This Is It! (UU RMT)


is a Top Contributor Alumnus


Hey there, Guys! First of all I wanna thank you for clicking on my RMT. By the end of the last round of the UU Metagame (when Yanmega was still allowed but Shaymin and Crobat had already been banned) MeowthPwnzYouNoob, with whom I had been having awesome battles, PMed me, asking if I wanted to create a team with him to be used on the next round of the UU Metagame (the current one) and that employed the soon-to-be UU Rhyperior and Alakazam. I immediately agreed on doing so and we created a team based solely on theorymoning.​

Some days later Rhyperior and Alakazam (and Umbreon...) were finally allowed on the UU tier and we were free to test our new creation, but before I even had the chance to do so (school is important but it sucks), 3 newcomers arrived on the tier to storm the things: Gallade, Raikou and Froslass. As they were added in the tier, Meowth thought it was better to start a new team as the previous one wasn’t ready to deal with the new threats who had just arrived. I, on the contrary, decided to stick with the team, tweaking it a bit while retaining its premise of using Alakazam and Rhyperior. This team has gotten me a huge amount of success since then (#1 on the UU leaderboard and a CRE of 1786, if it really matters) and now, without further ado, i present you the result:

The Closer Look


Uxie @ Leftovers
Ability: Levitate
EVs: 252 HP/ 252 Def/ 4 SpDef
IVs: 0 Spe
Nature: Relaxed (+Def; -Spe)
-Thunder Wave
-Stealth Rock

Description: To start things out we got Uxie. When thinking about what should be this team’s lead we thought of some things we wanted to be on the team itself and made a list: Paralysis support, to help on Rhyperior’s sweeping; Stealth Rock, for obvious reasons; durability on the poké encharged of setting rocks, meaning it could set them up if they were spinned away. Who can not only do all these things, but also provide the priceless momentum of U-Turn and a Fighting Resist? Uxie!

This little guy’s job is very simple yet very important: survive as much as possible to spread paralysis and give Rhyperior and Alakazam an easier time setting up Substitutes, abusing the speed drop on the former’s case and the 25% chance of no moving on the opponent’s side of the field on both cases. Added to that his typing allows him to take Ground and Fighting attack aimed Rhyperior, being synergy wise a great poké.

Moveset: The moveset is standart: Rocks are there for obvious reasons; Thunder Wave provides the aformentioned paralysis support; U-Turn gets me the momentum and Psychic is STAB, also allowing me to hit Fighting and Poison types for super-effective damage.

EVs, IVs, Nature and Item: EVs and Nature are focused on boosting Uxie’s defenses, especially on the physical side, to take blows from the likes of Gallade, Hitmons, and other random attackers. The IVs and Nature were Mewoth’s ideas, lowering Uxie’s speed, making it take the heavy hits and allowing my sweepers come in unscathed. Leftovers are for durability.


Rhyperior (M) @ Leftovers
Ability: Solid Rock
EVs: 132 HP/ 252 Atk/ 24 Def/ 100 Spe
Nature: Adamant (+Atk; -SpAtk)
-Stone Edge

Description: Su(b)perior! With all the paralysis the support provided by Uxie this set was the obvious choice. The premise is very simple and effective: come in on a resisted attack and setup a Substitute as the opponent switches, tries to status you or as Parahax strikes (something not to be relied on but that has saved my ass so many times…) and proceed to attack accordingly. By setting up a Substitute I can also remove the need of predicting what the opponent will be switching in; and weren’t rare the occasions in which my opponent brought pokes like Sceptile in expecting an Earthquake and had to say bye bye when Megahorn stroke it as it broke my sub... RAWR!

Moveset: Nothing too absurd: the QuakeEdge combo is STAB and spells amusingness; Substitute is the base of this set and Megahorn allows me to hit Torterra and Claydol, which would otherwise wall this set to death, as well as Grass types like Tangrowth and Sceptile.

