 5 / Recovery 1
Abilities: Contrary / Suction Cups
- - - -
Pendejo the Hawlucha :hawlucha: @ :muscle band: Muscle Band
HP: -8/90 | EN: 46/100 | ATK 7 / DEF 6 / SPA 5 / SPD 5 / SPE 118
Size 2 / Weight 2 / Chill 5 / Recovery 1
Abilities: Limber / Unburden
= = = =
Oran Berry
Pecha Berry
Cheri Berry
Rawst Berry
Wise Glasses
Muscle Band @ :hawlucha:
= = = =
Sun (4) Rounds

= =Team TMan87= =
Nicoll-Dyson the Venusaur :venusaur: @ :miracle seed: Miracle Seed
HP: 90/90 | EN: 72/100 | ATK 6 / DEF 6 / SPA 7 / SPD 7 / SPE 80
Size 4 / Weight 4 / Chill 5 / Recovery 2
Abilities: Overgrow
= = = =
- - - -
- - - -
Obélix the Greedent :greedent: @ :oran berry: Oran Berry and :starf berry: Starf BerryConsumed
HP: 7/105 | EN: -3/100 | ATK 7 / DEF 7 / SPA 4 / SPD 6 / SPE 20
Size 1 / Weight 1 / Chill 5 / Recovery 2
Abilities: Cheek Pouch / Gluttony
- - - -
Azura the Quaquaval :quaquaval: @ :expert belt: Expert Belt
HP: -16/90 | EN: 12/100 | ATK 9 / DEF 6 / SPA 6 / SPD 6 / SPE 85
Size 3 / Weight 4 / Chill 5 / Recovery 1
Abilities: Torrent
- - - -
Major Status: Paralysis (2)
= = = =
1x Oran Berry
1x Starf Berry[/S]
1x Destiny Knot
1x Loaded Dice
1x Expert Belt @ :quaquaval:
1x Miracle Seed
1x Power Anklet
= = = =

Gaboswampert to order 1st
TMan87 to order 2nd
