TotalPotato vs. FinnRagetti (Ref: Kaxtar) MATCH OVER

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No talking until the match is over please!

3-on-3 single battle
3 day DQ
Two uses of Recover/Rest/etc. and 5 chills maximum

All Abilities active
No Items

Honey Tree: When hit, a random pokemon may come out and attack the pokemon who hit the tree. The Pokémon that can appear are Wurmple (30% chance), Combee (20%), Aipom (15%), Burmy (15%), Cherubi (15%), Heracross (4%) and Munchlax (1%).

Total Potato, chose you starter, FinnRagetti state your opening pokemon and their actions, and Total Potato finish with your actions.
Go, Farah!


Electrike(*) [Farah] (F)
Nature: Mild
Abilities: Static, Lightning Rod
Alright. This is what we trained for. Go Rex!

Start out with Dig! Follow it up with Bulk Up and Drain Punch.


(*)Zuruggu/Scraggy (Rex) (M)

Abilities: Shed Skin, Moxie

Actions: Dig-->Bulk Up-->Drain Punch
Okay, Farah, get the drop on Rex with a Quick Attack. After the Bulk Up, Roar those boosts away. Then try some boosting of your own with Charge Beam!

Quick Attack - Roar - Charge Beam
This is my first time reffing, so if I made a mistake, please let me know. Also, since FinnRagetti didn't say what the switching rule is, I'm just going to assume it is Switch=KO.

Electrike(*) [Farah] (F)
HP: 90
Atk: **
Def: *
SpA: ****
SpD: **
Spe: 65

(*)Zuruggu/Scraggy (Rex) (M)
HP: 90
Atk: ***
Def: ***
SpA: *
SpD: ****
Spe: 48

The battle starts off in a beautiful field that smells strongly of honey. The competitors' pokemon are almost sad to have to fight on such a glorious day.

Electrike starts off the match with a Quick attack, but it does little due to Scrafty's high defense. However, it is enough to bother it and slow the start of Dig. While Scrafty Digs its way to Electrike, the yellow rodent has time to prepare the attack, and so partially dodges Scrafty when it comes out of the ground, avoiding a little damage. Thinking it has the upper hand, Scrafty uses Bulk Up to gain an extra advantage for his next attack, but it is all to waste as Electrike uses a strategic Roar to scare the boosts right out of Scrafty.

Both pokemon are now irritated, one is damaged and the other has had its hard work wasted. So they go in for a strong attack to finish up the round. Eelctrike uses a charge beam from far away to hopefully boost its special attack, while Scrafty uses Drain Punch for some solid damage. The charge beam hits scrafty head-on, but it takes it like a man and punches into Eelctrike at a decent speed. Like all mildly important collisions, a small explosion occurs creating smoke. This gives the trainers ample time to declare their next moves, while the pokemon wait eagerly for their next commands.

(the smoke won't impair vision, it is just a way of simulating the anime [after two pokemon collide, there is ALWAYS an explosion which makes smoke, even if it is like Ice Beam vs. Thunderbolt; the anime is so wierd] for the purposes of the story)

(*)Zuruggu/Scraggy (Rex) (M)
HP: 83
Energy: 79%
Atk: ***
Def: ***
SpA: *
SpD: ****
Spe: 48

Electrike(*) [Farah] (F)
HP: 68
Atk: **
Def: *
SpA: ****
SpD: **
Spe: 65
Boosts: +1 Special Attack

The Pokemon are roughly 7 feet apart and about 15 feet away from the tree. Keep this in mind when planning your moves. Total potato, you're up next to give commands.
Let's hope for a bit of luck - use Discharge right off the bat, then use Charge Beam again. If Rex is paralysed after that, give him another Charge Beam, but if not, try another Discharge.

If at any time, Rex uses Dig, stop what you're doing and run to the tree. Try to position yourself so that your back is to it - hopefully if Rex hits you, he'll hit the tree as well. If you're already at the tree when he uses Dig, just keep going with your attacks.

Discharge - Charge Beam - Charge Beam/Discharge
If Rex uses Dig, replace your action with "run to the tree"
Ok Rex, nice job with the Drain Punch before.

Now, use Dig, then follow up with a Faint Attack (hopefully avoiding the charge beam). Finish with another Drain Punch, since you are at close range.

Dig-->Faint Attack-->Drain Punch
(*)Zuruggu/Scraggy (Rex) (M)
HP: 83
Energy: 79%
Atk: ***
Def: ***
SpA: *
SpD: ****
Spe: 48

Electrike(*) [Farah] (F)
HP: 68
Atk: **
Def: *
SpA: ****
SpD: **
Spe: 65
Boosts: +1 Special Attack

Electrike starts off with a Discharge, sending out electricity all over the field. Scrafty gets paralyzed, and at the worst of times. However, Scrafty can still burrow its way underground in preparation to strike a powerful hit. Electrike, using its smarts, runs over to the tree, hoping that Scrafty will entice a pokemon to hit it. As Scrafty gets hit, he rams the tree so hard that a Wurmple falls out.