EVs, IVs, Nature and Item: This might need some explaining: 132 HP EVs are enough for the infamous 101 Subs; 252 Attack EVs for general ass-kicking; 100 Speed EVs allows him to reach 141 Speed, the same amount of Base 50 pokés with 20 Speed EVs, thus guaranteeing I’ll be outspeeding them almost always and the 24 EVs left went to Defense to help it setup. Adamant Nature enables further ass-kicking and Leftovers give this guy durability and compensate for the HP loss when using Substitute.


Venusaur (M) @ Leftovers
Ability: Overgrow
EVs: 236 HP/ 252 SpDef/ 20 Spe
Nature: Sassy (+SpDef; -Spe)
-Sleep Powder
-Leech Seed/ Synthesis
-Power Whip
-Sludge Bomb

Description: Let’s take at look at some of the things that hurt Rhyperior the most: a drop of water, a leaf falling from a tree during autumn and just about any special attack. Due to his typing and defensive capacities, Venusaur was pretty much a given to take care of those problems.

Mr. Caesar Salad allows me not to be utterly weak to the likes of Raikou and Milotic, provides me with the invaluable sleep support that gives me even more opportunities to setup, absorbs Toxic (Spikes) and creates further recovery opportunities for my sweepers with Leech Seed. There really isn’t much more to say, he’s unquestionably effective performing his job.

Moveset: I tweaked the moveset a bit for it to fit on the current metagame: Sleep Powder and Leech Seed have already been explained; Sludge Bomb turns this guy into some kind of MixSaur, allowing me to bluff sets and hit Grass types, on which he’ll be switching into and Power Whip is there for STAB and to hit both Milotic and Raikou for considerable damage. I’m currently debating whether I should add Synthesis over Leech Seed or not, as I do miss the instant recover, and that has been costing me games lately.

EVs, IVs, Nature and Item: EVs are there to make it as specially bulky as possible, as that's the kind of hit he’s supposed to take;
Sassy was chosen as nature because he needed to keep his defenses intact, and yet couldn’t afford to hit for less damage, so the only alternative was lowering its speed, while those 20 Speed EVs allow it to outspeed standart Stallrein and max speed neutral nature Rhyperior. Leftovers provide durability.


Honchrow (M) @ Choice Scarf
Ability: Insomnia
EVs: 4HP/ 252 Atk/ 252 Spe
Nature: Jolly (+Spe; -SpAtk)
-Brave Bird
-Night Slash

Description: A sweeper on its own, this guy’s set is often overlooked due to the existence of the Life Orb set, which makes it even better and more unexpected, as by wearing a scarf this guy can outspeed the whole metagame (except for Electrode) and remove the need of those annoying Sucker Punch games, which might horribly backfire.

In this stage of the metagame this scarf is really proving its usefulness, as great part of it is sitting on base 80 Speed, which Honchrow can’t beat on its own. Though, by adding a scarf, it’s possible for Honchrow to remove problem pokés from the game quite easily, like Alakazam, Venusaur, Froslass, Mismagius and, especially, Gallade as all of those expect to outspeed Krow and try to beat me on Sucker Punch/ Pursuit games, while I can just blow them apart. Outside of that, he makes a great late game sweeper, as unresisted Brave Birds isn’t something pokés are ready to take.

Moveset: Brave Bird breaks stuff, period. Pursuit allows me to trap Alakazam, Dugtrio, Ghost types and any kind of weakened poke; Night Slash is STAB and Superpower is there for Rock/Steel types switch-ins.

EVs, IVs, Nature and Item: The EVs are Standart, maximizing its offensive capacities, while the item has already been explained. Jolly was chosen over Adamant as without it I can’t outspeed positive base 120 and 125 pokés, which is necessary considering Alakazam and Swellow could run through my team when given the right conditions; also coming with the nice bonus of outspeeding neutral nature base 80 scarfed pokés.


