To Shoot the Moon ~Lunatone Discussion

Inspired by the discussion on Lunatone's sun-based counterpart, Solrock.
Type: Rock/Psychic
Ability: Levitate
Base Stats: 70HP/55ATK/65DEF/95SPA/85SPD/70SPE
Y halo thar UU.

Physical Movepool(lol)(STAB in bold)
-Stone Edge
Gyro Ball
-Earthquake Except for Explosion.

Special Movepool
-Ice Beam
-Shadow Ball
-Charge Beam
-Grass Rope
Very small, but enough to allow it to rustle up a respectable moveset. Most notable vs. Advance is the addition of Shadow Ball. The sun's loss is the moon's gain, I guess...

Support Movepool
-Cosmic Power
-Heal Block
-Calm Mind
-Light Screen
-Skill Swap
-Rock Polish
-Stealth Rock
-Psych Up
-Sleep Talk
-Trick Room
Now we're getting somewhere. Does it get Baton Pass from XD like Solrock? Because it could take good advantage of it.

As with the Machamp discussion, I won't put forward any concrete movesets or EV-spreads, only get the ball rolling. That said, I suppose it could make a good support pokemon, passing boosts, setting up TR, and SRing.

Lunatone @ Leftovers
~ Calm Mind
~ Psychic
~ Grass Rope
~ Hypnosis

Ice Beam can be thrown in there. In standard Grass Rope helps immensely against Claydol, Swampert and Tyranitar, while in UU it works for Solrock, Lunatone and Quagsire mostly. Ice Beam, however, brings that OHKO on Salamence, and generally more base power. Hypnosis is kind of a key move for Lunatone though.

Lunatone @ Choice Specs
~ Psychic
~ Ice Beam
~ Grass Rope
~ Shadow Ball

Besides this Charge Beam, Hidden Power and Explosion are the only other moves that should ever be here. Pretty obvious.

Lunatone @ Leftovers
~ Calm Mind
~ Baton Pass
~ Hypnosis / Substitute
~ Psychic

Can effectively be blended in every way possible. The point is, Lunatone can Baton Pass. Psych Up and Cosmic Power are two other Baton Passable moves, but not as good.

Lunatone @ Leftovers
~ Hypnosis
~ Stealth Rock
~ Psychic
~ Reflect / Light Screen

Supporting set.
I put some movesets in there because not having them actually requires a topic to be locked, and I'm in a good mood so I saved it. My thoughts are in there.
I Love Lunatone. So, the Sp.def boost it gets during sandstorm also hepls it. It could make a great addition to a Sandstorm team. With Levitate, Ice Beam and Grass Knot helping against your opponets' rock and ground pokemon they'll be using to not receive sandstorm damage.

Lunatone @leftovers
-Rock Polish
-Baton Pass
-Ice Beam/ Grass Knot/ Psychic

would this be good for support to a sandstorm team?
Lunatone makes a really good UU trickroomer, which can really help things like camerupt and cacturne that hit hard but are just too slow. Stealth rock and hypnosis are nice, as is the sandstorm boost. Lunatone could really be helpful on a sandstream team as a special tank and with ice beam and grass rope he could help out type coverage which can be a problem with sandstream teams, and trick room could be very cool with rhyperior and tyranitar and other sand team regulars.