RU Togekiss


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Togekiss @ Heavy-Duty Boots
Ability: Serene Grace
EVs: 252 HP / 4 SpA / 252 Spe
Timid Nature
IVs: 0 Atk
- Nasty Plot
- Air Slash
- Roost
- Flamethrower

Togekiss may look sweet and innocent and not appear as much of a threat in RU, but beneath that cute smile lurks a demon. Blessed with an amazing ability in Serene Grace, Togekiss uses it with STAB Air Slash to unleash horrors upon most of the tier. Nasty Plot makes Togekiss an even bigger problem, letting it OHKO Metagross at +2 and more reliably flinch through slow walls like Rhyperior. Electric-types like Raikou and Xurkitree are the main opposition that have little to fear from Togekiss besides Flamethrower chip and its 20% burn chance + entry hazards. Additionally, just when Steel-types like Steelix and Magnezone think they're safe from this cute monster, Flamethrower is there to add insult to injury upon them switching in. For example, one Nasty Plot-boosted Flamethrower leaves such threats with minimal HP left. Since Electric-types are a huge issue for Togekiss, teammates like Roserade and Dhelmise can come in on these threats and retaliate right back or recover lost HP with Synthesis. Lastly, while Togekiss can hit Steel-types, they still pose a threat to it. Incineroar and Milotic remedy this issue.


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Togekiss @ Heavy-Duty Boots
Ability: Serene Grace
EVs: 252 HP / 4 SpA / 252 Spe
Timid Nature
IVs: 0 Atk
- Nasty Plot
- Air Slash
- Roost
- Flamethrower

Togekiss may look sweet and innocent and not appear as much of a threat in RU [grammar feedback -- sort of redundant, u dont need this idea expressed 3 times in a row], but beneath that cute smile lurks a demon. Blessed with an amazing ability in Serene Grace, Togekiss uses it with STAB Air Slash, to unleash horrors upon most of the tier. Armed with Nasty Plot, this makes Togekiss an even more problematic issue to deal with by turning what would normally be 2HKOes into OHKOes. [This is meaningless without specific examples; the only real specific i can think of is flamethrower vs metagross/klefki going from 2hko to ohko (klefki gets a twave off anyways). mention that, then how it means you need less flinches to break through walls like rhyperior. (for example, once u get +2 u only need 3 or 4 air slash flinches to ko it from full, which makes it harder to hit it back). Electric-types like Raikou, Toxtricity, and Xurkitree are the main opposition that have little to fear from Togekiss since some Togekiss can run Thunder Wave to make it even more annoying. [mention Flamethrower being able to chip them some, especially with hazards and/or 20% burn chance,but that they are generally good switch-ins]. [also, maybe not mention toxtricity, since u outspeed and +2 flame does a lot (or u can flinch)] Additionally, just when Steel-types like Metagross, Steelix, and Magnezone think that they're safe from this cute monster, Flamethrower is there just to add insult to injury upon them switching in. A Nasty Plot boost, even with little Special Attack investment, can potentially put said Steel-types into OHKO range. Since Electric-types are a huge issue for Togekiss, teammates like Roserade and Dhelmise can come in on these threats and retaliate right back or recover lost HP with Synthesis. Lastly, while it can hit Steel-types, they pose an issue to Togekiss. Zygarde-10% and Rhyperior remedy this issue. [rhyp is also weak to steel, and zyg is so frail it shouldnt be switching into anything ever. i'd mention incineroar here, which can knock off lefties / pshot into toge; also maybe flip turn milotic or seismitoad]


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Togekiss @ Heavy-Duty Boots
Ability: Serene Grace
EVs: 252 HP / 4 SpA / 252 Spe
Timid Nature
IVs: 0 Atk
- Nasty Plot
- Air Slash
- Roost
- Flamethrower

Togekiss may look sweet and innocent and not appear as much of a threat in RU, but beneath that cute smile lurks a demon. Blessed with an amazing ability in Serene Grace, Togekiss uses it with STAB Air Slash,(RC) to unleash horrors upon most of the tier. Nasty Plot makes Togekiss an even bigger problem, letting it OHKO Metagross at +2 and more reliably flinch through slow walls like Rhyperior. Electric-types like Raikou and Xurkitree are the main opposition that have little to fear from Togekiss besides Flamethrower chip coupled with a and its 20% burn chance + entry hazards. Additionally, just when Steel-types like Steelix and Magnezone think they're safe from this cute monster, Flamethrower is there to add insult to injury upon them switching in. For example, one Nasty Plot-boosted(AH) Flamethrower leaves such threats with minimal HP left. Since Electric-types are a huge issue for Togekiss, teammates like Roserade and Dhelmise can come in on these threats and retaliate right back or recover lost HP with Synthesis. Lastly, while it Togekiss can hit Steel-types, they still pose an issue to Togekiss a threat to it. Incineroar and Milotic remedy this issue.