Alakazam (M) @ Life Orb
Ability: Syncronize
EVs: 4 HP/ 252 ApAtk/ 252 Spe
Nature: Timid (+Spe; -Atk)
-Signal Beam
-Focus Blast

Description: Being Alakazam the epitome of glass cannon, this set was chosen because we wanted him to hit as hard as possible while retaining the ability of freely switching attacks. Once everything has been weakened and my opponent’s team has already been scouted for Spiritombs and scarfed Pursuit users it’s time for this guy to shine. Like Rhyperior, the main objective here is hiding behind of a substitute to protect myself of status and Sucker Punch users and, from there, wreak havoc. In spite of that Alakazam gets his setup opportunity not because of its defenses (which are horrible just for instance), but because of his own presence, which scares the foe, expecting an attack, away. Due to the fact this guy is among the fastest pokés in the tier, it’s very likely that my opponen’t counter will have to take 2 hits before getting the chance of attacking me, and the odds that he gets to do so is very low when you consider its 135 Base SpAtk added to Life Orb. Bluffing an Encore set against those Sucker Punchers and thus forcing switches is a great icing on the cake as well.

Moveset: Psychic is STAB; Substitute is the base of the set; Focus Blast and Signal Beam are there for coverage issues, hitting Dark, Steel and Psychic types for super-effective damage.

EVs, IVs, Nature and Item: The EVs are, again, standart, boosting its sweeping capacities. Timid went over Modest because
speed is the main selling point of Alakazam, and I just can't afford being outsped by Ambipom, Froslass and not to tie with Sceptile and Dugtrio. Now you must be wondering: “Why in hell is this guy using LO on a Sub set?” The answer is very simple: Alakazam is no professional hit taker and needs as much power as possible to guarantee that once it comes in nothing will be surviving long enough to touch it, while the benefits of Leftovers just don’t add up whatsoever on his sweeping.


Milotic (F) @ Leftovers
Ability: Marvel Scale
Evs: 252 HP/ 252 Def/ 4 SpDef
Nature: Bold (+Def; -Atk)
-Hidden Power Grass

Description: If such concept exists, this is the glue of the team. After taking a look on the team I noticed there wasn’t much that could take on Water type stat uppers (Venusaur can't take +2 Physical hits), and even though Rhyperior retained the rock typing, it became common for Fire types, even Arcanine, to carry HP Grass, making him a lousy counter for them. Having that in mind I decided that Milotic should take the team’s last spot, as its durability and access to instant recover meant it could take on the many Fire Water combos, something that other bulky waters just couldn’t do, and Marvel Scale made it the only one in my team that could take a burn.

Moveset: Surf is STAB; Hidden Power Grass is there to hit Water types such as Feraligatr, Quagsire and Kabutops; Haze is used so that my team isn’t owned by Cosmic Power Clefable, random cursers and SD Feraligatr, as well as any surprise stat uppers and Recover is obvious.

EVs, IVs, Nature and Item: Everything is focused on making Milotic as physically bulky and durable as possible, so that it can take heavy assaults from the many pokés it’s meant to wall.

I guess this is it (this is actually the first time I get to mention the title, which I have no idea why I chose lol... maybe because it's this team's "This is it"...) . I’d like to thank Meowth, without whom this team would never have been created. Hope you found this to be a pleasant read despite of the many grammar mistakes and poor language. Feel free to rate! *falls over in exhaustion*.

Threat List (Stolen from Heysup’s RMT, so I hope he doesn’t mind)