Electrike uses this to its advantage. It launches up a Charge Beam that it prepared while running towards the tree, and it hits Scrafty (no special attack boost). This stuns it, and allows Wurmple to get an attack, Bug Bite, off. Scrafty, in the confusion, aims its Faint attack on the immediate threat of Wurmple, scaring it back into the tree. The lapse of attention on Electrike lets Electrike hit Scrafty with another charge beam (this time raising speial attack). Scrafty, not disheartened by the storm of damage, prepares and lets loose a Drain Punch, knocking Electrike away from the tree and sapping some of its health.

After the successful hit on Electrike, Scrafty gets encouraged to shed its skin, healing its paralysis. Electrike loses one of its boosts from the previous round. AS the next set of commands beckons, both pokemon are reading to give it their all.

(*)Zuruggu/Scraggy (Rex) (M)
HP: 58
Energy: 63%
Atk: ***
Def: ***
SpA: *
SpD: ****
Spe: 48

Electrike(*) [Farah] (F)
HP: 44
Energy: 78%
Atk: **
Def: *
SpA: ****
SpD: **
Spe: 65
Boosts: +1 Special Attack

One of Electrike's boosts expire, but the other (gained this turn) persists. Electrike is 10 feet away from the tree, Scrafty is 2 feet away. If I made any mistakes, please let me know. Finn, you are up next.
Rex, don't lose your focus. Keep to the shadows this round with Faint Attack. Take your time when you finish with Payback. If she tries to Discharge, use Dig instead.

Faint Attack-->Faint Attack-->Payback
Dig overrides if Farah uses Discharge
I'm not sure that boosting will do much to help us now. Give Rex two powerful Flamethrowers, then on the final action, take advantage of your opponent's hesitation by getting as close as you dare to him, before unleashing your strongest Discharge!

Flamethrower - Flamethrower - Discharge
(*)Zuruggu/Scraggy (Rex) (M)
HP: 58
Energy: 63%
Atk: ***
Def: ***
SpA: *
SpD: ****
Spe: 48

Electrike(*) [Farah] (F)
HP: 44
Energy: 78%
Atk: **
Def: *
SpA: ****
SpD: **
Spe: 65
Boosts: +1 Special Attack

Electrike prepares a strong flamethrower, but while doing so, Scrafty tries to be sneaky and run around the tree. Electriek manages to hit Scrafty on the arm for damage, but Scrafty keeps on running. But because scrafty was not hit head on, part of the flamethrower is absorbed by the tree. Thankfully, the tree is slathered with so much honey that nothing catches on fire, but it still shakes the tree and causing a pokemon to fall out. A wild Combee appears and Bug bites Electrike with its Honey filled teeth, causing a surprising amount of damage for a pokemon so small. However, this causes Electrike to be distracted, and Scrafty comes up from behind and Faint attacks electrike with all it has, causing Electrike to be forced back away from the tree. Scrafty realizes how effective this was, and ruses in to get another faint attack off.

Electrike, not distracted by another combee, prepares for this and fires a Flamethrower at Scrafty right before it arrives, causing Scrafty to take a lot of damage. But scrafty is going to fast to stop now, and slams Electrike with another faint attack. Both pokemon are now on the verge of collapsing, but neither are out yet. Scrafty intends to weather a final blow, and smack Electrike hard with a fully powered Payback. But then Electrike fakes Scrafty out by using a Discharge, instead of a flamethrower like it has been using for a while now. Scrafty is caught off guard, and tries to Dig at the last second instead. However, he could not avoid the hit at all, and is forced into the honey tree. A wurmple comes out now, and uses a Bug Bite on Scrafty to protect its home from the intruders. Scrafty than has no choice to stop from all the damage, and faints. It fought well, but the bugs were just too tough.


Electrike(*) [Farah] (F)
HP: 20
Energy: 61%
Atk: **
Def: *
SpA: ****
SpD: **
Spe: 65
Boosts: None

Well done, Electrike. In case if you are wondering, Bug Bite did the remaining 12 damage necessary to KO Scrafty, you if your calcs are a little off, that's why. Finn Ragetti, I need you next pokemon. Total Potato, you can declare your actions after that.
Even factoring in Wurmple's Bug Bite, I'm having trouble figuring out how Farah dealt 46 or more damage total with one-and-a-half Flamethrowers and a Discharge. Could you please break down the damage for me to settle any doubts?
Flamethrower= ((10))*2 = 20 max (Since i missed the other flamethrower slightly then 15? Base power * 2 attacks

Discharge = ((8 + 3)= 11 Base power *stab

Assuming strongest (adamant) Wurmple ever XD
((6 + 3)*1.5 = 14.5 (base power+ stab)*supereffective

If neutral nature, then subtract 1.5 (-1 star differential *1.5) before multiplying, which gets 11.25


I had 58 HP.