Defensive Threats

Blastoise –
Venusaur handles this guy well enough, even though he can’t avoid its spinning. Milotic can slowly wear it down if it doesn’t have Toxic or Rest.
– Venusaur can stall it forever with Leech Seed, Immunity to Toxic and access to Power Whip. Major setup fodder for Rhyperior and can be revenged by Honchrow.
– Anything on this team but Uxie and arguably Rhyperior can take on this, but Venusaur is the best switch there is due to his immunity to toxic and high SpDef.
– Milotic can Haze any boost away. Honchrow and Alakazam hit it for tons of damage, and depending of the moveset Rhyperior can beat it
– Kinda annoying... Alakazam OHKOes but won’t like Ice Shard. Milotic can take anything thrown at it but can’t stop spikes and won’t like Explosion.
– Rhyperior’s Megahorn (he survives unboosted Seed Bombs) and Alakazam’s Focus Blast. Haze is the bane of any Curse set.
– Milotic can take on any set that lacks recovery. Uxie can paralyze it and make it succetible to the likes of Rhyperior. Alakazam’s Focus Blast will leave a scar on it.
– Kinda hard to tell as it has many sets. Milotic can haze boosts; Rhyperior, Honchrow and Alakazam can hit it hard.
– Venu…SAUR!!
– Setup fodder for Rhyperior. It’s normally physically defensive, so Milotic and Alakazam can deal with it well enough, hitting it hard on the former’s case and OHKOing on the last’s one.
– Milotic. Venusaur can absorb toxic spikes; Alakazam can revenge it and Rhyperior can survive an Earth Power and KO back with EQ.
– Milotic, Venusaur, Alakazam, Uxie (…)
– Rhyperior’s setup fodder. Milotic and Venusaur deal with it on their own special ways.
– Rhyperior’s setup fodder, as Iron Head doesn’t always break subs.
– Annoying because of the burn, but Honchrow can revenge it and Alakazam can hit it hard.
– Likes to switch-in on Rhyperior’s Sub and is 2HKOed by Megahorn. Venusaur can put it to sleep and wear it down with Power Whip. Alakazam hits it hard with Signal Beam.
– Physical Tomb is setup fodder for Rhyperior. Milotic can haze any boost of the CM set away.
– Another fodder for Rhyperior. The curse set is hazed by Milotic. Alakazam’s Focus Blast deals around 55% damage to it, meaning if I get a sub on the switch it’s dead.
– Just gotta hit it hard with Rhyperior, Honchrow and Alakazam. Milotic slowly wears it down while Uxie can’t do a thing in return but paralyze it.
– Alakazam OHKOes it and can repay the burn with synchronize. Milotic walls it to no end and so does Uxie.


Offensive Threats

– Alakazam’s mind games will make my opponent have to excel on predictions. Rhyperior can take anything and OHKO back with Earthquake. If everything goes wrong, Honchrow can revenge it thanks to its typing.
– Honchrow. Uxie's paralyze will render it nearly useless. Milotic can haze CMers and has enough defenses to take 2 unboosted Psychics.
– Rhyperior takes the on physical ones (majority). The rare specially minded ones can be dealt with prediction and SpAtk drops of Draco Meteor.
– Rhyperior takes on the ones without Low Kick (which is rare nowaydas, though). Alakazam and Honchrow outspeed and OHKO it. Milotic can work around it.
– Milotic. Rhyperior can take on non-HP Grass variants. It’s worth noting that WoW is very annoying on the last’s case and Toxic on both cases
– Milotic and Venusaur.
– Milotic is my initial switch in. Uxie can take on the physical variants. Both Honchrow and Alakazam outspeed and OHKO it.
– Rhyperior was born to counter this guy. Milotic holds its own well enough. Venusaur absorbs Toxic Spikes.
– Milotic and Venusaur.
- Usually a lead, so I use U-turn with Uxie as it taunts me and net a surprise kill with Honchrow as it DBonds me. Honchrow deals with it equally well in the midgame.
Gallade – Honchrow takes +2 Shadow Sneaks like a pro and OHKOes it back with Brave Bird. Rhyperior can take an unboosted Close Combat and OHKO it as well. Uxie can paralyze it, making it much easier to work around.
– Uxie, Milotic. Easily revenged by Krow and Alakazam.
– Uxie, Milotic and Venusaur. Again, easily revenged.
– Read Hitmonlee.
– It’s like the Salamence of UU; no team is completely safe when this guy’s around. Rhyperior deals with it well enough if it doesn’t have HP Grass and Milotic can stall recoil for a while. Alakazam can try to beat it on its own mind games.
– Milotic handles it well enough. Honchrow can easily revenge it and won't mind the eventual Sucker Punch.
– Milotic and Venusaur.
– Walled forever by Uxie. Milotic and Rhyperior deal with it excellently. Easily revenged as long as I watch out for Sucker Punch on Alakazam’s case.
– Honchrow.
– Tough cookie because Milotic can’t switch into it. I can attempt to paralyze and from there work around, but it’ll be bothersome no matter what.
– Uxie.
– Da big boss Krow.
Moltres –
– You know the drill, Milotic takes on it, so does Uxie. Alakazam can revenge it as long as it watches out for Sucker Punch.
– Both the Rain and the Spiker versions are dealt with by Milotic and Venusaur.
– Venusaur. Alakazam and Honchrow outpseed it and hit it hard. Rhyperior can take a +1 HP Ice and OHKO it in return.
– Milotic and Venusaur. Alakazam revenges it with Focus Blast.
– Rhyperior, Milotic and Stealth Rock keep this guy at a bay.
– Rhyperior was born to counter it. Milotic can stall for residual damage.
– Usually CBed, so if locked into a Normal attack Rhyperior, and if locked on Earthquake pursuited by Honchrow. Uxie deals with it well enough by paralyzing it and switching to an adequate counter
– Ouch. My best bets against RP Torterra are Venusaur, who can survive and EQ and put it to sleep and Uxie, who can slowly wears it down with Psychic and recoil. Outside of that I’m pretty much a sitting duck and will rely on recoil to beat it. Defensive Torterras are no worries for the team at all though.
– Milotic.
– Uxie, Rhyperior and Milotic take on this guy well enough.
– Honchrow is my initial switch-in as he doesn’t fear Sleep Powder. Uxie can handle it if Sleep Clause is active and Alakazam revenges it.
Nice team. Don't really have much to change except that you could try testing out Restalk Milotic. Idk why but Toxic is becoming really common even on certain odd pokes, and if Milotic is hit with that it won't be able to wall much anymore. Arcanine, a poke Milotic is supposed to beat, can Toxic on the switch-in and she will be too weak to take it on later in the match, and then it will sweep your team. I prefer HP Grass over Haze personally.

Also, you have a disgusting weakness to RP Torterra. Not really common but just letting you know....

Good luck.
If your opponent has HP Ice Raikou with Spikes support (incredibly common), you are going to have a very very hard time avoiding a Raikou sweep. While Venusaur is good and all, your still going to get stomped by Raikou with HP Ice and Spikes, here are some calcs:

+1 HP Ice versus Venusaur:

493 Atk vs 328 Def & 364 HP (70 Base Power): 152 - 180 (41.76% - 49.45%)

So to factor in Spikes (for the 2HKO) I just do this: HP Ice damage + Spikes Damage + SR Damage - Leftovers + HP Ice Damage. If the damage is over 100% then it 2HKOes 100% of the time.

1 Layer of Spikes and minimum HP Ice damage:

41.76% + 12.5% + 12.5% - 6.25% + 41.76% = 102.27%

Even if you have one layer of Spikes on your side of the field, you're going to crushed by CM Raikou.

Other scenario's don't fare much better. If you spam Synthesis, he's eventually just going to Calm Mind up again and cause more trouble. If you manage to completely outpredict, your Power Whip will only do a measly 43.30% - 51.40%, meaning you won't even 2HKO Raikou. Essentially, Venusaur does nothing against Raikou!

You can sort of deal with this by doing one little thing, but if you really want to answer it you'll probably have to change some Pokemon around. If you just want to sort of "stop" HP ice raikou + Spikes, I'd recommend just placing Roar on Venusaur over Power Whip. Roar will give you the chance to get Raikou out of battle before it sets up and becomes too dangerous. Venusaur has staying power because of Synthesis as well, so you can keep doing this.
Hey. Just a lil nit-pick, You've got a jolly nature on your alakazam, which I'm sure you meant timid. Over all a strong team. I should know, I lost against it 3-0 lol.
To Thund91: Thanks for the rate! I have thought of adding a RestTalk set on Milo, but I thought it would be much more of a setup fodder than it already is in the current metagame, and having only two other moves when the 3 of the ones I use are essential kinda bothers me.
Regarding Torterra; yes, I do have weakness to it, so much that i used to ran Sucker Punch on Krow, but isn't something impossible to be played around. First of all I try not to let it setup, and as they attempt to do so, it's normal that they get a good Megahorn to the face due to thinking Rhyperior is a big fodder. Added to that Venusaur can survive an LO Earthquake with SR and one layer of Spikes down and send it to sleep. Here are calcs of Torterra's EQ and Venusaur's Sludge Bomb:
348 Atk vs 202 Def & 364 HP (100 Base Power): 240 - 283 (65.93% - 77.75%)
236 Atk vs 206 Def & 332 HP (80 Base Power): 127 - 151 (38.25% - 45.48%)
That means that if I get an standart sleep (2 turns), It's likely that I'll be defeating it.