I didnt have any doubts until it was brought up, so did I miss something then?

Also, ;_;, stupid wurmple.
You missed the boost to Farah's SpA, but that shouldn't make enough difference to KO. Besides, Bug Bite deals neutral damage to Scraggy. Was there a crit somewhere?
I apologize for the mistake. Bug Bite did 12 damage (I didn't chose a nature for Wurmple), and the first Flamethrowers did 14.5 each, and Discharge did (15 after calc, but I added a +2 to because Scrafty's defense was lowered while because it was focusing all on its Payback [which I did not make clear]). However, I forgot to use a multiplier to make up for the fact that Flamethrower did not fully hit Scrafty, therefore the damage for the second flamethrower should be somewhere around 8 damage (I'm using about 50% of the original damage, rounded up). Guess this is what happens when you do this sort of stuff at 2 in the morning :(. Sorry for the mistake, I'll make sure another one does not happen again.

Therefore, after the re-calc, Scrafty should have 7 HP remaining. Also, because Flamethrower did not KO, Payback goes through, dealing 19 damage after STAB. So, the standings are:

(*)Zuruggu/Scraggy (Rex) (M)
HP: 7
Energy: 52%
Atk: ***
Def: ***
SpA: *
SpD: ****
Spe: 48

Electrike(*) [Farah] (F)
HP: 1
Energy: 61%
Atk: **
Def: *
SpA: ****
SpD: **
Spe: 65
Boosts: None

Both Pokemon are approximately 7 feet apart. Because of Electrike's superior speed, though, and the fact that Scraggy has no priority moves or ways of avoiding Electrike's attacks, Electrike can easily finish off Scraggy with any move it chooses. Therefore, if you want to Finn, you can just send out a new Pokemon right now and we can continue the match with Electrike having only 1 HP and you having a fresh Pokemon. But if you think that there is some way you can dodge Electrike's attack that I didn't take into consideration, feel free to post a list of commands. It would just be quicker to have a new round start instead of waiting a day (or possibly more) for both of you to post your commands and for me to ref it. But its up to you. And again, sorry for the mistake.
I apologize for the mistake. Bug Bite did 12 damage (I didn't chose a nature for Wurmple), and the first Flamethrowers did 14.5 each, and Discharge did (15 after calc, but I added a +2 to because Scrafty's defense was lowered while because it was focusing all on its Payback [which I did not make clear]). However, I forgot to use a multiplier to make up for the fact that Flamethrower did not fully hit Scrafty, therefore the damage for the second flamethrower should be somewhere around 8 damage (I'm using about 50% of the original damage, rounded up). Guess this is what happens when you do this sort of stuff at 2 in the morning :(. Sorry for the mistake, I'll make sure another one does not happen again.

Therefore, after the re-calc, Scrafty should have 7 HP remaining. Also, because Flamethrower did not KO, Payback goes through, dealing 19 damage after STAB. So, the standings are:

(*)Zuruggu/Scraggy (Rex) (M)
HP: 7
Energy: 52%
Atk: ***
Def: ***
SpA: *
SpD: ****
Spe: 48

Electrike(*) [Farah] (F)
HP: 1
Energy: 61%
Atk: **
Def: *
SpA: ****
SpD: **
Spe: 65
Boosts: None

Both Pokemon are approximately 7 feet apart. Because of Electrike's superior speed, though, and the fact that Scraggy has no priority moves or ways of avoiding Electrike's attacks, Electrike can easily finish off Scraggy with any move it chooses. Therefore, if you want to Finn, you can just send out a new Pokemon right now and we can continue the match with Electrike having only 1 HP and you having a fresh Pokemon. But if you think that there is some way you can dodge Electrike's attack that I didn't take into consideration, feel free to post a list of commands. It would just be quicker to have a new round start instead of waiting a day (or possibly more) for both of you to post your commands and for me to ref it. But its up to you. And again, sorry for the mistake.

You are fine. but I think you did miss that I used dig to counter the Discharge, so that would be 12 not 19. Either way I still have one last move up my sleeve.


Faint Attack-->Faint Attack-->Faint Attack
Positioning self as close to tree as possible and striking only if successfully dodge an attack
Don't let Rex escape! Discharge before he tries anything, and if that doesn't work, keep blasting away until Rex falls!