To Heysup: You're right; not always just by himself Venusaur is able to deal with Raikou as he's already meant to take on so much. But think about it: The set you mentioned is the offensive CMer, something rarer (I might be wrong on saying this because I haven't checked statistics) and that usually carries no Sub, meaning that I can put it to sleep. Added to that Honchrow and Alakazam outspeed it and damage it considerably, and IIRC Rhyperior survives a +1 HP Ice and KOes back with Earthquake, meaning I have plenty of backup checks.
About the changes you recommended, I had already tried that, but that made me a complete sitting duck against Milotic, Lanturn and Chansey, against which I rely on Venusaur as my initial switch-in. Also if I got a bad matchup with Roar, that meant Venusaur wouldn't be able to counter Kou again. In spite of that I'm inclined to try that set again due to these calcs. Thanks for rating =)

To Zombie Leon: Oops, gotta fix that. Thanks for pointing out xP

*Edit to avoid an unecessary BUMP* To Meowth: Hi Persian! Just about everything you said was right, my weakness to Torterra is undeniable and I need the scarf on Krow as he's my best check for Gallade. Maybe if (when) he's banned I can change that. I do avoid pursuiting when I don't know my opponen't team though, as not only he becomes a fodder for Torterra, but just to about any poké that isn't weak to Dark.
Hi Reddy! I'm glad you posted that RMT :P Thanks for all the positive comments.

On to the team now...Just as Thund said , you have a Rock Polish Torterra weakness. It OHKOs 4/6 your team and can set up after Honchkrow has killed a psychic type with Pursuit. Of course , Torterra can't KO all of your team , because of the Wood Hammer recoil. It can , howrever , deal significant damage to your team. After that , a fast sweeper can easily finish you.

You could change your Honchkrow to the standard LO set , that will give you some priority , too! Of course , you become evem more weak to Gallade and Raikou , but you never really seemed to have real problems when I used them against you.

I really don't know , though , the team seems kinda perfect , and , as you told me some time ago , you want to make a new team.

Best of luck , Reddy :P
The one dubious Pokemon I see here is your lead Uxie. Have you considered Zen Headbutt instead of Psychic? It would help a ton against Gallade, as Psychic does very little damage and can spell particular trouble if you happen to come across a Sub variant with some HP investment, given that the Subs won't break in one hit. You could also make some decent use of the flinch rate with all the Thunder Wave spamming.

With regards to the slow U-turn idea, it is rather odd because Uxie is naturally quite nippy, and certain things will still be slower even with minimum speed, not to mention the obvious counter-productivity with Thunder Wave as you probably already know that. It seems that you could be better off with Mesprit here. Although you lose some bulk, Mesprit is much slower and hits much harder on both sides (32% to be exact). You would also have the option of running Ice Beam to solve your Torterra problem completely, although you would have to drop something in order to do so. Just an idea.
The one dubious Pokemon I see here is your lead Uxie. Have you considered Zen Headbutt instead of Psychic? It would help a ton against Gallade, as Psychic does very little damage and can spell particular trouble if you happen to come across a Sub variant with some HP investment, given that the Subs won't break in one hit. You could also make some decent use of the flinch rate with all the Thunder Wave spamming.

With regards to the slow U-turn idea, it is rather odd because Uxie is naturally quite nippy, and certain things will still be slower even with minimum speed, not to mention the obvious counter-productivity with Thunder Wave as you probably already know that. It seems that you could be better off with Mesprit here. Although you lose some bulk, Mesprit is much slower and hits much harder on both sides (32% to be exact). You would also have the option of running Ice Beam to solve your Torterra problem completely, although you would have to drop something in order to do so. Just an idea.

It's good that you mentioned Zen Headbutt because I had completely forgotten about it. When making this team we knew Roserade was going OU so we thought there was nothing that Psychic wouldn't hit harder, but I forgot to adapt it once the new suspecs arrived (It'll be good not only for Gallade but for Raikou). The flinch rate was another something I had completely forgotten about, so I'll make sure I change this; thanks a lot for pointing that out.
Regarding Uxie, the thing about the slow U-Turn is that not always he'll be paralyzing the foe, some are immune to it like Rhyperior and some just aren't worth it, like Milotic, but I still want Uxie to take the hit and my sweepers to come unscathed. It also guarantees that I'll be beating any Uxie on the TWave -> U-Turn thing, getting me the momentum.
About Mesprit I had neglected it inicially because of Uxie's superior defenses, and despite the fact Ice Beam would erradicate my problems with Torterra, it's making it unable to counter fighters effectively. The durability is another plus, as once my main counter for something is gone my best bet is going to Uxe to paralyze a thread and make it much more manageable.
All in all I'm gonna implement Zen Headbutt on it as I see no reason not to. I'm also gonna give Mesprit a go as theorymoning and testing are two very different things. Thanks a lot for the enlightment Lemmi =)

By the way, Threat List is up now guys, so rate it!
Ok, this post is one final bump before I let this thread die, and is to tell how the testing has been going.

Zen Headbutt: I decided not to implement it because the one thing I feared actually happened: I relied on Psychic to hit on the special side, as pokés like Donphan and Rhyperior see on Uxie a complete fodder for setting up SR and spinning (on the former's case), and by needing to switch to Milotic everytime I see such pokés makes me completely prone to being setup on, as Donphan is quite a durable pokémon. Added to that Uxie is completely crippled once he gets burned, meaning that Having Zen Headbutt to hit Gallade or not will not matter at all.

Mesprit and Venusaur changes: Regarding Venusaur, I just didn't find something disposable so that I could use Roar, as every move on the set fills specific roles on this team. Mesprit wasn't used as well just because RP Torterra is nowhere to be seen (at least I haven't been seeing any) and the extra defenses on Uxie are needed to survive longer and spread more Paralysis.

I guess that's it. If you have any other suggestion feel free to post it here and I'll be glad to try it out. Thanks to all people who posted here and gave a good rate =)
Bluewind said:
The set you mentioned is the offensive CMer

Actually no, it's the SubCMer, which is incredibly common. I remember I've played this team with my test team and swept with Raikou almost every time except for a horribly haxy match.
Hey, great team. Apart from the other threats metioned I noticed are Hail teams can potentionally rip through this team, although they aren't very common. With 3 pokes weak to Ice and only one Ice resist thats open to Toxic which is common on these teams, while Uxie won't take to much STAB Blizzards. Although it's hard to suggest anything without messing up the team too much and you've already mentioned why you don't want Rest on Milotic. Overall great team.
To Heysup: I always thought the standart SubCMer didn't run max SPAtk, but as I never used Raikou I must be wrong. I really can't recall being swept by Raikou though, and the team has more than one way to beat it, so the fact you were able to remove the 2 pokés that were faster, weaken Rhyperior and Venusaur shouldn't mean I'm weak to it. Also, Roar is not helping against a last poké Raikou.

To Deccy: That's true, Hail teams can really do a number to this team. My main strategy against them is keeping Alakazam alive for as long as possible as he's my best bet against Walrein. I do have Honchrow to take Froslass out though, and Venusaur absorbs Toxic Spikes, so that soothens its blows. I could run Encore to help against such kind of team and Raikous, but I'd lose the coverage needed when doing a Lategame cleaning, so I guess I'm just doomed against what I consider to be a broken playstyle.

Thanks for the rates guys =)
To Heysup: I always thought the standart SubCMer didn't run max SPAtk, but as I never used Raikou I must be wrong. I really can't recall being swept by Raikou though, and the team has more than one way to beat it, so the fact you were able to remove the 2 pokés that were faster, weaken Rhyperior and Venusaur shouldn't mean I'm weak to it. Also, Roar is not helping against a last poké Raikou.