Discharge as many times as necessary
(*)Zuruggu/Scraggy (Rex) (M)
HP: 7
Energy: 52%
Atk: ***
Def: ***
SpA: *
SpD: ****
Spe: 48

Electrike(*) [Farah] (F)
HP: 1
Energy: 61%
Atk: **
Def: *
SpA: ****
SpD: **
Spe: 65
Boosts: None

In the climatic bout, both pokemon are heavily exhausted. With it's final bit of strength, Scraggy Faint Attacks towards the tree as fast as it can. Electrike prepares a Discharge in the meantime, and rushes towards Scraggy to hit it (Electrike has to get closer because when using Discharge, the electricity goes everywhere, while a more focused beam like Thunderbolt has a much higher accuracy over a long distance). Electrike lets its charge loose at the first sight of Scraggy. Scraggy does go down, but the stray electricity goes in all directions, including hitting the tree. A heracross comes out this time, enraged that so many pokemon are attacking its honey tree, and faints Electrike with a powerful Brick Break. With both fighters down, the trainers send out their next pokemon to continue the epic fight.

Electrike= KO
Scraggy= KO

To be clear, Electrike got the KO bonus for KOing Scraggy, while Scraggy did not get a KO counter because it was not the pokemon to finish Electrike. Both Pokemon will start 8 feet from each other, and both 5 feet from the tree. Finn Ragetti, please send out your next pokemon, Total Potato can do the same as well as declaring commands. After this, it will be be Finn's turn to say actions, and the fight will continue. Good luck!
Go Sparkles!

(*)Hitomoshi/Litwick (Sparkles) (F)

HP: 90
Atk: *(-)
Def: **
SpA: ***
SpD: **
Spe: 23 (20*1.15^)

Abilities: Flash Fire/Flame Body
I choose you, Rosemary!


Chikorita(*) [Rosemary] (F)
Nature: Relaxed
Ability: Overgrow

Okay, you're at a bit of a disadvantage, so let's make things easier with a Light Screen. Give Sparkles a Leech Seed after that. End the round with an Ancientpower, unless Sparkles isn't seeded, in which case Leech Seed again.

Light Screen - Leech Seed - Ancientpower/Leech Seed
Sparkles, light things up in here.

Use Confuse Ray on Chikorita then Will-o-Wisp until Chikorita is burned. If you can, use Heat Wave!

Note that Timid ups the accuracy of my moves by 5%.
(*)Hitomoshi/Litwick (Sparkles) (F)

HP: 90
Atk: *(-)
Def: **
SpA: ***
SpD: **
Spe: 23 (20*1.15^)

Chikorita(*) [Rosemary] (F)
HP: 90
Atk: **
Def: ****(+)
SpA: **
SpD: ***
Spe: 39(-)

The next match-up starts with Rosemary the Chikorita at a major type disadvantage against the candle Sparkles. To help reduce potential damage, Chikorita sets up a Light Screen first thing. Sparkles, however, plans on using trickery to win instead of straight out attack power. It uses confuse ray on the unsuspecting Rosemary, confusing it for a while. Because it was caught off-guard, Sparkles also has time to use a Will-o-Wisp to burn the already-statused Rosemary.

Chikprita has trouble preparing its next move due to the statuses, and therefore its actions become slower. It tries to launch a Leech Seed from its neck just as Hitomoshi uses a heat wave. Thankfully for Chikorita, Light screen protects it form the worst, but it is still injured. The heat also sets a ring of leaves on fire, but both competitors are not injured by the little brush fire. The leech seed it worked so hard to prepare was also burned by the intense heat. Still intent, Chikorita finally gets a successful leech seed off on Sparkles.

(*)Hitomoshi/Litwick (Sparkles) (F)

HP: 90
Energy: 84%
Atk: *(-)
Def: **
SpA: ***
SpD: **
Spe: 23 (20*1.15^)
Status: Leech Seed

Chikorita(*) [Rosemary] (F)
HP: 73
Energy: 74%
Atk: **
Def: ****(+)
SpA: **
SpD: ***
Spe: 39(-)
Status: Burn, Confusion (3 actions left), Light Screen (3 actions left)

Pokemon are 4 feet apart, about 5 feet from the mini-brush fire, and 15 feet from the tree. Finn, you're up next.
Ill edit my actions in after I get a quick question:

What severity is the confusion? How many more rounds/actions does light screen have?
Sorry, the confusion level was severe at the beginning, but is now at 3 (severe) due to the two actions and getting hit by Heat Wave (which has 10 base power). Light screen has 3 actions left (1 round).
Thats fine. I wanted to know about LS and I bet you TP wanted to know about his confusion.

Finnragetti glances at Sparkles. "Good work, but the fight isn't over yet! Position yourself over the fire (activating Flash Fire) while alternating between Flame Burst and Heat Wave, primarily targetting any powder/projectiles that may fly at you!"

Flame Burst-->Heat Wave-->Flame Burst (Targetting projectile moves first)
Back away and move to the fire at the same time
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