Valid point, but I'm just saying you should definitely think of a better way to deal with Raikou. Why not just use Physical Venusaur with some attack EVs?
The problem on doing so is that Venusaur loses his ability to constantly switch into the most varied attacks. Theoretically I think trying out a new spread could actually be helpful as by adding some speed and attack I'll be consequently taking less damage, but I do rely on Venusaur a lot so I'm afraid he might be overloaded with the defense drops. Taking EVs from HP and pouring into attack until it can at least 2HKO Raikou sounds good though, so I'll try it out. Thanks for the heads up.

You could run HP ice on alakazam instead of sub, to cover your torterra weakness. Also you should run roar on you venusaur. Its good for phazing and getting SR damage. Run Ice beam over HP grass seeing as venusaur covers your quagsire, feraligatr and kabutops weakeness. IB also gives you another X4 way to hit torterra.
You could run HP ice on alakazam instead of sub, to cover your torterra weakness. Also you should run roar on you venusaur. Its good for phazing and getting SR damage. Run Ice beam over HP grass seeing as venusaur covers your quagsire, feraligatr and kabutops weakeness. IB also gives you another X4 way to hit torterra.

Having HP Ice on Alakazam won't help at all when it can outspeed me. The same applies to Milotic on Ice Beam's case, as it'd still be outspeeding me. Regarding Roar on Venusaur, that has already been discussed and is not making me any safer against Raikou, as a last pokémon situation is still troublesome; added to the fact I can't really replace anything on Venusaur. I can't really implement those changes, but thanks for dropping by and trying to help =)
Solid team but the Torterra weakness is simply too big, especially RP. Venusaur can never take more than one EQ from Torterra. The best way to deal with the problem is to use a Pokemon that will have no problems with Torterra. Tangrowth fits perfectly because it resists both of Torterra's STAB's and has high Defence. A good moveset for Tangrowth that fits your team would be this:

Tangrowth @ Leftovers
Trait: Chlorophyll
Nature: Relaxed (+ Def, - Spd)
EV's: 252 HP/ 252 Def/ 4 Att (you can remove a bit defence to make Power Whip stronger)
- Power Whip
- Sleep Powder
- Leech Seed
- HP Fire (mainly for Grass types)

You might want to change this a bit but it's up to you. However, now you're weak to Raikou and so Lanturn should be used instead of Milotic. You can choose to use Rest-Talk if you want a form of recovery or the normal one (Surf/TBolt/Ice Beam /Toxic). Of course, this is entirely up to you.
Solid team but the Torterra weakness is simply too big, especially RP. Venusaur can never take more than one EQ from Torterra. The best way to deal with the problem is to use a Pokemon that will have no problems with Torterra. Tangrowth fits perfectly because it resists both of Torterra's STAB's and has high Defence. A good moveset for Tangrowth that fits your team would be this:

Tangrowth @ Leftovers
Trait: Chlorophyll
Nature: Relaxed (+ Def, - Spd)
EV's: 252 HP/ 252 Def/ 4 Att (you can remove a bit defence to make Power Whip stronger)
- Power Whip
- Sleep Powder
- Leech Seed
- HP Fire (mainly for Grass types)

You might want to change this a bit but it's up to you. However, now you're weak to Raikou and so Lanturn should be used instead of Milotic. You can choose to use Rest-Talk if you want a form of recovery or the normal one (Surf/TBolt/Ice Beam /Toxic). Of course, this is entirely up to you.

The problem with Tangrowth is that it can't switch into special attakcs, and that's the main purpose I'm running Venusaur with a Specially Defensive spread, as pokés like Tangrowth get owned By Milotic's/ Lanturn's/ Ludicolo's Ice Beams, and these are things Venusaur is meant to take. It also can't switch in on Grass types reliably as Specs Leaf Storms would hurt too much.
Regarding Lanturn as a Raikou counter, it really can't do a thing against Kou, as it can simply CM on my switch, setup a sub, which I believe Lanturn can't break and CM up from there. To make it worse, if I were against a Grass type Variant that would be a straight 6-0.